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Coagulation and filtration

Caroline S. Fitzpatrick and John Gregory
Department of Civil Engineering, University College London, WC1E 6BT, UK

1 INTRODUCTION practice. In very many cases the particles to be

removed are considerably smaller than the
Physical separation of particles, including effective pore size, so that simple straining is
microbes, from water can be achieved by a not the operative mechanism. Instead, removal
few basic processes: sedimentation (including occurs by particle capture on the surfaces of filter
centrifugation), flotation and various forms of grains, or of existing deposits of particles.
filtration. All particle separation processes Depth filtration is not an absolute separation
depend greatly on particle size, and different method since some particles may avoid capture
techniques are appropriate for different size and penetrate right through the bed.
ranges. Since conventional separation techniques
The diagram in Fig. 38.1 shows examples of are not especially effective for particles of
various particles, including microbes, over a colloidal dimensions (including bacteria and
wide range of size, together with appropriate viruses), it is necessary to increase their size in
separation techniques. The conventional some way. The only practical method is to
boundary between colloidal and suspended cause particles to aggregate, forming larger
particles is shown at 1 mm, but this is a rather units. The aggregation process may be known
arbitrary distinction. The most common pro- variously as agglomeration, coagulation or floccu-
cesses used in water and wastewater treatment lation, depending on the field of application
are gravity sedimentation, flotation (usually and on the supposed mechanism. In water and
dissolved air flotation, DAF) and filtration wastewater treatment, the terms ‘coagulation’
through beds of granular media, such as sand and ‘flocculation’ are in common use and the
(depth filtration). All of these become more distinction will be explained later.
effective for larger particles. Removal of par- In general, aggregates can be separated
ticles of a few micrometres or less is quite much more readily than the original particles.
difficult by these processes. Sedimentation rates, for instance, can be
By using membranes with suitable pore increased many fold. In a typical water treat-
dimensions it is possible, in principle, to ment sequence, a coagulation/flocculation
remove particles and dissolved impurities of process is followed by some form of sedimen-
any size. Depending on the type of membrane tation, which removes most of the particulate
used, and the applied pressure, the processes impurities. The water then passes through a
of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration granular filter, where the remaining particles
and hyperfiltration (or reverse osmosis) are are nearly all removed. Effective coagulation is
possible. These are absolute filtration tech- vital to the success of such a procedure.
niques, in that all particles and molecules In membrane filtration, the separated par-
above a certain cut-off size are removed, unless ticles can build up on the membrane, forming a
failure occurs. filter cake, which may play a large part in the
Depth filtration, through beds of granular removal of further particles. Small particles,
filter media, is a very widely-used technique in especially those in the colloidal size range, give

The Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology Copyright q 2003 Elsevier

ISBN 0-12-470100-0 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
634 Coagulation and filtration

Fig. 38.1 Particle

size ranges and
appropriate separ-
ation methods.

filter cakes of very low permeability and hence be able to come into close contact and
low filtration rates. Again, aggregation can give aggregation will be prevented. Such particles
a marked improvement. are said to be colloidally stable, in the sense that
In this chapter we shall review the more they remain dispersed over long times. The
important aspects of coagulation/flocculation most common reason for colloid stability is the
and depth filtration processes. No further fact that most particles in water are charged
discussion of membrane filtration will be and hence repel each other electrically. Similar
given. There is a large and growing body of considerations apply to the attachment of
literature on this subject (see Mallevialle et al., particles to filter media.
1996). If there is only limited repulsion between
The subject of colloid interactions is very particles, or if there is an attraction, then
important in both coagulation and filtration, aggregation can occur when particles collide
since attachment of particles to each other or to and the suspension is said to be unstable.
filter media is essential. The important types of interaction between
particles in water are:

2 COLLOIDAL INTERACTIONS 1. van der Waals attraction

AND COLLOID STABILITY 2. Electrical interaction, usually giving a
2.1 General 3. Steric repulsion, associated with adsorbed
layers on particles
For effective coagulation and filtration, there 4. Bridging by adsorbed polymers giving an
must be attractive forces between particles or attraction
between particles and filter media, so that 5. Hydrophobic attraction.
attachment can occur.
Colloidal particles in water interact with All of these interactions (except possibly
each other in various ways to give either hydrophobic attraction) are of rather short
repulsion or attraction. If there is significant range. Typically, they act over a range con-
repulsion between particles, then they will not siderably less than the particle size. This means
2Colloidal interactions and colloid stability 635

that they only come into play when particles have much higher values. An expression of
are nearly in contact and they have little similar form to equation (1), but with a factor 1/
influence over the transport of particles in 6, applies to the interaction between a spherical
coagulation or filtration processes. particle and a flat surface, which is a reasonable
Furthermore, the magnitude of these inter- model for a colloidal particle approaching the
actions is roughly proportional to the particle surface of a much larger filter grain.
size, which has very important implications in Equation (1) applies only to very close
practice. Other forces, such as gravity and approach, where d ,, a, but the interaction
hydrodynamic drag, have different depen- is often negligible at larger distances. The
dence on particle size. Thus the gravitational negative sign implies, by convention, an
attraction on a particle depends on the mass of attraction. The energy is proportional to par-
the particle and is hence proportional to the ticle size, as mentioned above, and depends
cube of the size. The drag force on a particle in a inversely on separation distance, becoming
flowing fluid is dependent on the square of the very large as particles come into contact.
particle size. It follows that these ‘external’ van der Waals attraction is essential in
forces become very important for larger par- coagulation and filtration, and we have to be
ticles and can be much larger than the aware of its presence. However, there is no
‘colloidal’ interactions listed above. Conver- realistic method by which the attraction can be
sely, colloidal interactions usually predominate significantly altered in practical systems and we
for smaller particles, typically of the order of a shall not go any further into theoretical aspects.
few micrometres or less. This is the reason for
the term ‘colloidal interactions’.
Although all of the interactions 1 –5 above 2.3 Electrical interaction
can be important in practice, we shall here Particles in aqueous suspensions usually carry
concentrate on van der Waals attraction and a surface charge. This may arise for several
electrical repulsion, since these form the basis reasons, including ionization of surface groups
of the DLVO theory of colloid stability, which and adsorption of certain ions. Biological
will be reviewed briefly below. Polymer brid- surfaces are usually charged through acid–
ging will be discussed separately, under the base interactions, such as the ionization of
heading of Polymeric flocculants. carboxylic acid groups and the protonation of
amine groups. Oxide surfaces are charged by
2.2 van der Waals attraction virtue of protonation/deprotonation of surface
hydroxyl groups. In these cases the surface
The universal attractive forces between charge depends greatly on the pH of the
atoms and molecules, originally postulated solution, with positive values at low pH and
by van der Waals, have long been known to negative charge at high pH. There is a
act between all materials (e.g. Israelachvili, characteristic pH value at which the surface
1991). Between equal spherical particles of charge is zero, with equal numbers of positive
radius a, separated by a distance d, the and negative surface groups. This is the
van der Waals interaction energy, VA, is given point of zero charge ( pzc), which is a very
approximately by: important surface characteristic. The charging
of a hypothetical biological surface is shown
VA ¼ 2 ð1Þ schematically in Fig. 38.2.
Whatever the origin of surface charge, it must
where A is the Hamaker constant, which depends be associated with an appropriate number of
on the properties of the particles and water. For oppositely charged ions (counterions) in sol-
aqueous suspensions, this ranges between ution, so that overall the system has no
about 5 and 100 £ 10221 J. The lower values net charge. A surface charge, together with
are typical of biological particles such as counterions in solution gives an electrical double
bacteria and algae. Dense mineral particles layer, the structure of which is very important in
636 Coagulation and filtration

x is the distance from the Stern plane and
k is a parameter which determines the rate
of decrease of potential with distance.
k is known as the Debye-Hückel parameter and
has a great influence on colloid interactions. It
has the dimensions of reciprocal length (m21)
and depends on the valence and concentration
of ions present in solution. For aqueous
solutions at 258C, it is given by:
X 2
k ¼ 2:32 £ 109 ci zi ð3Þ

Fig. 38.2 Surface charge development by ionization The distance 1/k, effectively the ‘thickness’
of surface groups. The point of zero charge (pzc) of the double layer, ranges from around 1 to
occurs at a characteristic value. 100 nm in typical salt solutions. In 1024 M NaCl
the value is about 30 nm. In a natural water
with a high level of dissolved salts the distance
governing the interaction between charged can be much lower, for instance in River
particles. A simple model of the double layer Thames water the value is about 4 nm.
is shown in Fig. 38.3. This shows the variation Experimentally, charged particles can be
of electric potential, c, with distance from investigated by a range of electrokinetic tech-
the surface. At the surface the value is c0 (the niques, such as microelectrophoresis, in which
surface potential). For a short distance from the the velocity of a particle in an electric field is
surface (of the order of the size of a hydrated determined. This gives a value of electric
ion), the potential drops quite rapidly to a value potential at the plane of shear, or slipping
cd (the Stern potential). (The region close to the plane, between the particle and the fluid: the
surface is known as the Stern layer.) Further from zeta potential, z. The slipping plane is generally
the surface, the potential decays in an approxi- assumed to be close to the Stern plane, so
mately exponential manner, according to: that the zeta potential can be used instead of
the Stern potential (which is not directly
c ¼ cd expð2kxÞ ð2Þ measurable).
When two charged particles approach each
other their diffuse layers overlap and this leads
to a repulsion or attraction, depending on the
signs of charge. For similar spherical particles,
radius a, there is a repulsion and the interaction
energy is given approximately by:

VR ¼ 2peaz2 expð2kdÞ ð4Þ

e is the electron charge and
d is the separation distance between the
The magnitude of the repulsion depends
greatly on the zeta potential, but the range of
interaction is determined by the parameter k.
For the case of a sphere, radius a, approach-
Fig. 38.3 A simple model of the electrical double ing a flat surface (representing a particle and
layer. the surface of a filter grain), the corresponding
2Colloidal interactions and colloid stability 637

expression is: From equations (1) and (4), the total inter-
action energy between similar particles, radius
4peaz1 z2 expð2kdÞ ð5Þ a, separated by a distance d is:

where z1 and z2 are the zeta potentials of the Aa

particle and surface. VT ¼ 2peaz2 expð2kdÞ 2 ð6Þ
With different signs of zeta potentials
equation (5) predicts an attraction between When the interaction energy is plotted as a
particle and surface. Thus particles of opposite function of separation distance, a characteristic
charge to filter media should be able to attach potential energy diagram is obtained (Fig. 38.4).
without difficulty, which is intuitively reason- Depending on the relative contributions of the
able. However, this condition does not necess- repulsion and attraction terms, there may be a
arily lead to good operation of deep bed filters significant energy barrier which prevents close
(see below). approach of the particles. Under these con-
ditions, the particles are said to be stable and
coagulation would occur only very slowly, if at
2.4 DLVO theory of colloid stability
all. This situation would arise for particles of
The first truly quantitative treatment of colloid high zeta potential and in solutions of low ionic
stability and coagulation was developed inde- strength. Ionic strength affects the parameter k
pendently by Deryagin and Landau (1941) and and hence the range of electrical repulsion. As
Verwey and Overbeek (1948). This is now ionic strength is increased, repulsion occurs
generally known simply as DLVO theory. over a more limited range and so the attraction
Essentially, van der Waals attraction and term becomes relatively important. Another
electrical repulsion are assumed to be additive factor is that, at higher salt concentrations, the
and combine to give the total energy of zeta potential is usually reduced, which also
interaction between particles as a function of has the effect of reducing repulsion. Thus
separation distance. increasing ionic strength eventually causes

Fig. 38.4 Potential energy diagram for the interaction of spherical colloidal particles, diameter 1 mm and zeta
potential 25 mV. The Hamaker constant is assumed to be 2 kT and the medium is an aqueous solution of 1-1
electrolyte at a concentration of 50 mM.
638 Coagulation and filtration

the repulsion to be reduced sufficiently to building up layers of deposited particles, as is

eliminate the potential energy barrier, allowing usually the case, particle –particle interaction
particles to coagulate at the most rapid rate. is relevant and this still needs to be favour-
The energies in Fig. 38.4 are plotted in units able for attachment. Thus negative particles
of kT, where k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is would have no difficulty in attaching to a
the absolute temperature. For barriers greater positively-charged surface, but further parti-
than about 10 kT it would be very unlikely that cles would not attach to those already
colliding particles would have sufficient ther- deposited if there were significant repulsion
mal energy to surmount the barrier. However, between them.
in practical flocculation processes, energy
imparted by fluid motion may be important.
Once the energy barrier is removed, par- 3 COAGULATION AND
ticles should be able to come into close contact FLOCCULATION
and be held in a deep primary energy minimum.
In principle, the van der Waals attraction 3.1 Effects of salts
should become infinite on contact of particles
In order to modify colloid stability and
when d ¼ 0 (see equation (1)). However, certain
promote coagulation, it is usually necessary
types of short-range repulsion (for instance
to reduce electrical repulsion between par-
hydration effects) prevent true contact and the
ticles. (In practice, very little can be done to
attraction remains finite, so that coagulated
increase van der Waals attraction.) As shown
particles can often be re-dispersed.
above, increasing ionic strength causes a
Another aspect of the potential energy
reduced repulsion. Salts which act simply by
diagram is the presence of a secondary minimum
reducing the range of electrical repulsion,
in the interaction energy. This arises because
possibly also with some reduction in zeta
the electrical repulsion decreases exponentially
potential, are known as indifferent electrolytes.
with distance, equation (4), and van der Waals
Their effect can be examined by considering
attraction has an inverse distance dependence,
equation (6). If this is differentiated with
equation (1). The attraction term will always be
respect to separation distance, it is possible to
greater at sufficiently large separation. For
find the condition where the potential energy
particles larger than about 1 mm, this can lead
barrier just disappears, i.e. where:
to a significant attraction, even when there is a
high energy barrier and the particles should be dV
colloidally stable. The secondary minimum can ¼ 0 and VT ¼ 0
give rather weak aggregates, which are easily
re-dispersed, but may be important in some This condition occurs at the critical coagu-
cases. lation concentration, ccc, and it can be shown
The DLVO theory allows conditions of that:
stability and coagulation to be predicted,
provided that the relevant information is z4
available. In particular it is possible to calculate ccc / ð7Þ
A 2 z2
the salt concentration needed to eliminate the
energy barrier and give rapid coagulation. This This shows a strong dependence on zeta
is the critical coagulation concentration, which potential, the Hamaker constant A and the
will be discussed in the next section. valence of the ions, z. The dependence on z is
The concepts outlined above apply also to significant, since it shows that salts with highly
the attachment of particles to filter media. charged ions (especially counterions) will be
In this case, the particles and filter media may more effective in promoting coagulation.
have different signs of charge and there is the Such ions also tend to have a larger effect on
possibility of an electrical attraction, which zeta potential, which increases their coagulat-
would give strong attachment. However, in ing effect.
3Coagulation and flocculation 639

Equation (7) is based on an approximation 3.1.1 Action of hydrolysing metal

for fairly low values of zeta potential. Another coagulants
result from DLVO theory suggests that, for high In water and wastewater treatment salts of
zeta potentials there should be a much stronger aluminium and iron are widely used as
dependence on valence (ccc / 1=z6 ) and this coagulants. In water these give Al3þ and Fe3þ,
has become known as the Schulze-Hardy rule. which might be thought to be very effective for
Experimentally, it is well established that the coagulation of negative particles by virtue of
ccc depends strongly on counterion valence, their high positive charge. However, this
although quantitative agreement with the 1/z 6 explanation is greatly oversimplified. Highly-
is not often found. charged cations in water become strongly
Another important effect occurs with salts hydrated, giving, for instance, Al(H2O)3þ
6 . The
containing specifically adsorbing counterions. high charge on the central cation causes
These bind to surfaces not only by electrostatic polarization of the hydration layer and a
attraction, but also by some form of ‘chemical’ tendency to release protons. This causes a
interaction. This has the very important con- progressive replacement over water molecules
sequence that the surface charge of particles by hydroxyl ions in the hydration layer, giving
can be reversed by specifically-adsorbed coun- the following sequence (omitting hydration
terions. The fact that this ‘super-equivalent’ water for simplicity):
adsorption must occur against an electrostatic
repulsion means that there must be an Al3þ ! AlðOHÞ2þ ! AlðOHÞþ
2 ! AlðOHÞ3
additional attractive component. There are ! AlðOHÞ2
many examples, such as the adsorption of
calcium ions on surfaces with carboxylate These hydrolysis reactions are strongly
groups. influenced by pH: the higher the pH the greater
Salts with specifically-adsorbing counter- the tendency for formation of hydroxylated
ions are more effective in destabilizing charged species. The uncharged hydroxide Al(OH)3 has
particles than indifferent electrolytes and so very low solubility in water and hence forms a
can cause coagulation at lower concentrations precipitate. This occurs most readily at around
than expected from simple DLVO theory. neutral pH. Fig. 38.5 shows the concentration
Furthermore, the ccc should depend on the of various hydrolysis species of Al in equili-
particle concentration (or, more strictly, the brium with amorphous Al(OH) 3 . Similar
particle surface area), which is not the case for hydrolysis reactions occur with ferric salts in
indifferent electrolytes, whose effect depends water, although ferric hydroxide is consider-
simply on ionic strength. Charge reversal ably less soluble than Al(OH)3 and precipitates
implies that particles can become restabilized over a wide pH range.
when excess counterions are adsorbed and this In addition to monomeric hydrolysis pro-
is a very important effect in practice. For ducts, it is known that dimers, such as
coagulants of this type there is a critical Al2(OH)4þ2 and larger units can form. The
coagulation concentration (ccc) and a critical tridecamer Al13O4(OH)7þ 24 or ‘Al13’ has been
restabilization concentration (crc) when charge reported in many studies and identified by
reversal has occurred and the particles repel NMR techniques (Bertsch et al., 1986). These are
each other. Between these two concentrations also shown in Fig. 38.5.
there is an optimum coagulation concentration or Most of the important hydrolysis products
optimum dosage of coagulant. The optimum are positively charged and they are known to
dosage region is found to correspond with adsorb strongly on negative surfaces, with
counterion concentrations which give charge specific interactions probably playing an
neutralization. In the case of surfaces with a important role (Stumm, 1992). They are thus
pH-dependent surface charge, such as oxides able to neutralize the charge of particles in
changing pH can bring about coagulation and water and this is one way in which particles
the optimum pH region is around the pzc. can be destabilized. This often occurs at quite
640 Coagulation and filtration

Fig. 38.5 Diagram

showing soluble alu-
minium species, in
equilibrium with
amorphous alu-
minium hydroxide,
as a function of pH.

low coagulant concentrations and may be controlled neutralization of concentrated

followed by restabilization at somewhat higher AlCl3 solutions with base. The degree of
dosages. For kinetic reasons (see later) coagu- neutralization is very important and ranges
lation may not be satisfactory in the charge from about 1 to 2.5 equivalents of base per mole
neutralization region and at still higher of Al. Three equivalents of base would give
dosages another effect becomes important, Al(OH)3 and hydroxide precipitation. By limit-
related to hydroxide precipitation. This is ing the degree of neutralization, intermediate,
commonly known as ‘sweep coagulation’ and soluble, hydrolysis products are formed,
is thought to occur by enmeshment of impurity including polymerized forms such as ‘Al13’,
particles in growing hydroxide precipitates. mentioned above. Under the right conditions,
This can lead to quite large flocs, although they the Al13 product can be the predominant form.
are usually of low density, containing large PAC is a very effective coagulant and can give
amounts of water. For this reason, sludges from more rapid coagulation and larger flocs than
water treatment plants can present significant conventional ‘alum’. These products are found
dewatering problems. to be especially useful at low temperatures,
Another type of coagulant, now widely used where conventional coagulants have reduced
in practice, is based on pre-hydrolysed forms efficiency. Part of their effect is due to the high
of aluminium and iron. Those based on charge of the polycations and their strong
aluminium are most common commercially adsorption on negatively charged surfaces.
and typical products are known as polyalumi- This would give effective charge neutrali-
nium chloride (PAC). These are made by zation, but it is highly likely that precipitation
3Coagulation and flocculation 641

also plays an important role. The detailed parts of the same polymer chain can adsorb on
mode of action of PAC and similar coagulants different particles, leading to polymer bridging
has yet to be elucidated. as a means of binding particles together. This
Hydrolysing coagulants are also effective in is illustrated schematically in Fig. 38.6a.
removing dissolved organic matter, such as Polymer bridging is now recognized as a
humic substances, from water. The mechanism very important mechanism in practice. It is
may be charge neutralization or adsorption on most effective with linear, high molecular
precipitated hydroxide (Bose and Reckhow, weight (several millions) polymers. Aggrega-
1998). tion brought about in this way is often known
as flocculation, in order to distinguish it from
coagulation caused by salts. However, this
3.2 Polymeric flocculants distinction is not universally used and the
terms are often used interchangeably.
Organic polymers, both natural and synthetic, Many types of polymer are effective as
can adsorb on a wide range of surfaces and flocculants, but only relatively few are used
have a great effect on particle interactions and
commercially. Polymers may be non-ionic,
hence on colloid stability (see Gregory, 1996).
anionic or cationic, and if there are ionic
Polymers may give enhanced stability, for
groups, the products are known as polyelec-
instance by steric stabilization, or may promote
trolytes. By far the most important are those
aggregation of particles. We shall only be
based on polyacrylamide, which can be pro-
concerned with the latter aspect here.
duced with very high molecular weights (20
Extracellular polymers, such as polysacchar-
million or more). Nominally, polyacrylamide is
ides, are produced and exuded by many
non-ionic, but controlled hydrolysis of amide
bacteria and play a large part in bioflocculation,
groups gives carboxylic acid groups, which can
for instance in the activated sludge process
ionize at around neutral pH and higher to give
(Morgan et al., 1990). Also, natural polymers,
anionic sites. Cationic polyelectrolytes can be
extracted from certain plant products
synthesized by copolymerization of acryl-
(especially nuts and seeds) have been found
amide with suitable cationic monomers. This
to act as flocculants (e.g. Muyibi and Evison,
1995). However, most commercial applications is a common route to commercial cationic
use synthetic polymers. polyelectrolytes of high molecular weight.
The most important characteristics of poly-
meric flocculants are the molecular weight and,
3.2.1 Polymer bridging in the case of polyelectrolytes, the charge
Polymers of high molecular weight may density.
adsorb on surfaces from solutions in such a For effective bridging flocculation polymers
way that parts of the polymer chain extend must adsorb on particles to give only partial
into the solution. This gives the possibility that surface coverage, with segments extending

Fig. 38.6 Schematic

illustration of (a)
bridging flocculation
and (b) restabiliza-
tion by adsorbed
642 Coagulation and filtration

some distance from the surface. If too much

polymer is adsorbed then there are not enough
surface sites remaining to form links with other
particles. This is another form of restabilization
(Fig. 38.6b) and means that there is usually an
optimum dosage for polymeric flocculants. It is
often assumed that optimum bridging floccu-
lation corresponds to conditions where about
half of the available surface area is occupied by
adsorbed polymer, although this concept is
quite difficult to verify.
A major advantage of polymeric flocculants
is that they can produce aggregates (flocs)
which are much stronger (and hence larger)
than those produced simply by the effect of
salts. For this reason they are used when flocs Fig. 38.7 ‘Electrostatic patch’ interaction with cat-
are subject to high shear rates such as in certain ionic polyelectrolyte adsorbed on negatively
types of centrifuge. In conjunction with hydro- charged particles.
lysing salts, polymeric flocculants at very low
dosages can give greatly enhanced floc strength. where the surface charge density of the particles
is quite low and the polyelectrolyte has a high
3.2.2 Electrical effects charge density. In such a case the separation
Very often it is found that the most effective between charges along the polymer chain is less
flocculants are polyelectrolytes of opposite than the distance between charged sites on the
sign to the particle charge. For instance, particle surface. This means that, when the
negatively charged particles can be readily particle charge is balanced overall by adsorbed
flocculated by cationic polyelectrolytes. The polyelectrolyte, the surface sites cannot all be
opposite charges provide an electrostatic neutralized individually. The surface then has
attraction, which promotes adsorption, but adsorbed ‘islands’ or ‘patches’ of excess posi-
there is also the possibility of charge neutral- tive charge, surrounded by uncoated, negative
ization reducing the colloid stability, as in the regions. When particles with polyelectrolyte
case of specifically-adsorbing counterions. The adsorbed in a ‘patchwise’ manner approach
optimum dosage region would then corre- each other there can be a significant electrical
spond to amounts of polymer needed to attraction between the oppositely-charged sur-
neutralize the particle charge. In many cases face regions. This gives stronger flocs than
polyelectrolytes of low molecular weight and would be expected on the basis of simple charge
high charge density are effective. In this case, neutralization, although not generally as strong
bridging is unlikely because of the short chain as flocs produced as a result of bridging by long-
length and the tendency for adsorbed poly- chain polymers.
electrolytes to adopt a rather flat configuration The electrostatic patch model is now widely
at the surface. These products are some- accepted and appears to be relevant to many
times called ‘coagulants’, to distinguish them practical applications.
from flocculants, which act by a bridging
3.3 Coagulation kinetics
A variant of the simple charge neutralization
picture is the Electrostatic patch mechanism Particles must collide with each other in order
(Gregory, 1973). This is illustrated schematically to coagulate, so that the rate of coagulation
in Fig. 38.7, for the case of a cationic polyelec- depends on the particle collision frequency.
trolyte adsorbing on a negatively-charged Depending on the interactions between collid-
particle surface. This model applies to a system ing particles, collisions may or may not result
3Coagulation and flocculation 643

in the formation of aggregates. The fraction of This expression is based on the assumption
successful collisions is known as the collision of spherical particles, radius a, in a laminar
efficiency, a. When there is significant repulsion shear field with a uniform shear rate G. The
between particles the collision efficiency will be particle number concentration is n. These are
very low, but when repulsion has been elimi- highly restrictive conditions, which would not
nated, by suitable chemical treatment, a can apply in practical coagulation processes.
approach unity, so that nearly every collision Nevertheless, this approach leads to a simple
results in attachment. result that gives an idea of the important
Detailed accounts of this subject can be parameters.
found elsewhere (e.g. Elimelech et al., 1995). No practical coagulation processes are car-
Only a brief and selective treatment can be ried out under laminar conditions; turbulent
given here. flow is almost always involved. In this case an
The frequency of collisions between par- effective shear rate can be defined, in terms of
ticles of type i and j depends on the product of the power input to the vessel (such as a stirred
their concentrations, the collision efficiency and tank), P, the volume of suspension, V and the
a rate coefficient, kij, which depends on the mode viscosity, m. The result due to Camp and Stein
of transport of particles (see below): (1943) is:
Jij ¼ akij ni nj ð8Þ  ¼ P
G ð10Þ
Jij is the number of collisions occurring The effective shear rate can then be inserted
between i and j particles and in the appropriate rate expression instead of
ni and nj are their number concentrations. the laminar shear rate. Although this approach
The rate coefficient depends on the particle is undoubtedly oversimplified, it gives a result
sizes and on certain physical factors. Relative which is quite similar to that from a more
motion between particles, leading to collisions, rigorous approach.
may caused by: Equation (9) shows that the rate of coagu-
lation depends on the square of the particle
1. Brownian motion (perikinetic coagulation) concentration, as expected for a second-order
2. Fluid motion (orthokinetic coagulation) rate process. There is also a very strong
3. Differential settling. dependence on particle size, which explains
why orthokinetic coagulation becomes much
Of these, Brownian motion is important only more important for larger particles.
for quite small particles and is not usually able The form of equation (9) is such that a
to produce the large flocs that are required in simple transformation gives the result in terms
most practical applications. Usually, some form of the volume fraction of particles, which is
of agitation, such as in stirred tanks or flow- simply the total volume of particles per unit
through reactors is applied, causing particle volume of suspension. For equal spherical
collisions. With a range of particle sizes, particles this is simply given by:
different settling rates cause relative motion
and hence collisions. This can become signifi- f¼ pa3 n ð11Þ
cant as flocs grow quite large. 3

In the most important case of orthokinetic If it is assumed that the volume of particles
collisions, the rate of coagulation can be written remains constant during the coagulation
in terms of the rate of reduction of particle process, and the collision efficiency, a ¼ 1
number concentration, since each successful (i.e. for a fully-destabilized suspension), then
collision results in the net loss of one particle: equations (9) and (11) lead to:
dn 16 2 n 24Gft
2 ¼ an Ga3 ð9Þ ¼ exp ð12Þ
dt 3 n0 p
644 Coagulation and filtration

Although this expression is based on a growth will be faster, but the limiting floc size
number of simplifying assumptions, it is very will be less. There is, as yet, no quantitative
important in showing the main parameters theory of floc strength, but a common empirical
influencing the rate of orthokinetic coagulation. approach is to relate the limiting floc size to the
The term n/n0 represents the loss of particles by effective shear rate (Mühle, 1993):
coagulation and the reciprocal, n0/n can be dmax ¼ CG2g ð13Þ
regarded as the average floc size at time t.
(Effectively, it is the average number of primary where dmax is the maximum floc size for a
particles per floc.) shear rate G and C and g are empirical
Equation (12) shows that the extent of constants. Reported values of g are in the
coagulation increases with the shear rate G, range 0.2 – 0.5.
the volume fraction of particles and the time t. Another factor which greatly affects coagu-
The product Gt is a dimensionless number, lation rate is the solids concentration, or the
sometimes called the Camp number. In water volume fraction, f. Equation (12) shows that
treatment plants, flocculation units are often this parameter is of equal importance to G and
designed to have a Camp number in the region t. In practical units it is of great advantage to
of 30 000 –50 000. In principle, the same degree maintain a zone of high solids concentration to
of coagulation should be attained for any exploit this effect. Recycling of flocs (as in
combination of G and t, provided that the activated sludge units) or establishing a ‘floc
product remains constant. A high shear rate for blanket’ (as in upflow clarifiers) are effective
a short time or a low shear rate for a means of achieving high solids concentrations.
correspondingly longer time should give the The use of hydrolysing coagulants under
same result. However, this ignores the break- ‘sweep floc’ conditions also increases the
effective volume fraction by the formation of
up of flocs, which becomes very important at
a voluminous hydroxide precipitate.
high shear rates. Also, for hydrodynamic
reasons, the effective collision efficiency at
high shear rates can become quite low 3.4 Properties of flocs
(van de Ven and Mason, 1977).
The main purpose of carrying out a coagu-
The growth of flocs, for different shear rates lation process is to achieve more efficient
is shown schematically in Fig. 38.8. At low solid –liquid separation. Certain floc proper-
shear rate, the coagulation rate is low, but the ties, notably floc density, can greatly influence
flocs can eventually reach quite large sizes. By separation processes.
contrast, at high shear rates, the initial floc
3.4.1 Fractal nature of flocs
Aggregates or flocs are now recognized
as self-similar, fractal objects (Meakin, 1988).
Self-similarity simply means that an aggregate
appears to have a similar structure, indepen-
dent of the scale of observation. Fractal
character implies that the mass of an aggregate
(or the number of primary particles within it)
scales as the size raised to some power, dF
(or the fractal dimension).
M / Ld F ð14Þ
Of course, a solid, three-dimensional object
has a mass which depends on the cube of its
Fig. 38.8 Growth of flocs under (a) high shear and size. Aggregates effectively have fractional
(b) low shear conditions. dimensions; hence the term ‘fractal’.
3Coagulation and flocculation 645

Early models of aggregate structure were In agitated suspensions (orthokinetic aggre-

based on the addition of single particles to gation), there is a tendency for more compact
growing clusters (Fig. 38.9a). This tends to aggregates to be formed, as a result of
give quite compact aggregates with a fractal ‘restructuring’. This may be a result of floc
dimension of around 2.5. Later simulations breakage and re-formation, or deformation and
(e.g. Lin et al., 1989) allowed for cluster– rearrangement of floc structures under shear
cluster collisions, which is a more realistic conditions.
model in many practical cases. This gives
much more open aggregate structures 3.4.2 Floc density
(Fig. 38.9b), with dF about 1.8. The reason for
An inevitable consequence of the fractal nature
the different structures should be clear from of flocs is that floc density decreases as floc size
Fig. 38.9. In the particle – cluster case, the increases. It has been found experimentally
approaching particle is able to penetrate (Tambo and Watanabe, 1979) that the effective
some way into the cluster before making (buoyant) floc density, re, decreases with floc
contact. When two clusters approach each size, a, and the data are usually plotted in log –
other it is likely that contact will occur before log form (Fig. 38.10). Although there is usually
the clusters have interpenetrated significantly, a large degree of scatter, such plots show a
giving a much more open structure. linear trend, which implies a relationship of the
These models are based on two important form:
rE ¼ Ba2y ð15Þ
1. There is no repulsion between particles, so
where B and y are constants.
that every collision leads to permanent
It is easy to show that there is a simple
connection between the slope of plots such as
2. Aggregation occurs by diffusion, as in
Fig. 38.10 and the fractal dimension of the flocs:
perikinetic coagulation (diffusion-limited
dF ¼ 3 2 y ð16Þ
In cases where there is repulsion between
particles the process is known as reaction- Experimental values of the slope, y, for
limited aggregation, which leads to rather more various systems of practical interest, are in
compact structures (dF about 2.1). the range 1 – 1.4, corresponding to fractal
dimensions of 2 –1.6, which are in line with
determinations by other methods.

Fig. 38.9 Formation of fractal aggregates by

(a) particle – cluster and (b) cluster – cluster
aggregation. Fig. 38.10 Change of floc density with floc size.
646 Coagulation and filtration

3.5 Practical aspects have a smaller size and hence will experience
less fluid drag. This gives more rapid sedi-
Coagulation/flocculation processes are usually mentation and more permeable filter cakes.
carried out in some form of flow-through unit, The addition of small particles to existing
such as stirred tanks or upflow clarifiers. The flocs promotes higher floc density and this
purpose is to encourage particle collision by explains why high floc recirculation or floc
induced fluid motion (i.e. orthokinetic coagu- blanket clarifiers tend to give quite dense
lation). It is necessary to ensure that the flocs. An extreme case is the so-called pellet
particles are adequately destabilized by the flocculation process (e.g. Yusa and Igarishi, C,
addition of suitable coagulants, such as metal 1984) where compact flocs of very high density
salts or polymers. can be produced, without the usual decrease of
Additives need to be thoroughly and density with increasing floc size. (This implies
rapidly mixed throughout the suspension and a fractal dimension close to 3.) The fundamen-
this is achieved by a rapid mix unit at the point tals of this process are not yet fully understood,
of coagulant dosing. Only a short time of rapid but it depends on a zone of high solids content
mix (a few seconds) is needed and the dosed with some mechanical agitation (to promote
suspension then flows to the flocculation unit, restructuring of flocs) and usually involves the
where the agitation is gentler, allowing flocs to use of high molecular weight polymers to give
form. The energy input to the flocculator, or the strong bonding.
effective shear (see equation 12) determines the
rate of flocculation, but too high a value will
result in floc breakage. A compromise between 4 FILTRATION
rapid floc growth and the avoidance of high
shear rates is the process known as taper 4.1 Introduction
flocculation. This involves a series of stirred
tanks or compartments with decreasing power Filtration through granular media has been
input. In the early stages, high shear causes practised since Roman times. It is a physical
rapid growth of small flocs, which are then process to remove suspended particles from
allowed to grow larger in the subsequent water. The suspended particles may be inor-
stages, as the shear rate is reduced. ganic or organic, including microbes. In the
The most important factors influencing the light of problems with Cryptosporidium and the
rate of floc growth are the shear rate and the pressure to improve the bacterial quality of
solids content. A high solids content can be treated water, a great deal of attention has been
achieved by recirculating flocculated material paid to filtration processes, especially optimiz-
or in a form of clarifier, where incoming ation through the correct choice of operational
particles pass through a layer of previously- procedures.
formed flocs (a floc blanket). There are three main types of granular
The density of flocs is an extremely import- media filter used in water treatment:
ant property (Gregory, 1997) which determines
the rate of floc growth. The larger the floc, for a † slow sand filters
given mass, the greater the rate of collision † rapid gravity filters
with other flocs. For similar reasons, the † pressure filters.
capture of flocs by filter grains and by bubbles
in flotation processes is more effective with
flocs of lower density. However, there are other
4.2 Slow sand filters
separation processes, notably sedimentation As the name implies, slow sand filters
and cake filtration (such as in sludge dewater- are operated at low filtration rates, typically
ing), where flocs of high density are preferred. 0.1 – 1 m/h. (Note: filtration rate is usually
For a given mass, a higher density floc will expressed as approach velocity, e.g. m/h, which
4Filtration 647

is equivalent to a volume flow rate per unit low, the sedimentation step can be omitted
area, m3/m2h.) Slow sand filters use rather fine and the process is then known as direct
sand (less than 0.5 mm) and generally give the filtration.
best removal performance of all granular Granular media in rapid filters typically
media filters. This is only partly due to the have grain sizes in the range 0.5 – 2 mm and the
low filtration rate and small filter grains, since pores are of the same order of size. Particles to
in many cases there is significant biological be removed are usually very much smaller
action, restricted to a fairly thin layer at the than the pores and so straining is not a
surface – the Schmutzdecke. Aerobic bacteria in significant removal mechanism. There are two
the top few centimetres of sand produce essential aspects of particle removal in gran-
extracellular polymers which form an adhesive ular filters:
network, giving enhanced removal of fine
particles. It is likely that microbes captured in † Particle transport to filter grains
the schmutzdecke are subject to predation by † Attachment of particles to grain surfaces
other organisms which colonize this layer. In or to existing deposits.
most cases slow sand filters are operated
without prior chemical treatment or coa- These steps together result in particle capture by
gulation. They are cleaned periodically by a filter grain (often called a collector in the
scraping off the top 2 – 3 cm of sand, which is fundamental filtration literature).
washed and returned to the filter. Attachment is governed by colloid inter-
The disadvantages of slow sand filtration actions, which have been discussed earlier. If
include the large land area required to give there is significant repulsion between particles
high volumetric production and the incon- and filter grains then essentially no removal
venient cleaning method. can occur. In most cases coagulant is added
We shall now restrict attention to rapid before filtration, so that particles usually have
filtration methods, which rely predominantly quite a low charge and there would be little
electrical repulsion. In that case practically all
on physical removal mechanisms. There is
encounters between particles and filter grains
no fundamental difference in principle
(or ‘collectors’) would result in attachment and
between the action of rapid gravity and
the collision efficiency would be close to 1. If
pressure filters. The former is operated by
this is not the case, then only a fraction of
gravity flow and the latter under applied
collisions would be effective and the filtration
pressure in closed vessels.
efficiency would be reduced.
In discussing transport mechanisms it is
convenient to assume that there is no repulsion
4.3 Rapid filtration (a ¼ 1). Another important point is that colloid
interactions are of rather short range (typically
Rapid gravity filtration developed from slow below 0.1 mm and hence less than the size of
sand filtration in response to requirements for most particles). This means that the transport of
greater volumetric production from less land a particle from the flowing water in a filter pore
area. By using coarser media than for slow to the surface of a filter grain is almost entirely
sand filters, depth penetration of deposits is unaffected by colloid forces. Although
possible, thereby using the whole bed depth. van der Waals attraction may be vital to ensure
Filtration rates are usually in the range 5– particle attachment, it is of much too short a
30 m/h. In conventional operation rapid fil- range to influence the transport step. A particle
tration is preceded by coagulation/floccula- would have to be practically in contact with
tion and sedimentation, which greatly reduces a grain for the attraction to be felt. This
the load on the filters. However, in cases justifies treating transport and attachment
where the suspended particle concentration is separately.
648 Coagulation and filtration

4.3.1 Transport mechanisms

The flow rate in most conventional filters is low
enough to give laminar conditions and par-
ticles can be imagined to follow streamlines
unless influenced by some other effect.
There are various ways in which a particle
can come into contact with a grain surface,
and the most important in water filtration are
(see Fig. 38.11):

† interception – a particle whose centre is on

a streamline passing close enough to a
collector is intercepted and captured
† sedimentation – as a result of the gravita-
tional force pulling a suspended particle
closer to a collector as the water flows round
† diffusion – random Brownian motion of
particles causes them to depart from stream-
lines so that they may collide with collectors.
Fig. 38.11 Capture of particles on a single collector
Without going into theoretical detail (see
by different mechanisms: Interception (I); Sedimen-
(Elimelech et al., 1995), we can point out the tation (S); Brownian diffusion (B).
important influences on these mechanisms.
They are:
capture by sedimentation and interception, but
† Particle size and density have the opposite effect on capture by diffu-
† Grain size sion, since diffusion rate is greater for smaller
† Flow rate particles.
The different effects of particle size have a
Particle density is only important for the very important practical consequence: there is a
sedimentation mechanism, where higher den- characteristic size, depending on other con-
sity gives greater sedimentation rate and an ditions, where the capture rate passes through a
increased chance of particle capture. Fairly minimum. Larger and smaller particles are
simple theoretical approaches lead to the more readily captured in the filter. A schematic
following conclusions regarding the effect of plot is given in Fig. 38.12, showing a dimension-
the other parameters on particle capture rate: less ‘collection efficiency’ for spherical collec-
tors, against particle size. Although this plot is
Effect of Effect on transport mechanism
based on an idealized model, it suggests that
increasing filtration through granular media should be
Interception Sedimentation Diffusion least effective for particles of a few micrometres
diameter. Smaller particles would be more
Particle size Increases Increases Decreases readily captured by diffusion and larger ones
Grain size Decreases Little effect Decreases
by interception and sedimentation. The particle
Flow rate Little effect Decreases Decreases
size around the minimum covers the range
of bacteria (0.5 – 2 mm) and Cryptosporidium
The main conclusions are that particle (4 –5 mm), which means that these are more
capture will be more likely as the filter grain difficult to remove by filtration than other
size and the flow rate are decreased. However, particles. This is one of the reasons why
increasing particle size should improve particle coagulation/flocculation is such an important
4Filtration 649

coefficient can be assumed constant throughout

the bed – the ‘clean bed’ value, l0. Equation (18)
can then be integrated to show an exponential
decline in suspended particles with depth:
C ¼ C0 expð2l0 LÞ ð19Þ
The implication of this is that the deposit
profile with bed depth will also follow an
exponential decay pattern, i.e. substantially
more deposits near the surface and less at
depth. However, as deposits build up on filter
grains, the filter coefficient changes. Initially, the
coefficient may increase because deposited
particles provide extra sites for further depo-
sition. This is responsible for the ‘filter ripening’
effect (see below). Further build up of deposits
causes local constriction of pores and hence an
Fig. 38.12 Variation of single collector efficiency
with particle size.
increase in local flow velocity (assuming a
constant volume flow rate) and a reduction in
l. As the filter run progresses deposits in the
preliminary process, since particles in the
upper bed may reach a limiting level so that no
minimum region can be increased in size to a
more removal occurs in the top layer. This
range where capture is more likely.
causes a deposit ‘front’ to move down through
the bed. Eventually this front emerges from the
4.3.2 Filter performance and operation
bottom of the bed and there is then a rapid rise in
During operation of a rapid filter, deposits
particle concentration in the filtrate. This is
collect throughout the depth of the bed. If the
known as ‘breakthrough’. These concepts are
bed contains uniform-sized media grains then
illustrated in Fig. 38.13.
the probability of capture of a particle is the
Bacteria and other microbes will also be
same at any depth. The amount of deposit
removed according to this pattern. However,
retained on the grains therefore decreases with
should a biofilm start to develop on the grains,
depth into the bed.
the distribution with depth may vary in a
The filter coefficient, l is defined as the
different way, depending on which areas of the
proportion removed per unit depth of the filter.
bed are more favourable for biofilm formation.
It is closely related to the collector efficiency
Occasionally, as a result of surface straining,
mentioned above.
a surface mat develops, which can result in a
2 dC 1 high head loss (see below) and inefficient use of
l¼ ð17Þ
C dL bed depth.
where C is the concentration of particles in the
water at depth L in the filter bed. 4.3.3 Head loss
Rearranging gives: The head loss, or hydraulic, gradient (h/L) is
given by the Kozeny-Carman equation, which,
›C for laminar flow in a packed bed of spherical
¼ 2lC ð18Þ
›L grains, has the form:
which is known as the Iwasaki equation. The h v m ð1 2 e Þ2 36
equation has the form of a partial derivative ¼5 ð20Þ
L g r e3 d2
because the deposits, and hence the filter
coefficient, vary with time as well as bed depth. where v
In the early stages of filtration, before is the approach velocity (volumetric flow
significant deposits have built up, the filter rate/filter area)
650 Coagulation and filtration

Fig. 38.13 (a) Par-

ticle concentration
profile through a fil-
ter column, initially
(full line) and after
operating for some
time (broken line).
(b) Breakthrough
curve showing frac-
tional particle con-
centration in the
filtrate as a function
of time.

m is the dynamic viscosity, d the grain 4.4 Filter backwashing

r the density of water and Granular media filters need regular backwash-
ing to remove clogging deposits and maintain
e the porosity of the bed (typically around
efficient operation. Backwashing of a gravity
filter involves flow reversal to dislodge the
This expression applies to a clean filter bed.
deposits. This usually gives significant expan-
As deposits are formed, the pores become
sion and fluidization of the bed. Once expansion
occupied by solids and so the effective porosity
occurs the grains are mobile and deposits can
decreases, leading to an increase in head loss, if
be detached and flushed out.
the flow rate is maintained constant. It is not The various techniques include:
easy to estimate the local change in porosity,
since the volume occupied by deposits is
† fluidizing water wash
uncertain. If particles are deposited singly, † fluidizing water wash plus surface jets
fairly compact deposits may form, giving † air scour followed by a fluidizing water
only a slow increase in head loss. However, if wash
deposits have a less dense structure, as † simultaneous air and water wash followed
expected for fractal flocs then there will be a by a fluidizing water rinse.
greater effect on head loss.
Since deposits form preferentially in the All of the above backwash procedures are
upper part of the bed, the clogging can be conducted at varying upflow rates and bed
quite pronounced there and lead to a rapid expansions. The water flow required depends
build-up of head loss. At some point the head on the physical characteristics of the media and
loss may become so large that the filter the degree of bed expansion required.
operation has to be terminated and the bed
has to be cleaned. Often, particle breakthrough 4.4.1 Backwashing with water
occurs before the head loss limit is reached, but
cleaning is necessary in any case. In practice, Fluidized beds. A fluidized bed consists of solid
filters are usually backwashed on a time basis particles or grains suspended by a fluidizing
but, should a limiting head loss or filtrate medium which can be a gas or a liquid.
quality be reached, a backwash is initiated Consider a vessel such as a filter shell filled
automatically. with a granular material, e.g. sand. A fluidizing
4Filtration 651

medium (usually water) enters at the base of

the vessel and flows upwards through the bed
of sand with a superficial velocity, v. The
granular material has a fixed bed porosity of
e . When the bed is fluidized the particles or
grains are suspended in equilibrium by the
fluid drag forces exerted on them. The bed
expands to occupy a greater depth and a
consequent increased porosity e , i.e. the grains
are further apart.
At equilibrium in a fluidized bed, the
downward force on the grains (i.e. their weight
in water) is just balanced by the force caused by
the upward flow of water. We can equate those
forces and then substitute for the head loss
gradient in the bed at the point of fluidization,
using the Kozeny Carman equation above. We
then arrive at an expression for the minimum
upflow velocity needed to fluidize the bed:
g rs 2 r e 3 d2 Fig. 38.14 Filter bed expansion by fluidization.
vmf ¼ ð21Þ
180 m ð1 2 e Þ
g is the acceleration due to gravity grains. All the energy is used in supporting the
rs is the density of the grains grains. Typical fluidization curves are shown in
r the density of water. The porosity, e , grain Fig. 38.14.
diameter, d, water viscosity, m have been A simple experiment in a small column is a
defined previously. useful way of finding vmf and the expansion
From this expression, it is clear that the characteristics for a particular filter medium
minimum fluidization velocity depends on: under specific conditions.
A minimum expansion is required in order
† media grain size to flush out the deposits and get the whole bed
† media density mobile. The expansion required for this varies
† media porosity and packing with filter media size.
† temperature (as it affects the water vis- A very important aspect of fluidizing a filter
cosity). bed is that when the upward flow is stopped,
grains settle at rates dependent on their size. In
Changes in any of these parameters affect
all practical cases, filter grains have a range of
bed expansion and fluidization conditions,
sizes and the larger ones settle fastest. This
e.g. expansion behaviour during filter
means that, after backwashing, smaller grains
tend to be nearer the top of the bed, with larger
If we examine a granular bed subjected to
upward flow of water, then we see that as we ones towards the bottom. This is unfortunate,
increase the flow rate, the head loss increases since it gives greater filter efficiency at the top,
linearly with velocity while the bed remains where there is already a greater removal of
fixed, i.e. Darcy’s law is obeyed. Once we have particles. Thus, the non-uniform distribution
reached vmf, then the bed starts to expand of deposited particles throughout the bed
upwards with the flow and the head loss (Fig. 38.15) is accentuated. This effect may be
becomes constant. The head loss is constant as partly overcome by the use of multilayer filters
there is no more loss of energy as drag on the (see below).
652 Coagulation and filtration

Fig. 38.15 Changes

of filter bed height
and head loss with
increasing backwash
flow rate.

Cleaning mechanisms. When a filter is being flow rates for a given medium a phenomenon
backwashed, the mechanisms that detach known as collapse-pulsing (Amirtharajah, 1993)
deposits and get the filter grains clean are: is observed. This corresponds to the onset of
three-phase fluidization.
† fluid shear forces What this means in practice is that fluidized
† grain collisions bed conditions are achieved for a much lower
† abrasion between grains water rate – typically less than 0.5 vmf. Flow
† forces associated with the air/water rates when a water only wash is used are
interface. greater than vmf. In addition, during collapse-
pulsing there is a very high degree of bed
Research has shown that water-only backwash agitation, as pockets of air form and collapse
is a weak cleaning process as grain collisions within the media. This ensures that deposits
are minimal. It is more effective to include air are detached from the grain surfaces and can
flow in the cleaning process. be particularly good for removal of biofilms.

4.4.2 The use of air scour

When air scour precedes the water wash, it is 4.4.4 Media attrition and loss during
intended to break up and detach deposits backwash
ready to be flushed out. Media loss may result from inappropriate
Research has shown that while air scour wash rates for the type of media in use. It is
causes a lot of agitation to grains in the top few usually due to the lighter grains being carried
centimetres of the bed, there is very little out over the washwater weir with the back-
agitation deep down. The agitation is caused wash water. Lower density materials, e.g.
by bubbles erupting at the surface of the media. anthracite and activated carbon, are washed
If a filter bed retains most of its deposits at the out more easily despite the fact they are
surface then air scour alone is adequate. If, backwashed at lower rates.
however, it acts as a deep bed filter, as intended, Attrition of more friable filter media may
then deeper deposits may not be dislodged. result from a vigorous backwash, particularly if
air scour is used.
4.4.3 Combined air and water wash Fines generated by media attrition can cause
A combined wash means that the air and the problems in drinking water treatment as they
water flow simultaneously up through the bed. potentially shield bacteria from disinfection.
At particular combinations of air and water An appropriate backwash regime has therefore
4Filtration 653

to be carefully selected; we need to maximize † increased chemical dosing (e.g. during final
cleaning without causing too much attrition of stage of backwash)
the media. † backwash optimization.

4.5 Improving particulate removal 4.5.2 Filter media

When designing a filter it is important to select
Overall particulate removal can be improved a medium or combination of media with
by using finer and/or deeper filters or by appropriate physical properties for the par-
improving the coagulation/flocculation stage. ticular application. The physical properties of
During the ripening period, particulate removal filter media that affect performance during
can be improved by optimizing backwash and filtration and backwashing include:
filter start-up procedures.
An effective way of achieving more effective † size distribution
filtration is to use two or three layers of † bed porosity or voidage
progressively finer media, as in multilayer † grain density
filters. † shape, e.g. spherical or angular
† surface characteristics and microporosity
4.5.1 Filter ripening and start up † settling velocity and minimum fluidization
When a filter is put back on line after back- velocity
washing, it usually takes some time for it to † strength and friability of media grains
reach optimum removal performance. Particu- † acid solubility
late concentration in the filtrate during this † wettability.
phase is higher than the average level during
the filter run. This is known as the filter ripening The British Effluent and Water Association
period and has been an area of concern in recent recently proposed a standard for filter
years as it may provide an opportunity for materials (BEWA, 1993).
pathogens, such as Cryptosporidium, to pass It is important to design filters with appro-
into supply. priate media, e.g. if we want to encourage
Water passing through the filter at start-up biological growth then perhaps a rough surface
initially consists of backwash water remaining is required for adhesion of microorganisms. A
within the underdrain system and then the rough surface may also reduce the filter
pores of the filter bed. Following this the ripening period, but then may be harder to
remaining backwash water above the bed but get clean during backwashing.
below the washwater overflow level, passes It may be important to minimize water
through the filter. Finally, the new influent for consumption in backwashing so a lighter
filtration reaches the filter. material might be desirable.
Ripening is thought to be due to the gradual The shape of the grains, and their size
build-up of deposits on the filter grain surface. distribution affect the bed porosity. Angular
These deposits then provide increased surface grains generally have a higher porosity, e.g.
area for the accumulation and adhesion of anthracite with about 0.55. Rounded grains,
subsequent deposits. e.g. Leighton Buzzard sand, have a porosity of
Following publication of the 1990 Badenoch about 0.43. Porosity also depends on the
Report on the Cryptosporidium problem, there packing of the grains and the degree of
has been much research into filter ripening in stratification of the media if it has a range of
the UK. Options to reduce particulate passage sizes.
during the ripening phase include:
4.5.3 Multilayer filters
† filter to waste Ideally filtration should take place through
† slow start progressively decreasing media size, from
† delayed start coarse to fine, in order to maximize usage of
654 Coagulation and filtration

the whole bed depth. However, as discussed fectants at normal dosages, so it is essential that
above, when a filter is backwashed a single they are removed physically in water treatment
graded medium will stratify so that finer grains processes.
are at the top and coarser grains at the bottom The usual method of monitoring filtered
of the bed, i.e. the opposite of what is required water is by measuring turbidity. Current stan-
for a gravity or downward flow filter. dards for drinking water turbidity are around 1
The idea behind dual and triple media filters NTU (a conventional turbidity unit), but more
is that we can achieve a progressively finer stringent standards may be applied – perhaps
filter by having finer, denser media below down to 0.1 NTU. Such low levels are approach-
coarser, heavier media. The difference in ing the limits of detection of commercial
densities of the media should ensure that the turbidity meters, yet may still correspond to
finer material stays at the bottom during and particle concentrations of several hundred per
after backwashing. ml. Furthermore, turbidity is a measure of light
Dual media filters usually consist of a layer scattered by the water sample and this is not a
of coarser anthracite above a layer of finer sand. sensitive measure of particles much larger than
Triple media filters consist of anthracite, sand the light wavelength, such as Cryptosporidium
and then an even finer grained layer of garnet. oocysts.
Other configurations of media have appeared It has become quite common to apply more
around the world, e.g. a triple media filter sensitive techniques, such as particle counting,
consisting of granular activated carbon (GAC) to the monitoring of filtered water quality
above German anthracite with a layer of fine (Gregory, 1998). Typical particle counters can
sand at the bottom. resolve particles down to about 1– 2 mm in size.
These methods can give an earlier indication of
particle breakthrough than conventional tur-
4.5.4 Backwashing of dual and triple bidity monitoring.
media filters Even a simple visual inspection can be
Dual and triple media filters are usually helpful, particularly of the backwash and the
designed so that they remain stratified after filter bed surface where mudballs may be
backwashing. It is relatively easy to maintain evident.
stratification between anthracite and sand, for
the size ranges typically employed, however,
mixing between the sand and fine garnet layers REFERENCES
in triple media filters is difficult to avoid.
This may not actually be detrimental to filter Amirtharajah, A. (1993). Optimum backwashing of filters
performance but further research is required with air scour – a review. Wat. Sci. Technol. 27, 195– 211.
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Report of the Group of Experts. DoE, DoH, HMSO.
For a given backwash flow rate it is likely Bertsch, P.M., Thomas, G.W. and Barnhisel, R.I. (1986).
that the different media layers will expand by Characterization of hydroxyaluminum solutions by
different amounts. Al-27 nuclear- magnetic-resonance spectroscopy. Soil
Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50, 825–830.
BEWA (1993). Standard for the specification, approval and
testing of granular filtering materials. British Effluent and
4.6 Monitoring filter performance Water Association, BEWA, p. 18.93.
Bose, P. and Reckhow, D.A. (1998). Adsorption of natural
It is very important to check that filters operate organic matter on preformed aluminum hydroxide
correctly, especially with regard to particle flocs. J. Environ. Eng. – ASCE 124, 803–811.
removal. Particles in the size range of Camp, T.R. and Stein, P.C. (1943). Velocity gradients and
Cryptosporidium oocysts are of special concern internal work in fluid motion. Proc. ASCE 79, 1– 18.
Deryagin, B.V. and Landau, L.D. (1941). Theory of the
and their numbers in filtered water should be stability of strongly charged lyophobic sols and of the
as low as possible. Oocysts that pass through a adhesion of strongly charged particles in solutions of
filter are not destroyed by conventional disin- electrolytes. Acta Physicochim. URSS 14, 733–762.
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