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Activity Sheet

Name: _Raine Avie S. Tapia_____________________ Score: ___________

Yr. & Sec.: _BSA-2B___ Group no. ___5___ Date: _11/14/2022__

Flower Bloom: Compare Flower A and B and spot the similarities and differences.

1. What are the similarities and differences of the flowers?

______The two flowers shown above are both hibiscus varieties, also called ‘gumamela’ in
Tagalog. They are both the same shade of red, which is bright in the center and fades at the
edges of the petals. Additionally, each flower has the same five petals, and both the stamen
and pistil of the hibiscus are shown. Despite having the same shape, their sizes aren't the
same. As a result, flower B is far more mature for self-pollination than flower A. And in
other instances, a larger blossom will be more beautiful than a smaller

2. Do the flowers have the same state of flourishing? Explain your answer.

The Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis, commonly known as gumamela, is a four-foot-tall shrub

with large, five-petal blossoms. Gumamelas are a preferred ornamental flower for Filipinos
due to their beauty; they have become common sightings in locations like home facades and
public parks. It comes in a variety of sizes and colors and can grow from 4 to 8 inches wide
and up to 10 inches wide, and it can develop quickly if it is a large hibiscus. In order to
respond to this question, and by examining the image above, it can be seen that they are not
in the same condition of flourishing because the large gumamela may flourish more due to
its larger size than the smaller one.______________________________________________

3. As a student and as a person, what flower would you like to be? Explain your answer.

I aspire to be an Amsonia as a college student. Amsonia is a beautiful flower that is native

to North America and belongs to the Apocynaceae family. Because of its star shape and
pointy petals, it is known as a 'blue star' flower. Amsonia symbolizes endurance, strength,
and determination. It is a flower that shows you don’t back down in times of hardship and
symbolizes one’s ability to overcome obstacles. Amsonia represented both mental and
physical strength. There will be times in college when we question whether it is still worth it
to continue doing what we are doing. There will come a time when you simply want to stop
everything. Studying as a college student is physically, mentally, and emotionally
exhausting. College is not a joke, because our future now depends on how well we perform
at school. But, like Amsonia, we should have that determination and strength to face all life
will give us. We should show that we are worthy of the title that we aim to have. We are so
near to our dreams and backing down shouldn't be included in our to-do-list. We, as college
students, must always stand strong and hold the hands of our family, classmates, and friends
so that we can survive and enjoy the success from difficulties that we are experiencing or
will face in the future.________________________________________________________


Stuff, C. V. P. (2022, October 5). 12 Flowers That Symbolize and Inspire Strength.

Coachella Valley Preserve.


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