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 B.N: Peonisetum typhoideum
 Family: Gramineae
Origin . Africa
Improved varieties:Pusa moti,
Akola. Niphad, N-28-15-1 ,
ICTP-8203 , BJ-104, WCC- 75
Hybrid vareties
HB-1, HB-3, NHB-4. NH B-5, Sharda, saburi ,
 HB-1( Hlyhrid bajra-1):
 It is a hybrid variety of bajra .
 it is a cross between Tift-23 A with a BYL 3-
Itis a dwarf and non loding variety mature
in a 85-95 days and suitable for rain fed
and irrigated conditions .
it is susceptible to ergot and rust diseases.
HIB-3 ( Hybrid bajra-3 ):
It is a cross betwen the Tif 23 A
with J-104.
it is high yielding and early
maturing variety which mature
in a 85-90 days.
it is suitable for low rain fall
area and susceptible to
downy mildew diseases

Bajra is a tropical crop ,
requires a warm and dry climate,
 it is a drought resistant crop
grown in a tenp range of 20-32 "C
 and rainfall 500-800 mm
Soil should be a well drained.
 it grow best in a light to
medium soil.
soils like sandy sandy loam,
black, alluvial soils having a PH
 it can not be grown in water
logged conditions
Land preparation:
Bajra require a fine and
compact seed bed Land is
prepared by one deep
ploughing, than clods are
cnusled and 2-3 harrowing are
land is cleaned by removing
a wceds and stubbles of
previous crops
. Sowing season June-July
Seed Treatment-
1.Brine solution 2) Organo mercurial
1.Brine Solution:
Baira seeds are dipped in a 20 % brine solution
( Common salt ) , before sowing the seeds.
light and diseased seeds float on water surface
should be removed and healthy seeds from
bottom are washed with water and used for
sowing. this seed treatment help to control the
ergot diseases
2) Organo mercurial compound:
Seeds are treated with fungicide like
thirum @ 3 gm / kg of seed.
Sowing methods: 1) Broadcassting
2) Drilling
 seed rate& spacing:
 Seed rate of bajra is 4-5 kg /ha.
Spacing for irrigated crop is 45 x 15
cm and for rainfed crop is 30x 10 cm.
Maaures and fertilizers
 Add 8- 10 tone FYM / ha.Dose for rainfed
crop is 12.0 0 NPK kg /ha
 Dose for a improved varieties is i 25 25 0
NPK kg / ha Dose for irrigated varieties is 50
37: 25 NPK kg/ ha.i
 In case of rain fed and improved varieties
all NP&K is given at time of sowing In case of
irrigated crop halr N and total P&K is given
at time of sowing while remaining haif N is
given afier one month of sowing
Bajra is grown as a rainfed crop but
irrigated crop may be irrgated at the
interval of Irrigation: 25-30 davs.
irrigation should be given at the
tilering. flowering and grain formation
Crop rotation and mix eropping: Baja
is rotated with a groundnut. gram,
linseed Baira is mixed with a pulses
like tur , udid , sesamum , soyabean
Intercultivation operations
1-2 hand weeding and
hoeing are done at the
intervel of 15-20 days such 1-
2 handweeding and hoeing
are done to remove the
weeds, loose the soils and
aerate the soils.
Pest of Bajra
1) Blister beetle of bajra2) Steam borer
3) Army worm
1.Blister beette of bajra: This is a serious
pest of a bajra it feed on pollen grains
and inflorescence due to this grains
are not formed in a ear heads.
C.M: Dust the carbaryl or lindane @
20-25 kg / ha.2) Spray 0.03-0.05 ^
monocrotophos 3) Collect and destroy
the beetles
2.Stem borer
This is a serious pest of bajra it feed on
leaves and make a holes to leaves, than it
bore to a steam and feed on internal
content due to this growing point of plant is
dry and cause a dead heart.
CM:1) Remove and destroy stubbles of
previous crop.
2) Spray the 0.03-0.05 % carbaryl or
3) Spray 0.03-0.05%phosphomidon
3) Army warm:
This pest is feed on a leaves and
defoliate the plants .
 it affect the growth of plants
C. M: 1) Dust crop with 10 % carbaryl
or 1.3 % lindane @@ 20-25 kg / ha.
Diseases of bajra :
 1)Ergot diseases of Bajra 2) Smut
diseases3) Downy miidew of bajra.
1. Eargot diseases of bajra:this is a
serious diseases of Bajra, in this
diseases pinkish sugary soliution is
oozes from a affected flower heads,
this sugary substance drop on lower
leaves which diried up afiected
ovary turn in to a dark brown , it
reduce a quality and yield
Control measures
Treat seeds with 20 % brine
solution before sowing.
seeds are dipped in a brine
solution light: seeds float on
water suface should be removed
and heavy seeds from bottom
are washed with water, dried and
used for sowing
2) smut:
 C. M:This is a serious fungal
diseases of bajra , in this
diseases plant become a
weak and afiected grains are
transferred in to elongated
structure with black spore of
3) Downy mildew:
This is a fungal diseses in this
diseases leaves becomes a
yellow and covered with white
growth of fungus due to this
leaves dry.
C.M: 1)Remove and destroy
affected plants 2) Grow
resistant varieties
Harvesting, threshing and yield:
Bajia is harvested after 3-4 month of sowing
harvesting is done when leaves dry and
grains are fully mature
harvesting is done by cutting the plants close
to ground with sickle, harvested plants are
tied in to a bundle and dried in to sun for 2-3
Ear heads are spread on a threshing yard and
threshed under feet of bullodk or by machine
winnowing is done to separate a grains and
Yield of Bajra:
Rainfed crop yields about 12
to 16 quintals/ha and
irrigated crop yields about 25
to 35 quintals/ha.
Economic uses of Bajra:
1) It is imp. staple food of poor people,
used for preparing a roti or bhakari.
2) It contain protein, CHO , and minerals.
3) Green and dry fodder is feed to a cattle
4) Grains are also feed to cattle.
 5) Grains are used for preoaration of pop
Thank you!
Agr. Vitthal Dudhate
Founder of Dudhate Academy
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