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A college degree has always been linked with success. This is the usual
answer by people from underdeveloped countries like the Philippines. For
Filipinos, finishing college is the most effective antidote to poverty, and
parents consider it a precious dowry for their children. 

Getting married while in college has been viewed differently by many in terms of
its positive and negative implications and adjustments to the life of the student.
Although some relationships will work and be successful, it is not true of all, and one
thing that marriage will most likely bring while in college is the unwanted challenges
that should be well thought out and given utmost consideration. (D. Faller, S., & ,


PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies,

Mullings (n.d) revealed that although marriage can be one of the most
personally fulfilling experiences in one’s life, students choose to marry during college
years will face additional obstacle, increasing vulnerability stress, mental health
issues, and deceased academic performance. The study also emphasized the essence
of time management skills of the student as a factor associated with goo academic
performance as a means to cope with the more complex and hectic schedule of
married college students.

Studies on marriage during university cover much more than fidelity and time
issues, found that the fear that they will not find another is leading cause of student
marriage ; many marriages at the ages of 19-23 have resulted from such insecurities.
(Diilon, 2018)

Problem Encountered of Married Female Students

Students who decided to get married during college may experience unique
challenges and responsibilities which include financial and conflicting social
experiences. (Archer Education, 2019)

Family issues or with the spouse are also a potential problem when not properly
discussed and communicated like unclear expectations that may progress to more
serious problem of distrust, doubt, resentment, anger, and envy. (Archer Education,

Colleges and universities are not exempt when it comes to the issue of bullying,
and with the noticeable situation of married college students, which is different from
the majority single students, this makes them susceptible to such a problem.
Although some married students who are more exposed and experienced can easily
cope with it, many are still trapped in this situation. Bullying can occur anywhere ,
and its occurrence can have short and long term effects on victims. It is the best
understood as a student health issue - and a larger public health issue- the
endangers the well being of individuals (Rich , 2019)

Time Management

Squeezing personal time into your already hectic schedule may seem like a
nearly impossible task while balancing marriage and college (Mullings, n.d). This is
one of the many problems confronting married colleges students. It may not be
surprising because of the numerous tasks and requirements that a student has to
comply with. Getting married while in college is expected to add complexities and
challenges when the roles and responsibilities of a wife or husband are added to it.
The married college student is expected to be a good achieving a balance between
personal life and school life.

Academic Performance of Married Female Students

If getting married while in college can offer a supportive environment like having an
understanding spouse, it may have positive effects and benefits on the academic
performance of the student. Married students may perform better in school because
they have better academic adjustment due to the support of their spouse and a
positive husband-wife relationship, and their maturity level is more focused on
accomplishing their schooling. The study of Wasden (2010) on married versus non-
marred students revealed that married students have a higher Grade Point Average
(GPA) compared to their non- married counterparts, and so he was able to conclude
that is not disadvantageous to get maarried while pursuing college education. (D.
Faller, S., & , 2019).

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Marriage is a pattern of human life , and it is considered one of the most crucial
legal and social system between both gender, in which integrity of social conditions,
the survival of the gender , the transcendence of relations between male and
females. (Harahsheh, S., & , 2020).

Harahsheh, S., & , (2020). The Marital Compatibility of Married Students in Jordan’s
Private Universities Located in the Northern Region, and Its Relation to Some
Variables. Asian Social Science,
Getting married during the study period especially at the college level according
to some students, is something that is hard . In the life of a married student, being
responsible as a student, the individual is also responsible for family life. (Zubaidillah,
M., Hasan, H., & , 2019)

Zubaidillah, M., Hasan, H., & , (2019). Motivasi Menikah Mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi
Ilmu Al Quran (STIQ) Amuntai. Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan

Marriage is a bond that unites men and women to live together try to obtain
benefits such as love , sexual satisfaction, friendship , and others and using
unification as a legitimate way have descents. (Muslima, F., Herawati, T., & , 2019).

Muslima, F., Herawati, T., & , (2019). Social Support, Marital Adjustment And Marital
Quality Of Family Married Student. Journal of Family Sciences,

Marriage before education is completed and become an accepted practice since

the second World War. Married students have formed an important part of the
students body in any colleges in the country. Many people are concerned as how
these married students met the pressures which both college and married life
impose upon their limited time, money and effort. ( G. Garingan, E., & , 2021).

G. Garingan, E., & , (2021). By Hook or by Crook: Married Students’ Outlook in

Coping Academic Stress. American Journal of Educational Research,

Problems encountered of married female students

Females among married students face many challenges, such as family

responsibility and university requirements. Her obligations grow and multiply
between being wife and student simultaneously, as it is challenging to balance home
and university. Her role and responsibilities vary between child custody, taking care
of her house, feeding her family, protecting them, and following up on the children’s
school status. Her pressures do not end up here, but also family disputes, which may
negatively affect her academic performance, thus self-efficacy begins to decline ,
which leads to decease in study incentive that may poor grades and thus failure in
the study. ( Harahsheh, S., & , 2020)

Harahsheh, S., & , (2020). The Marital Compatibility of Married Students in Jordan’s
Private Universities Located in the Northern Region, and Its Relation to Some
Variables. Asian Social Science,

Emotional problems, followed by financial, academic, family, and health problems,

rank highest among the problems of married students.

Married female college students are not the usual typical single college
students, they have more complex responsibility that requires good time
management and budgeting in order accommodate and attend to their two major
roles - as student and as a wife. The life of married students requires full of balancing
of their dual roles and responsibilities in school and at home with their family.
Multitasking is a reality that should embraced by married college students.they are
confronted with big challenges like multiple of roles, stiff family demands, school
requirements, financial problems an the incidents of maltreatment by other students
and even teacher.

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