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Professor(a) – ROSEMARA F. T. NALON Perído de 23/03 a 04/04/2020

Aluno(a): Turma:
Título: A SCIENTIST – 7º ANO

(EF06LI19) Utilizar o presente do indicativo (verbo to be / this or that).

(EF07LI06) Antecipar o sentido global de textos em língua inglesa por inferências, com
base em leitura rápida, observando títulos, primeiras e últimas frases de parágrafos e
palavra-chave repetidas.

(EF07LI07) Identificar a(s) informação(ões)-chave de partes de um texto em língua

inglesa (parágrafos).

(EF07LI08) Relacionar partes de um texto (parágrafos) para construir seu sentido


(EF07LI10) Escolher, em ambientes virtuais, textos em língua inglesa, de fontes

confiáveis, para estudos/ pesquisas escolares.

Desenvolvimento da atividade:

Caro aluno, as atividades estão separadas por Tasks, de acordo com os temas
propostos no Currículo Oficial. Registre todas as suas anotações no caderno para
que, futuramente, eu possa vistar.

Task 1 / Match the pairs. Remember: find all the cognates and key-words!

A. Botanist ( ) ancient people, their bones and their belongins.

B. Chemist ( ) all universe, that includes outer space, sun, moon, stars and other
C. Biologist ( ) all forms of life: humans, animals, plants, bacteria.
D. Oceanographer ( ) plant life, that includes: plant species, effects of pollution on plants,
environment protection.
E. Astronomer ( ) all elements, atoms, molecules and its changes.
F. Geologist ( ) rocks, minerals, earth land forms.
G. Metereologist ( ) the atmosphere and water.
H. Archaelogist ( ) ocean, that includes marine life of plants and animals, ecosystems,
ocean circulation and the seafloor.
I. Zoologist ( ) motion, forces and energy.
J. Physicist ( ) animal life: physical characteristics and animal behavior.

TASK 2 / Relate the scientists below to their field of Science.

Follow the example: A Botanist studies plant life, that includes: plant species, effects
of pollution on plants, environment protection.

A Chemist studies ____________________________________________________


A Biologist studies ____________________________________________________


Now, watch the video on YouTube: Kids learning about different types of Scientist!
To check your answers. Pay attention on how the words sound and repeat the
phrases. You have to practice to learn!

TASK 3 / Read the text and answer the questions.

The coronaviruses

Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s. In humans, coronaviruses

cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such as the common cold.
The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin corona, meaning crown
or halo.

The new coronavirus

At the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus started spreading in China.
This type of coronavirus is often called 2019-nCoV, novel coronavirus, or COVID-19.

The symptoms of the new coronavirus

Some of the symptoms of the coronavirus are fever, cough, runny nose,
sore throat, headache, and trouble breathing. These symptoms are very much like
those people have with a cold or the flu. The virus can be more serious in some
people, especially if they are sick or have health problems.

How does the virus spread?

The virus appears to spread mainly from person to person. The transmission
occurs when someone comes into contact with an infected person. For example, a
cough, sneeze or handshake could cause transmission. The spread may also be
caused by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and
then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

There is no specific vaccine or medication to cure the disease, but generally,
symptoms will go away on their own. However, experts recommend seeking medical
care early if symptoms feel worse than a standard cold.

How to protect yourself from coronavirus?

To protect yourself from the virus, here are six recommendations to follow:
1. Avoid contact with people who are already infected.
2. Wash your hands well and regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
or use hand sanitizer.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if you haven't washed your hands.
4. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that people touch a lot.
5. Stay home when you are sick.
6. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

A. Find all cognates and key-words on the text.

B. What’s the main subject of the text?


C. Write T (true) or False (F).

a. Coronaviruses were discovered in 2019. _____________
b. There ir a vaccine to cure COVID-19. _____________
c. "Corona" is a latin word. _____________

D. Write the sentence in English. Copy from text.

a. foram descobertos nos anos 60:


b. febre, tosse, coriza, dor de garganta, dor de cabeça e dificuldade em respirar:


c. para curar a doença:


d. especialistas recomendam procurar cuidados médicos:


e. lave suas mãos:


f. fique em casa:

E. Write, with your words, in Portuguese, the six recommendations to follow to

protect yourself from coronavirus.

F. Why do you think scientists are important mainly during this pandemic time?

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Classes in video (English to starters): (class1) (class2) (class3) (class4)

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