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Veterans are important people because of the things that they have done
for us average citizens. Veterans have to train for years in order to fight for
this country so they spend most of their time in this world working to fight
for us and not just doing nothing all day every day. If it wasn’t for veterans
we wouldn’t be alive today but also this country could’ve ended up not
existing because of how destroyed it would be so thanks to these people
they fought for us and for the protection of this country. These people are
also super important because they are the people that taught us how to
respect for a valid reason and not for something unreasonable. Due to all
they did for us they started gaining respect because they risked their lives
to save ours. There are veterans from several wars like WWI, WWII, the
Cold War, Vietnam War, etc, however it is worth remembering that people
that fought in wars that aren’t associated with America are also as
important as American veterans because they also fought for the protection
of their own countries. Even though my uncle didn’t fight for America he
himself is also a veteran because he served in the Air Force in Poland for
many years making him as important as all the American veterans. All
veterans deserve to be respected because at the end of the day they
thought about their citizens more than themselves which is what makes
them so important. Not many people support their governments however
people still know how to respect veterans just because they know how
much time and effort they put into their training. Not many people would do
such a thing because many people are self centered, however a veteran is
one of those people that don’t just think about themselves or their families
but they also think about the rest of the world around them and the support
they could give and receive by doing such things like just training to serve.
Support, Support, Support is a big thing when it comes to the importance of
veterans because many either come back with no trauma or several trauma
to the body or even PTSD because if you think about it fighting in a war is
not easy at all. My uncle may not have come back with any trauma but he
does say that just being there is scary even if you aren’t in direct contact
with the opposing country. I personally would not join the military just
because I’m scared of getting shot even though I would prefer to be in the
nursing part of the military, however I would still be scared that someone
will come into my tent and kill me. I feel like being in the nursing portion of
the military could possibly be somewhat safer but if you think about it death
always occurs no matter what. People that work as nurses are also
veterans even if they didn’t fight in the war it doesn’t make them any less
important because at the end of the day they still took time out of their day
to take care of people that were fighting in the wars. Anyone that has
served in the military is considered a veteran fighting in the war or not,
making them not any less important than people that have physically
served and fought. I am thankful for all the veterans and their service
because if it wasn’t for them my parents wouldn’t have moved to America
and made this country a big place in my life. It is worth thanking any person
you know that was in the military because as much as thank you is a small
word it will make the veteran feel seen and respected. The risk that
veterans take in the military is something most of us would never take
because a lot of people let fear get in the way of them unlike people in the
military that have learned and trained to fight against their fears.

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