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Rocket Project

Rilee Lytle

This project was to teach us how

exactly to build a successful water
rocket and to apply the ideas of
acceleration and velocity. We are
also to describe the flight of the
rocket. This project was a great way
to combine physics and math and
apply it to the real world.

Rilee Lytle

Time of Max Height

To find the Max height, you first
need to videotape our rocket and
analyze it. You need to calculate the
number of frames per second. And
because we are recording on an
iPhone, we know they shoot 30
frames per second by default. Then,
count how many frames it takes your
rocket to reach the max height. For
example, our rocket took 68 frames
in total. Next, you divide the number
of frames you have by 30. So it
would be 68/30 for us. Which would
equal 2.26. So our time of max height
was 2.26 seconds!

Max Height
To calculate the actual max height,
you need to get the angle of your
rocket. This should’ve been done at
the exhibition. For example, ours was
65 degrees. Then you want to draw a
right triangle and plug everything
you know into the right places. So
plug in your hypotenuse, adjacent,
and the opposite into the triangle if
you have them. If you don’t then
leave it blank. This brings me to my
next point.

Initial Velocity
To calculate the initial velocity, we
used the equation h(t) = -½ (g)(t2) +
V0(t) + Yo. For our equation and
problem, the variables are: Vo =
initial velocity, h(t) = vertical
position given time, t = time in
seconds, g = gravity (32ft/s2) and Y0
= starting height (1.5ft). So then we
plug in for our variables that we
have (time of max height, gravity,
and final velocity):
h(t) = -16t2+V0t +1.5
h(t) = -32t + V0
0 = -32(2.26) + V0
0= -72.32 + V0
V0= 72.32
We ended up getting V0 = 72.32
which is now our initial velocity
Theoretical Flight Time

To calculate the theoretical flight time,

we used the formula for height at any
given time:
h(t) = -½(g)(t2) +V0(t) + Y0

And we also use the quadratic formula:

The formula for height at any given time: Vo = initial

velocity, h(t) = vertical position given time, t = time in
seconds, g = gravity (32ft/s2) and Y0 = starting height

We first plugged in all the numbers we had into the formula

for height:
So h(t) = -16t2+ 72.32(t) + 1.5
Then we had to convert our original equation into the
quadratic formula:
Theoretical Flight Time

After we plugged everything into the

quadratic formula and solved it, we
got our 0’s. We ended up getting x =
4.54 which is our theoretical flight


Rilee Lytle

Rilee Lytle

hen we first tested, our rocket

completely nose-dived. It went
straight up well, then instead of
doing the feather falling effect it
just went straight down. My partner
realized that the problem was the
fins. The fins were taking all the air,
which was bad because the rocket
needed the air to feather fall. So we
shaved down the fin to about ⅓ of
what it used to be. Then when we
tested it again, we had a completely
successful launch, feather falling
and all.

Another challenge we faced was the

fact that I wasn’t here the whole
time. I kept getting sick and had been
going through a lot during the time
of the project. It made things a
little difficult as my partner had to
pull a little more weight to the
project. I felt bad about missing
school during the project. And
because I was gone sometimes, I think
our rocket wasn’t at its full
potential but at least we still had a
rocket. And how my partner and I
overcame this challenge was I pulled
some weight as well and tried to make
up for the lost time by fixing some
of our rocket’s problems.


One major success we had is we actually

built a working water rocket. My partner
and I worked hard on trying to build a
successful water rocket and we did. We
are super proud of it as well. It went up
a decent amount. For the next year’s
sophomores, I would say to just take it
one day at a time. Building a rocket is a
lengthy process. If you rush it, it won’t
perform as well. I would also relay that
you should take advantage of the number
of materials given. They gave us a lot of
materials for the building process and I
felt like we needed a bit more. We didn’t
use all the materials. So I just want to
say that you should use the materials or
at least have them around if you don’t
think you’ll need them.

A major turning point for us was when

we first tested our prototype rocket.
When we first tested, our rocket nose-
dived. We wouldn’t have known if our
rocket worked or not if it wasn’t for
testing. And when we did a test and got
those results, my partner concluded
what the problem was. The problem
was the fins. They were too big and
caught all the air. It was a problem
because we needed our rocket to
feather fall, not nose dive. Once we
figured out what the problem was, we
fixed it. We shaved down the fins and
the next time we tested, it
successfully did the feather-falling


Thinking about this project, I would

try a different rocket type. Overall
the project wasn’t too difficult but
everyone else was doing almost the
same rocket type. So if that were to
happen again, I’d want to do something
different than what most people
would be doing. So if everyone was
doing the loose cone rocket, I’d want
to do something like the tommy toy


I would also like to manage my time

better. Because I was gone some days, I
would want to be in contact with my
partner and figure out what to do.
Sometimes I felt like we were being
rushed and I also felt like we could’ve
done better. I know said this before
but I feel like our rocket wasn’t at its
full potential. I wish I managed my time
better and planned accordingly. It
just would’ve made my life easier.

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