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The person delivering the speech is someone who is a protester for lower-class citizens and how unfair

and unjust society is. The year is 2012 in New York.

Classism is a detested enemy of the people, the great destroyer of dreams and prosperity,
defended by the rich and held like a noose around the neck of the poor. Fear not people of our
oppressed population, for there is still light in our tunnel of oppression. There is still a chance for us to
create a better, more equal society. It is time for new legislation: tax the rich! Keep their bank accounts in
check to protect the livelihoods and our middle class! My fellow Americans now is the time for us to fight
back against those who have abused us. For many years, it has always been the rich at the top of the
pyramid and the poor at the bottom.

Why can’t we all just be equal? The poor have dealt with so much injustice from the beginning
of our nation to now. The poor suffer the most. The light at the end of the tunnel is growing dimmer with
more oppression and suffering. When will it end?

This all started in the early days of America when we had finally gained independence from
Britain when a new economy was introduced to our young nation. From the early 1800s to mid-1900s,
working conditions were poor. Multiple studies tell us that on average there were 35,000 deaths per year
which averaged about 4 deaths a day related to working conditions and resulting in about 500,000
people being injured.
From this, we can see how much the poor have endured in the early days. What about now?
What about today? These are the questions you might be asking yourself. Well, the working conditions
have gotten better but the poor still have to do so much to survive in our ever-growing world. Some of
these modern issues include food insecurity with children and families starving, and trouble getting the
education needed for higher-paying jobs. In 2022 alone studies show that 11.7 million adults and 7.3
million children lived in food-insecure households. That’s a lot of people.

Classism has dictated our people and has placed them in these different classes, with the lower
class dealing with all the injustice. These rich people get to sit on their throne and watch as the rest of us
struggle like mice. There are children who come home and wonder when their next meal is because they
have no food. There are homeless people in the streets, including children.

No wonder so many people give up. They try and try and everything they do is for nothing.
Some people are just born into the wealthy and don’t have to lift a finger. And yes, there are people who
do try and get the money they deserve, but there are also people who put in colossal amounts of effort
and get nothing in return. Classism on its own has caused many problems in our economy. So I ask you
this, is it fair that children and people in general suffer as these rich people get to just pull the strings on
our society?
If you want to help support lower-class citizens, check out this organization and consider donating to
help these people.
Feeding America
Other Written Artifact

This journal entry recovered from a time capsule in near Albany details events from the 1839 tenant

October 13th 1839 Journal entry #12

Leon Fitzgerald

That which is written here entails the events of the past. This world was never a fair one and it
will never be a fair world, for as long as there are men there will be those who want more, those who
have it all but are still not satiated as the answer to what is enough is always more. People would have
you believe that it is the natural state of things for the poor to be crushed under the feet of the rich. But
what right does a rich man have to the hard work of the poor, what is natural about sapping those only
below you economically for personal gain? There is nothing natural about it.
Now in a time where money is tight the rich look to us as a resource to keep their lives from
being affected. They have us pay them for land that should belong to the earth and those who work on
it. What gave them the right to land that they never see, we work hard for them just to take our
hard-earned prosperity from us. Today wasn’t a day to sit around and accept the fact that they robbed us
blind it was a day to work together to keep the rewards of our own hard work. Those Anti-Renters are
right it is about time we enforce justice and stop the tyranny inflicted upon us by the rich. Good moto
they’ve got, “Strike till the last armed foe expires, Strike for your altars and your fires— Strike for the
green graves of your sires, God, and your happy homes!”.
With the current times being tight with this economic depression and all I can see how our old
hate and fear have boiled out and now we are at the ends of our whits and our long overdue resistance
has started. To hell with the rents forced upon us by a man who has never worked with the earth a day in
his life. They might have the sheriff in their pockets along with the government but I would like to see
them match the numbers of those of us who have joined the cause for true freedom and a more equal
system. It is a good time to become a part of history, It is time to confront the sheriff and whatever men
he’s got at his side, I cannot wait to see the look on his face when we come in our thousands pitch forks
at our side to interrupt his march and tell any who want to take from us to go home and stay there.

(Introduce as a historical artifact)

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