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3/12/22, 20:52 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS


8 Conversation strategies: at least for pointing out 1A Grammar: Present perfect with regular and
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Unit 1 Review  

9 Writing: A personal profile

Read a personal profile about Julia Roberts. Choose the correct answers.

Julia Roberts: A personal profile

Julia Roberts is an incredibly talented actor. She's very well-known for her leading roles in Hollywood movies. Roberts may also be one of
the richest female actors in Hollywood. She earned $20 million for her role in the movie Erin Brokovich. But did you know that she's also
extremely generous? Julia works hard for organizations like UNICEF – an international organization that helps children around the world.
She also loves animals, and once, she traveled to Borneo and Indonesia to make a film about some of the endangered animals there.
Here are some more interesting facts about Julia Roberts:
1. If you're meeting Julia Roberts, don't expect her to wait patiently if you are late. She likes to be on time for everything – although as a
mother of twins, it may be harder now!

1 What is Julia Roberts well-known for?


working with children

travel films

2 Why did Julia Roberts travel to Borneo and Indonesia?

to make the movie Erin Brokovich

to visit the local children

to make a film about animals

3 When does Julia get impatient?

when she has to meet people

when she's waiting for her twins

when people are late

4 What was Julia like as a teenager?

an accomplished student

always in the classroom

a student who didn't like to work too hard


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