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War on Waste: Pre-viewing Questions

1. What do you know about recycling, reusing and reducing in terms of waste?
(what are facts and figures you know from the internet, friends/family, teachers etc)
This is a form of using something over and over instead of simply throwing it in the rubbish
which create waste. Recycling, reusing and reducing are the 3 R’s. These insure that resources
aren’t put to waste. Australians produce a lot of waste. According to Clean Up Australia, the
amount of waste that hits landfill in Australia every year is enough to cover the entire state of
Victoria. The average Australian produces 1.5 tonnes of waste in a year.

2. What are your personal opinions about the whole sustainability issue that we currently
You may think we are doing enough, you think we never will be able to fix the problem.
Explain your position.
I think SA is slowly getting there with fast food vendors already reducing single plastics
instead, using paper utensils and other stuff. Other than this, SA still has a long way to go.
This is be fixed by making the switch from single use plastic to wooden resources.

3. Do you believe that an individual’s choices and behaviour have the power to change
society on the whole?
You may have heard “why should I do that when others don’t” etc
Explain your position.
Yes, if one popular person, or celebrity comes up and talks about something that they want
people to change about their behaviour, many will listen to that credible person because of
how popular and well known they are.

War on Waste: Summary

Summarise in 150 words the first episode of War on Waste.
Write this like a movie review:
- What is the overall goal/motivation of the documentary?
The goal was to educate different kinds of viewers about how much waste we actually
produce and how marketing really pays off when coming down to selling produce. This
documentary gives information while at the same time being entertaining for an abundance
of viewers. It talks about how promotion really can impact what you buy, even a pretty
looking bottle can change which one you buy.
- What strategies does the doco use to get its point across? (shock value, scare mongering
This documentary used statistics and real-life sizing to really make an impact on the viewers
- What did it do well? What did it do perhaps not so well?
They did well making it fun and intriguing for all viewers, I feel that the war on waste
episodes could promote themselves better so more people watch their series, otherwise
there won’t be as much of an impact.
- What are your overall thoughts about the doco?
It talks about how promotion really can impact what you buy, even a pretty looking bottle
can change which one you buy. It’s a good way of getting information across to all ages.
Overall a 8/10 ranking.

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