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War on Waste: Pre-viewing Questions

1. What do you know about recycling, reusing and reducing in terms of waste?
(what are facts and figures you know from the internet, friends/family, teachers etc)

I know that it is all about reusing waste and reducing your food waste and other things ect.
Recycling is recycling things and reusing them to use it for another time.

2. What are your personal opinions about the whole sustainability issue that we currently face?
You may think we are doing enough, you think we never will be able to fix the problem.
Explain your position.

I believe there will always be a problem with the world and you will ever be able to fix it but
we always need to act otherwise those problems start to add up and well have to many to
handle. That’s why we need to be sustainable to help fix these problems like global warming.

3. Do you believe that an individual’s choices and behaviour have the power to change society
on the whole?
You may have heard “why should I do that when others don’t” etc
Explain your position.

I believe if you pick up one piece of rubbish and everyone did that would be 7 billion pieces of
rubbish out of the world. So if you say “why should I do that when others don’t” do it
because if everyone has that mindset we will change the world.

War on Waste: Summary

Summarise in 150 words the first episode of War on Waste.
Write this like a movie review:
- What is the overall goal/motivation of the documentary?
- What strategies does the doco use to get its point across? (shock value, scare mongering etc)
- What did it do well? What did it do perhaps not so well?
- What are your overall thoughts about the doco?
First Episode
This documentary Was exceptionally good as it used the shock factor to get people to change their
ways and do recycling. But doing this puts the pressure on the big companies and gets them to see
the stuff that is going to landfill but they will not do anything about it because there bringing the big
money. When they made the trash footprint that was good because it was making a point but to
only 200 people you need to do that on a large scale and make it permanent. When they were doing
the water that was remarkably interesting because it reveres phycology because the water is tap
water, but it looks expensive, so they think it is good.

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