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Hanifah Nori Agustin

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lamongan Islamic University.

Abstract: This paper aimed to describe teaching speaking by using realia. The point is
to explain how to teach speaking in junior high school students by using realia to
improve student ability and motivation. The students' main problems are low motivation
and lack of vocabulary. As a result, it makes students afraid to speak. To solve that
problem, the teacher must look for some teaching strategies or media. Teachers can use
any media, one of them is realia. Realia are real objects in the classroom that are used to
build background vocabulary and student knowledge. In learning English, this media
can be an alternative media for students because it allows students to use their senses.
That means, it will last longer in the minds of students because students can see and
touch objects directly. And the use of realia as a medium teaching English speaking in
junior high school students brings many advantages to English classrooms. For
example, creating a lively and fun classroom that will increase students' interest and
motivation to speak.

Keywords: Realia, Speaking Skill, Teaching

Apart from writing, reading and listening, speaking is an important skill that needs to be
mastered. Because, a person can express ideas and thoughts verbally when speaking.
Husain [1] states that speaking is a major skill in communication. By having speaking
competence, ones are able to communicate more clearly. Thus, the message intended to
send can be received better without any changes in meaning. Harmer [2] states that
speaking implicates interaction with one or more participants. This means that there
must be two people in an interaction, one speaker and one receiver for the interaction to
occur. Then, both should have some good speaking indicators, in order to get quality
communication between speaker and receiver. Speaking skills are not easy skills for
students to master. Many students said that speaking competence was difficult to
achieve because verbally they were required to be able to convey their ideas, feel shy
and tend to be silent when the teacher asks them questions. also, worry that they will
make mistakes or that the listener will not understand what they are saying.
consequently they lack experience in communicating using English. Students also think
that it is easier to have writing competence than speaking competence. This is due to
their limited grammar knowledge, lack of vocabulary, low pronunciation, and they
rarely hone their speaking skills. The facts show that students are accustomed to using
their mother tongue in everyday life instead of using English, so it is quite difficult for
them to improve their speaking skills. Sumpama [3] suggests that students consequently
often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of English
course according to how well they have enhanced in their oral language proficiency.
This means that students can be said to be successful in language learning if they are
able to speak the language well.
Currently, many teachers only teach students monotonous activities such as reading
conversations in textbooks or practicing conversations in textbooks. there are many
teachers who have not applied interactive techniques to teach. and consequently the
motivation and participation of students in learning decreased. Teachers are expected to
create interesting and fun learning techniques to make students interested in paying
attention and being involved in the learning process. If he has gained attention to the
learning process, the learning outcomes are more likely to be achieved. Therefore,
teachers must make them participate in the learning process in order to be motivated to
the use of appropriate media is one of the success factors of learning. Media has a very
important role to support the teaching and learning process because the media can carry
information between the source and the recipient. Media such as graphics, cartoons,
radio, tape recorders, overhead projectors, and television are useful for facilitating
communication. One form of media used for learning is realia.
according to the British Council, 2018 Realia is a media that can be used in the learning
process. Realia refers to any real objects used in the classroom. Using realia media in
the learning process will make the learning process more memorable and fun because
students are allowed to use their senses. Based on the description above, the writer
wants to study the use of realia as a solution to improve the speaking ability of junior
high school students, especially in describing objects using fun media. It is used to
enhance ideas by improving pronunciation through practice and developing students'
creativity in using media for speaking practice.
Based on the explanation above, this paper was created to show the use of realia in
teaching speaking in junior high school students. This media is believed to help increase
students' motivation to speak.
Research Method
This research was conducted at Junior High School 1 Lamongan, East Java. This
research is emphasized on 8B grade students of Junior High School 1 Lamongan.
Researchers used qualitative methods. Qualitative method is a type of research without
using any calculations for statistical procedures. In this classroom action research,
researcher uses two kinds of data collection methods. such as observation, and test.
It is expected that research indicators are recognized after each cycle, which shows
positive results. The result will improve the final result
(KKM). After Classroom Action Research is implemented, it is expected that:
1. 80% of students are active in the teaching and learning process in English.
2. 80% of students improve their vocabulary.
3. 80% of students complete the KKM.
Indicators of the success of the teaching and learning process could be drawn in the
table below.


This study obtained data from several tests, starting from preliminary research to
cycle III. The researcher obtained data from each cycle after the researcher used realia
in teaching speaking in the procedure of describing. Researchers analyzed this to
determine the increase in the use of realia in each cycle. Then the researcher got the
results of classroom action research.
Before doing the first cycle, the researcher gave the test to the students.
the researcher gave a score, after doing the test. The researcher assessed three
aspects, the first is fluency, the second is pronunciation and the last is grammar.
the researcher calculated an average score to measure the increase in
student scores in each cycle. researchers found that the results were low.
Researchers decided to use other techniques so that students are interested in the
learning process to improve students' speaking skills in the procedure of
describing and students agree to use realia.
In this first cycle the researcher used teaching media such as cups, sugar,
warm water, and tea to teach the speaking procedure of describing and the
students were very enthusiastic because this was their first experience.
Researchers explain about how to make a cup of warm tea. The students were
interested but still confused about the steps. They need help from their teacher
and the teacher suggests them to use a dictionary. After that the students were
asked by the researcher to practice the procedure in front of the class.
Based on the results of the study, the students' scores in cycle I were
better than in the previous cycle, although the increase was slight. From this the
researcher concluded that in this cycle there was an increase but did not make
the researcher satisfied, because this was the first time students used realia to
learn to speak in the procedure of describing. It makes them enjoy the media a
lot, they don't focus on the steps. This makes them confused when asked by the
teacher to explain the steps.

In this cycle the media used by researchers is a laptop. This research was
conducted as in previous studies, namely the teaching and learning process was
focused on overcoming student difficulties or mistakes found in the previous
cycle. The teacher provides input to students on how to describe a good
The researchers' analysis showed that the test results of the second cycle
students were better than the previous cycle. That means students experience an
increase in this learning.

Researchers used a laptop and a flash disk in this cycle. Before the
researcher analyzes the student's score, the researcher tries to deal with the
weaknesses in the previous cycle. In analyzing student scores in this cycle, the
researcher found an increase in the students' speaking ability in the procedure of
describing. Some of the mistakes in the previous cycle, have now been resolved
and almost all of them disappeared in this cycle. This can be seen from their
speaking score which increased from cycle I to cycle III.
Student scores in this cycle were better than the previous two cycles.
From the observation guide, there are also many students who look happy and
enjoy using realia. The researcher concluded that through the use of realia, the
students' difficulty in speaking in the procedure of describing was resolved.

Before carrying out the first cycle, the researcher gave them an oral test to
determine the students' speaking ability in the description procedure, and the test results
were not satisfactory. So the researchers decided to solve the problem using realia. In
this activity the researcher becomes a teacher. Students are very enthusiastic about
following the treatment. The researcher told the student that he would teach speaking in
the procedure of describing using realia. This is classroom action research consisting of
four stages, namely planning, implementing the action, observing and reflecting.
a. Planning
1) Researchers make learning plans as a guide in teaching students in the first cycle.
2) Researchers make observation guidelines to observe students during the teaching and
learning process.
3) Researchers prepare test instruments to examine students understanding.
4) Researchers make student name cards to make it easier when she and the teacher
observe the students.
5) Researchers prepare several media to teach the procedure for making a cup of warm

b. Acting
In this activity the researcher teaches speaking in the procedure of describing by
applying realia. The teacher begins by greeting students, and all students are interested.
Then the researcher introduced herself to the students. After that, she checked the
attendance list by mentioning the names of the students one by one to find out if there
were students who were absent or not. There are still many students who have not
entered the class, including Siska Kartika, Salsabila Muntaz, Najwah Shaniah,
Muhammad Rizky Iswan, Muhammad Akbar Aditya, Novita Ramadanis, M. Arief
Rizqullah, Azhar Gintang, and Nurul Khofifa. they arrived late because they were still
in the canteen. a few minutes after the teacher checked the attendance list, they entered
the classroom. After that the teacher provides coaching knowledge to students by asking
all students how to make a cup of warm tea, some students answer using Indonesian,
then the teacher completes the students' answers and exemplifies the pronunciation of
the material by showing the material. Then students try to pronounce the material like a
teacher. After that, the teacher explained the procedures for making a cup of warm tea.
In this activity students are more active than before, they try to answer using their
language. Many students answered the question, so the teacher decided to discuss
together about the procedure for making a cup of warm tea by demonstrating using
realia. They discuss procedures using realia such as teabags, cups, sugar, warm water.
Students pay great attention to the teacher when demonstrating procedures using realia.
Then students try to practice the procedure by making several groups, each of which
consists of eight students. he also observed students when students worked in groups.
Actually all students are active in this activity. but most of them include quiet students.
The teacher tries to get them to use realia but there is no response. So that students
better understand the procedures for making a cup of warm tea. She gave students about
10 minutes to complete the assignment. After that, they discussed the students' answers
c. Observe
At the observation stage, researchers and teachers make observations that occur during
the teaching and learning process. Researchers observed these activities using
observation guidelines. To find out the extent to which the results of the action achieve
goals. From these observations the researcher found several facts. It is described as
follows: at first the teacher greets students and introduces themselves to the 8B grade
students, most of the students become concentrated and attentive to the teacher. When
the teacher explains the procedure, describes the social function of the procedure. Thus,
automatically some students know what the procedure is. The students looked very
happy and enthusiastic about the teacher's explanation. Actually students can already
express themselves using Indonesian well, but when the teacher asks them to express in
English, it is difficult for them. After the teacher has finished explaining, he shows the
material used in the describing procedure. Then, the teacher asks students to practice
how to make a cup of hot tea one by one in front of the class. The duration of this test is
about 10 minutes. In this test students will record using a cellphone and look confused.
But on the other hand, they are still passionate about practicing.
d. reflection
As a reflection of activities in the first cycle, researchers and teachers noted that there
were several problems that had to be resolved in the next cycle, as follows:
1) Before the teacher starts the activity, the class must be conductive. It was found that
several students screamed and made a scene and some students had not yet entered the
2) Researchers analyze student scores and calculate them. Most of students make
mistakes in speaking in the procedure of describing, especially in pronunciation and
3) Students also still have difficulty arranging structures accurately, even though they
have received an explanation from the teacher before working on the questions.

In this cycle the researcher tries to deal with the weaknesses in the first cycle. In the
previous cycle, students still made mistakes in speaking in the procedure of describing.
The teacher provides a new procedure, namely how to turn on / off a laptop or
computer, but he still uses realia to teach it.
A. Planning
1) Researchers make lesson plans as a guide in teaching students in cycle II.
2) Researchers make observation guidelines to observe students during the teaching and
learning process.
3) Researchers prepare test instruments to examine students understanding.
4) Researchers make student name cards to make it easier to observe students.
5) Researchers prepare several media to teach the procedure on how to turn on / off a

b. Acting
In this cycle, the teacher starts by greeting students and then checks the attendance list
of students. After that the teacher asks the student's procedures at the previous meeting.
Most of them still remember the procedure. Then, the teacher gave an example of a new
procedure. The teacher shows the media used to describe how to turn on / off a laptop or
computer. then students mentioned the medium, but many students mentioned using
Indonesian. Then, the teacher asks students to look up words in English. The teacher
explains the steps by demonstrating how to turn on / off a laptop or computer using
realia. The researcher who chooses one of the students explains the media and the steps
together by demonstrating the procedure. After that the students worked in pairs and
practiced the procedure on how to turn on / off a laptop or computer, but in this cycle
the researcher did not provide material to students. Students have just practiced their
speaking skills. There are five students who do not pay attention and are passive in this
activity. The teacher asks them to try to explain using realia in front of the class, many
of whom are still passive. Researchers explain these steps so that students understand
better. Then students come forward and explain the procedures for turning on / off a
laptop or computer individually. There were ten students who explained the procedure
better than others and six students had difficulty explaining the procedure.
c. Observation
At the observation stage, researchers and teachers also make observations on events that
occur during the teaching and learning process. Researchers observed these activities
using observation guidelines. From the observations, the researcher found several facts
that occurred in the classroom during the learning process. This can be described as
follows: at first the teacher greets students, they also greet them. The teacher begins the
class by explaining how to arrange in a procedure to describe appropriately, effectively,
and accurately. Students are very enthusiastic to be active in learning by asking and
discussing the latest things they have done. With this strategy, students are expected to
better understand and believe in social functions, generic structures and
lexicogramatical features in the procedure of describing. Some students who could not
explain in cycle I, in this cycle could explain it better. However, the researcher found
six students who had difficulty explaining the procedure.

d. reflection
In general, based on the activities in cycle 2 the results are quite significant. This
includes the teaching and learning process, the activeness and attention of students, the
ability of students to use realia. The results of the reflection are as follows:
1) The class is quite conductive, because some students are concentrated on joining the
activity. And they are interested in using realia.
2) In this cycle the researcher asks students to work in pairs and the most students enjoy
themselves to be involved in activities, but there are students who are not active.
3) The teacher has provided sufficient time; it can be shown that most students progress
to practice the procedure.
4) Most students still have difficulty expressing their ideas when the teacher asks them
to practice in front of the class.


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