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Grade-9 Arts Cave Drawings

 Are some of the earliest Theories about the purpose of cave

Pre historic Time example of surviving artworks. paintings
 Made as early as 30,000 years
ago or during the Paleolithic  Were used for ritualistic
period (40,000-10,000 BCE) ceremonies.
 Humans already use stone tools  Praying for a successful hunt
to create cave drawings  Commemorate a successful
 Popular subject of cave hunt.
drawing are animals, some
looks like simple geometric
 Means Before history or before figures whiles others like those New Stone Age
written history. found in Europe were realistic
 Even without written records that many archaeologist initially Megaliths
archaeologist are able to deduce doubted their authenticity.  A stone structure that is
a lot of information by studying interesting and mysterious
early human community life, during this era.
beliefs and artworks that were  Usually found all over the
left behind. world
Prehistoric Artworks
 The most famous example is the Other Information  Remaining figures have been
Stonehenge (Found in England) indistinguishable due to erosion
 It was used as burial grounds  Believe to be made by more
 Used as farming than 1 individual and were used
Stonehenge Philippines for ritualistic healing
 1973 virtue of the President
One of the oldest known artifacts was Degree No. 260 declared as a
discovered in 1965 in a Cave in National Cultural Treasure.
Angono, Rizal was the Angono  Tentative list of UNESCO
Petroglyphs world Heritage site of the
Angono Petroglyphs

 An ancient monument
composed of stone slabs that
weigh as much as 50 metric
 Arrange in a radical pattern and
was completed around 1500
BCE.  Was made during the late
 Extraordinary structure that Neolithic Age or New Stone
perplexed experts for years as Age around 10,200-2000 BCE.
how people with the most basic  This stone Carving features 127
tools could cut, transport and stylized depictions of humans
erect them in such a fashion. and animals such as frogs and
 In 1986 United Nation lizards.
Educational, Scientific, and  Out of 127 only 51 are clear and
Cultural Organization well defined.
(UNESCO) World Heritage site

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