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Identify what is being described in the following sentences. Write your answer in your answer
sheet. (1/2 lengthwise tablet paper)

1. It is the condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of daily
activities and still has the energy to enjoy other active leisure activities.
2. A type of physical activity known as cardio or endurance activity.
3. It refers to the ability to perform work or put mass into motion
4. These energy systems provide energy for activities of somewhat longer period and lower
intensity like strength training.
5. It is defined as a type of lifestyle where an individual does not receive regular amounts of
physical activity.
6. This energy system is mainly for endurance sports
7. It provides the energy and components our bodies need for development and
8. These energy systems predominantly used during medium to low-intensity activity.
9. The type of eating habit where people use eating as a way of meeting people.
10. The type of eating habit that food is most often the drug of choice of all substances that
we swallow and consume to make ourselves feel better.
11. The average hours of sleep
12. It is defined by Hans Selye as “the nonspecific response of the body to any demand
made upon it”.
13. When we perceived stress as negative.
14. It helps reduce the risks of diseases and increases your chance to live longer.
15. It is a form of physical activity that is structured, repetitive, and planned for the purpose
of improving or maintaining one or more fitness components.
16. It is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
17. It helps improve blood circulation, so that bloodstream will be able to continuously supply
oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs of the body.
18. It refers to the quality of being able and suitable to do certain task or demand.
19. It is fear hormone that supplies glucose to be used for increased muscle and nervous
system activity.
20. It is an anger hormone which increases our heart rate and blood pressure to provide
more oxygen to the body.
21. It is any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the expenditure
of energy.
22. It requires the muscle to contract against an external load to improve muscular strength,
muscular endurance, and bone strength
23. This energy system supports very brief, high-intensity activities.
24. This domain is work-related activities.
25. It is a planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness
with the purpose of increasing physical fitness level.
26. This type of physical activity makes your heartbeat faster than usual.
27. These energy systems support long-duration, lower-intensity activities.
28. This type of activity incorporates activities that make you move against gravity while
staying upright.
29. It refers to the body’s ability to utilize oxygen.
30. One of the Seven dimensions refers to the health of your physical body.

ENUMERATION. List down or enumerate what are being asked on each of the following item.

31-35 Components of Health-Related fitness

36-39 Domain of Physical Activity
40-42 Type of Physical Activity
43-45 Energy System
46-50 Type of Eating

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