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Momordica charantia Linn is said to be the most bitter of all vegetables, and is

merely known as bitter gourd or bitter melon, in Filipino language it is called ampalaya,

and a flowering plant came from the family Cucurbitaceae. The original habitat of

Momordica charantia Linn is unknown it is available in tropical and subtropical countries

for the most parts in Asia, while it is not totally known in the western countries such as

the United States of America. Some of the countries in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean

cultivated Mormordica charantia Linn from the month of April till September. But the

preeminent season for Momordica charantia Linn is the summer season, therefore it is

considered as a summer vegetable. Since the Philippines is a tropical country and it has a

warm climate that is suitable for cultivating Momordica charantia Linn, that is why the

vegetable is abundant in the Philippines.

Momordica charantia Linn’s fruit is generally consumed cooked in its green or

yellowing stage, the young shoots and leaves may also be eaten and considered as green

leafy vegetables. In Chinese cuisine the bitter flavor of the fruit of Momordica charantia

Linn is very valued, typically in stir-fried dishes, soups, dim sum, and herbal teas.

Momordica charantia Linn is also very popular in Indian cuisine, its fruit is often

prepared alongside with potatoes and served with yogurt on the side to offset its bitter

flavor, used in their curry or stuffed with different spices and then cooked in oil. In the

cuisine of the Philippines, the fruit of Momordica charantia Linn may be served stir-fried

with ground pork or beef and oyster sauce, or with eggs and diced tomatoes. And the

famous dish pinakbet in the Philippines mainly consist of Momordica charantia Linn,

eggplant, okra, string beans, and other various regional vegetables stewed together with a

bagoong-based stock. To prepare Momordica charantia Linn for cooking cut the

vegetable in half, remove the seeds and fibrous core, and then slice it into half-moons. A

dash of salt can tame its bitterness. (, 2018)

Momordica charantia Linn has been used in various countries in Asia and Africa

as a traditional herbal medicine for a long period of time. In the traditional medicine of

India different parts of Momordica charantia Linn were used as claimed treatment for

diabetes, and also for the treatment of cough, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, wounds,

ulcer, gout, and rheumatism. In the Philippines Momordica charantia Linn leaves are used

to treat hemorrhoids, skin problems such as eczema, acne and psoriasis, burns and scald,

fever, stomach problems and to improve appetite, headache, and used as mouthwash to

treat toothache. Roots are used as an aphrodisiac, and to abort pregnancy for women.

Flowers are used to treat asthma. The fruit is used to treat diabetes, stomach problems

such as colitis, dysentery and intestinal parasites, spleen and liver problems, mild cough,

heal wound and to treat rheumatism and gout. (Colegio-San Juan Bacolod BS pharmacy

students, 2014)

Momordica charantia Linn notably contain compounds that thought to be

responsible for blood sugar level reduction in the treatment of type-2 diabetes which is its

hypoglycemic chemicals include a mixture of steroidal saponins known as charantins,

insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. It also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Niacin, Zinc,

Iron, Calcium, Phyto-nutrients like β-carotene, α-carotene and lutein which is good for

the eyes, and helps in relieving indigestion and constipation problems.

(, 2018)

Momordica charantia Linn has its distinctive bitter taste which it is known for.

Due to the bitter taste of Momordica charantia Linn most of people dislike this vegetable

more commonly for pre-school children, despite of its medicinal and nutritional benefits.

The researcher intended to make the people to consume this nutritious and healthy

vegetable, without noticing the bitterness which the vegetable is known for. That is when

the researcher came with the idea to infuse Momordica charantia Linn with a sweet dish

to balance its bitterness, which is the pastillas.

Pastillas is a famous delicacy among Filipinos and can be found elsewhere in the

country. Pastillas is a milk-based confectionery it is usually made with the combination of

milk and sugar, the word Pastillas is a Spanish word meaning “milk tablets” or “milk

pills”. The Pastillas-making originated in the town of San Miguel province of Bulacan,

Philippines and then spread throughout the other region of the country. Initially, Pastillas

were primarily home-made by the carabao-rearing farmers, and is made from either

carabao or cow’s milk. (Raymund, 2014)

With the popularity of the delicacy throughout the country, Momordica charantia

Linn infused with Pastillas could be able to reach the market and be consumed by the

people and the children.


Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: to produce nutritious Pastillas using

Momordica charantia Linn as the main ingredient; would it be appealing to the general


Specifically, the study sought answer to the following questions:

1. What are the components of Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas that makes it


2. Will the sweetness of the Pastillas balance the bitterness of Momordica

charantia Linn?

3. Likeness of the consumers to a common Momordica charantia Linn.

4. What is the acceptability of the product to the consumers by the following


4.1 Taste;

4.2 Odor;

4.3 Texture;

4.4 Appearance.

Significance of the Study

The researcher identifies the following unit and entities that will benefit from this

study, as follows:

To the School Administrator. The development of this product can help to

improve the rating and the popularity of the university.

Children. Nowadays, most of the children love to eat sweet foods yet they hate

vegetables, like Momordica charantia Linn. Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas is a

sweet delicacy, so the children may love this sweet treat without knowing that they are

actually eating vegetable.

Parents. Since their children may hate eating vegetables, it is difficult for them to

convince their child to eat it. But if they offer Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas to their

children, there is a chance that it will be easy for them to make their children eat

vegetable unknowingly.

Common consumers. For those individuals who really don’t eat Momordica

charantia Linn, this variety of Pastillas will help them to eat the vegetable because

Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas is a sweet delicacy which everyone can enjoy, plus

the intake of proper nutrients that the product has. So that even if the person who hates

Momordica charantia Linn will appreciate it.

Public Health. Due to the properties of Momordica charantia Linn it can help

prevent and treat certain diseases such as type-2 diabetes which is one major disease in

the country.

Country’s Economy. The product’s success can help improve the country’s


Agriculture. The product can promote the consumable demand on Momordica

charantia Linn and any other vegetables.

Future Researcher. This research will serves as a related study to the future

researcher whom studies about Pastillas and Momordica charantia Linn. It will guide and

gives wide information in making research about the related product.

Scope and delimitation of the study

The researcher limited the study to the production of Momordica charantia Linn

Pastillas, the product’s nutritional properties, and the acceptability of the product to the

general public in terms of taste, odor, texture and appearance. The study will also assess

the likeness of the consumer to a common Momordica charantia Linn vegetable, to know

if the consumer would like the common vegetable that is infused into the Pastillas.



This chapter represents the relevant theories, related literature, related studies, and

the conceptual framework, the hypothesis of the study and the definition of variables


Relevant Theories

Theory of Nutrition Food is the essence and any nourish that eaten, drunk, or

otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, also provide energy, and help for the growth

of individual. Not surprisingly, the theory of nutrition as their important and essential part

have been including in all the universal natural science concepts.

The names of Aristotle and Galen are associated with the ancient theory of

nutrition, and a part of their representations of the living. "This theory stated that the

power to all structures of the body is due to the blood, which is continuously formed in

the digestive system of nutrients as a result of a complex process of unknown to nature,

in a way similar to the fermentation.'' The liver filters all dirt in blood, and then it is used

to supply all the organs and tissues. "Based on these representations, numerous

therapeutic diets were built, that were to provide an easier transformation of food into the

blood with the best qualities of the latter."


Classical Theory. The classical theory of a balanced diet gives your body all the

nutrients required by it, in order to function correctly. This is closely related to common

belief about the ideal food and optimal balanced diet. It is based on a balanced approach

for the assessment of diet, and it still retains its value up to now. According to this theory

in a simplest form, this approach focuses on the part that the body should have a supply,

composed of such molecular structure that would compensate for their expense and loss

from the metabolism, work, and for growth that also applies to the young organisms.

People should maintain a nutritionally dense diet. This theory is related to the

present study of Momordica charantia Linn because eating vegetable like Momordica

charantia Linn helps to control the blood glucose level. And also have a good source of

nutrients, twice the calcium of spinach, twice the potassium of banana, twice the beta-

carotene of broccoli manganese, zinc, folic acid, alkaloids, peptides, steroidal saponins,

fiber, phosphorus and vitamins C, B2, B3, than most vegetables and fruits.

The theory of Nutrition and the theory of balanced diet can be practiced through

consuming nutritious and well balanced meals, an example of this is the researchers’

product Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas which is nutritious due to its main ingredient

bitter gourd that balances the sugar content of the Pastillas.

Related Literature

Based on the article entitled "A Medicinal Potency of Momordica charantia" by

Kumar, (2016), Momordica charantia or Bitter Melon, also known as balsam pear or

Karela, is a Tropical vegetable, is usually belongs to food in Indian cuisine. Additionally,

it has been used as a remedy for diabetes extensively in folk medicine. In Ayurveda,

Momordica charantia Linn is considered as tonic, stomachic, stimulant, emetic,

antibilous, laxative and alterative. The Latin name Momordica means "to bite" (referring

to the jagged edges of the leaf, which appear as if they have been bitten). This vegetable

has been used in various Asian traditional medicine systems for a long time. Bitter melon

stimulates digestion like most bitter-tasting foods. While this can be helpful in people

with sluggish digestion, dyspepsia, and constipation, it can sometimes make heartburn

and ulcers worse. The fact that bitter melon is also a demulcent and at least mild

inflammation modulator, however, means that it rarely does have these negative effects,

based on clinical experience and traditional reports.

Sonia Sharma (2011) mentioned on her article that India is rich in natural

resources, which is why it's called as the botanical garden of the world. In India, over

6,000 plants used in traditional, folklore and herbal medicine. The Indian system of

medicine has identified 1500 medicinal plants of which 500 are commonly used. Plants

have a long therapeutic history over thousands of years and still considered to be

promising source of medicine in the traditional health care system. The efficacy and

safety of herbal medicine have turned the major pharmaceutical population towards

medicinal plant's research. In view of the widespread interest on using medicinal plants

the present review on Momordica charantia is to provide up to date information, in

references to botanical, commercial, ethno pharmacological, phytochemical and

pharmacological studies.

In English, Momordica charantia Linn (Cucurbitaceae) is commonly known as

bitter gourd while in Hindi, it is called as karela. The vegetable has said containing

charantin, steroidal saponin, momordicosides, carbohydrate, mineral matters, ascorbic


acid, alkaloids, glucoside, etc. Earlier claim shows that Momordica charantia Linn can be

used as stomachic, carminative, tonic, antipyretic, anti-diabetic, in rheumatoid arthritis

and gout. To isolate, purify and characterize Charantin from fruit of Momordica charantia

Linn, the present investigation was carried out. With the help of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy,

Thin Layer Chromatography, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Mass

Spectroscopy, Proton- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, the isolated charantin

was further characterized and confirmed the identification. The Agar Diffusion (Cup

Plate) method was used to test antibacterial activity of charantin. The minimum inhibitory

concentrations (MIC) of crude extracts were determined for various organisms which was

0.2 mg/ml. In this present studies confirm better antimicrobial activity of Charantia when

compared with standard, against bacterial species such as gram positive (Bacillus

subtilis), gram negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and fungal strains (Saccharomyces


According to the article of Madhu Gupta et al /J. Pharm (2011) entitled

"Momordica charantia Linn. (Karela): Nature's Silent Healer", Karela is belongs to

family of Cucurbitaceae. His vegetable is a herbal climber grown in tropical and

subtropical regions. From ancient days to now a day, Momordica charantia (Karela) have

provided many remedies for various diseases. In various Asian traditional medicines

Karela is used for the treatment of cholera, bronchitis, anemia, blood diseases, ulcer,

diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea rheumatism, gout, worms, colic, disease of liver and

spleen, cancer and diabetes etc. Triterpene, protein, steroid, alkaloid, inorganic, lipid, and

phenolic compounds, which are responsible for biological and pharmacological activities

including anti-diabetic, anti-cancerous and anti-tumorous, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-


helmintic, antimalarial, anti-ulcerative and immunomodulatory are the main constituents

of Karela . By combining its Ayuervedic properties i.e. Gunna, Rasa and Virya (Dry,

pungent, light, bitter and hot) makes it the real natures wonder.

"Ampalaya, Amargoso or Bitter gourd was one of the most important commercial

and backyard fruit vegetables in the country" according to Daniel Paul Pascual (2018)

(student from Baguio City National High school). This vegetable has both nutritive and

medicinal use. They are also rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, carbohydrates and

vitamin B. Additionally, It was also known to cure diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism,

asthma, warts, and ulcer. D. Pascual mentioned that "Making a pastillas with Ampalaya

was said to be nutritious and delicious because of the nutrients that Ampalaya have".

Dr. Galvez (2018) the former secretary of the Department of Health, said that

Ampalaya cannot cure diabetes, but it can help control the diseases. Base on him, the

action of Ampalaya on blood sugar is equivalent to the action of the medicine. In

response to the study, Ampalaya elavated its status from mere nutritional supplement to a

real medicine by the Department of Health. Because of the nutritional benefits of

Ampalaya every individual needs to consume this vegetable despite of its bitter taste.

People find ways to counteract the bitter taste of Ampalaya by cooking it together with

other recipes. Ampalaya can turn its taste delightful to the taste buds and at the same time

reaping its health benefits by mixing the chopped Ampalaya with eggs.

Analyses on the Ampalaya shows, that this vegetable is a good source of iron and

calcium, as well as a good source of phosphorus. Extracts from plant parts has become a

popular drink for boosting Vigo even though it has a bitter flavor. According to Galvez,

"the bitterer, the better" as it is believed that the bitterness is proportionate to its potency.

According to Dr. Raman and Dr. Lau (2018) of Pharmacognosy Research

Laboratories when people consume fruit juice or seed powder of Ampalaya causes a

reduction in fasting blood glucose and also improves glucose tolerance.

R. Rosales, MD and R. Fernando, MD, (2018) said that Ampalaya fruit prepared

as a tea is well- tolerated and may be a useful dietary that helps in the treatment of type-

2diabetes. It has minor gastrointestinal side effects which increases bowel frequency but

it has beneficial effect to those diabetic patients who are experiencing constipation

Basch, et. al. (2018) as they stated that bitter melon (Momordica charantia Linn)

is can be used as an alternative therapy for lowering blood glucose levels in patients with

diabetes mellitus. Components of bitter melon extract are having structural similarities to

insulin of animals. Also report in vitro that it has antiviral and antineoplastic activities.

Bitter melon juice, fruit and dried powder have undergone to four clinical trials. It has

been found a moderate hypoglycemic effect. The reported effects of bitter melon include

hypoglycemic coma and convulsions in children, reduced fertility in mice, increases in γ-

glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels in animals and headaches. When

taken with other glucose-lowering agents, Bitter melon may have additive effects. Before

Bitter melon can be routinely recommended, adequately powered, randomized, placebo-

controlled trials are needed a properly assess safety and efficacy.

Jea Joy A. Muñoz (2018) of DOST in Region III said that Momordica charantia

Linn or Ampalaya is known because of its ability to improve several infections, cancer

and leukemia. Additionally, it can help a person recover from having a deadly disease

well known as Diabetes Mellitus. Nowadays, this kind of disease contributes to more

than 25,000 deaths per year. It is caused by hypoglycemia and the incapability of the

body to utilize insulin. Many individual are suffering from its harmful and dreadful


As stated from the article entitled "Super Food Ampalaya" (2010), Momordica

charantia Linn or Ampalaya is a super food eaten by people of as well as Filipinos

because it resembles a big cucumber with warmed on it. In tropical countries, Ampalaya

is a native kind of vegetable just like Malunggay and always seen as one of the main

ingredients pinakbet. According to this article, the medical uses of Ampalaya are more

important than the culinary uses because its bitter taste has the nutrients that are very

helpful in our body. Different provinces in our country are having some areas of

malnutrition. Based on the State of the World's Children, the cause of malnutrition is due

to financial problem and also to the kind of food they eat.

There are lots of junk foods available in different store that children tend to buy

because of its delicious taste, which is the reason why children now are rarely eats

vegetables and fruits. They choose junk foods rather than healthy foods without knowing

that it has bad effects on their health, moreover if they eat too much sweet which can

cause tooth decay, tonsillitis and may turn out to diabetes mellitus , and if too much sour,

it can also cause U.T.I and or kidney failure.

Lars Tramilton (2018) said that digestive problems are the most common side

effects from consuming Momordica charantia Linn or bitter melon .This include diarrhea,

stomachache and bloating. These side effects are minor and no cause for alarm so usually

it will disappear within few days. There are some medications having the ability to bring

upon negative interactions when taken alongside Bitter melon. People who have diabetes

should not take their diabetic medication simultaneously with bitter melon because this

vegetable might have lower insulin and glucose levels.

In appearance, Bitter melon is yellow-green in color based upon its initial harvest,

as it ripens it turns yellowish-orange in color. The inside of the bitter melon is seedy, its

seeds have high fibrous content. However, if these fibrous seeds and rind are consumed,

it is extremely bitter and toxic, that may cause headache and nausea, according to

InteliHealth. For effectively lowering high blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus

patients, Bitter melon has primary use as it contains components with structural

similarities to insulin. Too much of it can lead to hypoglycemic coma, among other

serious health issues, although bitter melon aids in the natural lowering of the high blood

glucose levels in diabetic patients. .

According to Zhion Health (2018) Momordica charantia Linn or Bitter melon is

also used as an "anti-viral and anti-neoplastic activities," as well as an anti-oxidant. Bitter

melon juice is often consumed in its natural fruit form, juice or added with water as a

dried powder.

Based on the study of Zhion Health (2018) consuming Momordica charantia Linn

have been reported adverse effects, which included convulsions in children, reduced

fertility in mice, and headaches, in addition to coma. In non-diabetic individuals, Bitter

melon may also interfere with normal glucose levels. Pregnant woman should avoid

consumption of Bitter melon because it may cause spontaneous abortion, fetal-

deformities and/or future infertility.

As stated in the article of Richard (2017). The U.S. National Library of Medicine

says that because of elevated blood glucose levels, diabetes was occurred. The pancreas is

no longer uses or produces enough insulin for the body to function properly. High levels

of glucose remain in the bloodstream without enough insulin. People should maintain a

nutritionally dense diet because diet plays a major role in controlling blood glucose


Richard (2017) added in the article that the fruit juice found in Bitter melon has

been used as a diabetic remedy in Asia, Africa and South America. Diabetes Health says

that due to the natural content of Bitter melon, it can helps to lower blood sugar levels.

Diabetes Health also concludes that Bitter melon helps the tissues in the body to absorb

glucose. However, Holistic Online stated that people may have stomach pain and

diarrhea, and children with hypoglycemia may experience extremely low blood sugar

levels in consuming large amount of Bitter melon juice.

According to (2016), the Philippine Department of

Health endorses the Ampalaya plant to use as an alternative medicine for several

conditions. Momordica charantia Linn or Ampalaya is recommended as liver problems

reliever, to control blood sugar, HIV, skin diseases, sterility in women, to kill parasites, to

reduce fever and purge illness from the body through defecation. Vitamin B, iron,

calcium, beta carotene and phosphorous are all in both Amapalaya fruit and in the plant

leaves. Some of its benefits are; it disinfects, relieves cold symptoms, boosts immunity,

regulates blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure, relieves headaches and protects

spleen and liver.

Related Studies

The researcher conducted related studies about Momordica charantia Linn. The

aim of this study is to determine the nutritive value of Momordica charantia Linn and to

know if Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas the person will like it.


According to the study of Baby Joseph & D jini (April 2013) entitled

"Antidiabetic effects of Momordica charantia Linn (Bitter melon) and it's medicinal

potency" Diabetes mellitus is the most common disorder that developed in developing

countries, and this disease is easily increasing in most parts of the world. Some forms of

complementary and alternative medicines were used by an estimated sum of up to one-

third of the patients with diabetes mellitus. This plant got the attention of most people for

its anti-diabetic properties is bitter melon, Momordica charantia Linn, commonly known

as Bitter melon. Amongst the indigenous populations of Asia, South America, India and

East Africa, the fruit is also used for the treatment of diabetes and related conditions. The

study that abundant in pre-clinical have documented in the anti-diabetic and

hypoglycemic effects of Momordica charantia Linn through various postulated

mechanisms. However, clinical trial data with human subjects are limited and flawed by

poor study design and low statistical power. Anti-diabetic activity as well as

phytochemical and pharmacological reports on Momordica charantia Linn were


attempted to highlight by present review and calls for better-designed clinical trials to

further elucidate its possible therapeutic effects on diabetes.

The study of Mahmound, et. al. (2015) investigates the anti-diabetic activities of

Momordica charantia Linn fruit juice in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The 4

groups had randomly assigned to examine the male Wister rats. Group I, Normal control;

Group II, STZ diabetic; Group III and IV, Momordica charantia Linn fruit juice was

orally administered to diabetic rats (10 mL/kg/day either as prophylaxis for 14 days

before induction of diabetes then 21 days treatment, or as treatment given for 21 days

after induction of diabetes). In both vivo and in vitro, the effects of Momordica charantia

Linn juice were studied. In the presence and absence of insulin they studied the glucose

uptake of isolated rat diaphragm muscles and also performed a histopathological

examination of pancreas. As the resolution of the study, Momordica charantia Linn has

great potential as a new source for diabetes treatment whether it is used for prophylaxis

or treatment presents excellent anti-diabetic and antioxidant activities and thus.

In the study of Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar (2016) (Trial of Momordica charantia

Linn Powder in Patients with Maturity-Onset Diabetes), powdered whole Aloviordica

charantia fruit (bitter gourd) It was tried on eight patients that suffering from

uncomplicated maturity-onset diabetes. The powdered drug in milk, were told to the

patients to take twice daily at the rate of 50 mg/kg body weight, to continue on the

carbohydrate deficient diet as before, and not to take any other medication. The drug

produced a consistent hypoglycogenic effect in all the patients this is the result obtained

to show of the studies. After drug treatment the mean blood sugar levels is fasting, 12

hour, 1 hour, hour and 2 hours after 50 g oral glucose were found to be significantly

lower than those before starting administration of Karela powder. There's no adverse side

effects were observed in any of these patients.

As per Tsuneo Nanba (2008) a pharmacologist of customary Chinese solution,

antiquated Chinese medicinal books prescribed utilizing bitter gourd or also called

(Momordica charantia Linn) to help stop dryness in the mouth, ease fever and fatigue,

balance out the feelings and keep up liver capacities. The Chinese additionally utilize the

seed and concentrate of bitter gourd as a solution for looseness of the bowels and male


He further cautioned: "Some research has found that bitter gourd seeds contain

insulin like chemical," Nanba says. "But I think the effect of bitter gourd is something

more synergetic, like ginseng."

Zhong Yao Da Ci Dian (2010) noted on a book entitled Great Dictionary of

Chinese Medicines that Momordica charantia Linn is known to be as bitter and cold and

entering the heart spleen and stomach channels , these are alternatively the lung

channels , liver and heart. Studies in China shown that Momordica charantia Linn have

cholesterol lowering effects. In fact, after weeks of treatment, elevated cholesterol and

triglyceride levels turned normal. In other studies, Bitter melon extract have reduced low

density lipid levels, increased high-density lipid levels and triglyceride.

Based on the study made by Nalanda College (2015) Momordica charantia Linn

or bitter melon can cause heartburn of worsened ulcer that's why pregnant women are not

allowed to drink or eat any food that has Momordica charantia Linn. Eating Bitter melon

while pregnant leads to a premature birth or abortion.


Based on Qixuan Chen (2018), lead author of a study published in the Journal of

Nutrition, stated that, Momordica charantia Linn has insulin-like polypeptides, or also

known p-insulin, came from the fruits and seeds of bitter gourd. Insulin's will helps our

body to use and store the blood glucose when you eat food, the American Diabetes

Association was advised on that. The plant also contains leptin, a hormone that can play a

role in insulin resistance. But Bitter gourd has a scientifically proven track record to

improve the insulin resistance in the body, the exact mechanism of which the plant works

obtains unknown. The plant's capacity to lower blood-glucose levels could be the result

of its capability to form a metabolic environment in the body that decrease body fat,

specifically visceral fat, Alpha and beta-momorcharin, are both proteins, that found in the

fruit's seeds of Bitter gourd. These will be fat-reducing activity in the body.

Ariefdjohan MW, Savaiano D. (2015) also believes that flavanoids protects body

from free radicals. News Medical Net reported that this can be found in variety of

vegetables and fruits. Flavanoids, linked as antioxidant is important because it attracts

pollinating insects by the use of its pigment.

Mc Daniel Edu (2015) said that alkaloids can control the blood sugar of those

diabetics for it has many effects not just in human but also in animals. Alkaloids are

known as the second component of Momordica charantia Linn. It has active extracts and

known to be very bitter.

Singh, (2010) stated that, "Momordica charantia Linn has shown good

larvicidal activity against three container breeding mosquitoes- An. stephensi, Cx.

Quinquefasciatus and Ae. Aegypti in laboratory experiments. Toxicological studies have


shown that Momordica charantia Linn is safe for human health and there is no toxic

effect18,22,23. Momordica charantia Linn is used as a vegetable for human consumption.

Hence the larvicidal action of the fruit extract of Momordica charantia Linn could be

exploited for use in potable waters against mosquito larvae."


Dr. William Torres (2010) an expert and is known to be a former director of

Bureau of Food and Drugs believes that when leaves, seeds, and other parts of Ampalaya

is used as extracts, decoctions, fresh or cooled, dry powders, it will result to a

hypoglycemic activity.

Based on Dr. Eduardo G. Gonzales (2010) studies, the leaves, in the form of

extract, capsule, tea, table, boiled then eaten or however it is prepared still has noticeable


Dr. Gonzales (2017) reiterated that diabetics should not be overly enthusiastic

when it comes to replacing their proprietary medicines with tablets, capsules and

Ampalaya teas as he believes that everything is done using a very limited number of

subjects and that most of it are not controllable.

He further cautioned: "Ampalaya should be considered, at best, just an adjunct in

the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus that could possibly reduce the dose of

antidiabetic drugs that responsive patients need. It should not be regarded as a stand-

alone treatment that can take the place of established medicines."


According to Jane Higdon, (2015) Ph.D. of Oregon State University there are

three components seen in Ampalaya. The first one is flavonoids, which is considered as a

large family of polyphonic compounds that modulates cell-signaling tunnels.

Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines (2015) found out that

Ampalaya can be used as substitute for coffee for it has the same taste as coffee.

Ampalaya used as coffee is much cheaper and has lots of benefits. Making coffee out of

Ampalaya needs to grind the seed first and toasting until it can be mixed with water.

Before grinding, its weight must be 23.3 grams and afterwards when it is on powdered

version, it should be 11.4.

Obico and Ragrario (2014) said that (Momordica charantia Linn) also known as

Ampalaya, was used by Aytas in Pampanga to repel mosquito. The part of Ampalaya that

were primarily used is combination of its dried or fallen stems and leaves. This mode is

relatively more sustainable than gathering the whole plant (including the roots) since the

plant can grow new stems and leaves. The use of leaves and stems could implied that the

compound substances with repellent function are more concentrated in these parts. The

secondary metabolites of plants are commonly found in the leaves and stem, since these

chemicals function to deter herbivores.

Year 1898, a phytochemical study produce alkaloids, glycosides, aglycone, tannin,

sterol, phenol and protein as the prominent phytocompound derive from Ampalaya

(Momordica charantia Linn). The leaves and fruits produce a bitter taste (see

momordicin). Petroleum either extractive brought in highly aromatic ethereal oil, a fixed

oil, traces of free fatty acids and carotene. Ethyl ether fraction yielded chlorophyll, a

glycoside like substance and resin. Water soluble extract gave a saponin like substance

and mucilaginous bodies.

Both Dr. A. Raman and Dr. C. Lau (2010) agreed that oral administration of fruit

juice or seed powder not just improves glucose tolerance but also reduces fasting blood

glucose which is based on their studies of over 150 pre-clinical and clinical studies about

phytochemistry and anti-diabetes properties of Momordica charantia Linn.

Bureau of Food and Drugs (2010) is the one who approved the first Bitter melon

tea in the country which is known as Charantia Ampalaya Tea. It can be prepared, can be

bought in the market which is much cheaper that spending money on buying tablet, tea

forms or capsule. This tea is ideal and beneficial for diabetics.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework uses the system approach (Input-Process-Output) in

describing the conceptual framework of the study, as shown below.


Input Process Output

To make the puree:

1. Wash the Momordica
charantia Linn fruit to
remove excess dirt and pat
2. Cut the Momordica
charantia linn fruit in half
lengthwise. Scrape off seeds
and membrane using a
spoon. Slice crosswise into
¼ inch thickness, and then
place in a bowl.
Momordica charantia 3. Fill the bowl with water
Linn (fruit) just enough to cover the
sliced Momordica charantia
1/8 Cup Condensed Linn, put about 1 ½
tablespoon of salt. Mix
together for about two
minutes, or until the salt Momordica charantia
1 1/8 Cup Powdered
completely dissolves into the
milk water. Drain, and then rinse Linn Pastillas
with water.
Granulated sugar 4. Blanch the vegetable for a
minute and then rinse with
Salt cold running water.
5. Using a food processor,
Water crush the sliced Momordica
chrantia Linn until it became
a puree.
To make the Pastillas:
1. In a bowl, Mix 1 Tbsp. of
Momordica charantia Linn
Puree and 1/8 cup of
condensed milk. Gradually
add the powdered milk in the
mixture until it becomes a
dough mixture.
2. Scoop the dough using a
½ teaspoon measuring
spoon, form it to a ball and
then roll into the granulated
sugar. It is ready to be

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm

The Paradigm on figure 1 explains the flow of procedure on conducting the

research, the input contains the raw materials needed to be used and the process explains

the steps to be done to develop the output product which is the Momordica charantia Linn


Hypothesis of the Study

The researchers came up on this hypothesis:


Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas is a good product for people suffering in

diabetes mellitus due to sufficient nutrients coming from the used vegetable "Momordica

charantia Linn" and kids will like it because of its delicious taste and pleasant



Momordica charantia Linn is not a good product for people suffering in diabetes

mellitus due to insufficient nutrients coming from the used vegetable "Momordica

charantia Linn" And kids do not like it because of its unlikely taste and appearance.

Definition of Variables

For clear understanding of the research, the following terms are defined:

Blanch it is the process of briefly cooking food in boiling water or steam and then

immersing the food in ice cold water or frozen storage to stop the cooking process.

Blanching brings out the color in vegetables and helps to maintain their nutritional value,

which can be lost with overcooking.

Condensed milk it is very thick sweetened milk that is usually sold in cans.

Cut it is an act of making something smaller in amount: to use a sharp tool (such

as a knife) to open or divide something.

Dough it is a mixture that consists essentially of flour or meal and a liquid (such

as milk or water) and is stiff enough to knead or roll.

Drain to remove (liquid) from something by letting it flow away or out of a

container: to become empty of a liquid.

Granulated sugar it is sugar that is in the form of grains, and is usually white.

Membrane it is a thin, soft layer of tissue that covers organs or connects parts of

living things, or the outer covering of a cell.

Mix it is to combine, join, blend or put together two or more things.

Momordica charantia Linn also called as Bitter gourd or Bitter melon in

English but is commonly known as Ampalaya in Philippines. A tropical annual vine

native to Asia, having yellow flowers and orange, warty fruits that opens at maturity to

expose red-coated seeds. Various parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine or for

food. The immature green fruit of this plant were eaten as a vegetable. It is related to

cucumbers, administered in tea, capsules or retention enemas, which allegedly “purifies”

blood, prevents viral infections and has antiretroviral activity. It has been used for

managing diabetes, gastrointestinal complaints and cancer.

` Pastillas it means “milk tablet” or “milk pills” which is basically describes this

Filipino sweet delicacy, made basically with milk.

Powdered milk or dried milk it is a manufactured dairy product made by

evaporating milk to dryness. One purpose of drying milk is to preserve it; milk powder

has a far longer shelf life than liquid milk and does not need to be refrigerated, due to its

low moisture content.

Puree it is a smooth mixture obtained by passing cooked ingredients through a


Scoop it is available in mechanical and non-mechanical types, that are used for

measuring, portioning, and forming.

Scrape it is to remove things stuck on the inside of a bowl etc. or on a flat surface

with tools like spatula or palette knife is known as scraping.

Slice it is a thin, broad piece of food, such as bread, meat, or cake, cut from a

larger portion.



This chapter presents the methods and techniques of the study, the respondents of

the study, the research instruments, the data gathering procedure and the data processing

and statistical treatment employed in analyzing and interpreting gathered data.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The researcher used the descriptive research method specifically the correlation

study since this study attempted to establish the effects of Momordica charantia Linn to

the nutritional benefits and the taste of the Pastillas. It was stated that descriptive type of

research is refer to the types of research question, design and data analysis that will be

apply to a given topic. According to Escalona (2004), the descriptive method involves

data in order to test hypothesis or answer questions concerning the current work status of

the respondents in the study. It determines and reports the way things are and it involves

description, classifications of data recording analysis, and interpretation of data that now


The research uses the survey method of the descriptive research method, the

participants or the respondents answer questions administered through questionnaires.

The questionnaire uses the Likert-type scale with a five (5) point pre-coded scale to

measure the acceptability of the product from excellent to fair. Likert-type or frequency

scales use fixed choice response formats and are designed to measure attitudes or

opinions (Bowling, 1997; Burns, & Grove, 1997).

Open-ended questions allow for a greater variety of responses from participants

but are difficult to analyze statistically because the data must be coded or reduced in

some manner.  Closed-ended questions are easy to analyze statistically, but they seriously

limit the responses that participants can give.  Many researchers prefer to use a Likert-

type scale because it’s very easy to analyze statistically. (Jackson, 2009, p. 89)

In order for the survey to be both reliable and valid it is important that the

questions are constructed properly.  Questions should be written so they are clear and

easy to comprehend.

Population and Sample of the study

The target respondents of the study are seventy five (75) persons in the

municipality of Bulakan. A sample respondents was use in the study , approximately

fifteen (15) respondents from Taliptip, fifteen (15) respondents from Bambang, fifteen

(15) respondents from Bagumbayan, fifteen (15) respondents from Cupang and fifteen

(15) respondents from Matungao. The respondents will be asked to complete a

questionnaire that asks questions about our food innovation call “Momordica charantia

Linn Pastillas”. The breakdown of these respondents will be shown in the table below.

Respondents Frequency Percentage


Taliptip 15 20%

Bambang 15 20%

Bagumbayan 15 20%

Cupang 15 20%

Matungao 15 20%

TOTAL 75 100%

Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used in this study to collect and gather data is a

questionnaire that is organized into two sections. Section 1 includes the likeness of the

respondents in Momordica charantia Linn (Bitter gourd/Ampalaya). Section 2 covers the

acceptability of Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas to the respondents by its taste, odor,

texture and appearance.

Data gathering procedure

In this study, the data gathered were collected and categorized base on the order

of the category presented. The data were analyzed and interpreted using the following

statistical tool: weighted mean procedure is used to describe the likeness of Momordica

charantia Linn and the acceptability of Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas to the

respondents by its taste, odor, texture and appearance. The data were examined to

develop each score for each variable. Responses to the individual question were tabulated

mean/average scores were developed.

To facilitate the interpretation of the weighted and mean score of the response:

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

3 2.34 – 3.00 Yes

2 1.67 – 2.33 Sometimes/Not that much

1 1.00 – 1.66 No

Table 2: Interpretation of a 3 point Likert’s scale

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20 – 5.00 Excellent

4 3.40 – 4.19 Very Satisfactory

3 2.60 – 3.39 Satisfactory

2 1.80 – 2.59 Good

1 1.00 – 1.79 Fair


Table 3: Interpretation of a 5 point Likert’s scale




This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data used in the study.

Health Benefits of Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas

It is a great source of antioxidant due to the

Antioxidant presence of vitamin C in ampalaya, which

helps to prevent free radicals.

Nutrient that is known for getting great

bones structure and density.

It is essential to promote good blood


It is valuable to promote healthy bone


It is necessary to build and maintain bones,

muscles and skin.

Carbohydrates It is used to provide energy for the body.

Promotes Digestion Digestion has a role in absorbing the


nutrients contained in our foods.

It provides an insulin-like peptide called as

Manages Diabetes charantim, which is belief to deal with


It is beneficial for the immune system,

Vitamin A reproductive system, vision and aids in

cellular growth and differentiation.

It helps the intestines absorb phosphorous

Vitamin D and calcium, which aids the bones, joints

and heart.

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects

lipoproteins and cell membranes as well as

Vitamin E
stimulating the body's immune response to


Vitamin K It is important for proper blood clotting.

Table 1: Health Benefits of Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas

Table 1 shows the nutritional content and the different nutritional benefits that the

product Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas contains.


Question Yes Sometimes No Mean

1. Does the respondent eat Momordica

59 6 10 2.65 Yes
charantia Linn (Bitter Gourd)?

Not that Verbal

Question Yes No Mean
much Description

2. Does the respondent like

Momordica charantia Linn (Bitter 45 20 10 2.47 Yes


Total Mean 2.56 Yes

Table 2: Mean Distribution of Likeness Test for Momordica charantia Linn

Table 2 presents the mean distribution of the test survey to the likeness of the

consumers to Momordica charantia Linn. It shows that most of the people within the

municipality of Bulakan consume and like the vegetable Momordica charantia Linn that

is commonly known as Bitter gourd or Ampalaya, but still some of the people slightly

like or did not even like the vegetable at all.

Questions 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Verbal




1. The bitterness of Momordica

56 10 5 3 1 4.43 Excellent
charantia Linn has reduced.

2. The sweetness and creaminess of the

45 24 5 1 0 4.51 Excellent

3. The sweetness and creaminess of the

Pastillas balanced the bitterness of the 47 22 4 1 1 4.35 Excellent

Momordica charantia Linn.

4. Overall taste of Momordica charantia

56 18 0 1 0 4.72 Excellent
Linn Pastillas.

Total 4.50 Excellent


1. The scent of the Momordica charantia

54 18 3 0 0 4.68 Excellent
Linn (Ampalaya) has reduced.

2. There has no unnecessary odor 59 12 2 2 0 4.71 Excellent

Total 4.70 Excellent


1. The Pastillas is smooth and velvety. 49 22 3 1 0 4.59 Excellent

2. There were no traces of Momordica

48 23 2 0 2 4.53 Excellent
charantia Linn (Ampalaya) flesh.

3. Overall Texture of Momordica 55 15 4 1 0 4.65 Excellent

charantia Linn Pastillas.

Total 4.59 Excellent


1. Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas 53 14 6 1 1 4.56 Excellent

are appealing to the eye.

2. The Packaging is attractive. 46 25 4 0 0 4.56 Excellent

3. Overall appearance of Momordica 57 13 5 0 0 4.69 Excellent

charantia Linn Pastillas.

Total 4.60 Excellent

Total Mean 4.60 Excellent

Table 3: Mean Distribution of the Acceptability Test for Momordica charantia Linn


Table 3 presents the mean distribution of the acceptability test for Momordica charantia
Linn Pastillas. The table shows that the Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas is acceptable
to the consumers within the municipality of Bulakan.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusion and

recommendations based on the obtained, analyzed and interpreted data in the past



This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the nutritional

components and acceptability of Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas to the consumers in

terms of its taste, odor, texture and appearance. The descriptive method of research was

applied and the normative survey technique using the Likert-type or frequency scale

method was used for collecting the data. The questionnaire served as the instrument of

gathering data. Random persons of the Municipality of Bulakan were the respondents.

The inquiry was conducted during the school year 2017–2018.

The product Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas contains antioxidants, calcium,

iron, phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K,

it even promotes good digestion and helps to manage diabetes.

The data gathered represents that the product Momordica charantia Linn was

accepted by the general public in terms of its taste, odor, texture and appearance. People

who did and did not consume or like Momordica charantia Linn “Bitter gourd” enjoyed

the said product.


Based on the result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The researcher concluded that the Pastillas neutralized the extreme bitter taste of

the Momordica charantia Linn, and it created a new twist of flavor.

2. The researcher concluded that Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas is a balanced

delicacy due to its nutritional components.

3. The researcher concluded that the product Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas is

well accepted by the consumers from the municipality of Bulakan.

4. The researcher concluded that people who do or do not eat Momordica charantia

Linn would eat or even like the product Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas.


Based from the findings and conclusions drawn, the following are hereby


1. Since the respondents prefer to buy food because of the quality and taste, the

researcher should continue improving the quality as well as the brand equity to better

satisfy the needs of consumer for the reason that the rising rate of the consumer patronage

for the product is a healthy sign indicating consumer satisfaction for Momordica

charantia Linn Pastillas.

2. The choice of the respondents in regard to the Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas

is overwhelming. The respondents or the consumers would like to buy Momordica

charantia Linn Pastillas, this suggests that the consumers are willing to pay provided that

they receive good quality product. It also gives hint to researcher that the consumers are

looking for the value of money they spent. This does not prohibit the researcher to

prevent their pricing strategy to facilitate consumer purchase.

3. Promotional mediums such as radio, television, posters and other print media for

promoting Momordica charantia Linn Pastillas, would help to aware the public that such

product is available, the said activities would also build brand image.

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