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The Philippines is abundant in ampalaya vegetable which is known as the

most nutritious vegetable. Ampalaya vegetable was being used into different kinds

of cooking largely in Asian Countries. Ampalaya is the Filipino word for the bitter

melon, or bitter gourd or bitter cucumber. In scientific name, it is known as

Momordia Charantia. It bears a green flesh and has pointed ends at length. It is

extensively used in the field of science and medicine, since they are looking

forward for a made probable contribution of ampalaya to aid treatment of different


As researchers we all know that the ampalaya is the bitterest vegetables.

The researchers came up of a project that use ampalaya as the main ingredient

despite of its bitter taste. Some believed that this research may not work because

of its complicated flavor. Others say that the result will be good and many would

benefit. The researchers want to introduce the ampalaya as an ingredient to a

burger patty.

Ampalaya is said to be most bitter of all vegetables, and it is very confusing

if it is a fruit or a vegetables. Each country named it differently but it is distinctively

different from others because of its physical structure. The original habitat of

ampalaya is unknown. But it is a native of tropical and subtropical countries for the

most parts in Asia. While in the United State, it is not totally known by the said

country. A different country in Asia, Africa and other parts of the Caribbean
cultivate the ampalaya for a more or less 90 days, from month of April until

September. But the prominent season for ampalaya is summer season, since then

it is summer vegetable. The proponents came up with this study to be able to

create a basis for product development of ampalaya. This study will help improve

the use of ampalaya in field of culinary artistry and make the most of dishes that

maybe created from it.

Most Grade 12 Senior High School students of Philippine Women’s

University doesn’t like to eat Ampalaya. So the researchers decided to think of a

solution for them to like it. As the researchers known, ampalaya could help cure

many diseases such as diabetes, analgesic, eye problem, respiratory ailment, hair

and scalp problem, weight loss, stomach problems, hepatoprotectia skin problem,

HIV virus, menopause, anti-inflammatory activity and hemorrhoids. Ampalaya

could also be a source of energy, antioxidant and contraceptive. It can also help

alleviate symptoms of fever, headache, body pains and help boost the immune

system ampalaya has a bitter taste that’s why many of us don’t like it. As

researchers we want to help them to like it, in the form of burger patty.

In this research work, the researchers aims to determine the acceptability

of ampalaya as an ingredient to a burger patty. The purpose of this study is to

prove that ampalaya is not bitter at all.

Statement of the Problem

This research attempted to determine the acceptability of ampalaya as an

ingredient to a burger patty.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question.

i. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age

b. Gender

ii. What are the mean level of acceptability of ampalaya burger to the

consumer by considering the following variables:

a. Appearance

b. Texture

c. Taste

d. Aroma

iii. Do you accept Ampalaya Burger?

Significance of the Study

The study is significant because of the benefits it will provide to the following


Children / Students. They are the primary beneficiaries of the study and this study

would help the children realize the importance of consuming Ampalaya. Also, it

would be beneficial to them because the product would be convenient to eat,

cheap and can satisfy their cravings.

Community. The study would be beneficial to the community because the

introduction of a healthy dish such as the product described can provide an

alternative to the usual recipes involving Ampalaya. Also, this would provide

enough attention to Ampalaya and they can further develop other recipes that use

this vegetable.
Teachers. The study will also benefit the teachers because this paper can be used

as an instrument for education. This study can be used as an example of why

student researchers should focus on developing other food products for Ampalaya.

Future Researchers. This study could serve as a reference for future studies to

be conducted by future researchers. This could also bring enough interest to

Ampalaya and thus, future researchers would be interested in investing time,

money and effort in researching the vegetable.

Scope of Delimitation of the Study

This study will only focus in Acceptability of Ampalaya as an ingredient to a

burger patty to Grade 12 Senior High School Students in Philippine Women’s

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

1. Demographic profile
of respondents in terms
a. Age
b. Gender
Acceptability of
2. Mean level of Ampalaya Burger
Ampalaya Burger in
terms of;
a. Appearance
b. Aroma
c. Taste
d. Texture

Frame 1 Frame 2

Definition of Terms

Antioxidant. a substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract

the deterioration of stored food products.

Cholesterol. a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues.

Cholesterol and its derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and

precursors of other steroid compounds, but a high proportion in the blood of low-

density lipoprotein (which transports cholesterol to the tissues) is associated with

an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

Collagen. the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues,

widely used in purified form for cosmetic surgical treatments.

Fiber. a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or

textile is formed.

Function. an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.

Gourd. a fleshy, typically large fruit with a hard skin, some varieties of which are


Protein. any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large

molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an

essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body

tissues such as muscle, hair, collagen, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.

Potassium. the chemical element of atomic number 19, a soft silvery-white

reactive metal of the alkali metal group.

Spine. a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back,

enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the


Synthesis - the combination of ideas to form a theory or system.



This chapter present the review of related literature and studies used in


Review of Related Studies


According to Grover and Yadav, 2004, M. charantia (commonly known

as bitter gourd) is a member of the family Cucurbitaceae, cultivated in tropical and

subtropical regions. M. charantia is grown for its fruits, young shoots and edible

flowers. The immature fruits are a good source of phosphorus, iron, and vitamins

A and C. The fruit has a distinct warty exterior and an oblong shape. It is hollow in

cross-section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh surrounding a central seed cavity

filled with large, flat seeds and pith. The fruit is most often eaten green, or as it is

beginning to turn yellow. At this stage, the fruit's flesh is crunchy and watery in

texture, similar to cucumber, chayote or green bell pepper, but bitter. The skin is

tender and edible. Seeds and pith appear white in unripe fruits; they are not

intensely bitter and can be removed before cooking.

According to Ahmed et al., 2011, Bitter melon comes in a variety of

shapes and sizes. The cultivar common in China is 20–30 cm (7.9–11.8 in) long,

oblong with bluntly tapering ends and pale green in color, with a gently undulating,

warty surface. The bitter melon more typical of India has a narrower shape with
pointed ends, and a surface covered with jagged, triangular "teeth" and ridges. It

is green to white in color. Between these two extremes are any number of

intermediate forms. Some bear miniature fruit of only 6–10 cm (2.4–3.9 in) in

length, which may be served individually as stuffed vegetables. These miniature

fruit are popular in Bangladesh, India (common name 'Karela'), Pakistan, Nepal

and other countries in South Asia. The sub-continent variety is most popular in

Bangladesh and India.

According to Rasco, E.T. Jr. 2010, Bitter melon is one weird looking fruit.

It bears some resemblance just short of taste to its relative, the cucumber, and

exists in several cultivated forms found throughout mainland China, India,

Southeast Asia, and the Caribbean. The Chinese classified the varieties of the

plant with the names “Broad Shoulder” or Dading, “Smooth Body” or Huashen, and

“Long Body” or Chang-shen. The Dading variety is approximately 20 cm long and

11 cm across with flesh about 1.3 cm thick. It is highly adaptable to seasons,

growing as a spring, summer, or fall crop. The Huashen bitter gourd has a longer,

thinner fruit, measuring 25 cm long and just 6 cm across. Usually a deep green

color, this smooth bodied kind of bitter melon is prized for its sturdiness in transport

and strong bitter flavor, and is available in Chinese markets throughout the

summer months. Long bodied bitter melons are similar to the smooth bodied

variety and are about 30 cm long with a flesh thickness of just 8-9 mm, and bitter

with a sweet aftertaste. Bitter melons can also be subdivided by the color of their

interiors, ranging from dark green, jade, celadon, cyan, ivory, and white.
Bitter melon is cultivated solely as an ornamental vine in North China because of

its colorful, ripe fruits— orange reflexed pericarps and scarlet red contents that

closely resemble Bittersweet. Bitter melon succeeds in the hot, humid climates of

South China, around the Yangtze River basin (white fleshed varietal), in areas like

Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan (cyan), Jiangxi, Hunan, and Sichuan

provinces. Though previously thought to be purely valuable as decoration, bitter

melon is gaining popularity in North China as a greenhouse crop.


According to Harold McGee 2009, as a defense mechanism, plants

secrete natural pesticides and toxins such as phenols, flavonoids, isoflavones,

terpenes, and glucosinolates, which are always bitter, acrid or astringent. A study

on the bitter taste in plants by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains

that, “Sensitized to the bitter taste of plant alkaloids and other poisons, humans

reject foods that are perceived to be excessively bitter. This instinctive rejection of

bitter taste may be immutable because it has long been crucial to survival.” The

food industry now takes steps to remove those compounds from plants through

selective genetics and various de-bittering methods. Due to our inherent aversions

to one of the basic tastes, we’ve found ways to wholly remove it from most modern

day consumption.

According to Dr. Galvez, just like many bitter, cruciferous vegetables,

bitter melon is rich in vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2, B3, folate, potassium, calcium, zinc,

magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and dietary fiber, making it a cornucopia of

nutritional value. What sets bitter melon apart from the rest of those pesky, bitter
vegetables is its abundance of polypeptide-p, an insulin-like hypoglycemic protein

used to control diabetes naturally by lowering glucose levels through an action that

mimics human insulin.

According to Daniel Paul Pascual, in concert with other flavorings and

accompaniments in food, bitter melon does have its place. Another name for bitter

melon is “elegant vegetable” because its bitterness does not affect other foods it

comes in contact with. Pascual points out that monosodium glutamate, MSG,

seems to increase the intensity of salty and bitter flavors, perhaps further

discouraging people to consume bitter melon when tasting it in many Chinese


Furthermore, Ulbricht in a 2009 study in Nature on salt enhancing flavor,

chemists found that, “in addition to adding desired saltiness to food, salts

potentiate flavor through the selective suppression of bitterness (and perhaps

other undesirable flavors), and the release from suppression of palatable flavors

such as sweetness.” So, perhaps some science can be used to back up the

practice of liberally salting bitter melon, like some recipes do, before cooking.


According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Bitter melon is

a tropical climbing vine that produces a foul smell and cucumber like fruits. The

fruits are yellow-orange in color with a bumpy exterior. Ripe bitter melon fruit form

brown and white seeds inside a red-colored pulp. Bitter melon originates from the

tropical areas of Asia, Africa and Australia, where the leaves are a food source
and the seeds and fruit are used for medical purposes. Areas with warm, tropical

summers are able to cultivate bitter melon.

According to Maiti et al., 2012, M. charantia is an annual to perennial

monoecious climbing or sprawling herb, 2-3 m tall. It may be either hairless or

slightly hairy. There is a central taproot, from the apex of which the stems spread

to climb over any available support. The well branched, slender, green stems are

usually slightly 5-angled or ridged, and carry unbranched tendrils in the leaf axils.

The leaves are carried singly along the stems on 3-5 cm long stalks, and each leaf

is 4-10 cm long, rounded in outline, and deeply 5-9 lobed. The foliage has an

unpleasant smell when crushed.


According to Dr. Raman and Dr. Lau 2012, Bitter Gourdid is one of the

bitterest vegetables produced. The elongated fruit has a rough exterior and a

crunchy, watery flesh which is bitter. When the fruit is green, the skin is edible

whereas the pith is removed before cooking. The pith becomes sweet and red

when ripe and is used uncooked in various salads. Also known as bitter melon, it

originated in India. It is eaten in the green or early yellowing stage. It looks

somewhat like a cucumber (shape wise) with a spiky exterior.

According to Basch 2011, the fruit has a distinct warty exterior and an

oblong shape. It is hollow in cross-section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh

surrounding a central seed cavity filled with large, flat seeds and pith. The fruit is

most often eaten green, or as it is beginning to turn yellow. At this stage, the fruit's
flesh is crunchy and watery in texture, similar to cucumber, chayote or green bell

pepper, but bitter. The skin is tender and edible. Seeds and pith appear white in

unripe fruits; they are not intensely bitter and can be removed before cooking.

Review of Related Literature

According to Maiti et al., 2012, M. charantia is a tropical and subtropical

plant that belongs to the family Cucurbitacae and is widely cultivated for its edible

fruit, which is one of the bitterest fruits. There are various names for the plant

including bitter gourd, ampalaya from Filipino, goya from the Japanese.

According to Foodofy, there are two varieties of bitter gourd or Ampalaya:

one that is oblong in shape, pale green and it grows to 20cm in length. The other

variety is smaller, measuring 10 cm, oval in shape and has a darker shade of


According to Borro and Gemora (2016), the baked cakes that have no

grated squash and 120 grams of grated squash were moderately liked by the

respondents while those baked cakes with 240 grams and 380 grams were well

received by the respondents. Bitter melon is a climbing shrub cultivated mainly in

Bangladesh, India, China, and Korea, mostly in Asian countries. The plant also

grows in tropical areas of Amazon, East Africa, and the Caribbean. It belongs to

family Cucurbitaceae and the scientifc name is Momordica charantia. Generally,

two varieties of the plant are found in Bangladesh, while the small size one is

locally called “Ucche” and the large size one is locally known as “Korolla”

However, According to M. balsamina L., M. foetida Schum, and M.

rostrata A. Zimm, Bitter melon fruits are taken as culinary vegetable in

Bangladesh and in Indian subcontinent; it is also used as a traditional medicinal

plant for the treatment of various diseases in Bangladesh as well as other

developing countries like Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ghana, Haiti, India

Mexico, Malaya, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.

Perhaps the most common traditional use of the plant is to treat diabetes in

different countries around the globe. It is also used for the treatment of various

other pathological conditions such as dysmenorrhea, eczema, emmenagogue,

galactagogue, gout, jaundice, kidney (stone), leprosy, leucor rhea, piles,

pneumonia, psoriasis, rheumatism, ands cabbies. Momordica charantia are also

documented to possess abort if ancient, anthelmintic, contraceptive, antimalarial,

and laxative properties.

Recent scientifc exploration on this plant elucidated potential biological

effect on both animal and clinical studies.

Apart from its potential antibacterial and antiviral activities, bitter melon

extracts are also effective against cancer and were found to be effective for the

treatment of ulcer, malaria, pain and inflammation, psoriasis, dyslipidemia, and

hypertension. Momordica charantia also contains biologically active chemical

compounds such as glycosides, saponins.

According to Gabardi and Ulbricht, Bitter melon (Momordicacharantia) is

an alternative therapy that has primarily been used for lowering blood glucose

levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. Components of bitter melon extract appear

to have structural similarities to animal insulin. Antiviral and antineoplastic

activities have also been reported in vitro. Four clinical trials found bitter melon
juice, fruit and dried powder to have a moderate hypoglycemic effect. These

studies were small and were nonrandomized or double-blind, however. Reported

adverse effects of bitter melon include hypoglycemic coma and convulsions in

children, reduced fertility in mice, afavism–likesynrome, increases in γ-

glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphates levels in animalsand headaches.

Bitter melon may have additive effects when taken with other glucose-lowering

agents. Adequately powered, randomized, placebo-controlled trials are needed

According to Zhion Health, there have been reported adverse effects of

bitter melon consumption, which included convulsions in children, reduced fertility

in mice, and headaches, in addition to coma. Bitter melon may also interfere with

normal glucose levels in non-diabetic individuals. Pregnant women should abstain

from consumption of bitter melon, as such may cause spontaneous abortion, fetal-

deformities and/or future infertility

According to Jea Joy A. Muñoz of DOST in Region III, Momordica

Charantia orampalaya is known for its power to improve numerous infections,

cancer and leukemia.It also has the ability to help a person recover from having a

deadly disease known asDiabetes Mellitus. These days, diabetes mellitus is a

disease that contributes to morethan 25,000 deaths per year. It is caused by

hypoglycemia and the inability of the bodyto utilize insulin. People from the

different walks of life suffer from its harmful anddreadful effects. Many studies

regarding medicines against it were performed yet lesswere reached by ordinary

people and those who usually die among those unfortunate.

According to Oshima, the staff of the writer of “taking bitter with the

sweet ”, for a long time, however, farmers on the mainland japan grew it only to

shade their gardens from the sun, and its usage as food staffs limited to southern

Kyushu, and Okinawa where the hot summer weather ,caused a lack of other

locally- grown green vegetables.

According to or , a clinical study

in Illinois discovered that caffeine has the ability to reduce the swelling of the blood

vessels and can lessen the intensity and frequency of headaches. Some subjects

were experimented and 58 percent reported beneficial relief. Coffee has the ability

to lessen the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson's disease. These

two are the most common neurodegenerative disorder in the world. By drinking

coffee, the risk of this disease will lessen 32-60 percent in accordance with

Authority Nutrition. In the Philippines, Dr. William Torres, former director of Bureau

of Food and Drugs, came up with this conclusion after reviewing several studies

done on ampalaya: “Ampalaya fruits, leaves, seeds and other parts, when used as

dry powders, extracts, decoctions, fresh or cooled, have clearly demonstrated

hypoglycemic activity.”

Dr. Gonzalez however , warned diabetics not to be “overly enthusiastic in

replacing their proprietary medicines with ampalaya teas, capsules or tablets.” As

he wrote in his columnpublished in a national daily: “None of the studies so far

conducted on ampalaya and diabetes can be labeled conclusive. All were done

using a very limited number of human subjects, and most are not controlled.


This chapter presented the method used in study which is the Research

Design. Population and Sample, Research Instrument, Data Gathering

Procedures and Statistical treatment Applied

3.1 Research Design

The research in this study is experimental method this was used to

manipulate and control the “Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger” based on its

appearance, aroma, taste, and texture.

According to Cliff (2009) experimental research, if researchers to make

cause and effect statements, they typically use experimental research, which is

usually, but not always conducted in a laboratory. The laboratory environment

allows the experiment to make controlled observation using the steps of the

scientific method.

3.2 Population and Samples

The respondents of this study are composed of twenty (20) randomly

selected is Grade 12 students in Philippines Women’s University. The researchers

choose them because they are related in the research.

All the respondents are required to answer the questions to determine the

Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger in terms of Appearance, Aroma, Taste and

3.3 Research Instrument

The researchers made questionnaire to gather data.

Adhi Bhat define that experimental research is any research conducted a

scientific approach, were set of variables are kept constant while the other set of

variables are being measured as the subject experiment. Experimental research

in one of the founding quantitative research method. The Simplest example of an

experimental research is being conducted a laboratory test. As long as research is

being conducted under scientifically acceptable conditions it qualifies as an

experiment research.

3.4 Data Gathering

At the beginning of the study researcher provide a questionnaire that used

in data gathering.


Figure1. First, prepare the equipment needed

Figure2. Next, Wash the ampalaya

Figure3. Slice the ampalaya and leaving it on

water with salt

Figure4. Drain it well

Figure5. Combine everything in a

bowl and mix well

Figure7. Pan fry the patties until cooked

A. Supply Management - Is the act of identifying, acquiring and managing the

resources and suppliers that are essential to the operations of an


Alternative - the researcher can substitute the Watercress to be main

ingredients if the Ampalaya Burger is not available.

B. Table 1. Coasting Measuring

Ingredients Measurement Price

Ampalaya 1 piece big ₱ 30

Buns 2 bundle ₱ 40

Red onion 1 piece ₱5

Garlic 2 pieces ₱5

Egg 2 pieces ₱14

Oil 1 piece ₱5

Pepper 1 piece ₱2

Ketchup 1 piece ₱7

Total ₱108

C. Table 2 Tools - Is an object used to extend the ability of an individual to

modify features of the surrounding environment

Units Item

1 Frying pan

1 Knife

1 Chopping Board
1 Ingredients Bowl

1 Bread Knife

1 Turner

1 Strainer

D. Shelf Life

The Ampalaya Burger or ampalaya patty will last only within a day. If is

refrigerate, it will last for one to two weeks. So keep it refrigerate to long last the

life of the patty.

3.5 Statistical Treatment

Here are some formula that the researchers used in order to make use of

the data in the right form.

The researcher utilized the following formulas

Mean : The average value, calculated by adding all the observation and dividing

by the number of observation.

Mean Formula

X̄ =


x̄ - Just standard the example mean

∑ 𝑥 – Summation of the x value

N – The number of the items in the sample

Percentage formula
Where ;
x 100 = %

x – the number of response

n – in the total number of response



This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered in

determining the Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger.

4.3 Presentation of Data

A. Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of Age

The result show the profile of the respondents such as age and gender, the total

number of respondents is 20 from grade 12 students randomly.

Age Frequency Percentage

16 4 20%

17 9 45%

18 2 10%

19 3 15%

20 2 10%

Total 20 100%

Table 3. It shows that there are 20% with the age of 16, 45% with the age of 17,

10% with the age of 18, 15% with the age of 19, and 10% with the age of 20.


10% 16

Figure 8. The figure shows the profile of the respondents regarding to age

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 11 55%

Female 9 45%

Total 20 100%

Table 4 in the table 2 it shows that these are 55% male and 45% female.


45% Male
55% Female

Figure 9 the figure sows the profile of the respondents regarding to their gender.
A. Questions


Scale Weight Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptable

4 3.41-4.20 Acceptable

3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Acceptable

2 1.81-2.60 Not Acceptable

1 1.00-1.80 Poor Acceptable

Table 5 Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger in terms of appearance

I.Appearance Question Average Verbal

Mean Interpretation

2.1 The product is 4 Acceptable

pleasing to the eyes

2.2 The appearance of 4.25 Highly

the product is Acceptable


2.3 It is clean 4.7 Acceptable

2.4 The appearance of 4.15 Acceptable

the product is


2.5 It captivates the 4.3 Acceptable

attention of the buyer

Total average 4.28 Highly


In question 1.1 shows that the question 2.1 the product is pleasing to the

eyes had average mean 4 is Acceptable. In 2.2 the appearance of the product is

sustainable got the average mean of 4.25 it is Highly Acceptable. In 2.3 It is clean

had a 4.7 average mean with verbal interpretation of Acceptable. In 2.4 the

appearance of the product is noticeable had 4.15 average mean and its verbal

interpretation of Acceptable. In 2.5 it captivates the attention of the buyer had

average mean 4.3 is Acceptable. And the total average of appearance is 2.28 is

Highly Acceptable.

Table 6 Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger in terms of Aroma

II.Aroma Question Average Verbal

Mean Interpretation

2.1 The product is delicious 4.2 Acceptable

2.2 The smell of the ampalaya 4.65 Highly Acceptable

is not irritating to the nose

2.3 The product smells veggie 3.75 Acceptable

2.4 It is smells good 4.35 Highly Acceptable

2.5 It has bitter scent 3.2 Moderately


Total average 4.03 Acceptable

Table 4 shows that the question 2.1 the product is delicious had average

mean 4.2 is Acceptable. In 2.2 the smell of the ampalaya is not irritation to the

nose got the average mean of 4.15 it is Acceptable. In 2.3 the product smells

veggie had a 3.75 average mean with a verbal interpretation of Acceptable. 2.4 It

is smells good had a 4.05 average mean and its verbal interpretation of

Acceptable. In 2.5 it has bitter taste had average mean 3.2 is Acceptable. And the

total of average of aroma is 4.03 is Acceptable.

Table 7 Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger in terms of Taste

III.Taste Question Average Verbal

mean Interpretation

3.1 The product taste yummy 4.55 Highly Acceptable

3.2 It has bitter taste 3.55 Acceptable

3.3 The ampalaya taste delicious 4.45 Highly Acceptable

3.4 It taste more ampalaya 3.4 Moderately


3.5 It has unique flavor 4.5 Acceptable

Total average 4.9 Acceptable

The table shows that the question 3.1 the product taste yummy got the

average mean of 4.55 with a verbal interpretation of Highly Acceptable. In question

3.2 it has bitter taste got the 4.55 as an average mean with a verbal interpretation

of Acceptable. The question 3.3 the ampalaya taste delicious had a 4.45 as

average mean with a verbal interpretation of Highly Acceptable. While the question
3.4 it taste more ampalaya got the average mean of 3.4 with a verbal interpretation

of Moderately Acceptable. Lastly, the question 3.5 it has unique flavor got the 4.5

average mean with a verbal interpretation of Acceptable. The total average of taste

os 4.9 with a verbal interpretation of Acceptable.

Table 8 Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger in terms of Texture

IV.Texture Question Average Mean Verbal


4.1 The product is 3.85 Highly Acceptable


4.2 The texture of

ampalaya patty 3.35 Acceptable

is oily

4.3 The product is 4.4 Acceptable

easy to swallow

4.4 It is smooth in 4.45 Highly Acceptable

your mouth

4.5 It Is Juicy 3.9 Moderately


Total average 3.99 Moderately


The question 4.1 the product is dry got the average mean 3.85 with the

verbal interpretation of Highly Acceptable. While in question 4.2 the texture of

ampalaya patty is oily got 3.35 as average mean with a verbal interpretation of

Acceptable. In question 4.3 the product is easy to swallow got 4.4 as an average

mean with verbal interpretation of Acceptable. The question 4.4 it is smooth in your

mouth had average mean of 4.45 that is Acceptable. In question 4.5 it is juicy got

the average mean of 3.9 with a verbal interpretation of Moderately Acceptable. The

total average of texture is 3.99 with the verbal interpretation of Moderately


Table 9. Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger

Acceptable Frequency Percentage

Yes 19 95%

No 1 5%

Total 20 100%

This table shows the result of the respondents on Amplaya Burger. The total

respondents of this study is 20 but 95% of the respondents response yes to

Ampalaya Burger with the prequency of 19. While 5% of the respondents response

no to Ampalaya Burger and of 1.

4.2 Analysis of Data

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Figure10. The figure show the graph of Appearance

Shows the total that interpretation of the respondent’s response in every

question. The question 2.2 “The appearance of the product is sustainable” got the

highest average mean of 4.25 with a verbal interpretation of Highly Acceptable,

while the question 2.1 “The product is pleasing to the eyes” got the lowest average

mean of 4 with a verbal interpretation of Appearance. The total average of

appearance is 4.28 with the verbal interpretation of Highly Acceptance.

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Figure 11 the figure shows graph of Aroma

Shows the result of Acceptability of Ampalaya Burger in terms of aroma, the

question 2.2 “The smell of the ampalaya is not irritating to the nose” got the highest

average mean of 4.65 with the verbal interpretation of acceptable while the

question 2.5 “It has bitter scent” got the lowest average mean of 3.2 with a verbal

interpretation of acceptable. The total average of Aroma is 4.3 with a verbal

interpretation of acceptable.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Figure 12. The Figure shows the graph of Taste

Shows the interpretation of Ampalaya Burger taste beats question 3.1 “The product

taste yummy” got the average of 4.55 with a verbal interpretation of Highly

Acceptable. While the question 3.4 “It taste more ampalaya” got the lowest

average mean of 3.4 with a verbal interpretation of Moderately Acceptable.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Figure 13. The Figure shows the graph of texture

Shows the result of Ampalaya Burger texture, question 4.4 “It is smooth in

your mouth” got the highest average mean of 4.45 with verbal interpretation of

Highly Acceptable, while the question 4.5 “It is juicy” got the lowest average mean

of 3.9 with a verbal interpretation of Moderately Acceptable. The total average

mean of the texture is 3.99 with a verbal interpretation of Moderately Acceptable.

4.4 Interpretation of Data

A. Table 10 Over all Mean

Variable Average Mean Verbal Interpretation

Appearance 4.28 Highly Acceptable

Aroma 4.03 Acceptable

Taste 4.9 Acceptable

Texture 3.99 Moderately Acceptable

Over all Mean

Appearance Aroma Taste Texture

Figure 14. Shows that the Overall mean of Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Texture

The graph interpret the result of every level of acceptability, the graph

shows that the appearance got the highest average mean of 4.28 percent with the

verbal interpretation of Highly Acceptable. Next is aroma that has the average

mean of 4.03 with the verbal interpretation of Acceptable. Followed by taste with

the average mean of 4.9 with the verbal interpretation of Acceptable. While texture

got the lowest average mean of 3.99 with a verbal interpretation of Acceptable.


This study aims to summarize the entire acceptability rate in terms of

appearance, aroma, taste and texture of the random students of Philippine

Women’s University.

5.1 Summary and Findings

The study aims to make a new version of burger that will accept by the

people and to make a vegetable burger. The purpose is that they want to know if

the new version of burger is acceptable. The researchers also want to introduce it

to the market and to help the consumer because this product is naturally made

without “preservatives” that can help the product live longer. The researchers use

experimental method in this study. The respondents of this study are composed of

twenty (20) randomly selected in grade 12 students in Philippine Women’s

University. The researcher chooses them because they are related in the


The Appearance of the ampalaya leaves got the highest average mean of

4.29 percent with the verbal interpretation of highly acceptable, next is taste that

the average mean of 3.91 with the verbal interpretation of highly acceptable,

followed by texture with the average mean of 3.91 with the verbal interpretation of

acceptable, while the aroma of ampalaya leaves got the lowest average mean of

3.89 with a verbal interpretation of acceptable.

5.2 Conclusions

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. There is still bitterness on the ampalaya that needs to reduce.

2. The respondents have similar perceptions on the produce product of

amapalaya burger.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study the following are hereby

recommended. The following recommendations are forwarded by the researchers:

1. Should add more ampalaya for the flavoring to taste.

2. The future researchers should try to enhance the amapalaya burger
















1.1Appearance 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

1 3 5 5 4 4

2 5 5 5 5 5

3 5 5 5 4 5

4 5 5 5 4 5

5 4 3 5 3 4

6 5 5 5 4 5

7 4 4 4 3 3

8 5 5 5 5 5

9 3 3 4 4 4

10 5 5 5 5 5

11 3 3 4 4 3

12 4 5 5 5 5

13 4 4 5 5 5

14 4 5 5 3 4

15 3 3 3 3 3

16 3 3 5 4 3

17 2 3 5 4 5

18 4 5 4 5 5

19 5 4 5 4 4

20 4 5 5 5 4
Mean average 4 4.25 4.7 4.15 4.3

Overall mean 4.28

1.2Aroma 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

1 5 5 5 3 4

2 3 5 1 4 3

3 4 5 5 5 4

4 5 5 5 5 4

5 5 4 3 4 2

6 5 5 5 5 5

7 3 4 4 4 4

8 5 5 5 5 1

9 2 3 2 3 2

10 5 5 3 5 3

11 2 4 3 3 3

12 5 5 5 5 5

13 5 5 5 5 4
14 5 5 4 5 4

15 3 3 3 3 3

16 4 5 3 4 1

17 5 5 5 5 2

18 4 5 4 5 4

19 4 5 4 5 4

20 5 5 1 4 2

Mean average 4.2 4.65 3.75 4.35 3.2

Overall mean 4.03

1.3Taste 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

1 4 5 3 1 5

2 5 3 3 3 5

3 5 4 5 3 5

4 5 3 5 5 5
5 5 4 4 3 4

6 5 5 5 5 5

7 4 3 4 3 3

8 5 4 4 3 5

9 4 2 4 3 4

10 5 3 5 3 5

11 4 3 4 3 3

12 4 5 5 5 5

13 5 4 5 3 5

14 5 4 5 5 5

15 3 3 4 3 3

16 3 1 5 3 4

17 5 4 5 3 4

18 5 4 5 4 5

19 5 4 5 4 5

20 5 3 4 3 5

Mean average 18.2 3.55 4.45 3.4 4.5

Overall mean 34.1

1.4Texture 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

1 4 1 5 4 5

2 3 1 3 5 5

3 4 5 5 5 5

4 4 4 5 5 5

5 4 5 2 4 4

6 5 5 5 5 5

7 3 3 4 4 4

8 5 1 5 5 5

9 2 2 4 4 2

10 4 4 5 4 3

11 3 3 4 4 3

12 4 5 5 5 5

13 5 3 5 5 5

14 4 4 4 4 3

15 3 3 4 3 3

16 1 3 5 4 3

17 5 4 5 5 3

18 4 4 4 4 4
19 5 4 5 5 4

20 5 3 4 5 2

Mean average 3.85 3.35 4.4 4.45 3.9

Overall mean 3.99

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