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Clay 3D printing as a bio-design research tool:

development of photosynthetic living building

Assia Crawford, Pichaya In-na, Gary Caldwell, Rachel Armstrong & Ben

To cite this article: Assia Crawford, Pichaya In-na, Gary Caldwell, Rachel Armstrong
& Ben Bridgens (2022) Clay 3D printing as a bio-design research tool: development of
photosynthetic living building components, Architectural Science Review, 65:3, 185-195, DOI:

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Published online: 08 Apr 2022.

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2022, VOL. 65, NO. 3, 185–195

Clay 3D printing as a bio-design research tool: development of photosynthetic living

building components
Assia Crawford a , Pichaya In-nab , Gary Caldwellc , Rachel Armstrongd and Ben Bridgense
a Department of Architecture, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO, USA; b Department of Chemical Technology, Chulalongkorn University,

Bangkok, Thailand; c School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK; d Faculty of Architecture, KU
Leuven, Ghent, Belgium; e School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK


Within architecture, microalgae are employed to address sustainability issues and mitigate the impacts Received 13 September 2021
of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions. This study proposes digital fabrication of ceramic ‘liv- Accepted 23 March 2022
ing’ building components as an investigative tool for design conditions. The health of the chlorophyte KEYWORDS
(green) microalga Chlorella vulgaris was monitored over two-week periods when immobilized in kappa Living materials;
carrageenan and clay binder-based hydrogels, and grown on a range of digitally fabricated ceramic compo- sustainability; additive
nents. The use of 3D printing is presented in relation to laboratory testing of controlled substrate variables manufacture; phytoplankton;
including the impact of ceramic firing temperature, component wall thickness, three types of geometry bio-design; material ecology;
for exploring cell growth, surface patterns to investigate cell migration, internal chamber subdivisions and creative practice
clay type. The experiments reveal the benefits and limitations of creating micro-ecologies for algae growth
through the introduction of geometry variation. In this study, the natural organismal sensing abilities are
explored as a means for cell distribution.

consideration must be given to the needs of the species to be
Bio-design is an emerging field in architecture that utilizes deployed for a given site. This necessitates the development
hybrid knowledge from a plethora of science and design dis- of design and testing the design within human-made environ-
ciplines. Bio-design often enlists biomimetic architecture prin- ments that support living organisms.
ciples to provide sustainable solutions by drawing inspirations Biocomposite materials can provide a new palette of prod-
from nature and integrating scientific findings during the design ucts for a sustainable building fabric that is grown and able
process (Chayaamor-Heil and Vitalis 2021). Such investigations to perform desirable functions previously serviced by mechan-
often span digital computation, biology and craft to propose a ical systems (Stefanova, Bridgens, In-na, et al. 2020; Fazal et al.
new multidisciplinary mode of creation (Stefanova 2021). This is 2018; Månsson 2012; Su, Mennerich, and Urban 2012). Building
particularly pertinent as there is a growing need to reposition on existing research that uses minimal moisture environments
humanity’s relationship with nature and revise making practices that sustain photosynthetic organisms through the hygroscopic
that sustainably embrace biological solutions. There has been properties of material substrates, the present study evaluated
a steady shift from imitating nature in mechanical processes ceramic biocomposites and the effect of component wall thick-
to integrating living organisms and their metabolic functions ness, internal subdivisions, clay type and different firing temper-
to replace the need for energy-demanding processes as well atures on the photosynthetic performance of living microalgae
as potentially achieving multiple tasks in one system. Revolu- (Chlorella vulgaris) embedded within two matrix types (kappa
tionary perspectives on living materials research include using carrageenan and clay binder) (In-na et al. 2020; Stefanova et al.
bacteria to stabilize ground conditions, create responsive mus- 2021; In-na, Lee, and Caldwell 2021). The study postulates the
cle systems, using fungi to digest toxins, and cyanobacteria to creation of microenvironments through the use of designed
produce bio-mineralized components (Guyet et al. 2018; Birch geometries that permit living organisms to migrate to the most
et al. 2021; Shekhar, Maurya, and Srivastava 2017; Heveran et al. favourable growth zones, harnessing organismal intelligence.
2020). A further example is the use of microalgae to bioreme- Ceramics are of interest for the purposes of integrating bio-
diate wastewater and capture carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Algae and composites into the built environment due to their hygro-
cyanobacteria produce at least 50% of the world’s oxygen and scopic properties when unglazed, offering a natural means
have adapted to most environments, resulting in an abundance of distributing moisture and nutrients throughout the struc-
of specialized biodiversity (Chapman 2013; Guiry 2012). Careful ture through liquid capillary flow as explored by Dudukovic

CONTACT Assia Crawford

© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

(Dudukovic et al. 2021). Furthermore, ceramics present a wide Digital and manual fabrication have often been framed as a
range of applications from loadbearing unit-based components dichotomy between mechanical processes and craft. It is often
to tiles, screens and three-dimensional self-supporting prod- assumed that the digital is divorced from intuitive processes
ucts that present opportunities for probiotic architectural design and that its predetermined outcome limits creativity, replacing
(Ramirez-Figueroa and Beckett 2020). From a design perspec- it with automated precision. However, when printing with clay
tive, such minimal moisture algae cultivation is less restrictive the nature of the material acquires an experiential quality dur-
than the use of liquid algae cultures. A practical solution with ing the making process that goes beyond digital instructions
minimal moisture is possible via biocomposite technology that executed by the machine. Clay responds to gravity whilst wet,
can operate with very low water demand and would offer higher especially with an increased moisture content compatible with
cell loading per unit area. 3D printing. This material behaviour is taken into consideration
when designing the components, which affects both the mini-
mum wall thickness as well as the geometry angles. Designing
The craft of ceramic digital fabrication for 3D printing is not a linear process and requires testing to
help refine the final design and plays a role within the level of
Digital fabrication has steadfastly accompanied a large propor-
complexity. In this study, the fabrication process incorporates
tion of bio-design investigation (Elsacker et al. 2021; Zhou et al.
manual adjustment of the geometry during printing with vari-
2021) where natural intelligence is paired with embedded digital
ous traditional tools such as a wet brush to aid layer adhesion,
intelligence (Zimbarg 2021). Within bio-architecture, 3D printing
and pottery instruments for the creation of holes and refinement
is present in studies with various living cells including printing of
of geometry to ensure correct deposition and the incorporation
living mycelium for furniture design, bacterial cellulose printing,
of necessary openings. Although digital fabrication allows a high
or printing with living algae cells on textiles (Fairs 2013; López
level of complexity that can serve to increase the surface area, it
et al. 2017; Stefanova, In-Na, et al. 2020). Digital fabrication via 3D
may not be possible to achieve a high level of resolution; there-
printing gives a unique opportunity for the testing of parameters
fore, strategies that provide smoother surfaces were explored for
through prototyping where the level of precision, replaceabil-
the proposed study as shown in Figure 1.
ity and ability to rapidly alter designs to respond to new data
is particularly well suited for design investigations that utilize
both laboratory and design tools. Pressure extrusion systems
lend themselves to bio-design investigations as they can accom-
modate bespoke matrices as well as materials that may offer The methods utilized in this paper are based on existing pro-
greater level of compatibility with living organisms than stan- tocols used to develop algae-based biocomposites (In-na et al.
dardized filaments commonly used in heat-based extrusion. The 2020; Stefanova, Bridgens, Armstrong, et al. 2020; Stefanova
use of digital manufacture within this study offers an alternative et al. 2021). The bio-gel matrices incorporate the use of kappa
to manual techniques, for the development of the biocomposite carrageenan, a hydrocolloid polymer extracted from red sea-
substrate. Digital fabrication permits the manufacture of com- weeds and a clay-based paint binder (Auro 331) (McHugh 2003;
plex structures that provide control over the amount of surface Auro n.d.). The study was split into six parts: (a) kappa car-
area as well as the ability to create lightweight ceramic com- rageenan and Auro binder-based matrices applied to (b) a range
ponents that can be standardized and replicated outside of a of wall thickness ceramic components (hereafter referred to as
commercial setting. The designed geometries are inspired by vessels) fired at (c) 1200°C, compared with a firing temperature
high surface area structures formed by the silicified shells of of 1000°C, (d) four different clay types (157-1142 White Special
diatoms – a highly successful group of single-celled microalgae Stoneware, Porcelain and Stoneware ES65 and White Fleck) fired
(Cassaignon et al. 2014) that present an example of a natural at fired at 1000°C with two wall layers along with (e) two matrix
composite structure. The level of precision and uniformity within types and (f) multiple internal chamber subdivisions (0% infill,
the created geometries, makes this method of fabrication partic- 15% rectilinear infill, 25% aligned rectilinear infill, 25% cubic
ularly applicable within laboratory testing where the geometry infill) fired at fired at 1000°C with two wall layers, using 157-
of components can be assessed because of the consistency of 1142 White Special Stoneware coated in both matrix types for
final products. comparison.

Figure 1. (A) First geometry design iteration test with high level of complexity where distortion occurs during printing (B) Simple geometries with fewer polygon faces
that display a higher level of fidelity in relation to the digital model.

Substrate design, preparation and 3D printing terms of access to light and evaporation and therefore the least
amount of microenvironmental conditions. All geometries share
The porosity of the clay is used to distribute moisture and nutri-
a common height dimension as well as base area offering a set
ents to provide a suitable environment for microalgae growth.
of base constraints (Table 1).
The vessels were designed with a hollow centre to be filled
with nutrient enriched water through a small round opening
at the top. For this study, 157-1142 White Special Stoneware Wall thickness
(sourced from was used initially as In the first assay, four wall thicknesses were tested, including
smoother lower aggregate makeup clays are better suited to one, two, three and four wall layers of 3 mm each. This was
minimal moisture C. vulgaris cultivation (Stefanova, Bridgens, In- to establish the effect on water distribution in relationship to
na, et al. 2020; Stefanova, Bridgens, Armstrong, et al. 2020). Clay wall thickness. Wall thickness was added internally reducing the
pH (Mettler Toledo Seven Compact) was tested by suspending internal space, but maintaining the same outer shell dimensions
1 g in 5 mL of deionized water. The geometries were modelled (Figure 2).
in 3D Studio Max 2018 and exported as.OBJ files into Slicer 3D
software to generate a 3D printing file for a 3 mm nozzle clay
extruder. The printer used was Lutum 4.5 air-based extrusion Internal chamber subdivision
clay printer at a pressure of 60 psi. Wet clay sold in 12 kg bags was Variations of internal chamber geometry were designed to
mixed with 10% w/w water to achieve a soft consistency com- establish if water distribution through internal partitions would
patible with the 3D printing equipment. The clay was manually influence cell development along with the impact on fabrication.
loaded into 2 kg cartridges. The design of the internal subdivision patterns was generated in
Sl3er 3D (open-source 3D printing software for the generation
Geometry of 3D printer compatible files, available from Wholes
were placed manually during printing to connect adjacent pock-
Three orthographic pyramid geometries were developed based ets so as to permit water to fill the entire interior through a single
on a pyramidal geometry that permitted digital fabrication external opening located at the top of each geometry. Therefore,
with a desktop size clay printer whilst permitting developmen- this part of the study required a hybrid manufacture approach
tal assessment using Imaging-PAM M-Series equipment with where digital and traditional fabrication was used to generate
homogenous illumination imaged area of 10 × 13 cm. Although the final vessel (Figure 3).
it was initially inferred that greater area would accommodate
larger number of cells the study seeks to establish how micro-
Clay type
climatic conditions created by the variations of geometry affect
the growth and saturation of the algae colonies. By pulling sur- Previous small scale controlled laboratory studies indicate a vari-
faces outward there is a greater increase of area compared to ation of response of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae in relationship
inward folding. However, surfaces present greater risk of sudden to clay type (Stefanova, Bridgens, In-na, et al. 2020; Stefanova,
evaporation in corners that move away from the centre point. Bridgens, Armstrong, et al. 2020). The current study builds on
The base geometry offers the smallest surface area for deposi- these findings and seeks to establish the impact of scaling and
tion of cells however it provides the most constant conditions in geometry variation upon the interaction between living cells

Table 1. Geometry variations as design in software, sowing values prior to kiln firing that resulted in 20% shrinkage.

Surface Area prior to Volume prior to firing

firing (cm2 ), area (cm3 ), volume
Geometry Dimensions prior difference compared to difference compared to
Iteration Name to firing (cm) base geometry (%) base geometry (%)
Base Geometry Smooth 12.0 cm × 4.8 cm × 12.0 cm 333 cm2 350 cm3
Variation 1 Outward Folding 15.0 cm × 7.4 cm × 12.0 cm 445 cm2 (+ 33.6%) 483 cm3 (+38%)
Variation 2 Inward Folding 12.0 cm × 4.8 cm × 12.0 cm 371 cm2 (+11.4%) 283 cm3 (−14.3%)

Figure 2. Clay 3D printing of (A) four, (B) one and (C) two wall ceramic vessels that have the same outer dimensions and variable inner volume.

Figure 3. (A) 0% infill, (B) 15% rectilinear infill, (C) 15% aligned rectilinear infill, (D) 25% rectilinear infill, (E) 25% aligned rectilinear infill.

CaCl2 · 2H2 O, 0.075 g/L MgSO4 · 7H2 O, 0.04 g/L K2 HPO4 and
0.02 g/L Na2 CO3 , at 18 ± 2 °C with a 16:8 h light to dark pho-
toperiod, at a light intensity of 2,500 lux ( ≈ 30.5 µmol m−2 s−1 )
provided by 30 W daylight-type fluorescent tubes (Sylvania Lux-
line Plus, n = 6) (Stanier et al. 1971; Thimijan and Heins 1983).
The cultures were placed in 50 mL Falcon tubes and centrifuged
at 1620 RCF (relative centrifugal force) for 10 min to produce a
dense algae slurry. The algae slurry was mixed with the tested
matrix at a ratio of 0.05 mL algae slurry per 1 mL of gel (Stefanova,
Bridgens, In-na, et al. 2020).
Each bio-gel matrix was prepared in 20 mL batches in 50 mL
beakers. For the baseline kappa carrageenan treatment, 0.8 g of
kappa carrageenan (from > 99.9% pure powder; Sigma Aldrich,
UK) was added to 20 mL (0.04 g/mL) of full strength BG11 and
Figure 4. (A) Porcelain, (B) White Fleck, (C) ES65. stirred at room temperature. Once a gel-like consistency was
achieved, 0.4 mL of C. vulgaris slurry was added and stirred until
homogeneous. Auro 331 Clay Paint binder (AURO Paint Com-
and clay type. The same designs (2 walls, 3 geometries) were pany, UK) were tested as additives to the kappa carrageenan
replicated in three clay types; porcelain, a smooth white clay, baseline. For the Auro paint, 0.64 g of kappa carrageenan was
157-1142 White Special Stoneware, an off-white clay with an dissolved in 16 mL of BG11 (0.04 g/mL), to which 10 mL of Auro
even composition, White Fleck an off-white clay with low aggre- 331 was added (equivalent to 50% w/w Auro content) (Stefanova
gate content and ES65, a red terracotta clay with aggregate et al. 2021).
(Figure 4).
Set up and incubation
Firing temperature
An even layer of the two mixtures was added using a paintbrush,
Ceramics have a different porosity depending on the tempera- leaving the base and a strip of 0.5 cm off the base clear. Each ves-
ture of firing in a kiln. The kiln used was an Ecotop 43 L-UK from sel was placed within a plastic well plate lid (Figure 5). The vessels
Helmut Rohde GmbH. The full firing cycle involved ramps of 60°C were filled with 40 mL BG11 using a syringe and an additional
per hour until reaching 600°C followed by 250°C per hour until 10 mL of BG11 was added to the well plate.
reaching 1200°C and a gradual cooling initiated upon reach- The samples were incubated in triplicate at room tempera-
ing maximum temperature lasting 14 h. The brisk firing cycle ture with each sample set of ceramics and controls placed in
involved ramps of 30°C per hour until 250°C, 50°C per hour until a non-airtight clear plastic box measuring 47 × 35 × 24 cm and
600°C followed by 250°C per hour until reaching maximum tem- sprayed with deionized water once every 24 h. A 45 W plant
perature of 1000°C and gradually cooling for 12 h upon reaching growth light with 52 red and 28 blue lamp beds was used to
maximum temperature. Surface characterization was conducted illuminate the samples on a light (16 h) to dark (8 h) cycle.
by scanning electron microscopy using a Hitachi TM 3000 SEM. Control samples were tested in triplicate as follows; BG11 and
algae slurry suspension samples, algae slurry and carrageenan,
algae slurry, carrageenan and Auro binder. Samples of 3 g/ 3 ml
Algae matrix preparation
were cultivated in 6 well-plates that remained open for the dura-
The inoculating liquid algae culture was grown in full strength tion of the test and were incubated in the same conditions as the
Blue–Green medium (BG11) comprising 1.5 g/L NaNO3 , 0.036 g/L ceramic samples.

Statistical analysis
Normality of the data was tested using the Anderson–Darling
test using Minitab 18. Since all data were non-normally dis-
tributed with two factors, the non-parametric Scheirer–Ray–Hare
test was conducted using RealStatistics add-in on Microsoft

Substrate characterization
Figure 5. (A) Algae Auro binder and kappa carrageenan matrix being applied to
The pH of the clay was 7.5, which is compatible with C. vulgaris
an inset sample using a brush, (B) Algae kappa carrageenan matrix coated ceramic
samples. survival. The higher firing temperature produced reduced poros-
ity as shown in Figure 7 and greater strength of the ceramic as
suggested by the smaller pore size (Cultrone et al. 2004).
Imaging PAM and visual observation
Cell viability was assessed using an imaging pulse amplitude
Kappa carrageenan matrix
modulated-fluorometer (Imaging-PAM M-Series; Walz GmbH)
that quantifies the level of chlorophyll fluorescence using The samples fired at 1000°C outperformed those fired at 1200°C
intense light pulses to stimulate photosystem II (Schreiber 2004). (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 1, H = 20.48, P ≤ 0.001),
Data were collected every two days for 14 days by opening the although both sets supported positive fluorescence yields for
plastic container and placing each individual sample along with the duration of the experiment. Geometry wall thickness was
its well plate lid within the imaging chamber and applying 1 also significant (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 3, H = 8.81,
µsec pulses of 660 nm (pulsed LED, 0.5 µmol quanta m−2 s−1 ) to P = 0.032), with the 4-walled vessels supporting the high-
induce photosynthesis using 16 red LEDs (660 nm) and 16 near est fluorescence yield, although there was no clear trend
infrared LEDs (780 nm) (Figure 6). among the other multi-walled vessels. There were no significant

Figure 6. (Left) Algae Auro binder matrix 1 Wall Day 0, imaged using I-PAM (Right) Same sample and imaging method Day 14 showing increase in cells and cell migration
to the well-plate. Black indicates an absence of photosynthetic cells, whilst greens and blues indicate highest amount of chlorophyll fluorescence. [See Colour Online].

Figure 7. SEM images of (Left) stoneware ceramic fired at 1000°C (Right) stoneware ceramic fired at 1200°C.

Figure 8. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.027 StDev) of algae grown over 14

days while immobilized within kappa carrageenan on single walled vessels fired at Figure 10. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.036 StDev) of algae grown over
1000 and 1200°C compared with suspension and gel controls. 14 days while immobilized within Auro 331 on single walled vessels fired at 1000
and 1200°C compared with suspension and gel controls.

prone to higher levels of evaporation due to the binder

drying quicker than a carrageenan gel matrix as observed
upon application. In this set of experiments firing temperature
was a significant factor (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 1,
H = 47.26, P ≤ 0.001) whereas geometry wall thickness was
not (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 3, H = 0.40, P = 0.940),
the interaction between the two variable was also not signifi-
cant (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 3, H = 0.52, P = 0.914)
(Figures 10 and 11).

Internal chamber subdivision

The samples of various internal subdivisions with gel coat-
ings exhibited more consistent performance throughout the
experiment whereas binder coated samples showed greater
fluctuation, however matrix type was not significant (Scheirer–
Ray–Hare, n = 80, d.f. = 1, H = 3.74, P = 0.053). Internal
chamber subdivision was significant (Scheirer–Ray–Hare,
n = 80, d.f. = 4, H = 11.68, P = 0.020). There were no signifi-
cant interactions between the two variables (Scheirer–Ray–Hare,
n = 80, d.f. = 4, H = 7.48, P = 0.113) (Figures 12 and 13).

Figure 9. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.060 StDev) of algae grown over 14

days while immobilized within kappa carrageenan on multiwalled vessels fired at Clay type
1000°C compared with the single walled vessels.
The samples of various clay types with gel coating exhibited
interactions between the two variables (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, more consistent performance throughout the experiment with
n = 64, d.f. = 3, H = 2.14, P = 0.544) (Figures 8 and 9). ES65 being the only one to show decline in maximum fluo-
rescence yield, whereas Auro 331 coated samples underwent a
period of decline followed by gradual increase in fluorescence
Binder and kappa carrageenan matrix
yield. Matrix composition was a significant factor in this assay
There was a clear differentiation between samples fired at (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 1, H = 6.44, P = 0.011). Glay
1200°C and 1000°C, with the former retaining less water and type was also significant (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 3,

Figure 13. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.067 StDev) of algae grown over
14 days while immobilized within Auro 331 on multi-internal subdivision double
Figure 11. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.060 StDev) of algae grown over walled vessels fired at 1000°C.
14 days while immobilized within Auro 331 on multi-walled vessels fired at 1000°C
compared with the single walled vessels.

Figure 14. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.050 StDev) of algae grown over
14 days while immobilized within Auro 331on multiple clay type, double walled
vessels fired at 1000°C.
Figure 12. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.041 StDev) of algae grown over
14 days while immobilized within kappa carrageenan on multi-internal subdivision
double walled vessels fired at 1000°C. which appeared as a higher density of cell in the early stage vis-
ible to the naked eye and showing clearly in I-PAM (Figure 16).
H = 20.35, P = 0.000) and there was significant interactions The Auro binder matrix, however, offered an impermeable sur-
between the two variables (Scheirer–Ray–Hare, n = 64, d.f. = 3, face where the colour of the mixture was considerably lighter
H = 13.85, P = 0.003) (Figures 14 and 15). and cells located below the surface were not imaged. Over the 14
days period however more saturated patches began to appear in
the case of 1000°C fired ceramic samples. The distribution indi-
Visual observations
cated that cells grew away from outward folds and that smooth
The translucent nature of the carrageenan mixture allowed surfaces or inward folds offered a more hospitable environment.
imaging of cells that were locked within the matrix using PAM, This is likely due to higher levels of moisture at the inward folds

withstand limiting factors such as moisture level fluctuation

and can utilize waste products such as human urine as nutri-
ents (Stefanova, Bridgens, In-na, et al. 2020). The current work
builds upon previous biocomposite studies that rely on immo-
bilizing microorganisms (including living photosynthetic cells)
within a protective layer, such as sol–gel ceramics, bio-polymer
plastic alternatives (Soltmann and Böttcher 2008; Mihranyan
2011; Wahid et al. 2013; Vasilieva, Lobakova, and Solovchenko
2021). The demonstrated work follows the strand of architec-
tural research that has manifested in a number of speculative
and realized algae building projects that explore the potential
for integration of living algae cells in an architectural contexts
(Malik et al. 2020; Kim 2013; Lofgren 2013; Bruno, Jothinathan,
and Rajkumar 2018). Here, we identified that the clay type and
the design of the internal subdivision of the component have
an impact on the development of the algae laden matrices.
From our findings, it became apparent that a hollow chamber
offers better growth conditions on the surface of the component
compared to smaller subdivisions for both matrix types, whilst
smoother clays such as Porcelain, 1142 White Special and White
Figure 15. Fluorescence yield (n = 3, mean ± 0.055 StDev) of algae grown over Fleckperform similarly in relationship to cell growth whereas
14 days while immobilized within Auro 331on multiple clay type, double walled ES65 exhibited a decline when combined with gel and outper-
vessels fired at 1000°C.
formed the other clay types when paired with binder matrix.
This indicated that the surface conditions responsible for algae
along with the lower level of algae cell wash off that typically growth are impacted by both the composition of the ceramic
occurs at exposed folding channels. substrate as well as by both the internal and external geometry
of the component.
We have demonstrated the role of digital fabrication in the
development and laboratory testing of living ceramic biocom-
This study employed Chlorella vulgaris, a naturally occurring, posite materials. The digital fabrication of 3D printing allows
single cell photosynthetic microalga that is compatible with con- for consistency and variable testing of geometries. For each
ditions presented within interior building settings, such as tem- geometry, a single sample area was used from high cell density
peratures ranging between 18°C and 24°C, as well as a light and patches which offers an overview of the performance of optimal
dark cycle that is typically found within offices and other public areas. Further studies that consider the whole area or multi-
use buildings (Serra-Maia et al. 2016). In addition to its compat- ple, equally distributed sample areas would be useful to deter-
ibility with many interior environments, C. vulgaris is a resilient mine the average performance of each unit. The variation of
species that is less susceptible to issues of contamination, can topography produced heterogeneous distribution and growth

Figure 16. Photograph and I-PAM of 2 Wall sample fired at 1000°C with Auro binder (A) day 0 (B) day 14. The images demonstrate how the matrix visibly acquires a darker
green colour indicating higher cell density whilst the I-PAM images demonstrate lighter areas in outward folds except for top edge which offers a flat surface.

Figure 17. 3D printed ceramic, interlocking hollow building block designs that feature an increased surface area and a large internal nutrient storage capacity. The designs
present interlocking and reconfigurable units that add a level of flexibility within the building fabric. Work by Assia Crawford.

rate of cells, confirming it is possible to manipulate surface as offices and interiors of public buildings. Equally, the creation
geometry to produce feasible microenvironments that able to of hollow ceramic walls can be envisaged as an in situ 3D printed
function in desirable conditions. system using an air-drying alternative that can tap into the build-
Although, the geometry of the samples was not quantita- ings plumbing and utilize human urine and rainwater as nutrient
tively assessed, a larger surface area offers more spaces for algae and water sources (Chen et al. 2019; Nerella and Mechtcherine
cells to be deposited per unit. Thus, the complexity that 3D 2019).
printing permits is a welcome aspect in the design of such com- The design of a full building setup and the scale of fabrication
ponents and opens a plethora of bespoke design solutions that goes beyond the scope of this study and merits separate inves-
can incorporate greater level of bespoke design and flexibility. tigation in an in vivo experiment. However, the design is likely to
Based on the findings, we have gone on to prototype building take the form of either a rigid or a tensile layer that can create
size interlocking, unit-based components that have the poten- an air pocket that limits the amount of air movement and evap-
tial to be stacked to create hollow interior partitions that can be oration and that may be able to direct and trap moisture from
internally supplied with water and nutrients (Figure 17). Further- sources such as humidifiers or natural evaporation from water
more, digital manufacture and designs of tested geometries can bodies, such as interior water features or it can be paired with
be distributed virtually through open-source systems that would water harvesting technologies (Chandler 2018).
allow the onsite manufacture of pre-assessed components in The visible changes exhibited by the components over time
places where laboratory settings are not possible. illustrate live behaviour, therefore giving inhabitants a sense of
Maintenance and care become a vital factor in the success- coexistence with living biota. This phenomenon may strengthen
ful performance of the proposed living material components recognition of the material as different from traditional building
similar to other living building proposals such as interior and components, fostering a probiotic attitude to human environ-
exterior green facades (Pérez et al. 2014; Perini et al. 2011). ments. The study suggests a building fabric that is sustained
This can act both as a limiting factor deterring widescale adop- through mucous membranes, that has agency and that can-
tion or as a tool for cultivating a culture of care and a sense not be fully standardized and that is the subject of speculative
of responsibility (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017). There are alter- design thinking that explores the possibility of a living archi-
natives to human labour such as mechanical monitoring and tecture (Armstrong 2018; Proksch 2018; Tandon and Joachim
maintenance that would allow the components to be integrated 2014). The type of architecture therefore will ask inhabitants to
on a large scale and where optimal conditions can be guaran- consciously share their environments, a concept that departs
teed. The system would have to be studied against the energy from anti-biotic notions of hygiene prevalent within twentieth
running requirements. This is possible if the energy sources century design thinking (Pike 2008; Lorimer 2020).
for running the mechanical systems, such as artificial lighting,
humidifiers and nutrient distribution systems that this type of
living building component may require, are sourced from sus-
tainable sources such as hydroelectric power. In addition to that The study demonstrates a method for the digital manufacture of
water distribution and nutrient delivery need to be investigated ceramic substrates for living building biocomposites. It reveals
as within the controlled study excess water caused cell wash how the design of the geometry, wall thickness and firing tem-
off and contributed to cell migration within the well-plate con- perature of the substrate actively influence the behaviour and
tainer. Therefore, direct water delivery via rain, sprinklers and performance of living photosynthetic microalgae within two
other high water content alternatives are unsuitable as they types of matrices. The performance of the components is influ-
are likely to result in cell depletion or algae blooms caused enced predominantly by evaporation and moisture levels and
by runoff. therefore the results point to a need for a vapour control sys-
Although, there is a level of resilience that comes from the tem. The experiments offer vital fundamental data that can
design of hollow components that can hold a reserve of water inform further development of commercially viable, full system
and nutrients, surface evaporation occurs quickly and is likely to designs. In addition, the method of testing and fabrication sets
be exacerbated by air movement and types of inhabitation. This out a blueprint for further investigations into ceramic-based bio-
points to the need for an evaporation retardation strategy and composites that rely on interdisciplinarity collaboration, method
a study of the components in appropriate in vivo settings such adaptation, and knowledge exchange.

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