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Práctica de la Traducción IV

Unidad 1: Introducción


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Different Types of Mining

The U.S. mining industry consists of the search for, extraction, beneficiation, and processing of naturally
occurring solid materials from the earth. Materials and minerals can include coal, iron, copper, and zinc.
Other mining sites focus on rock such as limestone, potash, and various gravel types. Depending on the
material extracted, there are different types of mining processes that can be used to retrieve desired

While there are numerous types of mining processes, the most common is surface mining. Other types of
mining include underground mining, placer mining, and in-situ mining. There are advantages to each as
each uses specialized equipment suited for a variety of purposes.

To give you an insight into the uses of mining techniques, this post will explore four different types of
mining. American Mine Services provides unmatched services for a variety of mining sites. Contact us to
learn more about our processes and company.

Surface Mining

Surface mining is a process where ore is extracted from the ground by digging it out with heavy
machinery. The ore is then transported away from the mine site. This can be done either by truck or rail.

The main advantage of surface mining is that it is easy to set up as there are no tunnels or shafts
required. However, the disadvantage is that the land has been disturbed which may cause
environmental problems such as erosion and pollution.

In addition, the cost of setting up a surface mine is high because of the amount of land needed and the
cost of installing the necessary infrastructure. The most common types of surface mining include:

 Strip mining
 Mountaintop removal
 Open-pit mining

Strip mining is when the land is cleared of vegetation and rocks before being dugout. It is mainly used for
extracting coal and other hard materials. Mountaintop removal is where the tops of mountains are
removed and the resulting area is mined. It is usually carried out on steep slopes so that the material can
be easily moved away.
Práctica de la Traducción IV
Unidad 1: Introducción

Open-pit mining is where large areas of land are excavated to create a hole. The ore is then brought to
the surface via conveyor belts. Open-pit mines are often used to extract gold, silver, and copper. This
method is advantageous as the process includes powerful mining assets such as trucks and shovels which
hold the ability to shift large volumes of material and rock.

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