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Reverse Engineering Benchmarking

Definition Dismantling and inspecting a Process whereby the performance of the

competitor’s product to discover business is evaluated in comparison to its
product improvements most able rivals. It enables you to identify the
root cause of your success gap and take steps
to close it.
Benefits By implementing new ideas or Benchmarking aids in streamlining the process
procedures created especially for their and increasing process efficiency by organizing
use, manufacturers can improve their the focus on the external environment. It
equipment and procedures through the encourages change by enabling employees to
use of reverse engineering. They may be comprehend their performance and how they
able to use it to record how equipment's should compare to others in order to succeed.
durability, power, and even efficiency
can be increased.

Purpose Reverse engineering is a technique used For a thorough improvement process,

to determine how a system or thing benchmarking is a tool for accessing and
operates. There are numerous comparing the company’s performance with
justifications for doing this. Reverse that of its rivals.
engineering can be used to figure out
how something operates, then recreate
it or make a similar object with
improved functionality.

Difference  A company decides to  Makes better use of similar products

disassemble a product to gather produced by other companies.
data for future product  Facilitates competitor analysis using a
development. particular set of metrics
 Offers you an in-depth
understanding of the product.
 Makes better use of similar
products produced by other
 Facilitates competitor analysis
using a particular set of metrics
Process 1. Information Extraction 1. Planning
2. Modeling 2. Collecting Information
3. Designs 3. Data Analysing
4. Review 4. Action
5. Monitoring

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