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St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu Inc.

Recognition Rites 2022

Senior High School Department

(Reminders before the program)

Good morning everyone! I am Teacher Jece of St. Cecilia’s Collge-Cebu, and I will be the Lady of the
Ceremony for today’s Recognition rites. Before we begin our ceremony, please be reminded of the following:

Turn your phones into silent mode as it may interfere with our sound system. Be courteous to those around
you by refraining from making unnecessary noises. Hence, parents and guests must refrain from taking
pictures in the restricted areas such as the front and side areas of the stage. Take pictures in your seats.
Students, parents and visitors/guests must stay on their designated seats during the program. During the
awarding ceremony, we are encouraging you to express your pride by applauding. Everyone must finish the
entire program as we expect this ceremony to last approximately two hours or shorter. Always maintain the
cleanliness of the auditorium. And we must not forget also to always observe health protocols to ensure
everyone’s safety. Lastly, enjoy the rest of the program. Thank you!


A blessed morning to everyone! This morning’s event marks as one of the most-awaited special event not
only for our dear students but also to our proud and supportive parents. Ladies and Gentlemen, students,
parents and our valuable guests, welcome to St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu Inc. Recognition Rites 2022
Senior High School Department . And now, let us all rise for the PROCESSIONAL.
*** marching of all awardees***
And now let us all welcome the School Administrators headed by our school principal Mrs. Epifania M. Reyes
together with the Assistant Principal of the Senior High School Learning Community Mrs. Justy Joy Pardillo
and the Senior High School Faculty Members.


To formally start our program , let us all stand for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. After
which please remain standing for the invocation to be led by Shaun Yeshua B. Obinque a student from
Accountancy Business and Management strand with high honors.

*** Philippine National Anthem and Invocation**


A year of gaining knowledge and learning new things. A year worth of friendships, challenges, and
opportunities. And we are all gathered here today to celebrate those achievements. The trials and
hardships that our students had triumphed is really worth celebrating, since another chapter of their
academic lives has come to a close. Today signifies the culmination in another year of hard work in the
relentless pursuit of knowledge that will enable our students to embrace opportunities and take on
challenges life may bring with courage, confidence and wisdom. This would not be possible without the
guidance and support of the parents, the hard work and patience of our teachers, and the persistence and
determination that lies within the student’s hearts. Please give yourselves a round of applause! Today
marks another milestone in our life and in the history of our school St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu Inc., as we
gather and celebrate success on today’s Recognition Rites.


For our Opening Remarks, ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce Chantal Dominique G.
Albaran, a student from Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics strand, with high honors.

**** Chantal’s Speech***

Thank you so much Chantal, indeed …………………….


At this point, we are to give the rightful Recognition of Deserving students of St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu
Inc. Let me call on Ms. Dhonafel Panilag to read the names of the awardees. And to give the award may I
request our dear school principal Mrs. Epifania M. Reyes to be assisted by our Senior High School
Learning Community assistant principal Mrs. Justy Joy Pardillo.


And there you have it the awardees of St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu Inc Senior High School Learning
Community school year

2021-2022. Your hard work and dedication really paid off. Congratulations again awardees, why don’t we
give them a round of applause? ***APPLAUSE** These students in front of us won’t be here today without
their support system. In behalf of all the students, may I call on Hannah Mae M. Daffon, a student from
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics strand, with high honors. To give the words of gratitude.

*** Hannah’s speech***

Thank you so much Hannah for those heart warming words.


God Almighty, we offer you this pertinent occasion. Truly, we rejoice because you have made this event
possible through your GRACE, GUIDANCE and LOVE. Now to offer a closing prayer may I request Mc
Harold M. Peña , a student from Home Economics Cookery, with high honors.


To formally give pride and honor to our school, may I request everyone to remain standing for the singing
of the Cecilian Hymn


Please allow me to read some announcements ………..


We have reached the end of our program. It is indeed an honor to be a part of this special event.
Congratulations to all the students who excelled in academics and their chosen disciplines, to the parents
for your guidance and support to your children, and also for the teachers for their wise words and provision.
This event would never be possible without your help. Again, congratulations everyone! We would like to
ask for our audience to remain in their seats until the last student has exited the auditorium. Again, my
name is Teacher Jece and this is the St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu Inc 2022 Recognition Rites. Thank you
and have a great day ahead! And now, ladies and gentlemen, the Recessional.

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