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Unfuck Your Program: 6 Weeks of Hi

Please make sure to watch the intro video before beginning this program.

Enter your 1RM for each of the following lifts.

Squat 220
Bench Press 155
Deadlift 240
Overhead Press 80

If you don't know your 1RM, calculate it here.

Enter your rounding (suggested 5 for pounds, 2.5 for kilos): 2.5

You may choose to change the percentages used.

Week 1 76.5%
Week 2 79.0%
Week 3 83.0%
Week 4 86.0%
Week 5 88.5%
Week 6 93.0%

About the program:

Once you've completed the intermediate plan, your next step should be to identify which of the three main progra
affects your progress. This plan focuses on higher frequency, and it's what I recommend if you're not sure which o
choose. Higher frequency is great for intermediate lifters because you get more practice on the heavy, compound
highly technical but make up the bulk of your success. Click on the Learn More tab for more details, and remembe
changes. In fact, if this plan works well for you, I highly recommend that you repeat the 6 weeks of training until y
begin to adjust it.

Volume/Intensity Correlation






Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 W
: 6 Weeks of Higher Frequency

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Number of Reps (for reference only)


of the three main programming variables most

you're not sure which of the three options to
n the heavy, compound movements that can be
e details, and remember: you don't have to make
weeks of training until you stall, and only then
















Week 5 Week 6
njoyed this program? Follow me on
social media for more!
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Unfuck Your Program: 6 Weeks of Higher Fr

Program Design & Goals

I think the big thing to remember here is that we're trying to reach a balance between making small changes and
higher-frequency plan, then you probably like to train pretty often, or you're just used to that. It's not uncommo
volume one (more on that below), so we've had to make the same tradeoffs in intensity. Listed below are all the
at them and try to identify which changes might have been causing your issues. Alternatively, if it works really w

Substantive Changes


Intermediate Plan
Day 1
Bench Press
Standing DB Press
Face Pull
Day 2
Overhead Press
Reverse Curl
Day 3
High Bar Squat
Close Grip Bench
Plate Raise
Reverse Grip Pushdown
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL
Pendlay Row

If it works for you: It probably will! This is still a fairly-moderate fre

If it doesn't: The first step shouldn't be to adjust the frequen
Base Plan High-Volume Plan
# Reps/week 1 # Reps/week 1
Squat 30 Squat 50
Press 45 Press 75
Deadlift 30 Deadlift 50

If it works for you: Don’t do anything just yet. I recommend stickin

If it doesn't: Adjust the volume as indicated in the box to the

Free Intermediate Program High-Intensity Plan
# Reps
Week 1 65.0% 36
Week 2 70.0% 30
Week 3 75.0% 24
Week 4 80.0% 18
Week 5 82.5% 15 81.0%
Week 6 85.0% 12 85.0%
Week 7 87.5% 9 88.0%
Week 8 90.0% 6 90.0%
Week 9 92.5% 6 93.0%
Week 10 95.0% 4 97.0%

If it works for you: You probably respond very well to volume and
If it doesn't: Your technique might tend to fall apart at highe
slightly lighter than that.

Where to go from here:

If the plan worked really well for you, and you enjoyed it, then great! The next time through, you c
pulling three, or even splitting up your work over five days instead of four.

If it didn't work so well, start by adjusting the volume as indicated above. If that STILL doesn’t wor
that's fine! There's nothing magic about any of these variables. The important thing is to identify w
Weeks of Higher Frequency

en making small changes and finding what works for you as quickly as possible. All three of the programs in the UYP plan are d
ed to that. It's not uncommon, because so many popular programs use five- or six-day splits, but it's not always ideal. In this ca
nsity. Listed below are all the changes made between the base intermediate program and this one. If you're struggling on this
ernatively, if it works really well, then you know that the programming variables below are ones to focus on in the future.

This Plan
Day 1
Obviously, on a higher-frequency plan, you're training the major lift
Bench Press squatting twice a week, pressing three times, and deadilfting twice
Dip deadlift, but now you're squatting three times a week and pressing
Skullcrusher more volume in on the movements that are most likely to result in
greater drain on your recovery. It's especially important to be care
Day 2 training this way. High-frequency plans can take a toll on the joint
Front Squat extra rest days. If this is your second or third time through the pro
Incline Press the volume downward, I'd suggest dropping either the front squat
feel good overall but your press is struggling, try overhead pressing
Day 3
High Bar Squat
Close Grip Bench
DB Press
Hammer Curl
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL
Overhead Press
T-Bar Row

is is still a fairly-moderate frequency program, and that practice is very beneficial.

dn't be to adjust the frequency. Instead, take a look at the overall volume of the program as explained below, and make chang
This Plan
# Reps/week 1 The tricky thing about this plan: it's not JUST high frequency. We're
Squat 45 plan and the high-volume one, which you can see by comparing t
Press 60 these programs are all meant to be used together, as part of your p
you. Including a little more volume in this plan means that you can
Deadlift 30 you? Drop the total reps per week to be more on par with the inter
is helpful, but volume isn't. On the other hand, if this plan works gre
be on par with the high-volume one. In either case, manipulate the

ust yet. I recommend sticking with the plan until it stops working.
as indicated in the box to the right, to see whether it's the frequency or the volume that seems to be more difficult for you.

High-Intensity Plan This Plan, Base & High Volume

# Reps # Reps

76.5% 25 Similarly, you'll notice how the intensities used for t

79.0% 20 those used for the intermediate program, while the h
program. You can use this fact to help you determin
15 83.0% 15 same program with the set, rep, and percentage schem
12 86.0% 12 (make sure that you adjust your percentages using the
9 88.5% 8
6 93.0% 5

ond very well to volume and frequency and your technique is dialed in.
ght tend to fall apart at higher percentages. If so, you need to find the point where your form does start to break down, and de

The next time through, you can try adjusting it based on the tips above, OR you can try adding even more frequency: squatting

ve. If that STILL doesn’t work, then try a run of the high-volume program. If you're able to perform well using high volume but
mportant thing is to identify what does work and stick with it.
ms in the UYP plan are designed with this in mind. If you chose this particular
t always ideal. In this case, our higher-frequency plan is also a bit of a higher-
ou're struggling on this plan, or don't see the results you expected, take a look
s on in the future.

're training the major lifts more often. On the base program, you were
es, and deadilfting twice. We've kept that two-times-a-week schedule for the
mes a week and pressing all four days. The upside: you get more practice AND
e most likely to result in added size and strength. The downside, as always, is a
ally important to be careful to listen to your body and avoid injury when you're
n take a toll on the joints, so if you're hurting, don't be afraid to throw in some
rd time through the program, and you're still struggling even after adjusting
g either the front squats on day 2 and seeing if that makes a difference. If you
ng, try overhead pressing on day 2, and don't press at all on day 4.

below, and make changes there first.

T high frequency. We're also using a volume that's somewhere in-between the intermediate
can see by comparing the first week of 5s from each, as shown to the left. That's because
gether, as part of your process to determine which training variables are most important to
lan means that you can very easily isolate the two variables. High-frequency not working for
re on par with the intermediate plan, and see if you improve. If so, you know that frequency
nd, if this plan works great, you can either repeat it or you can try bumping up the volume to
er case, manipulate the volume by performing more or fewer sets – NOT by changing the rep

ore difficult for you.

the intensities used for this plan and the high-volume plan fall somewhere in the middle of
ate program, while the high-intensity plan leans towards the later weeks of the intermediate
ct to help you determine which intensity ranges are most productive for you. Try using this
p, and percentage scheme used in the high-intensity one, and see how it affects your training
ur percentages using the Start Here tab, so that the variations are programmed accordingly).

t to break down, and design your program so that a large portion of your training is just

re frequency: squatting four times a week or

ll using high volume but only lower frequency,

Unfuck Your Program: 6 Weeks of

Week 1

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 167.5 5 @7 167.5
Bench Press 117.5 5 @7 117.5
Dip 10 @8
Skullcrusher 10 @8
Day 2
Front Squat 100 5 @7 100
Incline Press 82.5 5 @7 82.5
Deadlift 182.5 5 @7 182.5
Abs MAX @10
Day 3
High Bar Squat 135 5 @7 135
Close Grip Bench 95 5 @7 95
DB Press 10 @8
Hammer Curl 10 @8
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL 127.5 5 @7 127.5
Overhead Press 60 5 @7 60
T-Bar Row 10 @8
Chin-Up 10 @8

Week 2

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 175 5 @8 175
Bench Press 122.5 5 @8 122.5
Dip 8 @8
Skullcrusher 8 @8
Day 2
Front Squat 105 5 @8 105
Incline Press 85 5 @8 85
Deadlift 190 5 @8 190
Abs MAX @10
Day 3
High Bar Squat 140 5 @8 140
Close Grip Bench 97.5 5 @8 97.5
DB Press 8 @8
Hammer Curl 8 @8
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL 132.5 5 @8 132.5
Overhead Press 62.5 5 @8 62.5
T-Bar Row 8 @8
Chin-Up 8 @8

Week 3

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 182.5 3 @8 182.5
Bench Press 127.5 3 @8 127.5
Dip 6 @8
Skullcrusher 6 @8
Day 2
Front Squat 110 3 @8 110
Incline Press 90 3 @8 90
Deadlift 200 3 @8 200
Abs MAX @10
Day 3
High Bar Squat 145 3 @8 145
Close Grip Bench 102.5 3 @8 102.5
DB Press 6 @8
Hammer Curl 6 @8
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL 140 3 @8 140
Overhead Press 65 3 @8 65
T-Bar Row 6 @8
Chin-Up 6 @8
rogram: 6 Weeks of Higher Frequency

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

5 @7 167.5 5 @7
5 @7 117.5 5 @7
10 @8 10 @9 10
10 @8 10 @9 10

5 @7 100 5 @7
5 @7 82.5 5 @7
5 @7 182.5 5 @7
MAX @10 MAX @10 MAX

5 @7 135 5 @7
5 @7 95 5 @7
10 @8 10 @9 10
10 @8 10 @9 10

5 @7 127.5 5 @7
5 @7 60 5 @7
10 @8 10 @9 10
10 @8 10 @9 10

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

5 @8 175 5 @8
5 @8 122.5 5 @8
8 @8 8 @9 8
8 @8 8 @9 8

5 @8 105 5 @8
5 @8 85 5 @8
5 @8 190 5 @8
MAX @10 MAX @10 MAX

5 @8 140 5 @8
5 @8 97.5 5 @8
8 @8 8 @9 8
8 @8 8 @9 8

5 @8 132.5 5 @8
5 @8 62.5 5 @8
8 @8 8 @9 8
8 @8 8 @9 8

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

3 @8 182.5 3 @8 182.5 3
3 @8 127.5 3 @8 127.5 3
6 @8 6 @9 6
6 @8 6 @9 6

3 @8 110 3 @8 110 3
3 @8 90 3 @8 90 3
3 @8 200 3 @8 200 3
MAX @10 MAX @10 MAX

3 @8 145 3 @8 145 3
3 @8 102.5 3 @8 102.5 3
6 @8 6 @9 6
6 @8 6 @9 6

3 @8 140 3 @8 140 3
3 @8 65 3 @8 65 3
6 @8 6 @9 6
6 @8 6 @9 6
Set 4





Set 4





Set 4



Unfuck Your Program: 6 Weeks of

Week 4

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 190 3 @8 190
Bench Press 132.5 3 @8 132.5
Dip 10 @8
Skullcrusher 10 @8
Day 2
Front Squat 115 3 @8 115
Incline Press 92.5 3 @8 92.5
Deadlift 207.5 3 @8 207.5
Abs MAX @10
Day 3
High Bar Squat 152.5 3 @8 152.5
Close Grip Bench 105 3 @8 105
DB Press 10 @8
Hammer Curl 10 @8
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL 145 3 @8 145
Overhead Press 67.5 3 @8 67.5
T-Bar Row 10 @8
Chin-Up 10 @8

Week 5

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 195 2 @8 195
Bench Press 137.5 2 @8 137.5
Dip 8 @8
Skullcrusher 8 @8
Day 2
Front Squat 117.5 2 @8 117.5
Incline Press 97.5 2 @8 97.5
Deadlift 212.5 2 @8 212.5
Abs MAX @10
Day 3
High Bar Squat 155 2 @8 155
Close Grip Bench 110 2 @8 110
DB Press 8 @8
Hammer Curl 8 @8
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL 150 2 @8 150
Overhead Press 70 2 @8 70
T-Bar Row 8 @8
Chin-Up 8 @8

Week 6

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 205 1 @8 205
Bench Press 145 1 @8 145
Dip 6 @8
Skullcrusher 6 @8
Day 2
Front Squat 122.5 1 @8 122.5
Incline Press 102.5 1 @8 102.5
Deadlift 222.5 1 @8 222.5
Abs MAX @10
Day 3
High Bar Squat 165 1 @8 165
Close Grip Bench 115 1 @8 115
DB Press 6 @8
Hammer Curl 6 @8
Day 4
Switch-Stance DL 155 1 @8 155
Overhead Press 72.5 1 @8 72.5
T-Bar Row 6 @8
Chin-Up 6 @8

Week 7

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2

Squat 190 1 @8 207.5
Bench Press 137.5 1 @8 150

Day 2

Deadlift 202.5 1 @8 222.5

rogram: 6 Weeks of Higher Frequency

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

3 @8 190 3 @8
3 @8 132.5 3 @8
10 @8 10 @9 10
10 @8 10 @9 10

3 @8 115 3 @8
3 @8 92.5 3 @8
3 @8 207.5 3 @8
MAX @10 MAX @10 MAX

3 @8 152.5 3 @8
3 @8 105 3 @8
10 @8 10 @9 10
10 @8 10 @9 10

3 @8 145 3 @8
3 @8 67.5 3 @8
10 @8 10 @9 10
10 @8 10 @9 10

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

2 @8 195 2 @8
2 @8 137.5 2 @8
8 @8 8 @9 8
8 @8 8 @9 8

2 @8 117.5 2 @8
2 @8 97.5 2 @8
2 @8 212.5 2 @8
MAX @10 MAX @10 MAX

2 @8 155 2 @8
2 @8 110 2 @8
8 @8 8 @9 8
8 @8 8 @9 8

2 @8 150 2 @8
2 @8 70 2 @8
8 @8 8 @9 8
8 @8 8 @9 8

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

1 @8 205 1 @8 205 1
1 @8 145 1 @8 145 1
6 @8 6 @9 6
6 @8 6 @9 6

1 @8 122.5 1 @8 122.5 1
1 @8 102.5 1 @8 102.5 1
1 @8 222.5 1 @8 222.5 1
MAX @10 MAX @10 MAX

1 @8 165 1 @8 165 1
1 @8 115 1 @8 115 1
6 @8 6 @9 6
6 @8 6 @9 6

1 @8 155 1 @8 155 1
1 @8 72.5 1 @8 72.5 1
6 @8 6 @9 6
6 @8 6 @9 6

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

1 @9 222.5-230 1 @10
1 @9 157.5-165 1 @10

1 @9 242.5-250 1 @10
Set 4





Set 4





Set 4




Set 4

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