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Dadhoc, Jemayka D. Nov.

29, 2022
BSA-1A CFE 101, Code:3005

Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see"

Waking up every day is a blessing to me and

going to church is a special gift I give to myself. It’s
like a mystery gift that inside it are teachings that I
can only learn when I go to church or when I go a
Sunday service. Last Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022, I joined
the Sunday service at our church, All For Christ
Ministry. The most that struck me the message from
Hebrews 11:1.

As a Christian, I believe that I am saved by grace

alone, through faith alone. Believing to what God sent is faith. I learned that faith is
confidence, hope, and assurance of what cannot be seen. I know that there is God who
created everything, saved all human by Christ’s work on the cross, and is coming again. My
confidence in this is what moves me to my lifestyle and my actions. I believe that faith without
works is dead and is no faith at all. In my life, when I first started to step in and understand the
word of God, I saw how powerful God is, even if cannot see him by my naked eyes. Even if I
was a kid that time, I started believing in him because of the teachings of church’s leaders and
pastors. But there is a time I asked myself if it is true, but I told myself that if it is not true then
why do they share it to other people. So, I then listen, understand, and believe. From that, I
began joining to intermission numbers in our church like singing and dancing. From then up to
now, I still do believe in God whatever circumstances I am in. I believe that everything has a
purpose and whatever trials I’ve been through, God is always there helping me. He is with me.
He protects me under his wings. I should believe him more that God will show me miracles and
make a way for me, for all humankind and for the countries in this amazing world God created.

I will apply all the learnings I gained in our Sunday service in the upcoming days of my life
through being good to other people. Showing them respect for this is what they deserve and
not stepping on their back.

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