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Componente cuir Lingua Ingles | Enso Fundamental Anos as €2a 2edigdo editora Stica Sao Paulo, 2018 for Brazilian Learners Claudio de Paiva Franco DDoucr em Etudes ingutios(Unguis Alec) pls UEMG ‘Mes er tnguisia Aplicada peta UFR Profesor de Lingua ingesa da Faculdade de Leta da URL Proficient em inglés eta Undesdade de Cambie (CPE Inglaterra EproesordeEducagio Bsa das reds estadual (Ensino Mo) federal (nin Fundsmenale Mado) ‘Astor de iv cdc de ngs Katia Cristina do Amaral Tavares Dour em Lingus Apicad xuos da inguagem pes PUCS. ‘Mesa em Leas Angl-Germincas pla UFRL Prokesora de ing Ingles da Faculdade de ets UFR professor de dua Bis das eds esd Enno Méd)e ‘ede (rine Fundamenale edo) ede Esa Superior na UCR. toa detos dios de gts. €a ceditra tea resegnt ners Duct roses tse ipa enn egret t e iar psoas Bo Pieced ts Sunn an ‘emptor te, ci omar tei ne, Nieto Geena Casa asco ‘ernst aug na a Due erase nt ro tecap st mane Srey ae ai Clea nePtici Blosnns 7086 Gq bere yono2 a @: els Apresentacao Caro aluno Vocé ja deve ter percebido a presenga da lingua inglesa em seu dia a dia — em filmes, miisicas, jogos eletrénicos, sites etc. Na internet, © inglés é bastante utilizado para a divulgagao de contetidos a pessoas do mundo inceiro, Na comunicacao entre individuos de diferentes paises, seja a distancia, seja presencialmente, a lingua inglesa também é muito usada. ‘Assim, aprender inglés é importante para ter acesso a tudo isso e poder participar de interagbes nesse idioma de forma ativa e critica, Esta colecao foi planejada pensando em contribuir para sua formacao, como individuo que utiliza a linguagem em diversas praticas socials, Dessa forma,as tividades foram elaboradasa partir de situades de uso da lingua inglesa para que vocé seja capaz de desenvolver, de forma integrada, as habilidades de ler, ouvir falar e escrever em inglés. Além disso, a diversidade cultural ea riqueza da variedade linguistica so valorizadas. ‘Ao longo dos quatro volumes, voce encontra uma grande variedade de géneros textuais e de temas de relevancia para voc8 e para a sociedade como um todo. Ao aprender a lingua ingles, vocé descabre novas formas de pensar, sentir e agir no mundo, Nesta colegio, o ensino da lingua nao acontece de maneiraisolada, ésemprearticulado comas demaisdisciplinas do curriculo escolar, convidando vocé a refletrcriticamente sobre diversas questées e a participar mais ativamente da sua comunidade Como buscamos valorizar seu papel na construcéo coletiva do conhecimento ao longo de toda a obra, esperamos que, a0 utilizar a colecdo, vocé se sinta sempre convidado a se engajar com entusiasmo, junto com seus colegase seu professor, em um processo de aprendizagem ccolaborativo, prazeroso e enriquecedor. Os Autores Conhega as secbes que fazem parte deste lv. No inicio do livro, vocé encontra as seguintes sees: + English All Around the World: anal o alcance da lingua inglesae os seus concextos de uso no mundo globalizado, + Tipsinto Practice: coloque em pratica, por meio de dicas, diversas estratégias deleitura e aprendizagem, + Doing Research on the Internet: conheca dicas praticas de como usar a internet para estuclas/ Pesquisas escolares. (Cada uma das oito unidades do livto € compost das seguinces segdes: | | audiovisual relacionado a contesidos abordados na : unidade hadearied ig Warming Up! Explore o titulo da unidade | easimagens de abertura | Palevancarhipsceses | relacionadas ao tema, ~~] Reading Comprehension Prepare-se para lero texto | principal da unidade, faca | atividades de compreensio cerefltacrticamente sobre o = = texto que acabou delet Vocabulary Study | Estude o vocabulario de forma sistemiticae | | [Emil - contextualizada. |* ARR | = Language in Use ‘Amplie seus conhecimentos Aprimore seus conhecimentas sobre o tema da unidade, gyamaticalsa partir de situagées de uso da lingua, aon . Writing, Looking Ahead Escreva um texto a partir da Debata com seus colegas observacio dostextos que voc’ —_questbes relevantes sobre jftexplorou na unidade. otema da unidade, ‘Ao final do lvro, vocé encontra as seguintessecdes: + On the Sereen: aprenda com filmes. + Extra Activities: faca atividades adicionais Listeningand Speaking Partcipe de atividades de ouvir falar em inglés com seus colegas. ‘A cada duas unidades, voc’ encontraas seguintes secoes. «+ Review: reveja os ccontetidos trabalhados, Learning: avalie sua aprendizagem. + Time for Funts divrcase com jogos, ‘cada quatro unidades voc ‘encontraa seguincesegio: + Sing a Song: aprenda com cangbes + Projects: planeje, deserwolva e apresente projetosincerdisciplinares em grupo. + Vocabulary Corner: estuce 0 vocabulirio aprendido, organizado por meio de imagens + Language Reference in Context: reveja os contetdos linguisticos deforma contexcualizada e faa novos exercicios. + Glossary: consult o significado das palavras e expressBes utlzadas no lve, Contents English All Around the World 8 Tips into Practice 0 Doing Research on the Internet 9 We Are All Human + Exploring quizzes « Establishing connections with Art, Portuguese and Science Warming Up! 2 Reading Comprehension 2 Vocabulary Study 2 The Body Fs Taking it Further 2 Language in Use Fa Review: Present Simple 2 Adverbs of Frequency @ Listening and Speaking 8 writing a Looking Ahead 35 Empowerment through Sport « Exploring opinion polls «Establishing connections with Art, Math and Physical Education ‘Warming Up! 38 Reading Comprehension 38 Vocabulary Study a0 Sports 40 Taking it Further 2 Language in Use 8 Review: Present Simple 8 Object Pronouns 6 Listening and Speaking 46 writing 8 Looking Ahead a Review 1 50 Thinking about Learning 53 ‘Time for Fun! 54 A Tour Around : Brazil i «= Exploring maps «Establishing connections with Artand Geography Warming Up! Reading Comprehension Vocabulary study ‘Tourist Attractions Means of Transportation Taking it Further Language in Use (Guastion Words Listening and Spe Writing Looking Ahead Looking to » the Past «Exploring FAQS «Establishing connections with Geography and History ‘Warming Up! Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Study ‘Occupations Prepositions of Time tn, on, att Taking it Further Language in Use Past Sima (Verb to be) Listening and Speaking writing Looking Ahead 2 ‘Thinking about Learning ‘Time for Fun! ‘Sing a Song t 56 50 80 80 a 8 ca 83 86 8 8 0 n m ™ 6 n 80 8 83 a a 28 90 The Entertainment Industry «= Exploring biographies «+ Establishing connections with Art, Geography and History ‘Warming Upt Reading Comprehension Vocabulary study Kinds of TV Show ‘Words with more than one meaning Taking it Further Language in Use Past Simple @egular Verbs! stening and Speaking writing Looking Ahead Relationships + Exploring real stories « Establishing connections with Art Warming Upt Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Study False Friends Taking it Further Language in Use Past Simple trregular Verbs! Listoning and Speaking Writing Looking Ahead Review 3 Thinking about Learning Time for Fun! 104 106 0 108 m0 We 1 18 18 15 8 zi we 5 8 Any Volunteers? «Exploring comic strips « Establishing connections with Art, Geography and Portuguese ‘Warming Up! Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Study Household Chores Linking Words Taking it Further Language in Use Pst Continuous Pact Continuous or Past Simple? Listening and Speaking writing Looking Ahead Exploring Different Art Forms «+ Exploring ins ring stories «= Establishing connections with Artand History Warming Up! Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Study ‘Words with more than one meaning bites Taking it Further Language in Use Can/Coul Listening and Speaking writing Looking Ahead Review 4 ‘Thinking about Learning Time for Fun! Sing a Song 2 ‘On the Screen, Extra Activities Projects Vocabulary Corner Language Reference in Context Glossary Bibliography we a us us. us 9 9 184 English All Around the World Nesta segio, voc® vai analsar 0 aleance da lingua inglesa e os seus contextos Drscecie de uso no mundo globalzada. Antes de voce ler os textos a seguir e explorat a abrangéncia da lingua ingless, esponda em seu cadero: "Na sua opiniao, ha mais falantes de inglés como lingua materna ou pessoas {que usam a lingua inglesa e tem outro idioma como lingua materna? Agora leia os textos abaixo e responda as questdes a seguir em seu caderno, Text1 Outer circle eg Inca, Nigeria. English: The thee circles of English as described by Kachru, eg. China, Russi, Brant ‘Avalable at: ‘Accessed une, 2018 | Text2 On about two-thirds ) Interestingly, about two-thirds of English-speakers are not first- cercade dois language speakers of English. To put it another way: English no longer tergos belongs to England, to superpower America, or even to the English- belong= speaking countries generally. Rather, English i the world’s language. (.) ference, sater=emver _Aalble a: cwmeconomisicomyblogsprespero/2014/07fuce-englsh> ‘Accessed om ne 25,2018 (Fragment) @ Com base no primeiro texto, correlacione as colunas abaixo. Escreva as respostas em seu caderno. €. Circulo interno (Inner circle) |. Paises onde a lingua inglesa € usada como lingua Biro ests (Ockar cick) ingermacional (international languoge). Il, Paises onde a lingua inglesa é usada como primeira lingua €- Circulo em expansio (first language) ou lingua materna (mother tongue). (xpanding circle) Ul, Paes onde a lingua ingles &usada como segunda lingua (second language), © Responda as perguntas.a seguir em seu caderne. ‘aE quais paises mencionados no primeiro texto, o inglés é falado como primeira lingua ou lingua maverna? b.E como segunda lingua? €. E como lingua internacional? © Voce sabe em quai outros paises a lingua inglesa € ulizada como lingua materna? Faa uma busca na internet eescrevaaresposta em seucaderno. © Em seu caderno, responda as questdes abaixo sobre o segundo texto. 2. A quaisfalantes de inglés a expressio “about two-thirds of Enalish-speakers" (cerca de dois ercos dos flantes de inglés) se refere? A quantidade de falances nativos de inglés, ou sea, aqueles que falam 0 idioma como lingua materna {A quancidade de falantes nao nativos de inglés. ou sea, aqueles que fala ‘idioma como segunda lingua ou lingua internacional . No segundo texto, qual expressio é utlizada para se reerr& lingua inglesa ‘como lingua global, utilzada por falantes nativos e nfo nativos? (© que os dois textos da pagina anterior tém em comum? _Ambos informam que o ntimero de pessoas que usam a lingua inglesa e em ‘outio idioma como lingua materma é maior do que a quantidade de falances nativos de inglés. ‘Ambos destacam que a lingua inglesa pertence a paises como Estados Unidos e Reino Unido, onde esse idioma é utlizado com lingua oficial, ® Think about i Retomea perguntafeita antes da leitura dos dois textos desta secdo. Sua previo foi confirmada? Ao lero segundo texto, voce descobriu que dois tergas dos falantes de inglés s30 non-native speakers, ou sea, falantes que nao tém idioma como sua lingua materna (Os falantes natives (native speakers) Accessed om une 25,2018 (Fragmene) ‘The status of English is such that it has been adopted as the world’s lingua) franca for communication in Olympic spor, international trade, and air-traffic control. Unlike any other language, past or present, English has spread to ll five continents and has become a truly global language. From: NELSON, G; AARTS B.vestgtng English Around the Werld ‘The Workings of Language, by. Whee Greenwood 1998.17 (Fragment) 8.0 inglés caracterza-se como lingua franca dado seu amplo uso internacional nas mais diversas areas (esporte, negocios, trafego aéreo exc). .O inglés caracteriza-se como lingua global apenas por seu numero expressivo de falantes como lingua materna ou como segunda lingua ©. O inglés caracteriza-se como lingua intemacional porque possibilca a comunicagio entre pessoas de diferentes paises. .0 inglés caracteriza-se como lingua franca porque é aprendid efalado em todos os continences @ leentifiquealgunsdos diferentes contextos de uso da lingua inglesaapresentados ‘a seguir Escreva as respostas em seu caderno, a.Texcosacadémicos! —_b.Aviasio ©. Misicas cientifcos 2 _AOAROWNG MRSS > meergn 3 = Prin Cepanete Tos PERRY, Kay WEIL Sand Firework. Incerpreted by Katy Pry Teenage Dea, [SLCsptol Recor 20901 CD Tack sr ny Avaableat ‘ecesed ont October 2018 ) Qual o objetivo do cartaz (campaign poster, em inglés) acima? Escreva a resposta em seu caderno. 2. Explicar que os leopardos nio falam. >. Incentivar a preservacao de certas especies de animais. Em seu cadero, explique, com suas proprias palavras, a relagdo entre 0 objetivo da eampanha eo trecho “tum conservation into conversation Escolha as estratégias utilizadas no texto para chamar a atengio do leitor. Escreva as respostas em seu caderno. 2. The use of difficult words The use of an unusual image ofa leopard. c. The use of the imperative (‘visit’, “donare’,“jin’). d. The use of a catchy phrase ("Because they can't speak for themselves"), (© que ajudou voce a compreender 0 texto? ‘Agora, pense nas estratégias de aprendizagem e de leitura que voc’ jd usa € aprencia outras. Antes de fazer os exercicios sobre 0 texto abaixo em seu caderno, cconheca algumas dicas de estratégias que sio importantes antes, durante efou depois da leivura do cexto, tipA ‘tive seu conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto para favoreceroestabelecimento dehipoteses sobre o que sera ldo. OPE SYNDROME Know me before you judge me Alot Like You Even though | have Down syndrome, my life isa lot like yours I read books and watch TV. listen to music with my friends, rm on the swim team and in chorus at school. And | get along with my sisters ~ except when they take my CDs without asking! Some of my classes are with typical kids, and some are with kids swith learning disabilities. | have an aide who goes with me to my harder classes, ike Math and Biology. She helps me take notes and gives me tips on how I should study for tests. Having Down syndrome is what makes me “me. And I'm proud of who lam. ma hard worker, a good person, and I care about my friends. ‘Adapted ram hp ide ratonaleographiecomadsxeneslpeopleplaces downsyndromel> ‘Accessed one 26 2018 > tip F Nao se preacupe com as palavras desconhecidas, pols nem sempre énecessrio saber 0 significado de cada palavra para alingi o objetivo de eitura. tip B Faca previsoes sobre otextoa pattirdotituloe das palavras- have. tip ¢ Busquerlaconar * alegenda tanto’ imagem quanto as idelas do text tip D Apoieseo vocabulério ja conhecido eempalavas parecidas com Dportugués paraajuiétona Eompreensto do texe. tipE Busque inferr significado de palavras -chave a partir. daobservacio docontexto em ‘que elass20 utilzadas tip G ‘enttique a fonte dotextopara ajudé-tocrar hipateses sobre o ue seré ido. Tips inte Practice Para fazer as atividades a seguir em seu caderno, utilize as dicas de estratégias de leitura sugeridas. What do you know about Down syndrome? Choose the items below that are correct about this syndrome. Write the answers in your notebook, Down symdrome isa genetic disorder, batt causes learning disabilities in children Iroccuts when an individual has an excra chromosome. 4.All people with Down syndrome have the same personality and ables. © Before reading he texcon page 13,cakea look atthe title, picture and source. ‘Then, choose the correct item (or ©) that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook. a. The texts about people with Down syndrome, © a teenager with Down syndrome, b.The texts froma websie magazine The texts for aduls. children and teenage Now read the text on page 13 and do exercises 3-7 in your notebook, © Isthe gir'sperspective on her coneltion postive or negative? Writ the answer inyour notebook. © Choose the activities below that are pare ofthe girs life. Write the answers in your notebook tipA can help you! tip B ‘anhelp you! tip ‘antelp you! tip c canhelp you! tip D ccanhelp you! © Based on the text, choose the correct statements below. Write the answers in your notebook asin the gis opinion her lf is very different from the lives of other kids. 'b. Math and Biology ar dificult school subjects for her. ‘There isa person who helps the gil at school d.Al her classes are with typical kids. © How can we say “And 'm proud of who | am inyour notebook, Portuguese? Write the answer tip E a, Eeu me orgulho de quem eu sou. “canbelp you! b. E eu me envergonho de quem eu sou @ Ajovem que aparece no texto da pagina 13 se chama Melissa Riggio. partir da letura dele, copie excertoabaxo em seu eadero,reiado do ste de Melissa, substtundo os cones por palavrasexpressdes que aparecem no texto da pigina 13. $2 OF wwrwrgsionet >tipH Estabeleca relacBesentie diterentes textos em lingua ingesa. tip | ‘Ao aprender novaspalavras, busque aprender | tambem como pronunciétas. Por exemplo, 20 pronunciarmos 3 My name is Melissa Riggio. 'm eighteen years old and am graduating Feipaa bans: | from high school this June. have but ~ isa lot like yours. | sing in my renee school ,lamon the team and |work at our local YMCA. semelhanca com coro em Portugués ‘Avalable st: Accessed or june 26 2018 Tips into Practice Read the following text and do exercises 8-12 in your notebook. Get new tips! >> tip J Identiique se texto gum ancncio,cartum, pBster ete para ‘com base no ‘que vocb js sabe sobre esse Bénero textual ‘ompreender melhor o texto, seus objetivose sua esvutura tip K ‘Observe as relagdes entre os elementos verbais (palavras) endo verbais (imagens, cores tipos e| tamanhos de Fonte etc) >tipL Noteque titulo __. apresenta aideia geraldo texto, >tipM Note ques subtituos, ampliam/ Getatham a deia apresentada no Dee eee an moe - tule From: NEWSWEEK, Jul 26,2013, >tipN Ll + Busque sempre © Choose the correct item (4 or @) that completes each sentence below. Write _identificar a the answersin your notebook. sce a. The texcisa magazine relere pare ‘ « compreender cover. 8 article ia b. The name of the magazine is felacionam em wee umtexo Newsweek © You can ive forever. @ Identifique, no texto acima, palavras parecidas com as do portugués. De quais ‘utras palavras voce jf conhece o significado? Escreva as respostas em seu caderno. D Qual a relagao entre a i caderno. vagem € 0 titulo do texto? Escreva a resposta em seu @ No subsiulo “ immortality plausible? Oris it quack science?” a que palavra 0 pronome it se refere? Escreva a resposta em seu caderno. Ao observar o contexto de uso da expressio “quack science’, podemos inferir {qual significado? Escrevaa resposta em seu caderno. a. Cléncia plausivel aceitavel. b. Céncia fraudulenta, mentirosa, Read the following text and do exercises 13-17 in your notebook. ss soe ee Ceci ‘wash your hands both rei tlt Cero ecri) disrespectful. Soe Coin ere fat too quickly ortoo ae ne isimportant. considered unclean, Us Eri Perens Available se: cwrescaranchoicecoukfblog2014)03/17/dnng etquette-atoundword> ‘Accessed or: une 26,2018 ® What isthe main objective ofthe text above? Write the answer in your notebook. To provide examples of good and bad restaurants in India. b. To explain the do'sand donts (ules) of indian eating eciqueste, Tins into Practice © Based on the text, choose the correct statements below. Write the answers in your notebook. 2. Ieisimportant to eat slow b leis sign of eirespect co lave food on your pate. lelsimportane to wash your hands before and after eating 4. In India, itis noc a problem to eat with your left or right hand. © Why isthe imperative used in the text? Chose a or b and write the answer in your notebook. 2. Towish things. b. To give instructions. @ Match the opposites asin the example below. Write the answers in your notebook, Example: a. V vate (as in “afer eating”) 1. sare b. disrespectful as in“extremely disrespectful") I. respectful finish (sin “finish your meal") I, clean lef (asin “eat wich your let hand”) IV. slowiy ©. quickly (as in “eat too quickly") V. before f. unclean (as in “t's considered unclean") Vi sighe © Now gett know some eating customs in Thailand! Replace each icon with anitem fom exercise 16 to complete the following text. Write the answers in your notebook, $20 A wemneaktamachanorg hand, the eat with our spoon and not your fork the spoonin your | “fork in your et hand. Use the fork to puth food onto your spoon and put the spoon in your mouth + Do help your neighbors with the food serving, making sure that people around you get some of the food you pass on the serving dish. Do eat, Thais like to spend a lot of time over meals, exchanging ‘conversation with families and friends, + Do wait to be invited to start eating if you see the “Senior” present at the | table, be by waiting forthe senior person to invite everyone to start | the meal. Adiped on . cessed once 25,2018, Use ==to remove words from the results. ore sn era ? Eg.ifyouwantto ee wee ee ey tect en ff find blopraphies, ‘ere tn Eg ofactvists and eliminate Nelson {seme in Sr tt ae eine eon Siri entore onenageeree eer abrene results. ‘Semone sigma. aha So. a et et St Szey 7 Arable cw ooglecombr> Accessed orhine25 2018 irate one's Day 7 Ac Th Cal Enty Use“ to search for specific terms or phrases © solongst ern ta wore aya Eg Ifyouwant to Findout the name sects fet geen het Fran ofthe longest Fiver inthe world Mundo» Rls (mas engos) To Longest vers inthe Word - Wola com ‘etn astm ogee t3 om Tan woneppas aTe Lstot vrs by eng - kein icine here Tanarnagne -Aalble se: , Accessed or: hune 2.2018 Use % ro substitute for one or more characters/words. ‘tdepanda net L Eg. you are not | some ceo Stee } prepositions that Teint Wovcs mages ies -Mas) Mas Coiggie Formate owt the verb depend Witdepende on met Woraeterance Forums tpsitonnetomrre co Ege On Elan» Tea a ngs ‘how asege ane: Dope a ay eee ‘depends on me radugio I dicionti Ings. Diclnario Reverso ‘ipotdcomraros ranges pomquestenerdiane It. depends on me Tumaczenie na polski angilskich prayltadow toner ntemactnetyestpcexridepeieene © Avaable a: cwrgooglecombr>. Accessed on ne 25, 2018 @© Make sure you spell the keywords correctly. © Cickon the name of the website that seems to be the most helpful to you. © Evaluate the website to see if it will really help you (see next section). Evaluating Websites Isall online information reliable? Not really! Here are some useful questions to ask ‘yourself when you are evaluating websites on the Internet. Who is the author of the website? © Ishe/she an expert? + Istherea link to find out more about himjher? ‘What is the purpose of the website? * Is there relevant information init? * Isicdifferent from other websices? When was the website created? + Ave dates included for the last update? * Are the links current and all functional? Where does the content of the website come from? * Are sources of factual information or statistics mentioned? + Isthere a bibliography included? -6-6-6-6 Why is this website useful for my purposes? + Why should | use it + Isitbetcer than any other? ‘The website domain can provide indications of che websites area of interest or purpose. The most common domains are: * edu :an educational website + scom:a commercial website + .gov :a federal government website * org :a nonprofit websice Itistime to put into practice what you have earned about finding and evaluating, websites Imagine you are searching for biographies of world leaders and do exercises ‘Vand 2 in your notebook. © Find three websites that offer biographies of world leaders. Follow the steps ‘and tips on the previous page to get more precise results, @ Based on the three websites you chose, answer questions 1-5 (above) in order to decide which websites contain reliable information on the biographies you are searching for. Write the answers in your notebook. Doing Research on the Internat ® Warming Up! ysnrees Todo mundo € diferente. Em sua ‘mais interessante? Por qué? + falar sobre 0 corpo humano e descrever pessoas; + rever o Presente Simples (Present Simple); + sar advérbios de frequéncia (adverbs of frequency); + empregar vocabulrio retacionado 20 corpo humano (the body); + compreender e produc quizzes + estabelecer relagées com Arte, Cigncias e Portugués ~ j i Reading Comprehension Before Reading {D Copy the following table in your notebook and replace each icon with an item from the box below asin the examples. Use the Glossary if necessary. brain « brown hair « green eyes «hand + head « heart «leg « stomach «tall | [tarsotinevoty | Sy | eas © Takea look at the structure, the title and the source of the following text. Then, choose the correct icem (1 or ©) chat completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook. a. Thetextisa tip Use oque voce ja sabe sobreo genera dotexto para melhor crue or false quiz mukiple-choice quiz, b. The text contains questions about one subject (subject-specific quiz). Panpreenaet, different subjects (general knowledge quiz) . The text is about tip. the human bod. plane ano Hegemied Seana © Which words and expressions do you expect to find in the following text? sire dete ence : Reaestabee Reading que voce vai ler. Now read the text below to check your predictions. Then, rake the quiz and check the answers wit your teacher. Write the answers in your notebook. Your Body Inside and Out by Beth Rowen How much do you know about your body? Take this quizto find out. Question 1: Question2: Question 3: Wiich ofthefolowingis Howmany teeth Approximately NOT one of the five senses? do kids have? ‘what percent of acsight 2.20 your bodys buaase b.32 ware Le echexting 18 2.95 «50 f atevnnl 10 b.70 4.30 i 24 units Question 4: Question 5: Question 6: How many joints Howmany timesdoes Which of your body’ systems are therein the your heartbeat each __is responsible for transporting human body? ay? blood throughout the body? 3.230 a. 1,000,000 times a.the nervous system bas 1.501000 times b.the endocrine system «380 «100,000 times the circulatory system 4.59 4.5000 times d.the respiratory system Adapted rom: cunwfstmansercom/uazelyourbodyiside-ou Uhm ‘Accvsed ore Octber 8 2018 Reading for General Comprehension ‘What isthe main objective of the text? Write the answer in your notebook. a. To test what you know about health problems b.To test whac you know about the human body. Reading for Detailed Comprehension © The following pictures are related to the human body. Which question from ‘the quiz is each picture below related to? Write the answers in your notebook asin the example. Question 5 joint dunt ‘La placein your body where two bones meet, «+ articulagao Zaplace vere parts of something are connected. junta ‘We use How mmany.?t0 ‘atk about the umber of things 0 people (quantity) How many friends do ‘you have? nave About 10 friends 1 1 | i | | i | i i | | } i | | | yp | | | | | | | | a © (@ What did you learn after taking the quiz and checking the answers? You can choose more than one item below. Write the answers in your notebook. cutie a, Adults have 32 cet preposition bb. Over 50% of your body is made up of water. potiatr number «. There are over 650 muscles in the bod) cA ypical «The fve senses are sight, hearing, caste, smell and touch. bad has over 200 bones. « mais de ce. The circulatory system permits blood to circulate in the body. We Are All Human, Reading for Critical Thinking Discuta as perguntas abaixo com seus colegas 2.0 quiz das piginas 24 e25 convida oleitor a testar seus conhecimentos sobre © corpo humano, Na sua opinido, quem pode se interessar por responder a esse quia? b. Voce acredica que esse quiz é um bom inscrumento para avaliar 0 que urna pessoa sabe sobre o funcionamento do corpo humano? Por qué (no)? . Voc® i responcieu aalgum outro quiz em inglés ou em portugués? Sobre o ue era o quit? Onde foi aplicado? ‘cesso em: | Sabr, 2018 @ What does the gil look like? Use the following box to help you choose the correct items below. Write the answer in your notebook. EYES | BS SS SS } 1 (4 ih i 4) brown black blonde ‘ginger curly straight wavy a. She has brown, curly hair and brown eyes. b. She has blac, straight hair and brown eyes. @ And you? What do you look like? Replace each icon with an appropriate Goto Vocabulary word and write the complete sentence in your notebook Coreoabe® Ihave, hairand » eyes a ‘We Are all Human, &) Taking it Further 2 Read the text below and do exercises 1-4 in your notebook UNDERNEATH WE ARE ALL THE SAME ¢ @ ‘Adapced rom: . cessed on hune 26 208, © Whar do the pictures in the text show? a. The muscles ofa human body. fp, The bose ora fan by Glaleay el de palavas © tn “Underneath we areal the same” what does underneath mean? desconheciae a.Por bax, b. Delonge space contexts em @ Complete the poster above by replacing each icon with an appropriate queelass40 word. You can use words from the box below to help you. Write the answers _ulllzadas inyour notebook. Asian «elderly «indigenous « man + obese « skinny + woman, © Whatis the main idea of the text? atc shows people that iis important to treat each human being in a different way. bale shows people that we have ciferenc physical characteristics, but we are al human. ® rwinkavoucie ‘De acordo com 0 postr, o que as pessoas tém em comum?€ de diferente? Voc ‘oncorda com f50? Na sua opinigo as imagens do pésterajudam a chamar a {atencdo do leitor? Por qué (nao)? Como as imagens se relacionam com o que ests escrito? 28) unit @ Language in Use ® Review: Present Simple Read the following fragments from the quiz on pages 24 and 25 and do exercises 1-3 in your notebook. |.*How many teeth do kids have?” II.How many times does your heart beat each day?” © Answer the first question above (fragment 1) by replacing the icon » with an appropriate number. IF necessary, go back to the quiz. |. How many ceeth do kids have? They have» teeth @ Answer the second question above (fragment II) by replacing the icon» with an appropriate number. f necessary, go back to the quiz. |I, How many times does your heart beat each day? Iebeats » times day. © Choose the correct item (4 or @) that completes each sentence below. Fragments land Il are in the Present Simple tense to ra about 4 facts ® habits, b.ln“Ie beats (.) times a day’ the subjects 4 aday. I .In"Ie beats (.) times a day’, we add s to the main verb because the subject is inthe ‘4. 3" person singular, 18 34 person plural © Choose the correct verb form in the Present Simple tense that completes the sentence below Write the answersin your notebook. (_ Your eyes see/sees the pictures then your brain tellells you what they are.) “Your eyes" = they person From: GANERL Ani plural) OXIADE Chris DK Fat “your bai Enopopeda New Yor (DK. Pubihing, In. 200, pas | singuin) We Are All Human © Replace the icons with che correct verb form of the verbs in parentheses to breathe = respirar complete the following text. Use the Present Simple tense, If necessary, go lungs = pulmbes to Language Reference in Context on page 186 to review the Present Simple tense. Write the answers in your notebook. TO tip Body Map | “apart aa Your body is made of many different parts, Each parthasan | —_observacao dos important job to do. The parts — (work) together to keep you | exemplos loca alive and healthy | dee \ Skeleton Unga pa Your skeleton has more than 200 bones. It (help) you | movearoundand ~ (hold) your body in shape. Your bones also (protect) other body parts. Your Blood | Your blood carries food and oxygen toll partsof your body. Your Brain Yourbrain (control) yourwholebody. It along tracks, called nerves, Your two lungs (take) oxygen from the air so that you (send) messages can breathe it rom Fit Childers Enojcopeda. London DX, 200.23 © Whyis the Present Simple tense used in the text from exercise 5? Write the answer in your notebook. a To talk about facts, b. To talk about preferences @ Read the text from exercise $ again and focus on the verbs in the Present Simple tense. Then, copy te answer. the table below in your notebook and replace each icon with an appropriat Present Simple Tense Spelling rules for verbs in anaes the 3" person singular 4 Mosverb ; mel eibes ed “ee | wood 6 | do = dose Verbs ending ino nahh wp + go vebees ss kes bre bares Verbs ndingin consonant + ry + vedo ry - tee Excesior have work = ‘ake > takes protect =» protects finish fishes watch -* ware seudy + studies uy + ts 30 unit © Replace the icons with the correct verb form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the text below. Use the Present Simple tense. Write the answers in your notebook. r Bow «soprar lathes = ios __ AMAZING BODY FACTS taint | > Eyelashes about 150 days. (last) ‘sneeze = espirto + The heart ~ your blood through your body about 1,000 times each day. (circulate) + Your blood the same amount of salt in it as the ocean (have/do) | Asneeze — air out of your nose at 100 miles per hour. (blow) ‘Avalabe a: . Accessed oe une 26,2018 @ Read the following cartoon and choose the correct item (4 or ®) that ‘completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook, Frank and Ernest He DOESN'T CARE |i ApOUT My BRAIN, | He Just Loves me |?) For My GRapmics? — |; “Aalble 2: cwwfankandermes com senthindexpp?hw=he does27t cate about ny brain/&propety=Frank+ ands EiestBid=18&0pt=|qocneselBss=IxipSARIAD2Farr Frankandemestcont2Fincladessfiramedb1ef-B888submit-SeaIch> ‘ecessed on: une 6 2078, 2. The cartoon shows a conversation between two computers a computerand 2 scientist b. According to the computer, the scientist is incerested in its brain sraphics, € Ine just Loves me for my graphics" the Present Simple tense is used to talk about a fact. a preference 4. To form negative sentences in the Present Simple tense (when the subjects vet ese hice) & doesn't + main verb in he infinitive. doesnt = does rot main verb in the infinitive + doesn’t. = We Are All Human, Adverbs of Frequency ‘@ Read the following text and find out three interesting facts about the human birth = body. Then, based on the text, choose the correct item (4 or =) that answers __nascimento each question below. Write the answers in your notebook, pupil = pupila * Babies are usually born with blue eyes. * Even small noises cause the pupils of the eyes to dilate = Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growing. ‘Adapted fam: tip Considere 0 que voce sabe sobre assunto em questo (no caso, Figiene bucal) para favorecero estabelecimento de hipoteses sobre o que seré uv. >tip Neo se preacupe ementender todo o sudo Concentrese nas previstes que deselaveriicar epresteatengio ras planes have. We Are All Human Writing ® In this unit you have read a quiz on pages 24 and 25. quiz isa set of quick questions designed to test can be used asa game,a competition ora short test given to students. Quizzes may be held on. a variety of subjects (general knowledge quizzes) or be subject-specific (a quiz on Science, History etc). The format of the quiz can alo vary widely. Visit: (accessed on January 31,2018) to find examples of quizzes on several diferent subjects. © in small groups (of three or four students), write a quiz on the human body > tip to challenge your friends. You can ask questions about the brain the muscles, “Ao evisar the bones, the respiratory system ete. os quizes, consdere por - exemple: Writing Context » abevcas fefore writing your text, replace each Icon % with an appropiate answer Manages to identify the elements of the writing context. Write the answers in your Sdequadas 30 notebook, ajetvo do texte? a. Writer youand Sees b. Readers classmates and other people perguntase as Fesposas esto ©. Genre: Fedigidas de 4. Object 1 classmates’ knowledge on the maneiaciarae Objective: to test your classmates ig cena €. Sil. informacive tone + conteda:As f. Media handouts/inernet infomacoes =a Werfcadas © f Step by Step esto corretas? | ; | Eprecivoaterar 11. Com seus colegas, decida quantas perguntas vocé vai fazer. Serecae 2, Faca um brainstorming para istarperguntas sobre o pica. Voc pode fazer | SBtetpost# no dliferencestipos de perguncas: miliplescolha, sim ou néo,verdadeiro cual, | i 3. Sea craivo. screva perguntasineressantes e desafadoras que io seam |” erganizacso muito Faces de responder. vagal faite | Srapiaa 4. No caso de perguntas de milipla escolha, escreva as alternativas de | errersan respostas para cada pergunta as 5. Faca um rascunho do quiz no seu caderno e escolha um titulo para ele. N3o Mes + ontograf se esqueca de, separadamente, preparar umalista com asrespostasccertas. |” pepélawas 8. Troque quizzes com outro grupo ediscuta os textos criados. esti ecrias, 7. Facaas corteqbes necessiias. Reesceva seu 7 texto com base 8 Cri a versio final do seu qu | lmpenies © 1 ime co share your quiz and challenge your classmates and other people, Prwoct e565 You can print copies of your quiz or publish it on the Internet. To create an online quiz, you may use one ofthe services below: + } + ; + ; + . Accessed on: une 26 2018. 34 Unit ® Looking Ahead ® Read the following inspiring quotes. Then, talk toa classmate and answer the questions below. ‘Avalble a: . Accessed On: une 26, 2018, Do you agree with the quotes above? Why (not)? bin your opinion, what makes people unique? And whac makes them all the same? Go back to the text on page 28 and think about it. . What isthe relationship between the quotes above and the ttle ofthis unit (We Are All Human")? Extra Reading _haxpdebelthoxgii heb xa 20019; _naigeokids com dkcoverlciencelgeneral-sciencel 5 facts about the-huran-body/>. Accessed on: October 8 2018, Extra Videos -hutpsidearasonageoqraphiccom video! 101-vdeosjhuman-body-101>; _hrtpfdshelthorgedelotet/moviesfnow_che_body_ works iterimhr#e3t20913>, Accessed on-june 26 2018 ‘We Are All Human (Q) Warming Up! Voce conheceas pessoas das fot? De onde cassia? Oquecstofarendor? [> J " @ her guide Rafael Lazar Nesta unidade, vocé vai + falar sobre espores, + rever o Presente Simples (Present Simple); + usar pronomes do caso oblique (object pronouns) + empregar vocabuldriorelacionado a esportes (sports) + compreender e prodizir pesquisas de opinido (opinion pol); + estabelecerrelacies com Arte, Edlucagio Fisica e Matemética, 31 Reading Comprehension re) Before Reading © Answer the questions below. a. Do you play any sports? b. What sportsareyou good ae? Whats your favorite sport? <. Which do you prefer, playing sports or computer games? © Takealook at the layout, the structure and the picture of the following text. Then, choose the correct item ( or ®) that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook. a, The photo shows a sking competicor. © a snowboarding competitor b. The cexcisin the section “Stories 1B “About c. Special Olympicsis |. asports organization. ) an environmentalist organization, © Whatdo you expect to read about Special Olympics? Reading Now read the text below to check your predictions. +> O FE wwwspecialolympics ora! > tip cs fg Apoiese ES nome ensane sermons mens anor (EST ||F empelaveas 5 parecidascomo About | prams par Our Mission ja ‘The mission of Special Olympicsis g |] comereentta to provide year-round sports 7] traning and athietic competition i ina variety of Oympictype sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, | demonstrate courage, experience | joy and participate ina sharing of sits skills ane friendship with their families, other Special Olympics Asal at . Accessed or pune 262018, | SHPO 8 Empowerment through Sport Vocabulary Study 2 Sports 8 © Listen o the recordingand repeat the words from the box below. Then, replace each icon witha sport from the box to complete the following item as in the example. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: 2. swimming beach volleyball « gymnastics « horseback riding + volleyball « judo + running «sailing» soccer » swimming » tennis Athlete: Carolina Lssarassa ©) athlete: Danie Dias ! ij Place of birth: i Place of birch: i Campinas SioPauio Tiésde Mio, 1 i Rio Grande do Sul } i Sport: | i Athlete: Athlete: Sarah Menezes Martine Grael b | Place of birth: Place of birth: Teresina, Pau Nierdi Rio de Janeiro Sport ! sport: Athlete: Thiago Monteiro Athlete: Ricardo Lucareli Place of birth: 1} Place of birth: 1 Fortaleza, Ceard i Concagem, Minas Gerais Hl | } Sport: 4 Sport: Athlete: Athlete: ‘Marca Luiza Almeida Place of birth: Place of birth: ois Riachos, Alagoas Sto Paulo, Sao Paulo Athlete: ij ran Place of birth: h | et i Sao Paulo | sper ee: © What do the athletes in the photos have in common? © Whar’ your favorite sport? How often do you play it? © Copy the following diagramsin your notebook. Then, replace the icons the sports from exercise 1 asin the examples below. soccer | gymnastics e ic) running Athlete: Terezinha Guilhermina Place of birth: Betim, ‘Minas Gerais © Sport: rr oats | PLAY «bal | Sorsorteam spews with 60 + non team th spor GO» spotsthat ceninring © Replace each icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following, sentences about the athletes from exer Simple tense a Example: 2. plays football Marta» in the Brazil national ream, b. Terezinha Guilherrina with her guide Rafael Lazarint Sarah Menezes » She isin che womens 48 kg weight category «Ricardo Lucarlli very wel 4. Use play, do.or goin the Present the example below. Write the answers in your notebook Goto Vocabulary Comer on page 179. a Empowerment through Sport &) Taking it Further ® Read the texts below and do exercises 1-3 in your notebook. Text1 r a “it doesn't matter what you dream, what matters is to dream and make it come true.” ‘Alan Fonteles Cardoso Oliveira is a Paralympic sprinter and world record holder trom Brazil (.) * ‘Avaitbleat: cwmwossurcom/abourossur tearmossufalanovera> Accesed on: ane 26,2018 (Fragment) Text 2 . “Make of your life a dreamt” Marie-Amélie Le Furisa successful French Paralympic athlete who competes in the T44 sprints 100, 200, 400 and 800 m and in F44 long jump | ‘Aaiable st: . Accessed or une 26 2018 Read the following opinion poll and do exercises 3-6 in your notebook. 4] Vacation >tip | Workout Opinion pols i so pesquisa de 1 onotensmercons pinizo.Onde Secesemccaio voce costume tenconiar exes tents? vate coeminand comiptue gale seni? savooer Seen Gowcinmaveetereaaioieam | SHID3). een | eet I june 26.2078 Empowerment through Sport © Choose the correct item ( or ®) that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook. a. The total number of participants in the polis 4 60. a 1016. b. The participants are from & the United States, © the United Kingdom. &. Mast Americans ‘exercise on vacation. @ don't exercise on vacation. © ‘entity the words that express Frequency in the tex and write them in your notebook @ Based on the text, replace the icons with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following sentences. Use the Present Simple tense. Write the answers in your notebook. 2. 2396 of Americans rarely * on vacation. (work out) . 12% of Americans » or go-on vacation. (exercise) © What about you? How often do you exercise on vacation? Read another opinion poll and do exercises 7-9 in your notebook. : ————_ : thagrest Playing in backyards 7 | ; j outcoors studying 0 | ewes PI rs, Eatin Setebosraing bing & Visiting naturstareas © ‘Atlocol atableat cv po 4 oincon peewee! ; ewsf201403/121 —— soe ‘seat natee Coane ery stirs | snapshot/6340793)>, necrcannonunarsaicor | Accested one 26 @ Whats che main objective of the text? Write the answer in your notebook. £2. To encourage kids o spend time on outdoor activites b. To show the number of hours a week that Kids spend on outdoor activities, © Choose the correct statement about the opinion pollabove. Write the answer inyour notebook. 2. The total number of participants inthe pols 801 The paticipantsin che poll are kids between 3 and 18 years old According to the pol kids spend about 8 hours a week ving natural areas 4) une © In each item below, put the words into the correct order to write sentences about the opinion poll on the previous page. Write the sentences in your notebooks in the example. Example: a. Kids spend about 12 hours a week playing in backyards, ‘a. spend/playing in backyards./Kids/about 12 hours a week >tip b.abouc 10 hours a week/spend/studying /Kids ee .at local parks /Kids/spend/about 4 hours a week Ser Object Pronouns capes charecter pra Read the following quotes and do exercises 10-12 in your notebook. If compreender necessary, use the Glossary on page 203. melhor os textos } {] - i | WINNERS AAT ent lig i | DON'T determines what | Treen | WAIT FOR ifwe want to * CHANCES. change our lives, , Brenesennts ce Peco: THEY Semi Picante = rae TARE THEM. ee alate at: cwvacbrainauctecory —_Alibear . confuvalqucesiparewaqunes —_comquoteivaynedye_1FH99>. ‘Nessed on ine262018,“deekerenat cance val-ques ete ohne 262018 deca, Acceso: ly 15,2018 © Replace each icon _ witha word from the quotes asin the following example. Write the answers in your notebook. Examples: a. They = spores /it= subject object pronoun pronoun t a. Sports do not build character. They reveal it subject object ppoteun progoun ‘ " bb, Winners don't wait for chances, they take them, >tip = i ‘ho encontrar um \e e prvae e ‘me, yous hi, ue, hactse them em uma frase, . What we think desermines what happens £0 us. busave eter t \ que termo of fesse pronome se ‘eter Emoowerment through Sport @ Why are the pronouns they, it, them and us used in the quotes? Write the answer in your notebook. a. To avoid repestion. b. To emphasize an element. © Which quotes are about sports? Do you agree with them? Why (not)? © Copy the table below in your notebook. Then, replace each icon with an ‘object pronoun from exercise 10. Subjece ] pares ft | you | te | ate | | we | ey CBee | me | you | tim | her pronouns | him | © Replace the icons with the corect object pronouns as in the folowing example. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: a. her ‘a. Marta isa famous Brazilian soccer payer People cll "Pelé with skis: Footballs the most popular sport in the work Bilions of people play worlduide © Daniel Dias and César Cielo are Brazilian swimmers. Their determination makes * successful athletes, Go toLanguage 4.Alan Olvera isa talented Paralympic spincr from Brazil. Competing in the Reference in Olympics is very important ro Canter on page ©. Sarah Menezes isa calented Brazilian jucoka.Judo is whac matters to oreo oO) Listening and Speaking 2 © Do you watch sports on TV? What sports do you ike so watch on TV? © Listen to the broadcast of a Paralympic swimming competition. Who was the winner? Write the answer in your notebook. i 4 } a. Sebastian Rodhigue2 (Spain) _b. Daniel Das (Brazil) €-Roy Perkins (USA) 46 Unik2 } @ tisten to the recording again and choose the correct item (8 or ®) that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook. The Brazilian swimmers are in lanes wo and fe 1 four and seven. b. The Spanish svimmer in lane cheee is A. Sebastian Rodriguez © Josdi Gordilo. cThereare 4 seven swimmers in the competition. 18 eight swimmersin the competition. @ Listen co the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. © Where are the swimmers from? Write the countriesin your notebook. + Braail England France Russa Spain Ukraine © in pairs, talk about sports. Use expressions from the boxes below to ask questions as in the following example. (= Whats/Whos your favorce..7 i swimming/eycling/soccerfetc + What sportsare..? + Areyou good a..? + How oldishe/she? * How often do you...2 soccer team/swimmer/team sport/etc dangerous/popular/easy/dificul/etc skaceboarding/running/cennis/etc (Latch spots on TViexercise/play volleyball seers yore LB soneresneccanv rey GGpswenrsecrsoy tena QB ym e vows sinner Ef i 5 Bposcone Darel i snd Csr Cia They ae anesone >tip fants de oui © bdo, tinos fens do enero fara conhece bsinfomagoes soletadae oct devers presar steno Betas durante esc Faga isoemtodes osererccs de Compreensio oral New Zealand ee USA Emnnurarment throwiah Snort Writing 2 In this unit you have read opinion polls on pages 43 and 44, A poll allows you to ask a group of people a multiple choice question in order to get information about their opinions on a subject. Online polls have become very popular. They allow Incerne users to express themselves and also find out che resus ofthe poll. © Create an opinion poll about sports. You can ask people about their favorite sport, favorite athlete, how often they play sports etc. Writing Context Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. Write the answers in your notebook. a. Writer you 'b, Readers: classmates and other people ©. Genve: , Objective: to get information about people's opinion on >tip e. eye informal Aorevsar f. Meta: handoues/ncere ane, / —— conidere por (Step by Step xem 1. Pense em ura perguna para sua pesquisa de opinto eescrova-a cane 2, Escteva, pelo menos, cinco possvels respostas,Seja breve e caro. Voce estzo pode incuira ateracva Other para permit que as pessonsinformem desc 90, sua prOpria esposa, texo? 3. Faca um rascunho da sua pesquisa de opiniio no cademo. Voc’ pode cane permitir que o respondent selecione apenas uma resposta ou miiltiplas | —_Asinformagoes resporte. foxam \oriidas 4. Pecaa um colega para responder a sua pesquisa de opnigo. ssa ¢ uma sta covets? boa forma de verifier sea pergunta eas altematvas de espostaestio nieere reaimence ears. Apmrginds as 5. Responda a pesquisa de opin de seu colegae cscutacom ele amas cee as pesquiss manera clarae 8, Faca as corregdes necessérias, one ; + Iiaute |. a eeeavettntnal diaper deco Fras Q Ws time to share your opinion poll or publish it online. To publish free online arpida’ Du can use differe such as: en Polls, yo different online services such as: aoe + : Reesreva seu + . Accessed on: February 27, 2018. bagels eee Finally, invite people to answer your poll and share the results. Your friends are he seus curious, just ike you. 4B) une ® Looking Ahead ® Read the following billboard. Then, talk co a classmate and answer the questions below. | ve Lost leg, not heart. ees Pass It Or ‘Aralabe 2 txtpispecallympicscrabr/>: “owvnnbetesheath ie govaulheakhybealhylving/spore-an-chidren>. Accesel on une 26 2018 Extra Video heel parlympieschannelcomyvideo>. Accessed on: June 26,2018, Empowerment through Sport Reading Comprehension ete) © Do you tke sports? IFs0, which one(s)? @ Before reading the text below, take a look at its pictures. In your opinion, does Garfield like sports? @ Read the comic strip below and choose the correct item (1 or ®) that answers each question below. ‘Write the answers in your notebook “Avalable 2: cheep 06.005, Accested orn 26,2018 a. Hows jon feeling? a Excited » Sleepy. b.Who is taking arest? A Jon. Garfield ‘c. What’ Jon inviting Garfield to do? 4 Toerercise. ® Tosleep. d._ What sporcis on going to do? Running. Scand up paddle ® rrinkavoucie No titime quaérinho, Garfield diz que Jon est fazendo um tipo de show de comédia, Por que Garfield considera engragada o que Jon diz? @ Language in Use 2 Review: Present Simple Read the text below and do exercises 1 and 2 in your notebook. Te Chae eS ee eC Eu Pees oa cee sporty girl who especially likes soccer and can also dance very well She specialises in Classical Ballet, Chinese dance and Modem dance, and hopes to be BuO storey. Weieu crane Gece cone day and write a report about her trip there as Prorat From Asion Geographic rio 25 sve 4.2013 p 9, @ in your notebook, write true sentences about Lee Xin Yias in the example @ETETT) below. Note 3) Example: a. She goes to St. Anthonys Primary School specialise (66) = ecialize (AME) a. She doesnt go to St. Martins School rae b.She doesnt sing very wel She doesn specialise in tap dance. di She doesn't wane to be an actress. @ inyour notebook, answer the following questions about Lee Xin Yi, Use short nswersas in the example below. Example: a. No, she doesn't ‘a, Does shelve in Amsterdam? b. Does she take Classical Ballet lessons? ‘Does she hate sports? Does she play soccer? ©, Does she want to visit the Anne Frank House one day? @ Where do you want to travel one day? Object Pronouns @ Read the quotes below and choose the correct item (° or‘) that completes each sentence that follows. Write the answers in your notebook. Quote I: “love outdoor sports like volleyball and | play them whenever | can” Gisele Bundchen ‘Avalble a: . Accessed on August 10,2018 Quote Il: “Running for meis a sports not a joke I serious” J.R Martinez ‘alae ac cnmwbrainyquotecomiqunes. «mariner A86461> Accsed or: August 1.2018 Quote “Thats really what the Paralympicsis about: these amazing athletes and this technology that’s allowing them to reach their full potential” ‘Amy Purdy ‘Aalube a . Acesed on: Febuny 28 2078 tip ‘Ao navegarnainterat, observe o endereco dositevstado e veja se 0 dominio é comercial (con), educacional (edu), académico (2c, de uma organizacdo nao governamental (org) etc Diferentes dominios costumam presentar diferentes tipos de informagao, De que ipo de daminio & 0 ste do texto acima? 5B Une. Reading for General Comprehension Choose the correct statement about Inhotim. White the answer in your notebook. a. Ie isan art gallery located in Minas Gerais with famous paintings and sculptures. b. Icisa Contemporary Are Center wit at galleries surrounded by palm tees, flowers and lakes. Reading for Detailed Comprehension @ The kext starts with different questions about Inhotim. Choose the correct S> tip, item (sor 8) that answers each question below. Write the answers in your “pater um texto notebook rae a. "How do | get there?" seamen Oriya See car byby aque tipo de aybusoren temas tes b.siepossble vst he tne wa pain oe ite Acton oe reece =e re Nalkbnt cicar para saber "Whee can sar ree ne Sine rea Gruradnhocrn Bo apse Horizonte You can stay atone ofthe hotels located in Ihotim 4. "Do they have parking facies? 4. Yes bur they are very expensive. 1 Yes, The parking loti free of charge "Tm going straigh« from the aisport, where can| store my luggage?” parking faites 4 Inhotim has lockers for your handbags and luggage. parking Lote Unforcunately there's nowhere in inhoxim to store your luggage @ Inyournotebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correctthefalsestatements. 2. You can find the best route for your trip co Inhoxim through a ink provided. b. cakes about 60 minutes,on average from Belo Horizonte to Inhotim by ca. . Walking san imporcant part ofthe visit to Inhotim. 4A good tipi to buy your ticket atthe ime of your arival in Inhotim. e. The website offers an interactive map co help you plan your route 59 ‘ATour Around Brazil Reading for Critical Thinking Discuta as perguntas abaixo com seus colegas. 2.0 texto fala sobre um parque que reine arte e natureza. Para voc®, expor trabalhos artisticos em um jardim pode estimular as pessoas a se intetessarem mais pela arte? Por qué? b.Parques e galerias de arte s4o atragbes tristicas que costumam despertar seu interesse? Que tipos de atragies turisticas voce prefere? c. Vocé gostaria de visitar Inhotim? Na sua opinido,o texto que voct leu da boas dicas para o visitante? Por qué? Vocabulary Study ® Tourist Attractions @ Let's get to know other tourist attractions in our country! Match each attraction (1-6) to its subtitle (ef) as in the example below. Then, compare your answers with chose ofa classmate, Write the answers in your notebook. Example: 9, Attraction 6 ‘Aceraction 2 “Attraction 4 ‘Atcraction 6 a. Teatio Amazonas. an opera house in Manaus (Amazon). b.Saltos do Rio Preto, a waterfall in Chapada dos Veadeitos (Goiés). .Apalmfringed beach in Maceié (Alagoas). , Accessed on: March 12018 A Tour Around Brazil a. How do I get othe top of Corcovado? >tip bb, Where can I catch the train? Localize nimeros enames proprios c. What time does the fist train leave? poraidenticar Informacoes dd. How often does the train depart? peste €, Where can | take van all he way to the cop and back? ‘epidament f. Where can | buy tickets for the van? © Go back to exercise 2, identify the question words used and write them in your novebook. © Copy the following chart in your notebook. “Then, replace each icon with an appropriate word/expression from the questions in exercise 2 asin the example below. Notice the position of each element in the questions. Example: a. Hov/dosl/geito the rop of Corcovado? Question word | Subject ‘Main verb ‘Complement eae * | oe © mm each item below, put the words into the correct order and write the questions in your notebook. a. yourlive?/Where/do b. What/tourist/cown?/main/in is/your/attraction/the . get/do(How/theretiyou © Now ansiver the questions from exercise § in your notebook. 84 Unit 3 © Explore the map of the North Coast of Rio Grande do Norte below and answer the following questions about in your notebook. ‘THE NORTH coaST Tomy desone, ts ach fers calm so, nd emai dated wih stew tah ost, ‘ve brownelis na uniue sensed ack {srmations tat soma ad wes ance rose >tip oer rape gS taesesmboustindes a. Whereis Tourinhos located? . Where can you find dunes? . Where can you find red clfs? ‘gard al rte ‘Roose ony one oft gn bashes ont doa Bmnspotad beach novi cave sorounde by 08 fits re nes, wien sus hat mae for ea Tiandcatn soe weirs aie up evi ‘Sarocar open on westandeandinthahighsaron, >tip Nao se preocupe em comproender todas as palawas dasdesngbes apresrtadas mop ola. Nem sempre neces sober O significado de Cada atv para Cocalo txt, a informecs0 eset Feom Northeast Bras Guides Unbanco BE Ezra, 206 p.277, © In your notebook, write questions about the North Coast of Rio Grande do Norteas in the example below. Example: 2. Where can | go swimming? a. You can swim in Galinhos or Ponta do Mel b. You can find a fishing village with a quiet beach in Touro. ©. Turtles lay their eggs in Praia do Marco. d. Summer vacationers from Mossord go to Tibau. Goto Language Reference in Contexton page Bs. A Tour Around Brazil Listening and Speaking Pe) © The photos below show different works of art on display in Inhotim. In pairs, describe them and say how you feel about each of them. Use the Language Note box to help you. © The artworks large/smaly geometric contemporary’ traditional, ismade of concretey ‘wood/slass. © The artist uses vibranvpale colors looks ikea broken wall’ building blocks. eet amazed surprised at the artist's innovative use of color. Invencdo da cor, Penerivel Maple Square 5, De Lut, de Hélo Oiticica, 1977 (cimenca meta «Meat vido, arame, pedias, 15m), Em Inhotim, Brumadinho (MG) enchanted alighted with the geometric shapes ofthe artwork. Linda do Rosia, de Adriana Vaejo, 2004 (6leo sobre luminio e polurecano}.Em Inhoti, Brumadinho (MC). 88 Units. @ © Listen to Anish Kapoor, an Indian sculptor. What place is he talking about? How does he feel about it? Write the answers in your notebook. © Listen to the recording again and choose the correct statements about it, Write the answers in your notebook. ak is Kapoor's first time in Inhotim, b. He believes the natural world and art have the same pace. ©. According to his opinion, the relationship between landscape. garden and art can change people’ sense of time, Aish Kapoor. ‘@ © Uscen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. © bo you agree with Kapoor’ views on the relationship between landscape, arden and are? Why (not)? © Copy the table below in your notebook. Then interview two classmates as in the following example to find out about their tastes and experiences concerning art. Replace the icons with your classmates’ answers. Questions Classmate cI lassmate 2 1.Do your ike contemporary art? 2. How often do you goto are museums? 3 Whac famous artists do you know? What are they famous or 6. Who ate some ofthe famous artists in your what kind of ar do they do? | 5: In your opinion wy isarcimportan? Student A: Do you like contemporary ar? Studene 8: Yes Student A: How about you? Student C: Wel i depends. | prefer other styles of ar Student Bs Realy? Like what? Student C:Like grat Seudent A: But isnt raft contemporary art? @ Go back to exercise 6. Based on your classmates’ answers, are they art lovers? Why (no)? tip Bo ouvicum texto ora, busque primeira identifica seu _assunto global >tip Observe lentonagdo usada polo falante para perceber methor como a pessoa se sente ou pensa, 8 = Writing In this unie you have read maps of ewo areas in Brazil a map of Salvador (BA) con page 62 and a map of the North Coast of Rio Grande do Norte on page 65. ‘A map is a symbolic representation of a place or part of the world. Maps present information about a place in a simple, visual way. Guide books usually bring maps with information about tourist attractions (beaches, parks. 200s, botanical gardens exc). © in small groups (of 4 oF 5), design a map of your region (state, city/town, neighborhood) containing information about its main tourist attractions. Writing Context Before writing your text, replace each icon ~ with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. Write the answers in your notebook, You and three or four classmates are going to design a ~ of your region in order to present the main ~ of your state, city/town or neighborhood. You are going to use an objective cone. Your text can be published on a traditional school or on the Internet so thac other classmates and school members can read it. Step by Step 1. Decida se voce vai escrever sobre seu estado, cidade ou bairo. 2. Busque um mapa da sua regifo. Voc’ pode encontrar mapas em guias, atlas una internet. 3. Pense nas pinciaisaragBes cursticas da sua regi. Liste cerca de cinco lugares diferentes (praias, museus, parques etc). Vocé poder inclir para ajuda as pessoas alocalizi-los, ‘4 Faga um rascunho do seu mapa, Escreva uma descrigéo curta e simples para cada atragdo turstica, Nao se esqueca de incluir um titulo para seu mapa. 5, Troque mapas com seus colegas.e discuta os textos 8. Faca as corregdes necessirias, 1. Crie a versio final do seu mapa 8 mio ou com o auxilio de um computador, Q tes time to share the map of your region with your classmates and other people. You and your classmates can organize the maps of che whole class ‘and collaboratively create an online pinboard at (accessed on: March 1%, 2018). You can organize the maps by region (state, city/town or neighborhood). You can also arrange the maps on a traditional school board. BB units vy > tip ‘a revisar os mapas, consdere, por exemple: * objetivo: As informacbes sobreas avragaes turistcas estao adequadas a0 abjetivodo texto? + mapae simbolos: tipo de mapa escathido esta ‘adequado 8s escricoes claboradas para asuaregiao? Ossimbolos estdo legivese tornamo mapa mais atraente? * contetio: Voc® inclu informacoes bisicas sobre ‘cada atracao? * tinguagem: Otexto claborado para cada atracéo st reigido de maneiracarae objetiva? Refaga seu mapa com base na evsao ita porvoce eseus coleges. : aE ® Looking Ahead 2 Read the texts below and get to know the tourist attractions of two regions in Brazil. Then, talk toa classmate and answer the following questions. [= Ot Fortaleza, Ceara Fortaleza and other cities in Northeastern Brazil are known for the production of handicrafts Talented artists produce stuff in cloth, leather, wood, glass, coconuts, sand and more, Prices may seem outrageously low for foreigners: pieces which take days to-complete are often sold for less than RS 100. ‘Adapted from: cwvistoralzacom/taveliandirafe markt, Aeesed on March 1 2018 (Fragment) #0 A br Artesanato como atracao turistica Estudo aponta solucdes para ampliar o potencial tuistico nas cidades gaichas,inserindo 0 artesanato local nas rotas. (.) Um estudo inédito feito peto Ministério do Turismo, em parceria como Instituto Tecnolégico Latino-Americano de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, destaca 0 artesenato como uma da formas Para incrementar 0 turismo no Rio Grande do Sul. (_) A ideia ¢ promover o artesanato como um “motivo” amais para a permanénciade tristasno Rio Grande do Sul,"Queremos que oturista venha para cé atraido pelasbelezas e fique um dia. a mais para conhecer oartesanato, as peculiardades de cada cidade e, comisso, movimente toda uma cadeia produtiva’, destaca Maria Ester. ssponinet em .Aceso er F mac 2018 (Fragen) @. O que Fortaleza e outras cidades nordestinas tém em commum com as cidades gatichas? 5. Em Fortaleza, os precos do artesanato podem parecer muito baixos para os turistas estrangeiros, Quanto, geralmente, cusca uma pega que leva dias para ser feita? ©: Na sua opinido, qual é a importéncia do artesanato local para diversas regiées do pais? 4 Asua regio € conhecida por possuir atrativos tursticos relacionados a manifestagées artistas ‘ome espacos de artesanato? Em caso afirmativo, o que os artesios locals costumam produ? Extra Reading : . Aceso em 9 ut. 2078 Extra Video ,Acesso em 15 jl 2018, A Tour Around Bra Gj Wart pl Que ‘As imagens mostram pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo que marcaram a nossa his- ‘t5ria, Quem foram elas? De onde elas vieram? + falar sobre pessoas importantes na hist6ria: + usar o verbo (0 be no passado simples (Past Simple): + empregar vocabulirio relacionado a profissdes (occupations) e explorar preposigBes de tempo: injoniat (prepositions of time:infonyat), + compreender e produzir perguntas frequences (requenty asked questions, FAQ): + estabelecerrelagdes com Geografa e Hist6ria Reading Comprehension ® Before Reading @ Who was Nelson Mandela? ‘a. An American civil rights campaigner. b.A South Affican President and anti-apartheid leader. © What else do you know about him? @ Before reading the following text, take a lookatits title, picture and structure. ‘What do you expect to read about? Reading Now read te text below to check your predictions Key dates in the life of 1918 Nelson Mandela rons sutnaes 1937 1942 | Aria starts coltege Begins to attend ANC™ ‘meatings informally | 1944 Co-founds ANC Youth 1952 | League. Marries Evelyn opens South Africas fist black | Nioko Mase lave practice with Oliver Tambo 1958 1964 | Horses winnie acicota Sentenced oie imprisonment Sento te rsnaximumsecuriy | L982 prison an obcntstand | aves Robben sland {or Pollsmoor Prison 1990 Released tromprison | 1993 ‘Wins the Nobel Peace Prize 1994 | with F.w.deklerk.the last Elected president after | apartheid president the ANC wins South Africa's Trstmltracial elections | 199g ggg | Maries craca Machel steps down alter one term as president | 2004 | ‘Withdraws from 2013 | pusicite Vi December 5 des at 95 1 a sijcn nck coe Adee frm: Neson Mandela Cente for Memory. Avalabe at: herp /ewncaza/2013 7206 These Nebo ‘andl Aecerason. Mare 20,2018 72 units Reading for General Comprehension choose the main objective ofthe text. Write the answerin your notebook, To present key evens thelif of Nelson Mandela in order of importance. To presen the most important evens in the life of Neon Mandela in chronological order. Reading for Detailed Comprehension @ Choose the correct statements about Nelson Mandela, Write the answers in your notebook. a. He was married four times. . He was set free from prison in 1990. c. He served eighteen prison, d. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. @. He served as president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. @ Answer the questions below in your notebook. a. When was Nelson Mandela born? b. Where was he born? Who was Evelyn? © Ocartum§ direita esté relacionado & linha NELSON MANDELA (1918-2013) doremponspigina72leambimmosta f¢ 2 Wa eventos importantes na vida de Nelson Mandela. Com base na tinha do tempo, | (G9) vocé consegue identificar cada evento no arcu? Use 0s tens do boxe abaixo como | 4 Hl Fy no exemplo. ‘Example: a. “co-founds ANC Youth League” rs ~ | ENG aa ost ites aes ‘Avalablear-.Acceued on March 1.2018 |_SS “elected president” + “co-founds ANC Youth League” « “released from prison’ « sentenced to life imprisonment” « "wins the Nobel Peace Prize” __“enseneed co tip fusque sempre 2. eventono cartumn estbelecer Telacbes entre os b.2* evento no cartum tees que voce 3 eventonocartum Ue para ample pl ‘sua compreensio d.4* evento no cartum sobre eles e sobre orn, @. 58 evento no carum Looking to the Past Reading for Critical Thinking Discuta as perguntas abaixo com seus colegas. 22. Com base nalinha do tempo e na citaco de Nelson Mandela no cartum ("t auays seems impossible unt its done"), como voce descrevera esse ide” Vocé concarda coma citacéo? Por que (no)? b. Nelson Mandela fo um revolucionstioe seu legao vvers para sempre. Voce actedita que, hoje em cia, ha lider influentes a favor dos direitos civis? Er ‘aso afirmativa, quem? Vocabulary Study ® Occupations © On page 71 you can find an example of a great Brazilian figure, Zumbi dos Palmares. He was the last ofthe leaders of the Quilombo dos Palmares. Getto know other people from Brazil who are important to our history. Match each photo (I-V1) with the corresponding person's description (a-), Then, compare your answers with those ofa classmate. Write the answers in your notebook. ba & ‘Machado de Asis(Riode —ZiklaAzns (Santa Carina, Ayrton Senna da Sia (Sio Janeio, 1839-1908), 1934-2010), Paulo, 1960-1994) Tala do Arua Pala, Abra Senior Dumont sR oro Ale ree 973 (inser BRD, HSB isi 2. was awl known aviator and inventor fines Senta do b. was writer ahead his tie. ses €. asa dyamic singer known forer performances ott) na <> wasa respected doctor and ad worker ganeces was an extraordinary racing car diver conc {. wasa famous painter and illustrator. MH) unit @ @ Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 1. Then, listen to the recording again and repeat the words in bold. © Go back to exercise 1 and focus on the words in bold. What do they have in common? Choose the cortect statements below. Write the answers in your notebook. a. They end in -er, oF b. They are one-syllable words €. They are names of occupations. d. They are comparative adjectives @ Based on the correct statements from the previous exercise, can you think of ‘other words with the same characteristics as the ones in bold (exercise 1)? ‘Write the words in your notebook. Prepositions of time (in, on, at) © Gobacktothe timeline on page 72nd eplacetheicons withan appropriate answer to complete the sentences below about Nelson Mandela, Write the answers in your notebook a, He won the Nobel Peace Prize in d.Hedied on», 2013, bb, He married Graga Machel in @. He started college at ©, in 1937 He was born on *, 1918, f, Hedied at ©, in 2013, {© Now focuson the wordsin bold in the previous exercs the items below Write the answers in your notebook. in, on,at)and match a, We use in b.Weuse on c. Weuse at | forages (12, eighteen) anda specific time (10 am, 3 dtlock). I. for dates (May 3 my birthday) and days (Sunday, Tuesdays). Ul. for years (1937, 2020), months (May, December), centuries (the XIX century, [ast century), seasons (summer winter) and long periods (the past, the future) @ Replace the icons ~ with in, on or at to complete the sentences below about Nelson Mandela, Write the answers in your notebook. ‘a, Nelson Mandela married Winnie Madikizela the age of 3. He was released from prison * February 11,1990 . He became the firs black president of South Africa ~ 1994. d. % 1999 he declined a second presidential term, Adapced rom: cinelonmandelsorgiconerspagelbiogrhy>. ‘Aecesied or March 19,2018 Stip ‘Algumas palavras, tem mais de um significado. Busque inferro significado das palavias pelo seu Context de uso, Por exempio, term pode signficar terme, palavra ou mandate. Qual o sentido de term no texto? G0 t0 Vocabulary Corner on page 161 Looking to the Past oy) Taking it Further 2 @ Gobackto the timeline on page72 and replace eachicon » withan appropriate answer to complete the sentences below. Write the answersin your notebook 2. The lst apartheid presient was b.South Affica elections were in 1994 © The following text is alist of questions and answers, often refered to as FAQ (frequently asked questions) Before reading the answers, take a look at the questions, What do you expect toread about? Now read the following text and do exercises 3 and 4 in your notebook. © Of wownnetsonmandea.oo >tip ‘poise no | vocabulério Sconhecido FAQ . | Mite, everyone, , REN OR AND EEE live work)e Frequently Asked Questions = ‘em palavras pareidas com ‘12. What was apartheid? ‘portugues (.) Apartheid, which means ‘separateness, was the practice of official nee racial segregation in every aspect of life. Under apartheid, everyone in ea South Africa had to be classified according to a particular racial group. para ajudato na This classification determined where someone could be born, where they ampreensio do texto. could live, where they could go to school, where they could work (.). Only white people could vote and they had the best opportunities and the most ‘money was spent on thei facilities. Apartheid made others live in poverty Black South Africans’ lives were strictly controlled, Many thousands of people died in the struggle to end apartheid 113, What was Nelson Mandela's vision during the apartheid era? Mr. Mandela's vision during the apartheid era was for the eradication of racism and forthe establishment of a constitutional democracy. (-) _Avalable a: cwmunebonmandelacx/conten/pagigs> Accessed or ‘arch 18.2018 (Fragment) © Choose the correct statements about the text. Write the answers in your notebook. ano ‘a. Under apartheid. people from South Afiica were treated differently because | para conhacer of their skin color vida de Nelson b. Apartheid determined where, based on race, people could live, seudy and ee work ‘rica do Sul, c. Only white people had full political rights during the apartheid era. bilo «During apartheid, everybody in South AVfica was poor oft Acesso em: 19 mar. 2018. ‘e, Mandela was against a constitutional democracy, a 76) una @ Based on the text, choose the pictures below that best illustrate what happened during apartheid. Write the answers in your notebook. ff al ® Think about it! CO apartheid foi um regime de segregacio racial na Afica do Sul entre 1948 € 1994. Com adivisto da ppopulagio em grupos racials, o direitos da grande maioria dos habitantes —nagros e miscigenados — foram cerceads pelo governe formado peta minora branca. Mandela se destacou como lide da uta de resistencia 20 apartheid e, em 1994, nas primeiraselegBes em que os negros puderam votar, Mandel foi tleto presidente do pats, Embora o pats esa livre do apartheid ele ainda enfrenta sequelas deixadas por fesse regime de segregacio racial Na sua opin, ainda exstem atitudes marcads pela ciscriminagso racial tno nosso pats? Vivemos em uma democracta para todos? Justique sua resposta Language in Use 2 Past Simple (Verb to be) Read the fragments below from the text on page 76 and do exercises 1 and 2 in your notebook. |. "What was apartheid?” II, "Apartheia (.) was the practice of oficial racial segregation’ Mm Black South African lives were strictly controlled” © Choose the correct item ( or ®) that completes each sentence below. Write the answersin your notebook a. The fragments above are about a situation in the past chat isfinished isnox finished. b. “Apartheid” is the subject only in fragment. © in fragments and I €. The subject in fragment Ms ‘sticy controlled: “Black South Africans’ ves @ Replace each icon with was or were to complete the statements below. ‘Write the answersin your notebook. a. In affirmative sentences, we use ~ when the subjects Irhe/she/it, bn affirmative sencences, we use » when the subject is we/you/they. © Answer the questions below in your notebook. a. When were you born? b. Where were you born? © replace each icon ~ with was or were co complete the following text. Write the answers in your notebook. +2 OR vrnwnobelprize org | Martin Luther King, Jr.— Questions and Answers ‘Question: When Martin Luther King, born? Answer, Martin Luther King, Jr, born on Tuesday, 25 January 1929 | in Atlanta, Georgia, Question: What + the names. of Martin tuther King,Jr’ family members? Answer: Martin Luther | King, Jr. the second child and first son to the Reverend Marin Luther King and Alberta Willams King. He had one sister, Christine, and one brother, Alfred Daniel. Question: When» Martin Luther King, J. married (.)? “Answer: He married Coretta Scott on june 18,1953 (.) | Questor int tisceoms? “Answer: That all people would someday be sisters and brothers in a world governed by equality, justice, and peace. -Aainble at: cwnmnebelpizeongnobel_priespeaca/auteates/164/kng Faghtmb. Accessed on Match 19,2018 Fragment) © Based on the questions and answers about Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King,Jr, choose the correct sentences below. Write the answers in your notebook. 2. He was born in Georgia United Sates, b. He was not an only child. €. Equal justice, and peace were his creams €. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Pie in 1953, © Which sentence rom exercise 5 is in the negative form? Replace each icon with I7he/she/it or we/you/they to complete the statements below. Write the answers in your notebook. 2. In negative sencences, we use was not (= wasnt) when the subject is btn negative sentences, we use were not (= weren‘t) when the subject is 7B) unit 4 =a Ricca on date: as bom on May, 2007 in-year:t was bornin 2007 ins y/stater {wos Borin Salvador Bahia. @ Inyour notebook, answer the following questions about Martin Luther King, Jnand Nelson Mandela asin che examples below. If necessary, go back to the texts on pages 72 and 78 to check out details about thet lives. Examples: a. Yes, he was. b. No, he wasnt. ‘a, Was Martin Luther King J.bomn in Atlanta? . Was he an anti-apartheid leader? . Was he the first child? dd. Was he younger than his sister? €. Was Nelson Mandela the first president after apartheid? f. Were Marcin Luther King Jc and Nelson Mandel single? g- Were they awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? © Whatis the structure ofinterrogative sentences with the verb to be in the Past Simple? Write the answer in your notebook. a. Was/Were + subject b, Subject + was/were @ tes time to play a guessing game with your classmate. Think of a person who ‘was very famous in the past, but don't say hisfher name co your classmate. “Then, asin the example below, your classmate is going to ask yes/no questions to find out who your secret person is. Take turns. You can play it as many you want! Student A: Was the person a man? Seudene Bt Yes, he was. Student B: Yes, bo was, Student A: Was he from Brazil? Student Bi Student A: Was hea famous singer Student B: Yes, he vas No, he wasnt. Student A: Was he Michael jackson? Student B: Yes, he was, Student A: Was he from the United Seaes? ¢ Short answers ‘with the verb to beinthe Past Simpl: Yes, he/she! was Yes. we/ youthey were No, Whe/sher itwast't No, ‘weryou/they weren't. "8 (8) Listening and Speaking 2 © Whe was Marin Lutherkng 2 Chooses or band wie heansverinyour notebook. Ave seu a. An American civil rights campaigner. conhecimento b.A South African human rights activist ree tema do texto oral. para favorecer 0 stabelecimento de hinoteses sobre o que ses ‘ouside. © What else do you know about him? 8 @ Listen to part ofthe | have a dream speech delivered by ‘Martin Luther King Jr. on 28° August, 1963. What isthe speech about? Write the answer in your notebook tip ‘@ @ Listen to the recording again and choose the items that Martin Luther King,Jr. “Ao ouviro dudio, mentions in his speech, Write the answers in your notebook. perceba queo a. One day black and white people willbe able to sit down together atthe sorear ft table of brotherhood. feito durante b.One dy lt lack boysand bac gill beable to join hands with le nematcapela white Boys and white gir as sisters and brothers Ue dos dvetos €. One dy the tate of Misisipp wil be ansformed ino an eas of freedom £80 sade and justice, pattcparam mais dd. One day his four little children will live in a nation where they will not be os Ea pesos judged by the colar oftheir skin but by he content oftheir characte, econo eo quevace)s @ Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 4. sabe sobre Martin Luther King J. © Which adjectives can best describe the | have a dream speech? Write the qvalainalidade do discurso desse answers in your notebook. Wer? 2. Violent b.Hopef oe €. Emotional vg ERGO gi @ What do you think of the speech? In your Ay we i opinion ashisdream come cue! Why nod? AY . por irc ® rrinkabourie (0 Dia de Martin Luther king. Jr. (MLK Day) € um eriado nacional nos Estados Unidos ‘em homenagem a ele, sende celebrado na terceira segunda feira do més dejanciro desde 1983. Trata-se de um dos tres feriadas nacionais dos Estados Unidos erm comemoragao a uma pessoa, Quais feriados, no Bras, so em homenagem a lideres de destaque na nossa histria? Quando eles so celebrados equem foram essas pessoas? a0 Unit 4

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