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Mundo Femenim:
e..- ..... ChIcana Arttsta of the Mavement-
_-S Co<>;tno_
... _d"_s.rir_~'"
... _Uot· __ d _ J _

"Ca'lI Zd _ _ m ..1O, ...... 23 .. d ACommentary On Development &00 Production
. - . 0!Ic000I' ~-

_ _ "'lIOs_·lOO .......

'W'Y~J<. _ _ ... Qno_nE_ .......·l.A_

......., ...'2.'tllJ, '"
'...,. 0.,,-. ............\ _ ,............... 1.<>0 AngoIoII _
_ .OO-J-6.'IIe6.' Cultural t'BroaIormalion 'equi'e5 an "pa~ 01 aestrtet;,; la~.
_ I'e","- (loc<Jpoo<l_' • Hi,.",., 01 ('No.".., Jo t<l
Con'8QUI'fl1~.;' lhol ...arcn lor r'IeW concePtI to <:IlK'ibe ArMrica'll
bro/ld.,...,;ng o;uI!urai dNe,flty. Wf,I c,iT;';s. lIetlC)ja,". 1r"lCl rtisloria", rrusl
;_,-....-e.:-- ..... U-S ~""o.o....,. ... begin to adel'",,!hoM grouPS wtoM Mist;'; PI'O(lClClion chal~ old
,,_,.101-,..... Iabels..,.;j~, In pItIicula< _....- try 10 _$lan::llhol e<nliIionl

'9I'oo.",."'-d~ r ':_ l .. lL
2IIlOO.r. '-'2'.
o...--..u .... _r-~"'"~·_

........... _ ..
and ccn;.,... l!\&lll\lj)l trl!I ¥oOII< 01 o.oe.N1 as u.
munc tly...nic:h,... ~ conS1lMI. ~ o / ~ ClnQII,la<1'iIy ....-. ..., <;>.tUM ptKIicft IllSde ~

witI\rl the ~ 01 ()licanas ~ _

caled. _ - . "*

,eneg<Iloated II'W
JIlIn they UII .. ~ n1og<al•• biIcOr'!'lI fIdu.
<lcrTIe$tif; .,..;I COIf'lI'U"ity
o;Uluta ..., the Iargw IOC>IIly; '""'*
.e.-.,lISl1.''s ocleI_ olWIt r. CO'IIIit;l. ..., ri'I eal&icW'l ,.. IKlISIIt-. bofdefS ...,
.....,o-'l....., _ _:lJOCf 1(I _ _ _ _ _ 01 glll)QfAllllY .,..;I iotroIrt 11 II) ClftCribe lI'Ie oAl.o"al

~ 1 L a

Tho pnxlUClic:r'l1l'ld "lI'IelIC ~ 01 C1loc.- 8ttl1l-S. ....e ....$ De-.g
_ ..... ~d.O'C"" ... _ .."_,..,... II) view ~ -.... - . M a ""'*Pe te>:I ~ 0/ stIilIing ~ 01
"'-0 -....,..;,yd ......... , _ 'f' mea...... T'hoI t't'UIipIe ..., _ _ a .-ionII>op _ b-m .,..;I «n-
_",,- -.,a..-_ ........ $ tenI, The wen. 01 tnIM Mis:. <lUN"og tne ~ _ l/1li resull 01l/1li
_d~ I.<>0---.~'_ !'o's1(Wi<;a1 ".."...." r. .,..,..;cn tPley IooJn(l ~. IlS t.uC/I, ~ feI\Ioc'- &II
s, IO_"'llOS_ca!OO<:OIl iol.nlo'l boffl olll1a lOCial. cultu'al. Incl I.>n.tal re':,l," ol TtlI!if ~,,",
,~e-Io_",,~l' __ To .......oe18t1r"lCllhll aestrtet;,; prodUCT"", 01 cntt:8naS. we <t"OiSI plac.
Wr'<Io_ ,.... T"'~ __·""""""''''''''llMol 11wl~ c~lt.... a1 ~nt '" ~s nistor\<;all,lmIl'WOf1I. The Iwen~·~'"
~,! lo/lowirig"'" mo::!.,\l6OS we'. an era '" wlltt:h all CI>OCarw:>s S<l<IlI"l
tWIY Gotr<»t. ....",."""'" 10-' Con""",,, (Moo a-.
_a..... Do J_I,O'-'lI'>~~--'O
10 deline T ~ ...., 10 ...-.:Ie's'and tne I(IOJ'CIS 01 ~ identiTy, The
__..,...-.._n,'lllI7 _ 01 allenatlOll _ Ilruogle lhal m"!<ad t!llI (j;seNnnation experI-
_ b y O'icara alto fueled 1he _"Ce to cN'ac:teristic 01
Chicano.,..;l 0-:..... art


Dumg t!llI CNceno ~ IhII _ _ 01 o-:anas II) il'ID C\JIInl
eppresSO'l d ... fI"afl'lly _ tNITCI>ed lly InlIoO' reMtafiCe lei FIe ~.

cullufal .... ~...n.; lXImI'III!e<l ....,., aspeclS o/!amiy"

a:'ld lI'Ie atts ~ art!sI:s bt:uMd on __ eulural odetIIify
using lI'Ie ....-lInsftdt\al'aM. domeSk 6pec. :IOCI'II~._
Certltl'O'y. wI'icn fiIeted _ ....,oet!l ..,penerol;ft, l;QrUadicIory rOM.
_ c:ormo.nty IlfUCIUIIS

'3D <lI>In

oeca............... and ... dQIng 10 _ciwl f.......
OlIO CllegoriH cI C......... conlent pf'\l'tkl.& a COI\le><1 "_lie. Conllllnl bmaI eletrlanl, n:Ulot imau&a 01 Tha Ceremoolial
Itrf>loIts bolh ""'Micro _1Otial er~. ea:a..
• ~ . . _01 spBci6c; ~ ertiIll."'" sainll, (pluric. dried.IIIMII. and synrIletic~ 5piriIualiry; frigiosiry. fPlClAClI. ancl ~ are • mao:""" ot ICM-og Pfl;IbIIma Il'O:l ~ .... ~
lO'l is ~ ~ ..... wlislic:: alb1 01 IImiJy phc:qr1P'>t. ~ ~ objects (rRby ~ ~ dimansic:n of U'lI_ 01 many ~ ... 1'Ior. _ In. . Ircm her Nlly CCJIIIr;(Ne SlfUOO!fi
'lIC..... 10 -'ta t..-nity 1'Iis!orin. Tlw *,,"11 crilic ....callI and .~ ca-. ..-.:I atI.,r,gs. a...-aclllile<t CNc_ artill$. ............. in PIIlIco.iIt. 1hI1hrina. .. tile t8tl'lily .nc! '*ghbort'oocl. Raised in a Sirong
- . P!lb:lt asI4II$ mal 1hl0ugh language ........... by ICCIlI'lUaliQn. ~, and tbl.ncl1I>C•• IItM-s allow oIrwrooa, 1bI~ ......." _ ~ boo: lonna, TNt - . Iemaia IlcusaIIcllo.. 6aCI . - nar IamiIy of - . _ I
a CCI"II1nI,IIlI PItIdUCed .. ~ ... lhI sooc* ItId IliIIcrt ItOtl\ ItId PhCIf\II oe;ea. IQ C<IrNTlingIa. I'o'maI fI'OIiaI aspICl higtlIigrIls beIiel haaIing. an(! cele/;lrabCln n'IO<lII b ~ of ~ ~o 'Irmaol. The!am-
as~, ... lflI CI100inQ lexicon of-...:;wnan'I _ _
~1UVCl\Holpa~'~ lhI ~ a'ld !CIYIq.oH rcUlot ~ lnil;:nes~ ity fI'I<XlltI alSo inspOlS Ile' to irM:ltve op,tt\ Qlllgt in na,
"ttti",. .., ClliCan•• rt .119f1 me relat~ or VI'tlmen tI,.bIot (bo::diI<e CCIf"IlIiners ~ IpeciaI ico'lIl MainlaO'ling 1hI \I'lldCiQnaI lilac. of - - - . n spirifual - as. public: m.orllisl...... ~...,
dclo'rWIarlon by al'IimWIo posilM hiIrl:o'i11 I<> QfIen ~ ....I of CMstmas Iigtq ...., N!laclNa ....1.. pracIic:Ia, wtiIla .... CttWnQnialIcrmt IQ expand ,..... ~oIfrU'·~~a.tII,O'aI'"
......., ... lflI '-oer alciaoIy _ by ~ -oman .. ..... a n d ~ ~ &'ICl mixeo-madill _ . Fot 8l<Imp/I. lflI """ mama. I/CIIylIllIJrs, ~ f'ISidI!IlI, ~, omaneipaled POIilion.
Tllelel!ing 01 ~Iy I4Iln ItId lflI recading cI daily
I.ika 1hI1ImiIy 'It 01 - - . the oc. bm QCC:l.Il)ieo
111«•. It to-el/le<j temnne II*:t lleekllQ OIt1'01r. _
, IQrnaCliaIl Oeall'l and If-um lI'lt sPiritual ... c:eIelltll'
ing EI Cia elliot MuarloI (1l'II Clay of lhI Dud) ~
~fllll$. ~ 0IharI1n I CQlIabcrllMl -.lI.ItI to k!'Incily
_ _ '""ON.1nO ...........
- hcug/l .....dca. 6erIII; Ialters. and _ _ oIit. bro:l, Ink. ...., Ihtfabw C>ICU'l'IIClibIIIila. tocaIion. I . - body 01 _ 'allacling ...... &'ICl PiQllWry Tilt Il'It <:ora. War d /.os MoMs. Ioc.led "'lhI T...,.rtg;I
andlClivlly........ boo: art _ _ bma senIibiftiH 01 fcIk PfICIicIs, CUfIrderistr'lQ.
tl/I call '4'0" ...",...... 10 l-..mboH lhI ~ or I PI<. tco..rCft _ ~sh Or_ge Canal in lflI $a" l'eml/ldo Vailly. C.~IOf'

.Jt\Il and fwnllial realrtV, so-.:a lheit _ cenl., on tIlI- terTw>inoI qlICl and ret_ CIOmeslic enclot<Jres - tht Cttr>cllic~.... "'aon-nofIntCII_ .... began in 11l6T_lI'It PIllIICtof *'1IIislI" CCIlJeo::Ir\e
"*"PI. - . ... ~....."1IIChi'lg ........ OlicaIII~....rocr.lcaI~it .... I'liIl intarn;w> Il<PfI$$ICl by o-oe-
artiIlI. - bec:Imt "'- many}lUfl . . blQetl_ in ...
~ IN Qfallrldilions 01 aorytlllling. ~ IO"lgS. its IIIIIIII ~ 1l'II prodUa of tMiIlanca k1lfl1 --'<l '''''''' tIIIl. mile 1QrIg~ I" ~s oort, of tht I\'slQly
"" f.....l y 1'iiaIQries, TheM I" II'ie to.IJCflI oIlhe cU. majQrily CUIIure _ atfWmIlion 01 _ CUluI" __' CI«4HA ARTISTS oIloi Angeln rna _raJ PfISlf'llS • 1*10' 01 tht
ffoll ntrfl!lQn lclund ... lhe _ 01 many CIlie-. attita.
MIll<> O"O'¥I QUI 01 - ... ~ wilr'Iirllhe c.... Tlwtltmentt of Ina '*'1lNt. lflI ~of toe>aI SlruggIt ItId cliIInrMlChiI&_~01 di>wM tIQal
WoIrWI ... ~~.~poUIontd lura. ~ ,~ de/IeI ... CUlllxIl iOtnIiIy llllrnes\Ic 1I*:t. lflIlIQCiaI e~.ltlClthe C......:rill and Iltnc go;:o.ops. EIl:tI VII' \OoAhI of II ' - " l61<lIf
omen .. ~ 01 QOWff and l:Orlll'Ol, ....,.. mlO"rla.... ""l)OIed by AngIQ 1\tIIeI'Ic_ ..-.d def. .. Ina ~ .... - ~ ~ ~1iontI intIWncea. Bac.'s Oif'IctlClfl. lea'nad .!.:oJt _IllS SUC/I iii the Japa.
>g $O'f>f OItha t~ and teQIO'1Il --'tlthat get'IOar ider(ify ~ by tl>I Chicaf'O CUlurI. In It'e Tlltv_.lnalMd, "*'O'lIt and ~ ~ nese Arnarica'I ~ a-. r _ a.. FIiOes. an(!
"""'eo:! lhI CtllIIn oIlht Itrgtr ~ «wn'IU'liry - of CIlic-. ..-. IICnnques ofllb.wsoon play
ana ICIfte..o in • ""*'PIe 1"" ....11in o.e,. rna 0u0l6owl Journav IS ,.,. *OIltecl on Int ........
..... ....., \oOt>tn ~ ~ wi<leIy Wrying ......,•• ....." Iftdilo:lr>ll imaQery ..-.d Q.lIturall'M!ariII. ItId lipping and PQi'vsIm;IuI fll"'- ptImt.te lha _ aaca it <XlI1'WMle<l to eogagiog 0If1g lWtI\ in _
I'M that Wit'. 011."
IItQd ontv by lhe roIt of ""'llmIfI. lQQ1l1>&r they ChlI'lCterizl OO'ntsricana. 01 CNc.... artisb. 1haI ~ 1hIm elIline !hemaJIoft a'ld !hair cuIlu'"

IQrIItHc SPil»
If" ll:IIIo::»ing ar1isfIlflI repr_
Sigrifiata of !hair
".,...". CUIooIta _ oe-lIb:1t
orilIlin - _ ChaIItngtd .. a )OUCh 0'0*'i'll114l ..
~ barllQl in lhI Pacoima II.... IQ ClaIint holf wII.
'adOitiQn 10 Ina "a"at"'" ;,tento!, tna r'lMdlQ ercum- Tlw IOCiII de~1IrC1 thai elWlClerizts CrIieano If! in "'-nenl. Oespire lhIir ditlIfencts lhty vallrtittic Her RtalilliQn piec. Las Tres MariM (19711: eat. no 33)
Ctibt spece In Ina ~ it I driWlg Iorc:a ... tht oeneral tnell • unique'03eI . . PfISSion tm:r'lg ~ of their tpoo;h InCl. as IUCI\ QOU ~ . pia,.. on lflI moMipIa . . . . ltIId Ina ~ oIlht 19.cls
O'l< 01-..... """" " - . lor -.pie. UW<l O!o;;anu lhrcugh ....... 01 ~ 1IIi'I. - - . Thair Il'OducIic:<llt<'dl ~ inIo Ihe majo/1taemft. (Pf'CIJ* IaII pa"III) _ Iha C/Icq. 0< IUCII 01 U'lI 1910s
~ III lor thtOr ......1/S.1InQltlfor to:n;l 01 - ;mlj)OllllQfll Cl'Oc..- pPreu a l<nl 01 tMiaIanI aeslhttlc -.ocabIAa.Iy. and _r.;oIa 1NIiIiI11NI1 CIla'ac:. (PfOPI< rlgh1 PI<*) I'Iev'I asSUl'lWod 00'6f Iimt Th'I piece
"'PI'fOPIlat"" oIl61rilQly i' lclund in _ _ thai IIptO'lg ~ cornman...." TheM deYicft 01 wbvI<liQn II.... ~ Int larger er.c- iOrily -1ltIJO\)1t for righIa. ......... IiIlI ..cI1lItha Ttvea MiIyI of "'" cn.cillUn '
...... I 0I:ltneSlic: opec•. Tht dar-to-oIrr ~ 01 tlangn ayrrtlolt 01 tbl!l ~ c..oIt.... and ~ T",", par...... ~ ~ COI'I"Pf.o: andll'ltlll be ~ UPI QOlXl.~- . UIi"Illy ~
.or1<ing-Class er.c... crc.m.c~ $pee. wilnin Ina Ihtm asllgnl of ~ The lfttaing _ _ nicl. -.....0 within I hillQncll f'lII'I'>IWOIl<. Tlw~ ~ I ITW1llr SO 1haI ~ CIIlIUras !til ~ in lhI Clflilf 01
kimKtic 'p/lfft th~ hclmt Ir'r'Il*til/"omerJll, hQma r-.c it O'1Vll<1 by woman.. ~ ~IS. CUllwat pract.ices, to<:iaI CCIfIIII<l, and lilly IrIIIlic iMJ. lIlM'I _ _" Bac•. ...., drelSad In a PlChi.c:I cos.
_ t r u I diet~ InO f'lllactthair ~ .... Iuma in the pcpw 1tII paIIl, ......, _ _ I I • ptt1Qr.
""1, ""'*'g II'IditJcr'lI" ItId ~,..",.. ,.,.,.,.,..,. ~ 01 """" for IOCial ~nga. an(! I'llllemtI _ of resp0n.-
,rvta Tlw pttelro'.ro, 01 t1W _ _ it l*hlIPf'" sibility for lhI genao-Itiana IQ come UWic. The I'UlrienI ""P&rierc.. It'd .....sibilicies mar fI'rInCI piIIce in '976.
!"CIt prevalent. In an inIIlCUlural c~. Ittisa tIk4 _eel JemlIIe PP<ttl ...... intrciorl aslltisll_ be IQcalld in !Ill , ~ I'le' """"" 8ac. lo<:uaa_ PfOnarilv on *lef\n.
EIIIllIiIhtd 1hIougI'l ~ <:cItItirUIiH 01 $llif. irnaget d ~ f....1y . . an(! mar>puiat. tnem IQ IlistcricaI mQITI6Ill 01 !hair group. The ll:IIIo::»ing --nan ng _lIrslQly _ ~ """"*' in """ 01
qun1ic<l Ina ..... oIlhI"""". In . . _ , tht _ .,. llUt ..... oIlflI 0Iicanq _ pt-..ce as - . Sht b.r'o<lId Ina SociiIIII'O:I Pl.dc: M RIIourc:I
"UII bIIiIt Ihe Itmity . . . ~ lor - . .. I
~ to ..... le-dQrninalld rilualt witrWl c..111010- 01 mIIly ChicaNs 0CleI nQI """llII' Idea io;IeoIQgy. Ie ~adat1., IClMsla. Il'O:l IItislt "" llIan critic.. Ie IC~ Cantlf'" 1976.• <:anllf Of'lMiZ'ICI1tId ' ..... by IOOmIn to
;ism. 0tI."
rocltact in t>ed'oomt, the tIQma ala' pre. cOtlltrucllide<lloQy ThtiI sa;iaI C'llqA prtM;II<es It-. ng ltrge--xIIt IOCiaI CIlW1ga. doc""lfll and Pft$If"I ......11 magel, in I*l IS a
'ItU Itmity history and QAUfIII 0IIitI s'f$lem$. VO'ntn ........ 10_ tht bIrogn _ cIten~ ,tsponIIlQ tIW . . . ~ of J'tU;tl 01 , . .......
.Ndilllllacll ~ , B:aca"1r'*": IIIOCiIIion Yrith SW
....... ~ ..<nc. ~.tliIioI. -"1CCfIt" It'll ......... d1l'll'--- ... .-wavs lac:y
-"cliIh 1lIca.. - . I)fImIIi/y Ihe IlI<><l<.Clran 01 ........11, it ....., ..ud-; Ooica.gc WIt .1 tIIIll"'" one 01 tht 1M
iNIa-ces in ~ Ollcant IItislt _ ... dna 00">-
P8rl0l1 ... ~. putIIicly~~"ltIIl

IJ2 .........

l __ 113
"""'....." •....,¥-
, ,"''''-
Chicano commllJ'Olles Her pe,sonai expe,ience or conti· Barraza flle,r>a!jles lhis woridview WII",n tl>8 conlexi Carmen Lomas Galla
nuily arid hiSIO'y p'aced earraza in the p;><llal role 01 01 a 108< be'iellhat ""n'the rnO\d, OOdy, a"" sor.l1 and
curtural ehrotli<;ie'. He, earfy phoIo<eali.t _ , wl1ich The d,stloctive manitas painl..g. of Carmen lomas
008. nol dislingulSh CIea,fy bet"""n Ihe """-" aJ and 11>\>
torms an a'ctlive or c~~ural Mrralive. prQ\lioes Chicanos Ga'n depicl sly14Z<l<llifJure1 in a South Texas <:<>rmlU'
$upemal\Jrai OtlloctS 01 iJCM'e', nail\$. and ta1ism8.l1S 8-re
with S1tQ'\\l ~isual support alfirmin(J l!>eir ""'" ,,,ality In n~y, These cu~ural nau.tivo!s present her chdOhood in a
I"" CO'T\ITIOll <;u"er<:~ or such hUlflg. TM bi8<>d;~g 01
tl>e face 01 a hoslile Anglo cultu'''. In oepi<:1in(J fhe <:/l.a,- Kng,ville, Te.<as, ba'no. 4 ir1 Barraza's wort<, the hiSlor~
t",s 01:.." sec,e-r cu'""Q with Ille manl""""';8- of """'''
acte,s and ~~ts 01 her 'lIQioo ... pajuslakin(J de!lld, cal elemenf is teJI "'timate1y afI(l personarfy ir1 Lomas
8-~a,s Sland. as a p.....'ert~1 pafal:elIO the a:i"9""v 01 the
Barraza traces the eYenl$ and merro';"s 01 he, """"lile
and fa......... ' ~rst I'dy C<lITllI'IU"lioIl. heaiO'lg ce'e<mnJes,
ma.. and t"" rifual 01 Cal!'lolicism.
Garza', paining_ He, viwel story1ellin(J oIfefS valia(!
gr(lUp,,'fJS 01 Cl\ll,(\(;ters .r>gaaoo in the every<lay _nlS
roese Itlem"s ,emained pan or Barraza" I'l'Q(\; 8YIffi
aM fa"""", r.gures. Itor>dSCape•. an(! neighbO<T>oods and leSlrvif",. 01 lneil COfTYnsnily. Image. 01 me cak".
as $"" 6hi1te<l1mm p"OlOreali$lT1 to explessioo'ism, like
Banaza'. RenacirnienIO fs a classiG C/'licaoo wort< that wa'l< (lifJ, 2). la <;"rnI, and el ""'arlden.",,, form the
many Chocarnls...,. r'r'<:Ne<l fffl<ty from C(lilo<:!ive and
blen(ls rnyt~, .p;r~ual;ty, arid lamity $uSlen8.llCe ju a hislorical ima'O"'ry aJ'\r:l !CM'a'd a pelsonal ,;sual 'epffl' ~a '" a generation 01 'U'81 Chic/ll1Q$. The deta:t,
symbolically cooed layerirt{j If'lI. 1} senlation IS an o<ga.,;c pari of I>e' own de--elopment In 01 lomas Garza's narralivas .ignify the COlI8<:I..... me"""
He< pastel on pape" £1 Descanso ~ 0 la Emrada the 1980s she t>eoan to _ inmi'<l<l med;a and print- 'ie, tnat make up 8n impe.-Ianf 'egional Chicano exper~
(1980-84: cal"" 81), rulrrales he, g'al'ldm;:llher's 8f\C1l. AlO<>fJ wilt> Barraza, l<lrnas Garza haslJ< 10
trIllk"'g. u-s'og an IOlim8te Md nlgh~ cl\1lrge<lleminine
death by OYerlapping lhe memories 01 gooe'aliQ'ls and a wide, audienca Iler 'amernbfaoces 01 a ru,al Te>8e
Imag"ry. D",ams, Ilea'jog oeSf~r"s. dealh, and se"~al:fy
tusirlg th" icoo ol Zapata with !he C~ica"" SOOdie, bO'fS P'l,me3Ie he, Ieter ",m, me foktllg book I"""SGape 01 COI'MMJrlily paslL!1ieS like n", G\Jrnpleal'los
a~d Ina image or 18 Aooetna, Barraza's g'andmolheI, 8J\ iA'la Vi(!iJ, lor ,,>amp:•. pres8nls arid pre~rves the det'p party. me 1OI,,'!a (lllme... arid the healing trad41iarts 01
erna"",pata(l figu'e, was rna hrst pe,son to drive a contnutty oIlt>e gete'at...... 01 women '" ""r lamity,
important fiQlJfes .""h 83 Don Ped'ilO Ja,amilk>, 8. CIJf'
MOO"I·T on the 'anch. Haf tamify relalionsn>ps Iorme<l an<!efo known Ja' hi'l8Qfiodary c",es,
the Spir!tual;ly lI1atlin<s cultural p,actices, :"'I1""itv.
'with the I'Jhjte tem""sl art """""""rtl. In O"ne'al, the or he, hea!inO W<ltldview. I~"", painl\l'fJ1.he atso ,ecreales tile Iolk~thos or
and curana8fis"'" and Ihal e$UI".. he, ....,..Id"""", a,
;Ma af!i5!' we'" located I'/IlNn the b<Oade' cu~u,al an a,,,.1. everyday life. SI>e incorpofallll populaf a'llorms, "'-'Ch
My la:he,'s si"e" a c",ande'a, v.<:>uld go 10 Me>ico
amal"'" ~nl oIlhe Chicano community while a. papal pO::ar:lo. in he< ~ings 8r1d reclai"," he,
!he firs! T""Sdayr.J oa.c~ manlt> to ... a he, master,
'O\IS;r>g a C(otical o!$C(>.Jtse ,'!'ated to wemen'$ She woulcllraju, and d was en ell day tnioij I would
J". A$ art..:. deeply "nb<>dded On<' OWn coovru. 00 wil~ her to ~""P her ccrnpany. Thi$ mMhif Cur·
",. ~ disag<eed wi(h the" male C(XJrt18lp",t. andela was about lour loot tall and "'ry h<!avy, will> '" >
,n Ina oreate, wIt",al dia~. UpnSUlfJ 01 rtIfJ ",,,I 51'.00, bI!lC~ hai,. There was en enOf\lY abOOt "'-,..,.,,,,..<"'''''-
C><moo\ ,...... " ..,..

iii"', j1979 cat, no 1(6), a 'ketch 10< e 18fge, fT>j,al he,. She had t/lI$ .epa,at":r>J<1 ho<J!le, and $he
eCI. ",r",cto tne concem. ot Ctucana. irt an emblem- wa. aM-ayS sitting on rIOr ~. In the novse
coo.t'UCt"'" '" Image. 01 women. li\oe(l "'" d""ghlers and husban(!, W.,..,1i\.ml in
'lhe la'll8'S1 pert;peClive, Bae'!', cootribuliart h8$ this lillie "ul. The'e was one t>ed right;' tM center
~ to _lop slr""t,,'e. al'l(lldeoiolly USI"ll the 01 te.. room and then her a~a,. They """-llcl talk tor
al TI'Ie Gt1!at We4 p,oj&t i$ a mu~ifaeial, no;( jusla hOU's, aoo I could""e a:lthis incensa going out
;a"". chmnic~ oIlllstory. StrOf>'J soci.lll C!it,que, th'oogll I"" doo,$. bur""'ll up. Then once they
shge"". "I<l'ctme~l, ar<i a·OOCumenlary pe,- "",ned me in. Though I nevel unde,slOOd wtly, lhey
~I"e ena''''''e"u he, ....,..k.!laca appl;e. heI .tyle 01 perlormed a "IUliI 00 me, lihirll< it was like gong
)1 Pd;J1lVlg to """ali,- ella,ged !hem,,", bul he, into """"anl>OOd becauset was at thai aga, They
a's are O<'ly one p'odlJcl '" her arl lhe DiOCe.. 01 d"" a hole., the certle' oIlhe room. She sum·
<l'We''''ll Chicanos and ,eelMl'lIt>lI roeoghbol/xlod mQOe<l one ollne 1'"18 t:>oys (0 II" oot to the tiel(!
;e IS 9QU1i'Y imooltanl and 11"1 some plant. 10 billn. She P'" some c"",1 in
the Illt arid I\1Id I"" $mOI<:e going, at><! I had to
:a Barrald "an(! O'/8r it and ope-n my legs. 1"""""r:I rolala
3 BarraH "''''' ra,O&l in K</l9."';II9. "'xa', """en i. around~, and she would pertorm the etlanls. I
'ad or; 'lie vaSI Kln<;;l Ranch ot _tlle'n Taxa$. He, d,do) ~Mer.tar'Kl _al was going 00, b~t wIlet1
"lO'S t.&ve If<.oo It, In,s 'e>lkx'l fo< gene:al""'" an Ihey fifiS!1e<:l, lOOy look me as"'" and buried lhem
""C'W~ 10' 'IS Mton<; opp!ess;on or M''--'icM an(l so I ~new il was a very .mP<:w1aot ritual'

~. ..........

'.'l _

Qr'lal history til' ~ tI'Ie arIitlic leQlIcy tit arI.. vognelle tit Ca,men 'nd he< aisle< Matgoe lyWlo on IhI ~Iy benign ocmestlC symbol witrlllOf~
,as. T~ mAiple 1oCIic.. tit III< "~I IWIp '" lei roo! O,nde, l1li moen .,.,. 1"'* II'IOII'otI ~'" II'IIOr une:<PKtlld ~
~Slllnd tI'Ie ~ .. tit III< pU',tngS WId to '..-- tlIO on It-e _ below. The llUMing _ a I M l1li ECItJIII'Ir impcttanl it """" ....r-n. IIw ......
tWamsltlCl ao,piralionl in wl'!CIl .,.. moItie< enco.or. -.0-. MatbO by ItIe ~ ~ 0'1I0OIII tit _ Ind
~ ItioIlCICicIpclilical _ . l.llm-. Garz.'ll .... tIt aged ...... 10 intUgI.".. _ prov\dId pn:uction and g r ~ .. _ IhlIestMDn tit IhlIocIl 0...-
roty SlAnOa IgIOflIllhll'lolllClriclll .......... tit Chic_ ""t--.:•. In lhis _ l1li nII'raIiYIt 1111 tit tlOlrI • dIlupanII aociely l'Ias .rticuIalld IhI QIIldIo' iuuI
VII_ WllIWllt1l ",.ater kICIIIY. lilt cull.f'al ....._ IIOCil:loAJral and inllmll peycI'oOlogy tit QII'dII ~ in. MfiII tit poruail$, IUCh _ II'IOSe tit lydia ~
-_II'lI.....,~tIt.~.!h'..- ~ lorTIIS O-U.. chn;ri;Je ... gIitnclIIlIlI .-.:I FriclI KIl'lIO .~. . liar G<adaIupe kat_
• _ ... t;an . - bgIIlnC! ".,..,., """"""'. It1I lI1iIla • ., girt struggling 1QIO'IIl' ""'CIllO IiIIId IighIIf in Iht pm: La Iot'go!n de ~ ~
"""':1 tit MgIo IIOClIlY Cnlll; 'lie"" z.r...6o. wiln discm.inalion -'CI hoAliIy. &.. r-. ~: _ 00nIc/lCIs de bI Xic&'IOS (1915: f;Il. no. IfXI'), in
or .....-.ot ... lhI (:IIrCric1l only " - T"-t _ rTI8klIlritII _ _ abOuI jQlf ~, bruks r>e tJaditIonIf ICIII tit IIlI VirgoIn oe
lit in IhI . . - . , or croiImI. ..... 8InjMwl d _ and jQlf bing drty. 1.JxIl< II )0.0. jQlf ~ . icI:II'llO'ld reposiIicnI hit. a ~
.. loll'll ~ tit lhI..-..ccklII_ ... ~: IUII1icon. Her ~ ka.."", ~ and La l..b'!;nI
dmss IS """ arICI ~ ~ don\)CIU
\necdcII bMg <;loU< 10 . . in tlleGI, *""" _ sec jQlf I'IIo'? CIonl yQU _ carty • putMr .... r..o d lila tignlIIure piIIcII tit hit gIIlIflllic:on.
Cn.ociIIIO Iw _ _ co",OII,. $ 10 IhI ..... tit
.... 1 0 _ AnIcOoIe ~ 1M Fle<:on:*lg IhI .o-sI hislary InCI ... ~ IulIn
'Olt._ oppcIItI tit "'-"Y .. _lhI _ mtIl'Od tit ~ ...... ....., CO",OII,.$ID ICIciII seMca
ill It1IguI lISktit Ndl ~ ~ 10 ....... III am;ong Iht IIdIrI\l. Iht diIIbIId. IO'Id IhI ~
""""'lI1twolP _ _ ill 10 in'IIQI ...... "WI ..... ~ Lcrnas OM.... _ aIhIorI tit ..... genet.
..... IhI aAnl insIiuicnI tit Iw ocrmuiIy. LM
.. III ~ CI'oIIriclIc. L,.oP.,. GIrl. oIlIr-. • /'Iia.
Iicr\ ... had 10....-:. "IlStI1 thpw... wooIcII. Be,onI;:I
lNIl _ r... """ 10 IDCIlJt III< pcMnIloI. a WOII*lIlld
""* cr.c...
tIt ..... ~ shI ~ _ tit an

ard • d NMce _ h i ~_1iIrnIndIZ,

II>aI ill .. ~ 10 IN ~ r../liaIorIIt.. .... artiII wiIhin Iht QA,nl _ auigr'IoId ID ........
Camas PM" Si.e'»s ......... _ NIl _ ~ , _
IIcong ..." 'It:QoncJ:o I.6paz. ..auca.r. IhI .........
CtUIa in ..... ~ IhI ...,.. tit If'ClIlIIf ....
fvoJgn ..x:ilII ~_ ShI abvertI, --...lzM.

_ INI 0IMcI1O '" WI "*I'O"f' InC! dIdaN ..... ....". possib!e""'ttw'l troe~~ ard _ ........ QlIIunIy~mao-inIO•
..-u..... it ro .... 1liIlcry tit III AIImD 01 s.m
4101\; 111<1; • " . ~ t.eOI(I
FovTI, II-. ~ ~tIt INIIlogen ell
tit II-. Nne<r;an ...~-
E_ liar....-del is tit baIh YIqlj .-.:I MfDlicIn dnCIIll
. . . . tit Ian'iniII: 0:0..

1Oall4>I. InC! .... 1IUIing Cl.O''' tit Dclt> FWdriIo n.. inlklen:es tit _1**"tI. Ind ~ III< " - PQlInIiaI tit Iamirina ~ 10 ~ --....
wniIcl ~,.. ~tIt _ " " - - lOIna ",~iNIAe_.n_..,ClI'lgICIinog .. tIt . _ . . . .1<:1 inlt1l_Guldalupa ..... by lCIpIl _ lOiIh I ""IriIly tit Io'n-. ~ .,..ns.
l.II" "'~ moaw.lO'Id CIlrII"dI<._1O ImaQe$. AItcugh imI:luICI wi\I\ 1t1IIaInIiIl, ..... --'" ~ lOpel (1918; cal f'lOI. 103. l()ol. 105~ LOper poSlIfI. Cl'I'OI4rVI. vIO-. ..., inItIbIiDnlI (fig. 3)
::.o-fIl1llrillutlt tit ....,,-. In "*IV ~ IN
_tltl..Dll'. . G..u.. ~_1I'>I
prtMII<I ard defy 1M ....... Ffgm hat
tionwith1M ~ MurDstll in ... 1910li IMlugI'I hit
_1Iw V"llintlt~tII'...-.:MIg h trld- TlvI:iugto.IlNI-.ngoo tit Io'n-. "'*'" ill 10 ~
licNl ~!rOIn lhI halo tit rays ..., <epIK:ing ~ "'Iilrl anatyH,lnd ~ """" rw ,.,.,.( 10
... tit • IImIy IbaTl CO 1lCU'lQ WOII*l" diary.' They PQIItIiIs .. serigraphi' Mod (j; pasleII. Hamanoez ,.. ,.. . .. . . - -.. tlfI.OgIe, 10 lhe _ tit los SieIa-1ha
lilt. HI<ll ill .., alefM1IWI I)OIIl'IflI,f ""aoa tit tamiIV IIld sell The trldilionll icon
_ _ NIl ~
oonM1enIIy i'o:lICled sociely "-9'l1li powarlul.-.:l
it CUIlCII'lWt\I po<trajoed at • pasM -'CI IIltln'IiuMl
_ polilo:allClMu tn:m SIn F'.....-co.. "......
Oliclt whirl culutlMod genciIIf "*rPll'll<'!e. rnemorablII imaOM- Her dassieprirlt, $u'l /tIId. (1982: ~ l.OIla" GuadIlupes ... mobiIa,~, who _ _ chI~ ""dl and 111", a<Pned tit kill-
at G..u'll ~ tit I!IlIItw'IQ 1M liguIflill on... CII. no 115~ ~ trlnSb.... lhI ~ s.... MIicl tit ....... ~~tltlhl. . . . . . . inO' paIiceman in 1969-I0....,,;r;og ccrditO"IS eQsI•
•......, to tlI pet! tit III ~ ....... kill< ItyII lIII C<lI"'II'l"IO!1tial ,..... boi< II'lIO • aI<eIelan. is • tlingng ono Iik:II'lg lI'IItlO<ll&<,lOpU..-eIds t>e<~...,
OlIle..:l. a Cllft>ltal<lllC:!'ll'oCfA INl ..clue.. tr'oI Ind <lstu<bi>v icon tit dealn. Sl.n Mia ro
11'>1 tltricaltrll<foticon tit Mexica'I .._
"-'Ch .. 11'>1
$lICr'IQ, IQlid rulu.... /rOIfIolf I I .1ImIy-~
......--. and daiqIIa< I$' (:O"Il1f11Xl'1fY _ ..., poUIocaIlf;\MIm in ,.. aesIheIic tit r..- COI\'lIl'U'ity.
mil. Iormal 1-.11 trill fTOghl dilttlCllrom tr'oI ~ ........... T!liI ~ bIcl:lf.- bDIh . 1 HIt -'Y Illp&riencl 'oOiI!I"""al <;onIkt. Anglo dis-
"*'II ilsIll. fWIel~u<y printmake< Guadat..Ipe ~ . but em-IICWI.. and _1ClOlI1GIfIl ......1lict ittIll.elS tne
IIld PfO'o'OCIlion, ...niII ~ IhI ttltlSfigunillYa lIlet-
otrI YbI"• .f'_1O ItlCl ZImudio'''')'IOI rooll Ihallhl .lso COfl\IO!VS her own ,~ .t I\aIIi'lQ been ~ Ilion tit h iccn By tnai<ing IhI bonds tit GuId..... .taga 10< III< Illl;ou 10 ~ u..
tenW"ine in , Iol<riniIl.
"ll tit l.llm-. GIlZa" ~ it 1)'1.., lnged 1O'It!l COIUlTlinIled til' poitoncu PIS1iOdn uMCI in lI'II IieI4s and Wlti'Ig he, tfM, l6pel alle.1S to l1li i"la,"1I llfl'lil· ccn11Ol, lOpIll\II $Illed:
....Sler Mod !hi diIQuiIl"'O, "';I~ dellill IUCh IS -..tIe.. sholM;lflo.ed laftty tit IhI inIIge alld tile ~ inlluanc. tit tIIK own The kle.l _ _I . n 1_ rool. I dido~ ...-.:le,•
.. lnCIuac. . tit tllood. Moll ~ it ......"
'Udio- Tlj'\OI te*1 10 as IhI 'U'ICInny' tfll P<IH<ICe
The sengraph TejCo de los Oes~ (1964:
cat. no 121) polenl!y blend. an innoeIrlI PlllIm tit
tarnily memberl The a~ in 1l'oi. _ dOe. /'lOl $imply .1...., ~ in 1flOH lit,.,.II .l.Ch, buI I" ' - ""'Y WillI
..neet an lXi'linO ideQIogy: ~ ICtivaI'y COIIS!'!JClS I new l1li11 OiCln't looi<!ike !net. So 1 _ 00'ISide<ed
tlllT'lPC>'aI ,u,ty magnifoed Ihtougn minutI OIl,ill' lolI<lQric_,\'WIg wilh tile SlJblIoI W ela<r<W>g imagel one. n .ttests to 1M critiQuo tit t,M!ilional Mexiean myself prllty Of '''Y\I'WIg Ol<e tM,t. l,jka &~ thine..,..
<e' QOUaCflI paillinO C _ {)f" SueIt<:>a (1965. ellt
123) U$M • !lO'T1ber palelle 10 depicl • rern&mbere<l
tit calave,M, l>eIicople', and blood. Hemlnd6z III.
m'$te'l'd IIIe disqu;e!ing UK:1lnique tit jwcteposiog the
woman" roIIs.1Id 'o/igiouI ow<es.slon .... saW· .nd loon"~-ye.f.Okl•. 1 \.OI1<eCl vert ha'd .1
!ashioniog tit n_ idefItj!i&s, ~lIly$elf,'

IIW-.... ..... "'-.. 137

.oeZ-,<;bw ~""'IWgrlll'ldn'w:::JC'can- _las Muio<es 1oU1IIiIlas_. ~ _. ~ ancI tlC¥ ...., al nuttI6ing and ~ It1tI:lI.9' lDi ~ COIlIelII inspoea _ tI£h IS 1M ~
>II IW .,;e, • aa... "*"IllY ~ Ifvo.ogh
1"- Il/IJClI,Q <estmbIId _ 01 _ .. OI~
_QIlenOIIIInId~~ ...... 01 1oM"(191~l1he-..g.MnJI1l112l. IN N:I-.
oung -"""0"""'" The ~ tales 01 mg.alicio"l .... ~_'""""_~accessi* ..... boa _ -.-..... d dClmeS/iclly _ ...... lie PI" _ _ MIIICal. ICO'lOC!IslJC gasIUIft 01 _
_ . ~ . II-. r;n, 1IOCft\Itt PI/1ICIPIlOlg .. Mco·.

;NngII .... gofls al ~!romher .tluela...., eliIiIt.lnd_n ....... "...~_ Il. ......1ICl . . . _ ~ I O..... bulfrom"""Ctl_ ...
SOI<'4CI as 1e>CI b IW iftslIhlion....,.,.. Becr;ming • ~ IIfId ltlIreb'a ~ AII!loIJl1I """'.- .. a oAimaleIy e>duded. aesl!ltlJc 01 ............ de>'tlopIICl • Ian'ri"oa iCOI'W:lgtI-
.. 1WMIl",=,~ _"I*"ded IW<:O">- ~_Icrca. las MujarelIoU.1iItas _ . conaicS-- A!ltl(llo, 0' to:». an.
has • Sltl;t>g ltalilicn I/TOI'lClIXllh
Chicam..-.d Chicana.nisl.. .,.. in paRk> II-. ,*",-
P"'I' 00II d her O*f\ need 10 CrM11 instIInI g~ in art
....l!l ..-.d locus onlhllamilJ _ IhI b>re. lOpez ...D11 i'npacl on CI>ocano and Chic.... art and .rtiIlI mpo.erisnad """"'" Using htl'llll u '" otlJfCI al an.
C\Aufal "*'"Or)' 10 cornecllhl goneralion. al her In trlII)lIars After Las,.".,... MvrarlSl... Roarigutz tanee 01 lilt _.ted ~ II"" CllhoIic reI>- s/Ia eoIl.llOt8ltd on prtXlucing a serial d images all'o!r
y. arod !his &ddt • ,.,... c;limeN.lOn 10 socially tumid \0. more privala.nd itIIitrIale bm oIt~,I'IIOI\I qo,r.arie.. iO.lI '\omQ Yl:>atra.f"li.IS10 wril": ""'" Plftona tnroug/llht medJa 01 PAOI.nll)'. lXtlan
}8<l_. CuffaMy, _ lin rro«I into bolh com· deotpIy marked bI' ltle ce<tmonlai and er>::ILA'ing /llOfI"Q. n- lacred OOitCIS _'II _raltd rel9bJs IPllCtlClI.1IIlll pt>ctonocnl.lljll. like 0It'0ft .,llllS ""'<l
i~ .rod domestoe discoo'" on I;lbjecl trod image. 11ft 01 !'Ie' lUtll childhood' he, 'l!tatllQ be. ~CllS. In i t _ IUCh .. t auppOSf<ll/lOrn l,om IhI Crt>Nfl 01 SIleled he' Los Angelols exparionce. aht \Jlied !'IlOme<11S
Ct arod ~l in har 'r'Illlr-i1 ot Mexican kilsch arod ItIe.e bc:<1IS. F\xlriguaz r6P,.wnll pffl81e ,pace wiltW> lht cr'-'CI~,""", a p; ~ !he lrut CfOM 0' viall 01 ot leloMlOon. film, I......ion, tnd ltleeler to produCa sa6l-
'080 work on Merlcar'lll llerlJ<ll:Ylles. pvbIic diilCO\l'se. S/Ie el,boI'le. and ""ails $101'" 01 blood 01 ~...:I anatomictl ~r1. oIal"dy pat- icalslIlementl on Amtrica'llhrow-_~ 1OCie1y.
ctlidhood .... ~Vll..., ru,1I etllbr.lionI. ...., patteffll 01 IOf\fIglI d~eytd behinO glaH in "ellOtSle con- Alec PfOdl,lC.,;j a COIOlle<poi'll to lhe lradillonlll
:II RodrigueZ lU'ItI'OlJ ...., CCI'mU'OIy in salirical 11agi'lgs wilIWl U... tlintrs At""l:nl1ipers lOVe'*' 01 _ . I t d ,agioI'teI c,""",a1 politics d tne ChicIItlO Mo.<IrrerIl. Tneir
....... to:». !ableau. $lit pt<JIllen!ty uses fTlOIITlOI'I' IS a l!llrlI, Ihaof aura 01 pooler _ Irttll-lll"1ICIk> ItJa . . . .tedlJfOlfllocus oIt8n clatI'Ofcl _Iht _ ideal-
.. '" Ctoic.-.o ~. ~. liM lIIlIn.
_ bI' art>stlI a.d'l . . Ell-. VillI ancI .Jo» dM::ed~ tuppietlll." iHd fIItniIy IIfId COTWIU'Ily nar......... d !he ~.
,.,.. ~ Fblrigual. lil<e ~ atoor Ch>-
I, ~ d maloI-..sM!y1l'lll
Acldo'9AZI .se-ro b
. . . . . . - 01 _ _
(I>g 4j ft;lur;les Itoa ~.
parutilwe. IUCh aslhruds, The CtII_ ~d 1hne..aQuarias
IIlt'Oul1' _ _ ...-..- I'I'*l'CIfy _ eapues in
"""1 tlIIg8n 10 censuuct ner O*f\ ~ _
~ d _
discards. PMY me:.Ials. ...,
tIitI d Iabnc. ~ III'Id DI dOlI Mlba. Cc:rnpartr:-... ner 0\llI1 phOIOgrapllic SIJCiIII. TM:1oq'I her ~
*'_IOIoml - . . ~ The
IIliled in diIti'lcl ~ _ or-rs ~ PIIf"*lII"I rn.o-v ""~ .. ancI *"PlltII 'o'IklIIl CO"CfbMd 10 an . - ......... raaquacl'ol_
MIO . . . . . ~CO'.,tII,..... _gaai'l
,_ttlCft al f'IO\gI ~ .... 1ISUI\"IDIIge. tn;:dage.
t:CUll 0I'if tie CIUIed Imm Ihe _ da~
-'1-m0l1l-. - - . . Rodrigue.<_ """';Ufion. end ...... ~ . I'tldtiQuaz oealM II
are oflItr.c .. ;Mapot#lOf1 10 Itoa Iafri.
. . . paIriaocIly, HI< pens -.e InI g1a'r(lfolIl ~ 01
J ~ _ diIetWinaIo'>_aboul.. II"ImaIIC ~ _ ,1!taIII ,.. ........ ~ Imm •
..... mal""". $I>e '1iTW"ICS III alb tegregIled _ 01 awna.~ anolasl'liOllllnl;lll.-~
.. tnall lied a ~ I "'" a duly as pM _ QOIiWI. rha '1SQUk:/'Of IIlIiIlIdt d ~ IhII mosl
obIaiIIoanc:8..... Ine ~ olIN _ mar->t>r.; 01
lh<a """""'" ge<8'1lion wiIh Il'lII kitd al CCItl- !rom ..... Ia..l in clauling ~ 01 poc:Ua< decOI_ Alec. n'UCh IIiktI alatT"ily. Yaldtz b'med pari
01 Rodriguez'. - . inducIino ma l;IOo:
ousnasIlO try IIfId aoma oIlhoM ltWlQs.
. . IiI<a enli$ting in II-. .. my. WI"'" It> _ art
a'11'1\11U _
por1'ail Jos'~. (1913; Ctl. flO. 6OJ. Sirri!a' 10 thlI
01 'Iafga' .cciaI i1dielrnelll al1l'>t""*"'. d1Sl\l1bor1g
condilont1acing Chicanos: II Mogra, peljc.III'... . - .
eotnIl par! althal dUly b l( -.rll oIltmll. l!len function 01 /"c:lmt alia1$, Rod,*"ZI ceremonilll workl
t"o:lmaOt ........, IIIlll P5J'ChOIogicai isolalJOf\
1OJId. because ~ WII. ~y tomeItIing IMI I dOC.....-.efll. IICCrut, .rod detail ..... rlI. Q/ !GmiIy ,alarioRs
In he, intllJllallon work \\sldel ramind. III II t"t sin-
uld M* le~ te«it>.- ~ I had root dOne,' lh'co..ogn t".ngeme<11S 011"" cnaraclffiztd Uy' "'bile
care and iMocenl ~ 10' an inllCcesslbll wetle o!
AodriQuez, I ! tor many Olhet a~"I', eI M:Mmienlo
....,.. Q/ ma sed""'t..... ma veiI&d, arod l/'III CQ'1taintd
bU"'~ tndfMlivity tha: contrilit Vlilh Ina ""e<l f8alil~ 01
d nope b • oenetltOon raiMd W1ltW> dilCfimiflalO'\ liIle IIl'ttI ,t'IjllIel' trJr,r PlHerll lh.m.. al passOn,
"-*"lion, ClHlfUCt<ln. arod Ios& .., ait.tpeeific homage$
orIlic:l. n created ,.., models .nd • rww _ 01 Oft.!h. ..... Iino. anceSlty. and !tie -.yday. end serve
10 !lit Black Vlfgi'l. SIll! uses lht diac.fd. al POP euI\l....
xHnliaIas ~ The ~ Iocused on ed- as "",11M ~1\Ife$ " " bo;>aOff c.........11 rnames. lilt '1IlTW11n1. 01 pa.rty mallllals., .nd Ihe hyparlemri'lt
t. pt,tlIicty~. ancI ~ CQ'm"itle<l gl'I/l.QI d It'Of gIin1cIrws to reprfteflIlIIt poIa'iliU d
..-.d lIS ~ loUaliIlas _ llriooIn bI'!hew p,",,- purily ancI~. Sha CIlI'I'IllIr"ef _ recaotw'es
~ The If~ ...... II'OdeI 0I1ne r.:tivMlual ar\ISl Tht Hr1'y _ 01 FW", ~ _ irqgtaly lJIICllO lhe ........." ~ .. lQIlaerieI. _ lOy cardI. _
IOIirnIing. ond Fblriguaz_IO...,.,.,'.lradi, ...- conceot.>al grcq::> Asco Ra.s«l i'llDi AIIgaIH. ...... 1O_1!>e..,.aaa.~... ..-.. "*"'P0-
01 • II'OdeI _ -..a tt<efllllI*l her We as . . - . . tacelI ~ 01 ..... PfOb'oamI COII'I'T'IOfIIO \rllan lis SI'Of ~ Iha patnaICI\II ~ _ 0I1f1t goo<!
"'" tuIIuraI ....... lIS .......... 1oIut_ _
Iifot QOIoMy._.~_"""Ir.-u­ ~ ....""., IIfId r..-lIeftIOrISSeI1fIt

- - . .-0 IN
J 10 r;.e -otI<i'lg arriltl. ItCl(lOIt _ _
lion. o.-!rom 1I~""'''~"Valdez ~masclJlinegau, Trw1f~bmgs
1duoed - - . 1ogelrlM, ....... Pwu. Gradala _ members 01 Mco lIQUllI'Il trlII ..-..g Q/ II-.
lilt _ ~ ancI ....-.;>al. . lilt Ienguegia al <lon'eS-
:0. Consuelo Merdal, and Aod'9"'z _ as a Crocero .. penance in lr...- """'..........ay ~ ~ . . - . II'Of P<OO\ICl _ It-. DON ct
In lhe 8J<).Q.IS ..., IIOI'I'lII.oTlI tllnrdwt IISk 01 AIOfIg - . ~ l-iarry Gam/xIaI. Jr. end Willie

......... ,-"'."'-
'0 """. i'I public SIlK'" Orc........,ribong PUI:Jic
.... rarely _ldw/ll'llN IIoOrI< oI.....:l1'ref\.
- Html'I, Yaldez IIfl>ClAt:1lCl a .,lUIIlano concepllllllllr>-
~ d "'" own urbani..... LiI<e II 1_' ..-.cogMt, ltle
In he, Iat... de\41opo-'nao1. Pal", Valdez ""nee to a
fI'lO<' """"'Ia and ~e dOInaon ImIgaos 01 "" rtomes-

w....".. 139
~d incluoe intrOSpecli.... and prCMlCali....
dotIailI 01 priwWl ~ preMfil I

6aty ...., ~ ..... I'IsIanI gIamlu 01

.. _.
.., open idenIily _a
bul!O'l& 01 Crlie..,a all1111. Theil WI;<\< eonlinutIt)I_1I11
lmIiIion and _tion lnIIl
ArtIculaIAl Signs of IleslstaI>:e
and Affirmation In Chicano Public Art

-_._..._...__ --
rier ""OIk$. SI>e ~ I....,.. ~
,..;tIve 01 me ~ otl,eClS 01 hoi< ~

,"'" 'for",_~"'«r<*<II"_""""''-9o<
_ _ _ _0 1 0 - - 0 -~
-'- ...... ...
I ~~ negcIiM.IhI ............. h .....
In eIIort Illal ~ I!'oeir IlriU'IgIy ~ 'OOk. • I_ _ .i'WCo.ot. ..... · - . nn .....-y IfVlI'II l!III spokeIi 01 wriMn ~ " ' - in lttt
Jiveraily 01 region and geM'a1ion. wI"e" di<&C1Iy
IS ..... e/lOieOI 0 1 - . ~...., Ior""-
,-, aIla•• ot images and, ecnve<Wly.lhal ........ magea ;,ler_ in le.tuat
daiI.. Ctieerlo mnlI tr'Id 0IhI< bma 01 public: art u:It .. pi«.- (It/tiled
• ....... Goou ... ;" ... _ ~ ·_ _ ...... _ ·
}a "'*-- ID .,... ourp,a. In IN '96)a _ '1701., "'VI • • _-._-...."...-~­ graffill~)tr'Id poIIerI ....... ltwIb. be"""" .-1",""
.• _ _ . . . -.age.' WI reed 10 ftIeClllIize row _ medii _ V'dicned

""ll wilnirI IN 0tITWd 0I1hI1ergef Cllie.-.o

soeie.'" 10 Junelion in Itle 0.:11'() e<:t'l'II'I'U'Il!ley ... ~ .
, _ z . . . - ~ ~ - , . _ .

!>IYl8f'I1O proouee <;Mrged ~ ""'"Y 01 and ~

_ ..... M-.m - - . ...... _ _ 'ilIO,
••"'sli alsO ~ tI1e<f """" roIe."';lI\in MexieenI
.anoeulute. ThlIV~. too-~.1l\e ._a-. .._,_.
'c........-Go<u. _ .......... ,_ "'or-....oc.w.d wittt a~. actually 01 WtualIy eng.&ged in Ihe lttItIoriell
~ oIltteer..e.t>o/olcMlln8lll(" ~~ TIlIWl1p1\a1i1 here
INa II...-.gIhI 01 ~ ..., QlrOnlI'ler 1D.......,;j.
, ..... . - 01 wemen. The idicm 01 ~ Chic;..-
... -..,_.
.. _ _ -euu.oeo.-.' .. e-oo,.",-,
lion 1IlI_ oIlNl disc:<use_ IN -.wy...... span lrom 't6510
1985 ft. II ance IlIo'lguIge 01 -..ea ...., 01 aIfitmtIton.
oiled Ihto l,adi!ional_ and imaQlll,' ehange!hal (50<00". _ ... ,Iet>; eo... lor e-ao. .... <II Sora,..
td lor ~ wIlhin !ha e........ O"lUP Tllil rOOl· ,oaa~ " WORDS ANO IMAGES
-snIian _ prolllemaIie The ~ 01 erdurinQ. ~ .. ~1OOd to mell/'l • ..eobal syalem 01 eorm'IUf'ieallo be
lIiIWllI ~ 01 ~ c:uIonI rt* ...., pree· I ~nsclibecI .. ~ signa,...- ~ ~ in oaw
's. _1he ..englherWlg 01 ~~" ..... te><lUII d'IIrae1efS,' 01 . . . eonbrm 01 ~ ...., ~
eeeompHIhed easily, Tradilion and
_ """""1JOI'l sign.. TttroogIt eonlllli<n. _5am eeasft 10 ....,...., IS readlllle
lOCI reIlt<::lad io11he !log_ to wllietl
onIertWW*l lex! and asaumea.'l 01 ... inI:rir1lie eIemInt l;¢I'lIritlu!.
_ _ images. ........... lOCI ec>nIeIlI hom IN
ing 10 • ~ and eotr(lOUnd IrQuisric: e<lCI e>clrali'>guiltie viIoA! bm.
......., eonsoieti'IQ ..., ccrcradlic:lo'y n;lIes. Armed In ... ab$InI;I 01 a:nIIallOr't. _ e.-. be ~ - . "1l\e
n a ecr>18tI1lXJI.ry ......1I1l"1dinO 01 ".1lNgIgIft lac- IbSenee 0I1inguisl>l: IqlI, 01. ~ ~Ilic -.iIuIll1lgtll e.-.
I Ihem. lillie "Ii," uMd .ro:::nlry, eeremcny. mass be e-ooI<ad ..,Itlout beirtg pltyliealy evic:lIltIl.
I0oI. SOOOII ..-wn. end ~ 10 taNon .... In Itle M_smenl 01 GrOc:aro llUtIIie art be')oortd till "...-a1_...nlel'I
.,..;e Ind --...cI1lleOlogO;~• _1IngueQII otd.ocles plaeaa...., poslerl-," IS semdOgieIlld<JteIUn; ifill
_8Iion b' ~ " " " - "'lI""'!esl !\II- .cIOI.-a.' lind ~ deep - - . a bell 01 dilIeI_te<I PJuI
"" it lllat oispa,.le viewll 01 • ~ eUlural pI'ieIlO'TIo _ ..:eel ~ ana lIltralir'tguollie ...... signa_ etItlII'ibuhllD
en. Il.CII IS Yolanda L6IleZ'1 ",presef11allon oIltle 1he r,enetie ~ 01l1li \l/t>IIl. barrio Itrael. OecasionaDy. auc:1t
gin de Quadalupe and Itle "adilionIllllrgln image. Iigrla I'" i1trinaie to a eoIOI'd 01 !ural "'<11.
... - . _ ID c:oe:usl ill e:toe- .,t Tl'ta purpcu 0I1!liI elgy 111O ....... 1IlIoteICIIIy 1tlI _ to
~ a_eIIINlie ~ 1 I ... ..,.1lIep ...roett .... Cltano ......... pctIla tr'Id pIacI eatt and 00 b'ldien ~
fltatJlilNng • ecrtte><l too- Chic;aI'Ia ,nwa. alltlO.IgII _1IvouglI bolt> ' - me_ an:! _ andI-by ~ .. and eoroitoA·
al .oeatlulIty ~ neitl\ef !",ee1 no< ,inguill. NarrlllQn. ing eeruat!y 01 wtualPy 10 ~ rttalorie.
• ~ 01 <:Ir:mISti<: Iljlac:e ana oPriI. inOieI·
.... ....., 0IftII'l'0"J . . often ill • ~ QCN(l RHfTCfIx:: VlQRDS.IMAGE5. AtI)
1Iftling~. n-e 1IIiItI..- frMty_ bruad KElDGY a: B.IoOJlMIEHTO
¥\IlbiOll" and irIIenlient. llleakirlg 1111 praemti'lg eal· In ~ W.lfol ~ OIocarloPrrust;"" 10l50s and 19701•.klH AtIgeI
OO'iM and etmirging till ...xaboM.ry 01 lroe lerrOniroa. GWer~Z and ttis eoutreo'- .IOht C. HarrwnetbIcl< and RieIttId J. Jensen,
.elIonwrg 01.0' pili ...., maIking our e><paritrcfl
'''OUCl!' 01.0' CUIIUe ...., iwft,..,. tlee<l UlI . . eo'Ib>-

I" _......
-----.l--- .;F"-'lIII,~

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