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Text of Sulapani’s Dolayatraviveka

Surfsii Chandra Banerji, Dacca
Among Bengal Smartas, or writers of Smrti, Sfdapani ranks, in
importance, next perhaps only to Jlmutavabana, and, in conse-
quence, a fairly large number of Mss of his works is available.
But, unfortunately, the works of Sulapani liave not yet drawn
sufficient attention of modern Sanskrit scholars. Our knowledge
about him is, therefore, very limited. In an article in the Journal
of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ( Vol. X 1915 ) Manomoiian
I -

CiiakravartI attempted to throw some light on this great figure in

the history of Bengal Smrti, but the information is meagre.
The dates assigned to Sulapani by various scholars differ not by
decades but by centuries, because their conclusions are based on no
more solid grounds than mere conjecture. Ilis age is conjectured
to range between 1150 a.d. and 1450 a.d.
Besides being a commentator, Sulapani was also the author of
some fourteen original treatises on various topics of Dharmasastra.
Tl-.c names of his works end with the word “ Viveka just as those

of Raghunandana have the usual ending “Tattva" Sulapani’s

Uipakalika a commentary on the Y djtiazalkya-smrti is nearly as

important as the two most famous commentaries on the same smrti

by Vijnanesvara and Visvarupa. Raghunandana’ s Sudd hit at tv a
ascribes also a Parisista dlpakalikd to Sulapani.
The Dolayalrd-viveka a hitherto unpublished original work of

Sulapani, seems to be one of the earliest works of the author

inasmuch as it contains no reference whatsoever to any one of his
thirteen other Vivekas contrary to his usual practice in the other
works. It is a very small book of only five or six pages purporting
to be a manual for the guidance of priests in the performance of
the great Spring Festival, called Dolayatra (lit. the festival of
swinging). The major part of the vv(jrk is taken up by a few
quotations, often lengthy, from the Sjtandapurana, Brahmapur ana
and the Devipurdna relating to the construction and decoration of
the platform and the altar ( ), the procedure to be adopted in
performing the festival, e. g., the taking of God’s image to the
altar, the time ot the festival, the religious efficacy of participating

in it, and so on. The real merit and importance of the work lie in the
fact that after discussing the various conflicting opinions as to the
precise time of holding the festival, Sulapani, within a very narrow

space and in a popular style, clearly sets forth his own independent
views regarding this particular aspect of the festival.
Nothing practically is known about the personal history of
Sfilapani beyond the fact that in the colophons to his works he is
often styled as Sahadiyan (or Sahudiyan) and Mahamahopadhyaya.
The Sahadiyan, as M. Chakravarti points out, was a degraded
section of the Kadhiya Brahmins of Bengal. This, along with the
fact that Rudradhara reiers to him as a Gaudiya, goes to show' that
Sfilapani was a Bengal Brahmin.
The present edition of the text has utilised the following
seven Mss, belonging to the Dacca University Mss Library :

A Dacca University Paper Ms. No. 3349.

Size : Yi\” * 3". Complete
in 4 folios. Six lines on a page
except fols. 4 (a) which contain 5 and 4 lines respec-
and 4 (b)
tively. Bengali characters. Neatly written. Fairly correct
with rare marginal corrections. Yellow Indian paper. Begins
with & *nff jpimpsr. Colophon :

*mr$r : No name of the scribe.

B — D, U. Paper Ms. No. 3746.
Size: 14" *3}". Complete in 8 folios. Five lines on a
page excepting fols. 4 (a) and 5 (b) which contain 4 and 6 lines
respectively. Bengali characters. Frequent marginal gloss.
Indian paper soiled by damp and frayed at the edges, blit text
intact. Begins with Colophon HTTjfemr :

Scribe I :

C — D. U. Paper Ms. No. 2044 D.

Size: 18:}" x 22". Complete. Appended to a Ms., in the
same handwriting, of the Dolayatratattva of Raghunandana.
Folios 5 (b) —9
contain the Dolaydt raviveka of Sulapani. Six
lines to a page except the last containing 4 lines. Fol. 6 (b)
left blank with the words (!) on the left-hand corner
and U 5 on the right. Very bold fine Bengali

characters. Light yellow Indian paper. Begins with 5Wt ^

mTTOOTTSL Colophon Same as in A with
: instead of

D — D. U. Paper Ms. No. 2043 E.

Size: 182" x 3}". Folios 1-3. Complete. Seven lines to
a page except 1 (a) and 3 (b) containing 6 and 5 lines respective-
ly. Folios numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. on the left margin but 150,
151, 152 etc. on the right. Perhaps it formed part of a bundle
of other Mss. Bengali characters. Very close lines. Innu-

Begins with & W
merable marginal corrections. Indian paper
I Scribe's name :


E — D. U. Paper Ms. No. 1271.

Size 14£" x 2&".
: Folios 1-8 (a). Complete. Four lines
to a page except the Folios numbered as
last having 3 lines:
1, 2 etc. on the right side and as 38, 39 etc. on the left indica-
ting probably that it formed part of a continuous bundle of
Mss. On fol. 8 (b) there is evidently a portion of a different
work. Attached to the Ms. is found a piece of paper,
apparently by the same hand, which is something like an index
of the palm-leaf and paper Mss in the possession of the scribe.
At the top of the sheet, on both sides, the year 1233 B. S.
(1826 a. d.) is given, apparently the date of the Ms also.
Bengali characters with occasional marginal corrections.
Abounds in spelling mistakes. Begins with *** noftTTO. Wf
Colophon Same as in B. No name of scribe.

F. — D. U. Paper Ms. No. 177c.

Size: 18" * 4". Folios 1-5. Complete. Six lines to a page
except fol. I (b) containing 8 and 7 lines respectively.
(b) and 6
Fol. 1 (a) does not contain the text but a fairly lengthy gloss.
Bengali characters. Numerous careless mistakes. Discoloured
Indian paper. Slightly frayed at the ends. Begins with
& sfr^oTFI. Colophon: As in E. Scribe: sfreCTfOTi-
Dated Saka 1710 ( = 1788 a. d.)

G. — D. U. Paper Ms. No. 552 C.

Size :
16" x 3". Complete. Seven lines to a page. Folios

1(b) 2 (b) contain citations from various texts regarding the
time and procedure of the ceremony of Dolaydtra. Fols. 2 (b)-
6 (a) contain the Dolaydtra The rest of the lol. 6 (a) is devoted

to a few verses quoted from the V isnupurdna and the lihdgavata.

Bengali characters. Very close lines. Occasional marginal
Brown Indian paper. Frayed at edges. Begins
& # Colophon As in B. No name of :

VV —Vangavasi Ed. of the S kandapurdiia (in Bengali characters).

Calcutta 1318 B. S. Vol. II. Purusottama-mdhdtmya, ch. 42.
It is interesting that the readings of the Skandapurdna citation
differ in our Mss.


] srwi sn^nqni %%\ ’-ro^ir^ =g ^hnrnj; i

fk%spT gl^wrramr: #5f=!t% ^qTfoisrr it i u

Irfirfsi^T ? i

i;T<-g% mm f.tffa gisrcteoHpnrg I

5 «ra atfreffr jrsrfcP7srf%*?rc: 11 = u

nwrar nifapgrcsri g ^rSpt t

srrmg 3T?r: n ^ ||

^gfT* W r5’T %fg35TfNfTH. I

^rp^^ra'i u » u

10 *T37»7% WIToffspreM^^ i

jjf4fa Tarerfsr ssr^tfar m ii a ii

'nrsg^r: ferjusrg^*rr fsr5ug% i

n\f%?gtggsm g ^rar# ii ^ n
1 5 arremercui srrt fsm^srWm^g i

?ri5 sBRfae^r g ht% ftrfsrfs^g » » H

isifaNr f^jT^r f^wr^fafasiTf^g i

nlfa-t g^fat^r g *rr*wwmr fegg u -c ii

5S5T ng-^H i

2( 1 ^fsTTri Tstsr^r^ msremrt wrr^ra ii <*, n

srpn^iH =gg^r nifsFgjff?mt gwg i

g^rg^TlTTUg i

ursrgfjrfr im ° ii

5. C FHT for VV <‘?mg*l^T2r % for ^fa^fa’RTl': 6. A, G

for wW^FT for ^Tg^Fq. A, G 3 for “^T <T.
7. C for '^:. Wl^FT.for fWfT. 10. VV *tST?TC, tfm'faigfSrfifag
11. C, E ^ for -IT. 12. A, G g^T for r*£fr
°«*g*J(ftfa5tTT‘' for
T33II°. 12 13. F ad^s a lengthy gloss on these lines at
; see
fol. 1 (b) below. 14. C s^fa for g^tmff. 15. G
15-16. Between these two lines VV inserts *W&1 fafa^KTftt gw
18. Some Mss read flHri or simply flK for ?fa vlT. 21. A
HFnqTif for qPWW. 23. VV ^T^RT^I^g. VV for ^TRFf -

24. A, C, D rf<?T rT
«ER etc., B, F corrupt for <f*R. E -
margin cFT: ’TR/lE^f, contrary to metre, obviously a gloss.


aaUsrciR jxtwt =ar fgawror: i

25 aarsaif^r nafcu;# qi afifirfawasR; I

?ra: ?rr srf?mt msfrcaralt g^airm: in t 11

a st^rtftox jprsrg
fix i

amrgjrfsRrta 5i^afag?:*mx; im * n

aasxsTOPn *4ia: gwrgfefwR a i

fmsRftoag. ii n H

arr^gfR fT?T gar: faririnrgfmJTr: i

33 ^fWr: *rr4 rnfir^a tx^wrag in v n

a^ransfaarPR gaaagaTxl;: i

35 wremror fgfaat aa va to it ii

ganger *xgfsr ar i

n^g^ar gw wqfgwiiatnj; ii i \ it

iq'P'q ggaga gsrrsgwrnRss: i

jfmafaRT tor qf?%s%; ii i»ii

40 XTXTf.^Mxxf bk giwmnatWRag i


t< II

3X'=fig^t Rsawg arn^rr. g^awg i

*v4%4t ga: xwrrrsit a *m lr i

arara^R a ga: ^rro^^sfasiffig ii t*. n

45 ?4 pfiwr *ptr: fqHm^g%f4riT i

Traf^^^r 3>if4m ggrta (xiimi

K^g'Gfla-HWJ Strfafa: TR%fef* |

g^raaifri^ ?*% xxTrxwreaTftfoi im n

?6ife?5nsmig\ aRTg^^TOt^rt |

50 aRt7?fwr?f%% ^T^Tg’jgg-fifa im* ii

25. A fTOTCffUor wig. E'iyFPr. B has marginal note MPWFIT

oiMiaW. 26. C^TWU?) for a PR. 27. B, E, F for
-<R4rf«^gT. 3o. E, f, cj vv for *rx. 31. B, E, F gg4rp for <rfM^ifa:
VV PRrdi for tpggtff:. 3 ;?.a, C, D I Bfafa: for <m'fl:. 4-5. Omitted
byC. 34; D fa v-IPN for ar-PITPR. 3i. VV ^wf for <R. 37. VV reads
•mW-RPR for this fine. 38. VV for My*
and ^ for JR. 42. C for RFfRR. VV modifies the line
thus: TI'^T 4 OfP4T tfPPPf 'R:. 43. F drops PRH [E corrupt].
44. VV cWT for ga :. 47. VV 9i3gvmpR?l: A, E sii'Rlfa: for siTF'lf-H;.
VV W/O'-’R for 'tf^farf. 48. A gRPFFrfVvR. q, VV URtWOlflfa
-XTHT^I . 49. G, VV HWXlVwf^ for '''{''(jpUfM.
58 S. C. BANERJl

fprg^ =sirc?ft?5t i

jrre«r^RTHMTwl^ftf^% u sv it

55 T»5W^T?\f^pr®rf i

fiTMg^z m ii

«r«rrww trarmlii «nsn^«n^Rn{ n ** 11

feapgr?f;jm«re5tj fipavrrsqr fwqr ^fih; i

6< l
^jf^gfn ^TTiraTfcn apwrfe^m. I

qsrmfg^ g«nfR^e?:«n?h?c»T^ 11 »« u

gfi s*rl»rft»m^tn«n asT^ 5B!!«res


swis^gsnft^: u =>c u

ns^fr^firw fowt: i

65 irryrf^spjfptfvr; tirzti ^qnrq^: || u

w^f^^rr ^rrf^rfif^rfirAr: i

g^rfNn^ ii 3» n

*TtOr«? q ^^q xir^: II II

70 qgRft^WWrei SB^rT^JJ^SnU I

iresrn^fqsrsreg qsfisrft II u

*iW\fi*«hr ntqT^sfet^feri’TTspn?. I

r^rrfipqT 3mWT«i II ^3. II

fT^qr SSfH^g I

75 f^dfcq^rw *rreqw f^sqrMh g^fq%: u 11

53. VV d^TWFfl^fefT for °*T<^5T. 54. VV BT^tFFt for 3TCWT:.
C srfH.qTfir: for *TT5qq?l%:. 55. B, E, F, G, VV *^?^F*TT?*$FTi.
56. A *nssrg*p2t; ( corrupt ). VV, G rTR^RSTYfacT”.
57. E epM. 58. A *T«TT«n=T for
3T*i^T for VV f^qra^T^SR
for B adds marginal gloss—^PWWlT faw^TSW BRFr-
Tljq: qf^HTiTqr ^^1
I ftET: 61. VV B, E, F, G read the

line thus [E omits ^J. 62. VV g^TSTH

for g^tsqBT. 63. VV ^ST^MgrT. 65. VV f^oqtTTqft;. 66. B, C
for ^RP^T. 67. VV g^TF^cf:. 68. VV .^:. .69. VV
39^«fT«T *Tlf^q. E, F omit this line. 70. C °JT^*T for °*f??n. 71. VV
dR?TW for fT^TRT. 72. A, D 55't«Fffl?5?T*IH^:. C ^9FRF%facrgBFltr:.
73. B for =^%:. 74. VV *T*Fcm: for #4. 75. VV reads thus


sreCtes^iifapirpi 11 A'*, n
fWT qj^f?fT k W'^ «T #t: i

sgp&nrrfgTT'rrsr} aarer R&rat vr^?r n 3* 11

80 firehr Cre^rea RfgpnqgigtRi, 1

vr^Ergms^ SRt vrfag^Eda^Rartp n 3* h

9JIWrf%%fgfT *Ra f*ftre RSSf rT*17 I

^sraafraas* f^Tfawrfgtmgii; 11 \< 11

T3 aa %rO«T S?f?t nl5?aratl<TrFia»H I

85 fsmuaatwarfg g?fi%5TRC fro**: 3 11 ®, 11

rcar Creifaa ga rCtr; signal* 1

w«rrf^%pf*or$Trfvi$t: ggta% v o 11 11

5£*rf arrar a:Rfa?ar =a^a?ft *t%*r: 1

gr§mfg ^gtrefi straarg; strait wag, 11 >n 11

90 «ra Cteararrar imroRTt? snagTring;

g^t g Tirrepgrgggsf faptflrig 1

atfas’C $*^**3 *r tgrag* sntcf 11 w^ 11

C^Rtara ntflRC to *rpf?5ni. 1

*a*a area pjt ga^rr a f=m?t 11 «i 11

<K g»;Rta srpffg q^jnrrf% sgsrfit at 11 vv 11

aar 9;T5gqqVTJTr^i Ct^aiarar? awfaRTTOoft a?tg?i<»ig[

airt Ctetfaa aifa^C grClaag^ 1

-Errepar Raai aarr alfa^a^ g? ait a v*a 11 11

100 ^E^g^rouagETiTrimnrm^ 3;ara5m:ara

76. for agfria VV. »TB1%T. SO. VV fata for faU*j
wmmrar^ for “ai^a. SI E, V gf^gaga.^TPifor aN. u 82, VV ?l«r .


for apt. S3. C a*aTTg?TT\ reads the line thus <st?re. [ A, E 38 *1

D asat aVaaC gaTf*gifaareiq>a.

] 86. vv CteTftatt for Craifta. 87. vv
fag^a forag^a. 88. VV 39: for a*!:. 89. After this line VV adds
tppg ^T^WTg^s: g-%a areata.. 90. A Cream w<; E ‘amar.
EWf u l°; D aiaitrere 0 . 91-96. Cannot Ije traced in the printed text of
the Brahmapurana. 95. F, G for ajp. 97. A, C, D, omit 3TglareTB''TT.
98-99. This ’verse occurs in the VahgavasI Ed. (63. 18', Calcutta,
1316 B. S. with Crerert for ^reifaa and sPTdl for aaaT. 100. A
Cafa^T v-aTa. G snagARtta for ^agTP'iTa. The readings adopted ill
the text agree with Skandapurana, Ed. Vahgavasi, Calcutta, 1318 B. S.
Vol. II. ( Purusottamamahatmya, Ch. 29, verse 47 ). The lines
101-102 are found hut not the rest of the quotations.
60 S. C. BANEU)

sTfsa giaf^terar a % afaa: I

X \ atg Ta 7>5gsa maTafft ?5T^: 515*: II H%. II

«RT5ga >K5gsft 5R?j eflofnr^T a^r VJ%T^ |

105 alfaa? gte&aa fasnal fgrsraaar: u v» u

frfasurar «ratcarg sasrai aia gat l

alrr^Sgsat ^FTrTfgTWVm; || »* ||

110 ureasgrt: grat fgarsrggsat finarg^i 1

amgtara naffer gterawgg'jag: ti «*. 11

gfgs saaTW»aaagN«naagar airtTprawrarcaT *tfaataata-

ggraTga^t^g'RSTagaJTaf ^gf=aat ar aiwaiar afsa "a 1

ara aggwra fata agg^assrw HtaJra wig

1 a a aggsai 1

115 fasug^i gfa aaaT^aggsaf faaa ?fn awaa. 1 aria ^gifasag-

a^a^rit aCT^iaiaa: 1 a %erafa: 1

g'i ^g attsgsaTaagsif srta agfefaaaaafimqrg 1

smaggsat atawa faaa, gsatsafnamg

gaaiesfgfa: 1 agr 1

*ttat§ agg^ft, at<nat?ft asaagaa siwa ggr aaa

1 20 ^taam gtearar gg?faasar agr g ara aggsft, staam 1

%a*3gV'f*trat, a?fg% staam atoTaT^argaT'ssjpnarTwagr atfga

«*a g^rg’gja^ag a^a^aia 1

agttr galg^Tot—
fafag^raataffir sraftargararag; 1

125 ainwta fafasrur g^ar.- aaaagff'n **.0 11 u

a a g^ar ?fa attgaiaarama fafafaaa srfa ar--ag. |
fgoffa: airerraf ama faar ^fa *arata 1

101. VV, D
*rn for a fig. C afaa. 103. m C omits. 104. C '*>4

for af/.i. 105. ffjaaaa:, Cf. p. 8, 6, 10, above. 1 10. D, F, G «paf for
fCTt. G 'fi-JpaT: for Til^PaT:. 112. A, C, D dfaimva aatat for
°aTaaaTat f E corrupt]. 113, omits '•iaa. in ^rRTi^.pfT. 114. C, D
aggiaT «T'5r for ag^^aaT^. H orbits farw. e, F, g omit a. 115. E,
F, G agggaT for agg^gf. 116. n ag^’-w% aggpjgw.
for 11 8. e
faf«r<i for faaa. c, e cre*r °af*far<ra: for g^a^af*". 119 d aa . for ag..
B inserts H in between ^rf^aj'^Ur and wsTrf. 121 -1 22. C words between
cf^T and corrupt. 123. A, C 124-125.
for "g*T*r.
'Ibis verse does not occur in the Varigavasi Ed. the Devipurana.
127. D
omits B, C read and respectively.

atFsrfsrroregsqxqra I f% %
fTgfswlw^viT^^g qqrqfir t

1 30 *rafer?rT qfo *res.fq& i

w»phr f?rf»-T»fjtq s^iq: ur|^fi^T^q: ii n

SrfrT i

“ flfaqiTqi v^gfttqisi^”
^qffeq'SFTra I

135 qrSrm rrf?f q?»7 'fl fqwrlqmrfqqtqfT;

: i

?T4'TI fT»'Kf3j;^t ^ 15n«Pn?5TH II '*.? II

I q^qFqq«rH??%5T Jrqisig5m5!r?qfqtqi~
^ggjqwritsfq *rra ftfor mr, ?r g qqf<^ st^tsti I

\%JTT qvrr*fgsTq^sq^Tgf*m*TI*I^ rt q *HTF£tfg*T ^qfinfta:


1 4ft ?ig
3T??iqm =qg^3qr nifqsgafrUTt 3j*rm •

qrafqtqi qr^g^qiTm^ n *•.3 u

gisrarar *qra qiomTF*TTfirf?r, ri?r i

qgf^qrfgq; f.tqi rifor gq 5twir

145 qgqsqr rfifq^gwr tqrqqqrfVq; fqvnq
Frf«T%q ?mi^ ri'wr*fraoi
qi^qnir sr qgq^qf qnxt^t: i

jFIT^rwa: I quJTJTRqf qiqiqiqqraqiqqqftmqr^ fife q, I

qqfqii qqiqsfr spfaqqqqFtsqtfqsft, atq* qgqsfr, q?fgsr »rfq-

q?r??iqsqrfqjft qgqqrt, qgx ^iq-nix sqm qgqjq^rii

15ft q^-q?*iqivfiqm?fg% *xxq qg?3qr q^qsprqfixqm^qqxit

128. C 3?T't4MTqTT?TT^Tg^; D WCtferTrcnq. 129. C frgfif’-JT-

130 . d, b, k for £qra. a gqig. c. wqn for

XJ3'*qd. 132. The JjqqsrdTB is an astrological work ascribed to
Bhojaraja of Dharii [For details see Kane’s History of Dharma'siistra,
Poona, 1930 p. 278 79 ]. 135-136. Not found in the Vaiigavasi Ed. of
Skandapurana. 1 37. B for rq^rmPT^pj [C, E ^pipnq].
C drops. qR after '-C'TRq^T Ii corrupt > 138. B, D drop *Tg. C omits

q g gqfgq. G drops g. A qr4 for 139. C stops after sr-THFR-

E ffifrT ftKW :. F, G
sfa * f43>*. 140. C '* 4- 142. C
drops T^g. 143. II qg for ?ra. C drops gq. 145. C fafaq. for foqq
B FqR for ETR. 146. F drops «I. C omits the words qRqrqT and H.
148. E drops TTT%. 151. A q^TIRTg for quSqRTq [ D ad^'m^l;,
E :

corrupt ].
62 S. C. BANF.RJt

?f?r trowpaTrst
^g??^T: «ri
srri* i

5 <ra*^s?r ga
* =ggf^mi; 1
=qg$tfqr ?f?t qre: 1 w
155 TiRRp^t: 3THf f%nr?ff 5tf?Ti fsrarg^
^?«tr <ra«ri rrarstir^Rra =qggVtfefag^rfq %f?r nyfor: 1

tram =a q#f^Ftftire$roir qtrf^FrFrasrnr =g *ra?fiHTg5prmRTg 1

miTIrT <ftfojRRRlfr«Pt filfa: I ^RTTSrf?r|f*iv:H?mt firfa: I

tvtsrt 5TaiRRftn: 'Kmfasmra: 1 ^^g?T<n^5fTg?Tin^frgTm-

160 -*pm?*-4R6 (gap 1

fff?r mfff3qrramRStqr>mm/t3j<^[fafq?rarfi gi^qnrrfar%q>: *mtR: i

The following passage, apparently a gloss, is added by the

Ms F (tol. la) on verse 6 at p. 56 (above).
sni 'firaj-m: toft ^rrnfRrm *tra trsgwq:
JTcft^i 3n=*r*ir R5r5»j*qr: 14 ft ^6^rafag^ ?gqm'TTgr?f- ,

«n?r 1 1 amt
165 =9 *tpt fr^r 1 ^g^rff T.m-
fFraqr^fr gf%Ftg 1 * ^ ggrqggq&sror f«qr fasTTg^r^Tfftq
qg^frrfR ?nrr fsRttf% ^gdrrq^rit p*TRihm%: 1

qmf =atg?5^ri 0rarg% 1

=arg^tr sraitsfa *rr*rarc*R qsR^?r ll

170 «rm w*t snsmlf^gtaBTH, 1

srmitsrTfasrm: smfawsrT^g grftqiqr 11

fafiwireRflftg q^trfftfr^T *jirfV?*fTg%;«rf?T wmr: 7rtrg§z- 1

R»i?T*r?g q^r nfa rg ^ fkfa: ^irfiT.r’STft- 1

smrq qtfitiwq^atm qtft grforctmmT gg^istfsftfWt g 1

175 «ki5»p*tt: gjfo w^jrts 1

: 1 ir?iq*Tmt
qjR wlqrrfTtw 1 Rrarg^Rq gores^ rsirt nffr^ft 1

fm&rgRRra s^lq^TS
q?f%% natRrwsqTfq-sqsmftRT
^^ m
fjm =g *m I

=qg^5ft awfq mf^t gq

179 wsgsTtr: q>ro ?f?r ;pfggf 11 o 11

153. B, C, E omit 'f. A, d'{R‘. f° r T*.

F adds ^T?5 before 4Tm.
154. D inserts § after •f. 155. C, F ^it for 3 WT. C, D =4g^RTT for
^ 3&*rr. 156. B, E, F insert =4 after ?*T?T. D ’TZ^rUm for 7^«ft FT4T;
B, K 7S1KTTRT4T: F omits q*R4t. 157. D, E, F g for =4. D ’TqtgfaST'RT
and E qqf^gJTln 6 and 9*fgg4FI°. 159. C ^^TSrsrqmig.
for JTCrHFftn:. E^g’JKT^ ^raqwfm:. [For colophons
of different Mss see Description of Mss above. ]


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