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Contemporary issues and

Trends in Education
Assignment (fall, 2022)

Question 1 :
 Suggest ways to teach values of universal morality via the school curriculum in
The most important and fundamental moral principles are universally held by all
people in all cultures and do not change over time. Moral values are crucial facets of
anyone’s character and ought to be instilled in kids from an early age. The benefit of
instilling values in children is that it enables them to make moral decisions.
Pakistan is an Islamic country. Adding Islamiat and comprehension of Quran as a
compulsory subject in our curriculum from primary level will make students strong
morally and ethically.Moral principles we learn from Islam points a child in the proper
direction, which aids in their social acceptance and respect.
The early years of children need special care and teaching them moral values is very
Teaching morals and values in the classroom and at home such as helping others,
appreciating others, showing gratitude for the good things, cheering others, sharing
experiences with them etc.The Importance of teaching values through minute things
which makes difference for eg:- talking politely, controlling anger, having patience
etc.Examples are the best way to teach them things easily. Share the example, stories
of good values followed by our Prophets and Islamic leaders and also share the story
of people who have done unethical things and what were the consequences as it will
help them to learn from them.Give your child scenarios or situations. It can be real-life
situations or take probability or assumptions. Ask them what they would do in that
situation and correct them accordingly.Teaching morals and values in the classroom
and at home such as helping others, appreciating others, showing gratitude for the
good things, cheering others, sharing experiences with them etc.When they see all
these things followed by you, they themselves will take initiative to learn and follow it
in their llife
 Address challenges that emerge in the linked to contemporary social and political
Pakistan continues to face multiple sources of internal and external conflict. While
incidences of domestic terrorism have reduced, in part due to measures taken by the
Pakistani state, extremism and intolerance of diversity has grown
While peaceful political transitions occurred in both 2013 and 2018, the country is still
facing mounting debt crisis and a perennial trade imbalance on the economic front.
Furthermore, Pakistan’s high-profile disputes with neighboring India and Afghanistan
have periodically resulted in violence and continue to pose a threat to regional and
international security.
The COVID-19 issue’ severity and the resulting geopolitical upheaval are both a result
of rising levels of inequality inside and between nations. Economic and social systems
frequently widen the gap between rich and poor, which can deepen polarisation in
society and threaten international security. Following are the challenges that emerge
due to the contemporary issues.
Economy: More than 493m full-time-equivalent jobs, most belonging to women and
youth, were lost in 2020, and the global GDP declined by 4.3%.It has been noted that
this crisis might have been much worse if not for strong government intervention.
Government have provided an unprecedented level of support to businesses and
citizens through direct funding, investments, tax reductions and targeted distribution of
goods. This level of support, however, has come at a cost of ballooning government
Healthcare: The total expenditure on healthcare was expected to fall by 1.1% in
2020, driven by delayed or cancelled care for non–COVID-19-related illnesses or
treatments. Although patients initiated cancellations in some cases, capacity
constraints have also been a big factor—and all of this deferred care is expected to
increase healthcare challenges in 2021 and 2022. In 2022 flood also cuases a great
expenditure in healthcare administration.
National safety and security:
Crime including domestic violence, robberies and looting, has increased during the
pandemic also after flood in Pakistan due to unemployment and economical issues. So
have political events, including rallies and protests. Researchers speculate that
lockdown, unemployment and desperation among citizens have played a role in
intensifying these crimes and events.
While the world has battled COVID-19, the war against climate change has continued.
NASA officially ranked 2020 as tied for the hottest year on record, and the past seven
years have been the warmest in human history. Extreme weather-related events,
including hurricanes, wildfires, floods and heatwaves, were prolific in 2020. Flood in
Pakistan was also a result of climate change.
Trust in government: Disinformation around the world costs an estimated US$78bn
annually, not including societal impacts. In many countries, it erodes trust in
government leaders and influences the course of elections. The lack of clear structures,
roles and efficient responses to citizens’ pressing concerns and needs only compounds
the loss of trust.

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