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Type of Emotion #1.


It is the most sought-after feeling that we all wish to sense, perceive, and experience. Happiness is a
pleasant emotion that represents joy, contentment, satisfaction, and overall well-being.\nThere are
many things that can make you happy such as healthy relationships, a good job, security of wealth, love,
good social life, and much more. It is about enjoying life and living it to the fullest.\nSince the 1960\’s
research on emotions happiness came into the limelight. Research in positive psychology has claimed
that happiness is a general state of psychological well-being that is marked by immense joy and
gratification of needs. This emotion is expressed through:\nFacial expressions such as a warm and
humble smile that signifies satisfaction and approval.\nBody language is relaxed. You also appear light-
hearted, energetic, and dynamic.\nVocal quality is symbolic of a positive and pleasant tone.\nHappy
people emanate a positive attitude, hope, and care for others around them. Happiness is a basic
emotion that has a positive outcome on you. It increases life satisfaction, helps to develop loving and
caring relationships.\nHappiness also contributes to a long life and good health. If you remain happy,
you can keep anxieties and worries at bay.

Type of Emotion #2. Sadness

Sadness is a basic or primary emotion that represents a state of grief, disappointment, lack of hope, lack
of socialization, loneliness, etc.\nWhen people experience severe sadness and dampened mood, for a
long time, it means depression. Sadness is usually expressed by crying, lethargy, quietness, and a lonely
feel.\nSadness is also marked by unhappiness, regret, despair. You must have experienced bouts of
unhappiness from time to time.\nStudies have shown that if you feel sad for a long time, it can affect
your physical well-being and mental health. It can even lead to premature death. It is a negative
emotion that nobody likes but everyone gets.

Type of Emotion #3. Fear

Fear is triggered when you face some danger and do not know how to cope with it. You may go through
an arousal process of a fight or flight response. This means that either you face and feel fear-inducing
situations or escape and move away from them.\nFear can cause tensed muscles, dry mouth,
stammering, racing heart rate, increased BP, widening of the eyes, stiff body stance, etc.\nThough all of
us do not experience fear in a similar way, few symptoms are common to all. Similar reactions like
attempts to flee from the fear element, seeking help from others are usually found.  \nContrary to this, if
you encounter the fear element repeatedly, it may actually reduce the fear because now you get
familiar with the situation. The situation is no longer perceived as dangerous and threatening as before.\
nExposure therapy is based on this idea, where an individual is exposed to the fear element repeatedly
to eventually eliminate the feeling of unpleasantness.

Type of Emotion #4. Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion and a primitive affective state known to mankind. It is a basic emotion that
is characterized by feelings of hostility, agitation, frustration, irritability, rage, and antagonism.\nAnger is
an instinctive response. It happens when you feel dissatisfied with someone or something in life. It can
be triggered due to stress, family issues, financial problems, marital disharmony, or unmet needs.\
nAnger can have distinct emotional symptoms such as Loss of energy, Pessimism, Self-harm or harm to
others, Physical symptoms like headache, feeling hot, shaking, and dizziness, Bad mood, short temper,
Constant irritability marked by unhappiness and frustration, Fatigue, tightening of chest.\nAnger is
expressed through a frowning facial expression. The tone of voice is rude and unkind. The common
aggressive behaviors include hitting, shouting, kicking, throwing objects, and yelling.\nUncontrolled
anger is harmful to self and others. It can lead to abuse, violent and destructive behavior patterns if
remains unchecked for a long time.\nAnger is linked with alcoholism and substance abuse. Too much of
it can pose health issues such as heart disease and lifestyle problems such as high BP and diabetes.

Type of Emotion #5. Disgust

Eckman suggested that disgust is a strong emotion that is marked by a feeling of aversion or avoidance
of something.\nWhen you perceive something bad such as a foul smell, a bad scene, a loud noise, you
can show disgust. It is an unpleasant emotion that can vary from mild dislike to complete avoidance of
the object or situation.\nThis emotion is triggered by a feeling of repulsion or  toxicity. When something
is offensive or poisonous, you may feel disgusted. Even certain people who appear toxic or emanate a
negative vibe can make you feel disgusted.\nCertain triggers of disgust are:\nExpelled body products
such as vomit, foul smell, bad breath, diseased or dying animals\nA physically ugly animal or being that
one perceives negatively\nMorally tainted people can bring disgust, as you perceive them as socially
unfit.\nDisgust can bring a wide variety of expressions such as:\nLowered eyebrows\nWrinkling of
cheeks or bridge of the nose\nVocal tone such as saying ‘yuck’ or a choking feeling\nRevulsion in mouth
or a vomit feel\nCovering of nose or mouth, turning head away from the unpleasant view of the object

Type of Emotion #6. Surprise

Eckman suggested that surprise is a basic emotion because it symbolizes all the feelings that startle a
sudden response to an unexpected event. This emotion can be positive, negative, or even neutral.\nA
pleasant surprise maybe, when you suddenly meet your school friend after 20 years. An unpleasant
surprise maybe, if someone scares you from behind when you were engrossed in doing an activity. Any
sudden and unexpected event can bring surprise and revelation.\nYou may feel amazed, shocked, or
even astonished. Surprise is a brief emotional response, as it does not last long. Your surprise can bring
fear, relief, anger, fear, disgust, etc.\nWhen you are surprised you may feel  eyebrows raised,
attentiveness to the object of surprise, a certain physical startle, Verbal expressions can be screaming,
shouting, yelling out of surprise. \nSurprise can bring a sudden surge in the levels of adrenaline
hormone in the body because it causes a fight or flight response just like fear. Either you confront the
surprising element or you flee away from it.

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