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November 1

Sample writing
Better payment or job satisfaction ?
Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.

250 words

-paraphrase the statement
It is argued that / it is considered that

-present your own idea

I completely disagree/agree

It is argued that getting better payment is more crucial than

pleasure/contentment that is taken/granted profession itself. I
completely disagree that the salary which is obtained from job has a
prior role compared with the pleasure which is taken while working.
Body 1 (first reason)
Sentence 1 – state the reason why you agree/disagree (the first reason
Sentence 2 – explain your reason (in other words)
Sentence 3 – give an example (anecdotes/history/own life/making up
own example) for instance, to exemplify
Sentence 4 – write a short summary of your ideas (that’s

The first reason why satisfaction in job is indispensable that work

life covers/encompasses approximately one-third of human beings’ life.
In other words, as/since business life has a permanent place in
people’s life, it is an undeniable fact that choosing one’s career path
plays a critical role. For instance, it is an accepted fact that people who
are not able to have required satisfaction from their jobs are likely to
have/face more problems/troubles/difficulties in their relations with
their surroundings. Therefore/hence, people are supposed to/it is a
preferable idea that people had better spend more time on deciding
what to do before setting out to work life.

Body 2 (Second reason)

Secondly, lack of satisfaction in workplace is likely to pose/cause
threat to both physical and mental wellbeing. In other words, as the
most important thing is physical and mental health for people,
imbalance in job satisfaction could lead to weakness. According to
some researches that are conducted/carried out by some universities,
%60 of people who are not content with their jobs are more likely to be
more vulnerable to having psychological disorders. For example, it is
claimed that they may suffer from anxiety, depression and burnout
syndrome. That’s why, in order to maintain/retain physical and mental
health, preferences on choosing jobs are of paramount importance.

Summarize what you have written before
-restate your opinion (to conclude, to sum up)
-restate 2 reasons

To sum up, I strongly hold the view that the benefits of being
delighted with someone’s job outweigh/surpass the profits of a job.
According to information which is given about the effects of
dissatisfaction of a job, it is likely to menace people’s wellbeing and
relations with society.


 Grant visa
 Grant scholarship ex: I was granted scholarship.
 Pose threat

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