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If we are to apply the Decalogue of Katipunan to the present situation of our country, what
does this Decalogue convey?
- In our current situation right now, we experience a dangerous virus that will easily
spread by saliva that was been given a name called Corona Virus. The present dilemma, which
is the breakout of COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in major worldwide burdens. In fact, this
kind of crisis give a negative impact on the society or community include high rates of sickness
and mortality, financial troubles experienced by individuals, stress associated with known and
particularly unknown facts, and fear of the uncertainty regarding continued impact. So, if we
apply the Decalogue of Katipunan to our country's current condition, the Decalogue implies that
it will function as our help in which we will be encouraged and motivated to be strong enough to
deal with such a dilemma. To tackle this pandemic, we need the help of modern-day heroes like
physicians, nurses, medical technologists, or all health workers in general. Indeed, that
pandemic has caused increasing challenges for healthcare professionals globally. These
modern-day heroes believe, more than anyone else, that despite the challenges, issues, and
risks they are now facing, they can battle and be strong enough to save the lives of all
individuals in need of medical assistance. Like soldiers, health workers also face considerable
mental stress. It is sometimes overlooked that, as humans, they experience grief when their
patients die of the virus. They, too, have families and will understandably be concerned that the
virus may infect individuals they care about the most. Then, a medical expert such as scientist
and doctor do an experiments and study about the vaccination against coronavirus that have a
critical role in preventing deaths and hospitalization caused by infectious, and controlling the
spread of a certain disease, thus their impact on infection and serious illness. Without a doubt,
the service provided by doctors and health workers all over the world during this pandemic
reflect their selfless and responsible attitude toward their profession and the community. They
are the warriors who are fighting this disease on the frontlines and are putting their lives at risk
in order to protect the patient or individual in deadly virus. The bravery, devotion, and sacrifice
of medical personnel give the rest of us hope that we will be able to defeat these challenges. In
fact, they are called a modern-days hero because of their sacrifices and compassion to serve
the people and country during the pandemic. In addition, Filipino people unite and cooperate
through following the protocols created by government as a result of today’s recovery.

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