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Good_____ my name is aishwarya from vi cvraman today my topic is how will you indetify

and help a friend from Anxiety attack

If my friend is suffering Anxiety attacks she or he would tell me and if she does not a tell me I would right
away know that sheor he is in an Anxiety attack I would because a person in Anxiety attack would be so
nervous and would not concetrte on their work and she or he will keep doing mistakes these are
the indications that they are in Anxiety attacks in my opiono

First I would tell that everything is going to be okay no need to worry

I’ll say to my friends parents they might calm her down a little bit
If her parents are not there I would invite her or him to my home for a
Slumber party and I would ask her problems and would say a solution
And say that I will be with you for ever no matter what and
I will sovle her or his prblem

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