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1. Python was created by Guido van rossum.

2. The F5 key is pressed to execute a python program.

3. In the interactive mode of python, the instructions are executed


4. A variable is the name of the memory location that stores the


5. Python keywords cannot be used as a variable name.

6. The appearance of data and time on a worksheet depends on the

format applied to the cell.

7. The moved or copied data is stored temporality in a location in

the computer memory called clipboard.

8. Flash fill identifies the data fill pattern that you use frequently in

a worksheet and then fills the remaining

series, accordingly.

9. The enter and cancel buttons are present on the formula bar.

10. To copy the data, the ctrl + C key combination can be used.


1. Which of the following data types is not supported in python?

a. char b. float

2. When a new value is stored in a variable, its previous value gets


a. accepted b. overwritten
3. Values are assigned to variable s using the ___________ operator.

a. string b. assignment

4. The data type for 12.4 should be ________ .

a. int b. float

5. >>> print (‘10’+’20’) will give the output ___________.

a. 30 b. 1020

5 The__________ function key is used to change the cell contents of a

selected cell.

A.f5 B.F4 C.F2

6. When you finish editing within a cell, excel returns to

the__________- mode.

A. Edit B. Finish c. Ready

7. To select a range, hold down the ___________ key and click on the

adjacent cells.

A. Shift B. CTRL C. ALT

8.______________ is the short key of to undo the last action.


9. THE_______________key combination can be used to apply the

outline border around the selected cell



1. To evaluate an arithmetic expression, it is not necessary to use

the print () function. (T)

2. A variable name can consists of letters, digits, underscores. (T)

3. In python, data types represents the type of data stored in a

variable. (T)

4. In python, only one type of data can be stored in memory. (T)

5. The print () function is used to accept the value of a variable from

the user. (F)

6. The string values cannot be multiplied together. (T)

7. Ctrl+A key combination is used to select a row.(F)

8. The shortcut key for flash fill is shift +E. (F)

Q- 1) Write any 3 features of the Python language.

A-1) The three most popular features of the Python language are as


i) It is a platform independent programming language, which means

it can be used on any

machine and in any operating system.

ii) Python is a case sensitive language.

iii) It is free to use and even for commercial products.

Q-2) What is a variable?

A-2) A variable is used to stores data value. It can store only one

data value at a time. When a

new value is stored in a variable, its previous value gets

overwritten. There are some rules

to define the variable name.

Q-3) Explain the different working modes of Python.

A-3) Python works in two modes: Interactive mode and Script mode.
INTERACTIVE MODE: Interactive is beneficial for testing code

where you type the commands one at a time

and get the result or error immediately.

SCRIPT MODE: For writing lengthy programs in Python, Script mode

is used. Using this mode, we can

create, edit Python programs and save it so that it can be used


Q-4) What are datatypes? Explain any two data types in Python.

A-4) A data type represents the type of data stored in a variable.

Some examples of data types

used in Python are, int, float, str, bool.

float: Represents floating point values (numbers with fractional

part). The fractional part of a floating-

point number may be 0 as well. Examples of floating-point numbers

are, 3.14, -48.6, 18.0, etc.

str(String): String data type represents strings of characters

enclosed within quotation

marks, for example, 'Hello'.

Q-5) What is the use of print() function?

A-5) The print() function is used to display the output of any

command on the screen. We can also pass

more than one argument to the print()function. Separators are use

with the print() function

to format the output.

Q-6) Discuss the rules for naming the variables.

A-6) The rules for valid identifier (variable name) are:

a. A variable name must start with an alphabet (capital or small) or

an underscore (_).

b. A Python keyword cannot be used as a variable name.

c. A variable name can be of any length.

d. Variable names are case-sensitive (e.g., Age and age are different

variable names).

Q-7) Discuss any two separators used with the print() function.

A-7) Using '\t' (tab space): When you use '\t'

escape sequence as the separator among the values, the

values are displayed with a tab space between them.

Using '\n' (Newline character): A newline character in

Python is used to end a line and start a new

line. In Python, the new line character can be used with the input

function and with the print function.

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