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“ Tahim '* -'§?**'_ J > GAZETTE

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Published by Authority
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<%PI-J 53Q'03OA-<1|--jZ. TREASURY E'§‘~<'_‘.

Government of Tripura
_ Departzzzant cf Cooperatim
‘§‘%0.F, ifIi-3° C1 5.7" _)0 (§ .P9(Eu' Dated, Ag;a:ta1a,th= 1853 Aprih 1995.
. 1"IO';'€E7§§ATE§}I"\I
In pursuance 0? Noiificafiien No. F. 1-7=@‘,’GL,-"RC3/‘S5 dated, '2/Z195 83
£1 published in the -' r"~.-+ ‘U? O v-¢ 7‘ ? 1-3: issue of '£'z'i;>ura Gazette on 16. 3. 95. and
K‘ _§.J

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is received by ihe Coop. UJ'U » eptt. Qovt. ofT1'inura, from any om‘: and as such

considering all aspeczs and observixzg .-. . 1 ,_. ;:>roce<5ures the servica |,_¢'= v——(P s of 211$ Q) F.-

$2 E
empioyees sf the Coop. cietics as framed in exercise of the power conferred
by Section 1-55 of the Cl}_.
. .\ 1 H. F5>-1 $9
‘U c@@p¢£;m¢ Societies. .11.:,~:, -I’-2 is hflrchy

finahy puhhshed. '

. 1. (1) Short titled and COIHZ116t1£€l1E€I;'€Z-—~ThB5E rules may be caliad
the Tripura Co-operative Societies (Third Amendment) Rules,
1. )3-
r .-1 ‘_ l
(2) '1 hey extent to Lbs whole smte of Tripura. -
(3) They shall come into force frorn the date of their publication
‘ inthc Ofiicial Gazette. , ' A
2 Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 27, 199: A.D.

2. After Sub Rule (3) of the Rule I10, in chapter xii of the Tripura Ii
Coop. Societies Rules, 1976 ( hereinafter referred to as the Principal
Rule) the following Rule, namely, Rule III shall be inserted.


Chapter l2(xii). ' i
Ill. Minimum paid'stafi‘I to be employed by a. Co-operative Society,
their respective essentialqualification and procedure of their employment
and the condition of their Service-
l(a) Every C0-operative Society shall from time to time determine at a.
meeting of a Managing COmmittee the minimum number of paid staff required
for smooth functioning of its business.
1(b) Every So;.iety shall fill up not 6Xc:€diDg 50% of such posts
(Excluding those of grade-IV staff of each category or class by promotion from
ofiicers or staff in the lower ranks.
l.(c) The remaining posts (exclu ding those grade-IV staff) of each category l
or class of such Society ‘shall be filled up.
_ i) In case of Alfiex Society, by the Managing Committee of such
Society by direct rec ruitment and.
ii) In case of any other Society, by direct recruitment by the Apex
or the Central Society to which such Society is affiliated provided that in the
event of direct recruitment and/or promotion of any person under the service
of any Co-operative Society, reservation system as applicable to the V Govern-
ment department shall be followed and/or observed.
iii) Recruitment Rules of each and every grade and, category of
employees shall be formed by the Soeiety= which will be subject to approval
of the Registrar, Co-operative Societies. ‘
l.(d) The Apex or Central Society shall introduce a. training scheme
under which candidates with required qualifications after selection, may
be trained under the supervision of any Coop, Institute for at least 3 months
robe observed, subsequently after successful Conlplclioll of training, as direct
recruits in the service of the alfiliated Society, at least 25 % of the direct
recruits for each category or class of posts of each such Society shall be filled I V

up by such trainees who 511311 during their period receive,a stipend half of
thcminimum basic pay of the posts to which they are eligible for appointment. 4 a

Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 27, l995__ A‘ D. 3

1. (c) Minimum paid staff of a Society with a working capital or

annual transaction of Rs. 1 lakhor above shall include l paid Manager or 1
paid oficcr with any other designation competent to discharge function of a
1. (f) The essential qualifications for appointment to the post of
olficers are—~ _
a) in case of Apex Society,-
i) Bachelors Degree of any recognised University and
iii) A pass certificate on Senior or Cooperative Officer training course at
National Institute, poone or equivalent for class 1 oflicer and a pass certificate
in higher Diploma Course in Co-operative from Co-operative Training
College if'so required by the Managing Committee for others.
Provided. that in case of a specially qualified candidate it may be sufiicient
if the candidate acquires qualification referred to at '
iii) above within two years from the date of his appointment on
probation, _ ' "
b) in case of a. primary Society,—-
i) passed School Final examination,
ii)‘ Successful cornpletion of a training course of a Cc-operative training
centre, and
iii) A s '11 tn O .-. 1:0 >- training in Co-operation, if insisted on by the Society
Provided that in case of a specially qualified candidate it may be sufiicient
if the candidate acquires qualification referred to at (ii) and (iii) above within
two years from the date of his appointment on probation.
(2) The essential qualifications for appointment of accountant in the
Service of C0-operative Society shall be— I
al Graduate of a recognised University, provided that preference will be
given to a commerce graduate.
b) Successful completion ofa training course, at intermediate level, of
1 Cooperative training Institution. V
(3) The essential qualifications for appointment as assistant accountant
Cashier or any other employee excluding grade IV stafl' in the service of C0-
operalive Society shall be— V
3) SCl100l final p3.SSCd examiflafign and
. 4 Tzlpura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 27, 1995, A. D.

b) Successful completion of training (at junior level) in any Coopera-

tive inStiiuiiOi}. _
(4) The essential qualification for appointment as grade IV staff of a
Coopcraiive Society is education upto Class VIII standard ofa recognised
(5) All posts in gradeili’ staff of a Cooperative Social}! shall be filled up
by such Society, preference being givento local candidates.
(6) Where in case of any existing ernplo}'=:-e of any Cooperative Society
fire minimum qualifications prescribed in this rule for the 3115: are no: satisfied
he shallbfi retained in the service of such Society; subject to his sazccessful
completion, within three 3/ears from the diiie of these rules coming into force
ofa suitable training course in any Cooperative Institution, as may be deter-
mined by the Managing Committee audio: approprialze auihoriiy if the com-
mittee thereof is removecl.
(7) The conditions of service o -n rs£3tn (‘D niployees of Apex Societies and
iioo-perative to W U . subject to. the terms or specific contract, enforcioie
by law, stztaiiory LC; » and the rules of the Central Governrnent, be as eno1.:nci-
ated in the app-endix to this chapier ; and til (e Sis--.e G» Go'.~"ernn1ent may, oy 2.
'! r

general or specific order, extend the some to any oilier Cooperative Society or
class of Societies as anti Wl1'3i'! deernecl l:5{'Q;'_:;Cf_'_
Minimum salaries oficcrs and employees to CT (D E *0 leyed bi‘<. Len-'-i*1-1 f/J
PACS or and or Yfir .1rn7.; v-s 1.: '. . Co-—-2perc.Iive Socieiies, m 1: O“jest to the pi-<;-visions
ofrule, the mininiuni paid staiffor Coops;-ntéve Bank or any other Society
Wii,l.l3.WOl'l<lI1g capital or annuai lI§an€3,Cti0ns of rupees ion Iakhg or above
shall ‘o ID-
21; 32¢ nlanag-zr and or so-25:1 like post.
bf» One accountant
c) One cashiCD '-1 and
' cl) In case of an Apex Society. Inspector or Inspectors 2s may be necessary_
e) Field Supervisors.
1. flenditionsfor ap1>0ini11I1fent,—-a)No person shall be eligible for being
aPP°i1*l¢d t° MY 905$ 1111d°F any C0-Operative Society un I-4 (ll m "§es the
U) F-7" (U ‘T3 C) ow an (P u
qualifications prescribed in rule III. ’ ' ’
Tripnra Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 27, I995, A. D. V 5

Provided that this rule shall not apply to the employees who are already
in the service or are. deputed by the State Government.
b) If the Managing Committee of any Society decides to enhance the
qualifications or scale of pay of any post in the interest of the business of the
Society that shall be subject to the approval of the Registrar of Co-operative
Societies but the present incnmbant of the posts concerned shall be absorbed in
another post in the same scale of pay as was enjoyed by the incurnbant concer-
ned at the time of the absorption. _
c) No person who has not attained the age of 18 years shall be eligible
‘for appointment to any post under any Co-operative Society.
No person over the age 0545 years shall be directly appointed to any post
of grade I and ll ; and no person over the age of 35 years shall be appointed to
any post of grade III and IV provided that in case of Scheduled Castes and Sche-
duled Tribes candidates the maximum age for direct appointment to grade III
and grade IV posts shall be 46 years and these restrictions regarding age shall
? r not apply in case of promotion or deputation or appointment for the service
of one Co-operative Society by another. The following documents shall be
accepted as proof of age of any person selected for appointment to any post
under a Co-operative Society namely :-
i) Age recorded in the certificate of M articulation or School final or
Higher Secondary’ or its equivalent ezrainination, and
ii) A certificate from Head of the Educational Institution last attended
in the case of those Will are not certificate holders as mentioned in. Over and
above in case of any do ubt as to the certificate, the appropriate authority may
refer the matter to the medical Board for examination and them observation
> of the medical board shall be final for determination of age of the candidate
of ernployee.
d) No person shall be eligible for being appointed to any post under any
Coloperative Society vcithout a Medical certificate of fitness to he obtained
from a registered, medical practitioner as may be required by the Managing ‘
Committee; who has also have to be satified that he possesses good character
and antecedents.
The Managing Committee shall be the competent authority to prescribe
$611105 and ll/PE Of Security deposit and/or personal sureties in respect of such
category Ofcnlployees as considered necessary. The Managing Committee
~ shall also be the competent authority to revise the same from time to time if
circumstances so demand. The ofiicer deputed by the State Government will
not, however, be required to furnish any security.


--— - ...._,,.

6- Tripura Gazette, Extraordinarny Issuc,' 27, I995, A, D,

The Managing Committee shall be the appointing authority for various

categories of posts undera Coop. Society. The Committee may, from time
to time, delegate its powersiu this regard to such authorities as it may deem
fit. » .
Provided jthat all appointments, including appointment by promotion
shall be made on the basis of a test, written or oral, as may be deemed proper
by the appointing authority.
2) Grade and classification of employees. In absence of any general or
special OIde1’S to the contrary, employees under the Co-operative Societies
shall be graded as follows :—
Post with a scale jof pay having maximum of Gr?-do
. . Not less than Rs. 750/— ' I
. Not less than Rs. 606/—~ II a
Not less than Rs‘ 500/— III
:“WN""‘ Not less than Rs. 350/— IV
The Service of all employees shall be classified as follows :-
' i) Permanent ii) Probationery iii) Temporary. A “Permanent”
employee means an employee who ‘shall be engaged on a perrnanent basis
after satisfactory completionfof probationary period.
A “Probatio11er<" means an employee appointed to fill n permanent vaca-
ncy ofa post and has not completed the probationary period specified in the
letter ofappointment or the further extended period.
A “Probationary” shall ordinarily be on probation for one year. He may,
there after, be confirmed in the post it‘ his work and conduct are found satisfac-
tory. The probationary period may be ezteiidcd by another year at the discre~
tion of the appointing authority. 7
A “Temporary” employee means an employee who has been engaged For
a work which is essentially ofa temporary character and likely to be finlshgd
within a limited period or who is temporarilly employed in connection with
ya temporary increase in work ofa permanent nature or who is temporarilly
appointed in :1 leave vacancy. '
3. (a) Commencement of service and seniority,—~a) Scrt-'iCe shall be dee-
med to commence from the working day on which a person reports for duty
in the forenoon. If he reports in the afternoon the service shall be deemed
to commence from the working day next following.
Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 2?, 1995 A. D. 7
Seniorityin a particular post of the employees who are already in service
of Society on the date or on which these rules come into force shall be deter-
mined according to the date ofjohiing the post.
’ ' a .
It in case of any two or more employees the date of joining is the same.
Ihere interse seniority shall be determined according to the age the older being
the senior. In case of other points it is to be decided by the management
subject to approval of the R. C. S.
b) Seniority of the employees appointed after the Commencement of these
rs.»-r=.c‘_s~-.eMy<»| .-=iq;.~>
rules ln_C3Ci1 category of posts shall be determined iv the manner as
follows :—— A e. I
i) In case of employees appointed or promoted to a post in one batch,
the seniority shall he determined in accordance with the orders of the seniority
specified _by the appointing authority on the results of the test taken at the
._¢_. .t¢.-
time of making the appointment or pI‘0D10tion.
ii) In other cases, seniOrity shall be determined with reference to the date
of .-ahpointment. But if one or more pi-omotees and one or more direct
recruits join the same date the promotees shall be placed above the direct
recruits. -

Ti 4. Pay, allowance and other concessions, —a) The l\/Ianaging Committee

l ‘shall be the competent authority to frame scales of pay, dearness and other
allowances in respect of each category of employ ees of the Sooiety. The
Managing Cominittee shalt also be the competent authority to revise the same
from time to tirneif circumstances so demand. V
Provided that where any Cooperative Society has incurred loss in the
l>1'<'>‘/iOL'S year, or has accumulated losses in the V account, the lvianaging
Committee shall not increase the scale of pay or any allowance in respect of
1*"? category ofits employees without the approval of the Registrar.
b) Unless anything is otherwise provided in the terms of the appoinment
aperson of first appoinment to any post under the Society shall draw the
initial pay of the p0Sl' in the time scale of pay.
I c) If any enxployce is promoted from a post to higher post or he is appoin-
ted to oiiiciate in a higher post fora period exceeding one month purely on
a tltmfworary measure, his initial pay in the higher post shall be fixed at the
stage hthe new pay scale next above the stage in the pay scale of the lower
post from which he is promoted

_'.- _
s » »_-.,--~-—-.--=-._


. 8 Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 27, I995 A . D.

cl) The annual increment in the pay scale accrue normally to an

employee after he is completed one year's service at a stage in pay scale
unleSS it has been p1'evi0uSiy Withheld fol‘ 1‘e&Son5 of on-satisfactory work
conduct or any ‘other reason. >

e) The Managing Committee may, in special, caseallow any employee to

draw theinitial pay at ahigher stage than normally admissible for reason
of higher qualification or better experience of the employee and may grant
advance increments not exceeding two ata tirne (in a year) to an employee
be way of enoourageinent for meritorious services rendered by him.
f) Travelling allowance admissible to all categories of enlployees of the
Societies for journey and halts on duty 3.5; also on transfer Shflli be guided
by the rules of the Society concerned.

g) All categories of employees of the Societies shall be entitled to the

benefits of contributory Provident fund as provideclin the rules.

h) The emplopees of the C0-op. Societies Siiallbe entitled to bgnugjf

admissible under the provision of the payment oi'Bonns Act, 1965 (Act 21
of 1965).

5. Transfer 8; training I-— Every employee shall be liable to be transferred

from one post to another in the same scale of pay and/or from one station
to another in the interest of business of a Cooperative Society. Every
employee siiali also be liable to join any training course as may be decided
by the management and will be entitled to full pay and allowances during
the training period including period ofjourneys to and from the training
centre. Any delinquezwy on the part of an employee in earring out Such
order of transfer or posting or training will be treated as an act of insub-
ordination Wliicli may ciilminatein the dismissai of sueli an employee from
theServiec ofthe Society on being followed procedure as incorporated in
the service rules. i

On transfer from the station to another or for joining a training centre

or return there-from every employee shall be entitled to three days’ joining
time in addition to the time required for thejourney. The Chief Executive
Olficex of the Society or Manager or Managing Director however, in speciai
cases may not allow or extend the joining time. ;

z Ttipura Gazette, Extraordina'ry_Issue,Iunc 27, 1995 A.D. . 9

! ll D 6. Any Leave r—a) The following categories of leave shall be admissible
to an employee ofa Co-operativeSociety to the extent noted against each-
1_-,_-. n. i) Casual leave. p 4
ii) Earned leave.
iii) Medical leave.

l axo<.»
iv) Maternity leave.
v) Extraordinary leave. i

l Casual Leave.
i Casual leave is no leave and an employee who is no Casual leave shall
remain so with full responsibility his/her work. Not more than I2 days casual
l leave shall be granted in one calendar year. Casual lcaveis onlyacoucc-
ssion to enable the employee in special circumstances to be absent from duty
for a short period without such absent being treated as leave under the leave
rules. Generally not more than three days casual leave shall be granted at 4
"on stretch. Under special circumstances this can be relaxed by the competent
authority. Casual leave, however, be continued or takenin continuation of
holidays with permission of the authority. However, casual leave may not be
granted in continuation with any other leave.
Intcrp osing Casual Leave
Holiday or Weekly holiday interposed in casual leave shall not be treated
a~n_<»=.:¢u<am\e.>s:»,;arw.e»=¢.~az=-,;t. »u¢s:~
ii as casual leave-
<1 Casual leave can not be accumulated and therefore balance on utilised
g! casual leave in provious calendar year can notibe carried forward to next year.
ii Period spent on casual leave shall be treated as period spent on duty for all
'9' practical purposes like earning of leave and earning of iiicrements. _
l Casual leave shall be availed of by an employee only after formal sanction
of the same by the sanctioning authority by making application at least before
24 hrs. No casual leave shall be availed of in anticipation of sanction except
on following grounds to the satisfaction of the sanctioning authority.
a) Sudden illness of the employee himself/hereself or member of his/her
-» u family. * .
b) Accidental injury or misfortune‘ like burning of residential house etc.
" .- c) Situation beyond the control of the employee. '



l K» -e-~»‘- __

IQ _ Triptrrn Gaiotto, Eutnordinary limo, Jone 27, 1995 A. D.

Earned Leave. i

Earned leave moans leave earned in respect of period spent on duty. ‘y ~ -

Every employee who has been in continuous and uninterrupted service of
the Society for not less than one month may be allowed earned leave at the rate
1% (one and half) days for each completed one month. Provided that such
leave may be accumulated upto n maxium period of 90 dayi. _ '

Medical Leave , ‘ -
The employee shall be entitled to “Leave salary” for the period availed of‘
earned leave.
Medical leave on production of medical certificate is admissible to an
employee at the rate of 15 days‘ for every completed I (one) year of‘ service
with lg (half) average pay and on production of medical certificate issued by
‘the competent registered medical practitioner. §~(half) average pay will be cal~
culated on the basis of average, monthly pay actually earned by the employee
during the proceeding 12 months of his/her duty. e '> u4. .-_‘t. a

Medical leave admissible may be accumulated upto a maximum of 90 days
in whole service period. The sanctioning authority shall reserve the right to é
direct an employee who applies for medical leave to appear before a Doctor
or a penal of Doctors arranged by such authority and the employee shall be 4

bound to comply with such direction. t

The sanctioning authority may demand medical fitness certificate from a

competent medical authority to allow an employee to resume duty after avail-
ing of medical leave. _

Maternity Leave .
Maternity leave may be granted to amarried female employee of the
Society for a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days (48 days pre-delivery period
and 42 days post delivery period) on any occasion and 270 (two hundred and
-to-_ - ,.~. ~
Seventy) days during the out-ire period of such employees service subject to
Pr0dl1Cti0n of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner. Pay
for the period of maternity leave will be calculated as “Leave salary’-'. al-

‘Iripun Gezette, E-xtreerdinary Issue June 27, 1995 A. D. 11

Extra-ordinary Leave. - _
Extra-ordinary leave without pay may be sanctioned to an employee in
special circumstances for a period‘ not exceeding (sixty) days 1"or every five
years completed service, when no other leave is admissible under the Rules.
In calculating Earned, Medical, Maternity or Extra-ordinary leave weekly
holidays or declared holidays falling within the period of such leave will
beapart of the period of leave. ‘
No employee of the Society shall leave his/‘her station on leave or otherwise
without station leave permission from the authority. In the application‘ of
elation leave permission, the employee shall mention full address of his/‘her
place of stay. .
Competent authority to sanction leave. _
The authorities competent to sanction leave shall be 2-
2.) The president or the person authorised by the president in ease of
Managing Director or Manager.
b) The Managing Director or any other ofliceriwthorised by him in
case of other, employees.
7. Conduct & discipline. ' _
a) Every employee of a cooperative society shall at all times ; _
i) Maintain absolute integrity, _
ii) maintain devotion to duty. . I
iii) Abide by &comply with the rules of the society & all orders ond
directions of the superior authority. I
iv) discharge his duty to the best of his ability in the interest of the
s. Society. ‘ V »
bl All employees shall so manage the private affairs to avied habitual
indebtedness or insolvency, and an employee against whom any legal procefi-.
ding is instituted for the recovery of any debt due from him or for adjudging
him as an insolvent shall forthwith report the full facts of the legal procee-
dings to the Society. ‘ 7
c) N 0. employee shall, except in accordance with any general 01' Bllecia-1
order of the Managing Committee or his superior officers or in the performance
in good faith of the duties assigned to him communicate clirectlll 01'
indirectly the contents of any oflicial documents or any part 1lh¢1'B0f 01‘

._.._ '%_7 .W7 ‘ID-t7" . A _. . ____ , - ___ ,_ _ _ _ M» _u_,____,___,.,__,_____ ‘ _


Ii Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 27, T995 A. D.

other information to any other employee or any person to whom he is not

authorised to communicate such contents or information .
' d) No. employee shall accept or permit any member of his family or
any person acting on his behalf to accept any illegal gratification or pecuniary
advantage or gifts, etc. fgom any person or agent having dealing with the
society. . I
e) An employee shall not borrowmoney orin any way place himself/
herself under a pecuniary obligationto any person or any firms without the
previous sanction of the authority. i
f) All employees shall have to furnish annuai statement of assets and
liabilities in forms as may be prescribed by the Society if so demanded, and
violatlon of these rules shall be treated as a major offence.
g) All employees of the Society shall be well-disciplined, will behaved
regular, punctual and sincere in attending to their duties and they shall be
loyal to the Society. i k - _ p
8. Misconduct—Any or more of the following acts shall constitute
misconduct namely :-
e i) Wilful in-subordination or disobedien___ce to any lawful order ofthe
Managing Director or any other employee of the Society superior in position,
besides the president orany other authority as may be decided by the Board.
ii) Illegal stoppage of work or going on illegal strike or abetting,
inciting, instigating or any action in furtherence of stoppage or strike in
contravention of any law for the time being in force.
iii) Wilful slowing down in performance of work or abetment or insti-
gation thereto.
_iv) Abetting, conniving at, or attempting or committing theft. fraud or
dishonesty acting in connection with the business, property or affairs of the
Bvvitrfy or its customers or any other person or institution connected with the
society. i . K -
v) Failure to account for/or delivery any property of the society when
they come into his/h er hands or concealment, misappropriation or conversion
of properties of the society or its customers or any persons or organisation
connected with the society. _
vi) Giving or taking of bride or illegal gratification from a custom er or
an employee or any other person or organisation connected with the society,
_ vu) Absence withoutleave or staying sanctioned leave Without sufiicient
satisfactory grounds for sanction of leave. -


. Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, Juno '27, i995 A. D. 13

U ~o

viii) Late attendance or not less than three occasion within a month or
habitual absence from the appointed place of work without sufiicient satis-
factory reason. .
ix) Repeated brack oi" any law applicable to the society or Rules Framed
by the society inclusive of service Rules.
x) Attempting to collect or collection without permission of the
appropriate authority ofany cash on kinds in the name of the society.
xi) Aiding or abetting or coming at commission ofany act ofmiscon-
duct specified in clause (v) and (vi).

xii) Drunken or riotious, disorderly or indecent behaviour in the ]’Jrr=

mises ofthe society or his/her place of duty.
xiii) Habitual negligence of work or habitual or gross negligence or
negligence involving or likely to involve the society in loss.
7' xiv) Unauthorised disclosure or divergence or attempt thereto of any
information regarding the affairs ofthe society to any of its customer or
._ person or institution connected with the business oithe society which is confi-
dential, the disclosure of such thing is likely to be prejudicial to the interest of
so*irty. i
xv) Wilful darnaee to any property of the society or its customer or
any person or institution connected with the society.
xvi) Holding or attempting to hold or attending any meetting in the
premises ofzhe society without prior permission oi‘ the Managing Director.

xvii) Gambling or abetting or attempting to do so in the premises ot‘ the

society or at his-'her place of‘ duty.
xviii) Failin-zto show orooer courtesy and attention towards customers
or other in whose contast he/she may come in discharge of duties.
xix) Sleening during office hours.
t *<'<) Loitering, idling or wasting time during working hours of being
- Within the society or at his/her place of work without _nermiss_ion.
xxi) Doinél private or personal work with the society with or without
tools or materials belonging to the society without the prior permission ofthe
H . Managing Director/Manager. K
xxii) Engaging in other employment while in the service of the society,

' ";- "


14a Trlpura Gazette, E;:traor€linary Issue, June 27,1995 A. D.

xviii) Relmril tn accept any order, charge. list or other communications

served by the authority.
XXIV) Knowing or wrongly interfering with the records of attendence or
means in recording attendince for hirnselF__/herself of any employee.
XXV) C'0nvicti0n by any cozirt oflaiv for any criminal offence involving
moral turpitndec
xxvi) Refusal to pe'i‘.>rm over-tinie worlct '
9- Punishment :~An emjloyee who commits breach of any provision
of Rule 8 or who displays inefficiency, negligence, i-:1sol-ans; or Wl1O Wilfilllfl
does anytbin; detrimental to the interest of‘ the society or any institution
connected the society or in guilty 05' misconduct Withi meaning of
I-3 1-: i-7'
the Rule 9 shall be liable to such punishrneut as the Comp-.'icuf auihority may
il No punishment shall be awarded to any emoloyee unless he,/she has
been cornrnunicated in writing ofthe grounds on which it in proposed to
award punishment on him./her, Unless l1e.'she has been given an opportunity
and all facilities including personal hearing to explain his/her position in
ii) No punishment oi" With holding increment or promotion or both.
or reduction in rank or dismissal/termin mtion from setliice shall be awnrrled to
an employee in respect of‘ the alleged "n'sconluct_ by a person other than the
complaint or the authority Framing Charges against lrim'her.
iii) An employee against whom an enquiry will be held, sha‘l be given a
charge sheet in writing forth the allegation against him/her and requiring hisf
her explanationin writing He/she shall be given an opportunity to answer the
Cl13.rg6S. setforth against himfher permitted to defend hirrisc-:lf'/l1ersclF perso_
nally except for reason to be recorded in writing by the person holding any
inquiry. The employee shall be permitted to produce witness in hisfher
defence and cross examine any witness on whose evidence the charges rest.
A concise summery of the evidence laid down the society side as well as
employees side shall be recorded alo"1gi.tith findings nflhe Enq wry Authoritv
to he ZlDl)Oln'6_‘l as per Rule 9(vi).
iv) An employee against whom my ounishrnent is contemplated to be
imposed may be suspended by the Maniging D'rect0r or any other authority
empowered for the pu-pose by the Board 0F Director or Managing Committee
fora re.1sonnh'e period in the circumstances

~ "*‘“"""?'*"_"“&5'!'5T7'z“!”"


1. Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, June 2”./fr. I995 A. D.‘ I5

oftime required for framing the chartres‘ holding a completion of enquiry.

The order of suspension may take effect immediately on communication to the
¢fI1Pl0Yee concerned. If as a result of explanation tend:-red or the enquiry held,
ii is decided to exempt the employee from the charges, the employee shall be
deemed to have been on duty and shall be entitled to get full emoluments and
all admissible privileges for the period of his/her suspension minus the sub-
Slfiiiallce allowance paid to hint during the prriocl of suspension. An employee
shall be entitled durin; the period‘ of h's/her suspen ion to a subsistance all~
Owance @ 50% of the pay and allowance which would, but for a suspension
p?riod to him/her. i . _
a) The suspended employee shall not he entitled to absent himself From
-1=.v-5~<eaArv\;:<-~,¢l\=-oin -xio~,.w¢
his station during the period ofhis suspension without previous sanction of
the appropriate authority of the Society.
b) No payment ofany kind,other than the authorised subsi~tence allowance
u and other admissible allowance, is to be made to an employee during the
period of suspension. ,
.v, ; .V3-i¢.s'»<s -1#9-,~¢» -.<_.
i cl If any employee is absent from duty by reason of his being arrested or
la l
committed to prison either for debt or on criminal charge, he shall not he
F allowed to draw any pay, leave salary or allowances for the period of such
absence until decis’on of the casc against him. Under the adjustment of his
emoluments may be made according to the circumstances, or the case, the full
amount being given only in the event of the employee being aquited of blame,
or if the imprisonment was for debt, or its being proved that the ernpl-‘xyee‘s
liability arose from circumstances beyond his control then full amount
may be allowetlitheperiod ofsuch absence from duty will be treated as a
period of spent on duty. when less than full amount is allowed. the period
may also be treated as on duty on leave as the lvlannging Committee may
decide. _ "
vl l\Io employee shall, in any case. be kept under susnonsion For a period
exCe-"ding 6 (§i\:) months at a time in normal course. In case ofcontinuing the
period of suspension for the period Cvtceedlng 6 {Sid months. reason for such
1 u
extension of the period ofsuspension shall be recorded in writing by the con-
cerned authority and communicated to the employee, but in no case the total
period shall be allowed to exceed 2 (twol years If notliintz is decided as to the
SusDenSion. the Sl.1Sp'3flSlOl'1 will be withdrawn and the enquiry w‘ll continue in
usual course. _ ~ -

-— %p sm;_w ., _.._,__G___ __ W
I6 Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, llune 27, 1995 A. D.

vi) An employee desirous of the relress of any grievence relating to uniair

treatment and/or wrongful extraction by any other employee of the society shall
submit a complaint to the Managing Director or any other Officer authorised
by the Managing Director who shall as non as possible investigate into the
C0mpIaiI1l; at such time and place as he may fix, the Managing Director and
/or the authorised person shall investigate in manner as he may deem proper
to find out the truth and For the end otiusticc when the employee alleged agains
shall be given opprotunity to explain his/her position. The decision of the com-
plaint shall be intimated to concerned employee. In case of any similar grievence
against the Managing Director, the complaint shall be lodged with the Presi-
dent ofthe Society and the investing authority will be such person as may be
authorised by the President or appropriate authority of a society.

10. Disciplinary and Appellate Authorities :

For the purpose 0" imposing anv by the President or Chairman or com-
petent authoity of a Fiiicie-*.v subiet to approval the lloard and or Managing
Committee of the Society or the Administrator as the case may be which is the
appointing authority shall be disciplinary authority. and the general body of
members in the general meeting shall he the aopelate authority.
Provided that no aoprnl shall be entertained if it is not preferred within a
period ofthree months from the date of receipt ofthe order awarding punish-
ment, provided, however. that the authority competent to hear appeal may in
deserving cases grant exemption from the Rule on account of reasons to be
recorded in Writing.
ll. Termination: » ~
The services of any employee shall be tcrminahle forthwith without any
notice in the following circumstance :—~
i) Causing loss in the from of defaulcation. niisaopropriation. etc or
damage to the proprrties of the Society established by the competent authority.
ii) When he/she act in cczntravention to the bye-laws, Cooperative Societies
Act, Cooperative Societies. Rules or service Rules olthe Society or any other
Rules framed by the Society, the charge of which has been established by the
Society by the competent authority.
viii) When convicted in the court oflaw or offences involving moral turpi-
llldfi iI1Cludll1S°ff¢l1CBS under liquor prohibition Act. Opium Act, etc. like
Act, as applicable in this State.

_, 7 __

__d_-.._.__, W _.___.._.-. . ..

Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, J-me 27, 1995 A. D. 17

iv) The service of an employee who has been in continuous employment

for a period exceeding 1 (one) year but less than 3 (three) years can be
terminated by giving such employee at least 30 (thirty) days notice in Writing
or thirty days salary in lieu of such notice and service ofan employee who has
beed in continuous ernployrnent for a period exceeding 3 Qthree) years can be
terminated _by giving hinyher at least 60 (sixty) clays notice in writing or
60 (sixty) days salary in lieu ofsuch notice. This will not bl‘! applicable ‘£0
employees who retire from service in due course or who have been dismissed
from the service. Nothing in this Rule atlect the authority of the Society to
dismiss any employee for misconduct or other offence of service nature without
notice of fortiet the salary in lieu of notice. .
I2. An employee shall have option to retire after completion of
20 (twenty) years of service.

In case of appointment to a person in a Coop. Society, leave affairs,

p-d LJJ

disciplinary proceedings and retirement matters of employee ofa Coop.

Society. From applicable to the Tripura State Govt. employees may be
used by the Coop.‘ Societies as far as practicable and in this conncetion if
any disputis arose, the decision of the Registrar of €O0p6I‘2l’[l‘»'C Societies
Government of Tripura shall be final.

Joint Secretary to the
Government of Tripura.

Printed at the Tripura Government Press, Agartal.

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