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b o u t yo u r c ult u r e o n th e
tn e r lo o k a t th e q u es ti o na
With a par o n s a n d w r it e a n s w er s.
tep a d , D is c u s s e a c h , Q uesti

1. How do people greet each other when they meet for the
first time?
They usually greet each other with fear at first because they do
not know the person and that intrigues them a lot.

2. How do they greet each other when they already know each

They usually greet each other with nicknames, sometimes they

shake hands, sometimes they kiss.
3. Are greeting customs different for men and women? How?

Yes, because between two boys is not common to say hello an

give them at kiss.

4. When and how do you address people formally?

when I meet a person for the first time I greet him

cordially and if I already know that person I usually greet
him by name and I usually shake his hand.

5. When and how do you address people informally?

when I talk with my friends, I address with a nickname

6. What are some do’s and don’ts for table manners?
Bad manners are talking while eating, we should not put our
elbows on the table, good manners would be to sit down and
wash the dishes after eating.

7. Are certain foods or beverages taboo?

Many people consider certain flowers or foods like t-shirts to

be taboo, but it depends on the customs and traditions of the

8. What are some taboo conversation topics?

In general people don’t use to talk about some topics like sex,
religion, politics, gays, etc. because there are many points of
view about them.
9. What are the customs about punctuality?
I think punctuality is a sign of respect here in Peru.

10. What is a customary gift if you are visiting someone’s


Here in Peru they take gifts, such as clothes, food such as

potatoes, corn, etc. and fruits.

11. Are there any gift taboos (kinds of flowers, etc.)?

It could be gifts like flower of dead, offensive figures or

maybe religion items
12. Are there places where certain clothes would be

Yes, here in the university when a student is going to make a

presentation is better to use formal clothes or in some
restaurants people must use formal clothes. Also in places
religious, cultural, etc.

13. Is there an important aspect of your culture that’s not on

this list?

In my opinion, I think there is the basic and important to start

Thank you very much for your

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