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Scratch Vujicic was born with a case of Phocomelia, which could be a
state of having no arms and legs. Since of his condition, Scratch endured
bullying and he fell into an extreme discouragement. At the age of ten,
Scratch once attempted to slaughter himself by drowning in his bathtub.
In any case, Scratch had found a reason in his life by acknowledging the
nearness of God into his life. And in spite of his condition, Nick might
still flabbergast individuals by his capabilities such as he can swim, he is
fast in writing in a computer utilizing the "mend and toe" strategy, play
drums pedal, reply to the phone and shave and etc. Scratch overseen to
outperform the expectation of what most individuals would think of him.
He got to be powerful in his young a long time by being chosen in an
understudy board on the school he was enrolled in. Moreover, at early
age, Scratch begun to grant get up and go talks at his prayer group, and
afterward established his non-profit organization, Life Without
Appendages. He even constructs his possess family and proceeded in
motivating other individuals around the world.

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