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John J. Fraser, PT, MS, OCS1, 2
Mark A. Feger, PhD, ATC3
Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC1

Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) and chronic ankle instability (CAI) are common musculoskeletal injuries that
are a result of inversion injury during sport. The midfoot and forefoot is frequently injured during a LAS,
is often overlooked during clinical examination, and maybe contributory to the development of CAI. The
purpose of part two of this clinical commentary and current concept review is to increase clinician’s aware-
ness of the contribution of midfoot and forefoot impairment to functional limitation and disability of indi-
viduals who experience LAS and CAI and to facilitate future research in this area. The importance of
multisegmented foot and ankle assessment from a clinical and research perspective is stressed. Select
physical assessment and manual therapeutic techniques are presented to assist the clinician in examina-
tion and treatment of the ankle-foot complex in patients with LAS and CAI.
Keywords: Gait, intrinsic foot muscles, joint mobilization, physical examination, rehabilitation

Department of Kinesiology, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA, USA
US Navy Medicine Professional Development Center,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine,
Richmond, VA, USA
Conflicts of Interest: None
Disclosures: The views expressed in this article are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy
or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of
Defense, or the United States Government. Lieutenant CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
Commander John J. Fraser is a military service member and John J Fraser,
this work was prepared as part of his official duties. Title 17,
USC, §105 provides that ‘Copyright protection under this title PO Box 400407,
is not available for any work of the U.S. Government.’ Title Memorial Gymnasium, Charlottesville, VA
17, USC, §101 defines a U.S. Government work as a work
prepared by a military service member or employee of the Phone: 757-438-0390
U.S. Government as part of that person’s official duties. E-mail:

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1191
In the first part of this clinical commentary and cur-
rent concepts review, foot and ankle anatomy, the
roles of the intrinsic and extrinsic foot and ankle
musculature from a multisegmented foot perspec-
tive, and the biomechanics of the ankle-foot com-
plex during function were examined.1 In part two of
this this commentary, the contribution of midfoot
and forefoot impairment in lateral ankle sprains and
chronic ankle instability will be discussed in order
to increase clinician’s awareness and to facilitate
future research in this area. The importance of mul-
tisegmented foot and ankle assessment will also be
discussed from a clinical and research perspective.

Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are common musculo-

skeletal injuries that affect more than two million Figure 1. Lateral midfoot stress due to external adduction
and inversion moments during an inversion injury.
individuals annually in the United States.2 Only 11%
of LAS patients perform supervised physical ther-
apy following their injury.3 Improper management ankle and midfoot injury. Inversion injuries fre-
of LAS may manifest into the residual impairment quently cause damage to the soft tissue structures
seen in the 40% of LAS patients that develop chronic of both the ankle and midfoot, while pain is often
ankle instability (CAI).4 CAI is a chronic condition localized to the talocrural or subtalar articulations.16
that involves impaired neuromuscular control, resid- Nevertheless, if a patient reports inverting or ‘roll-
ual instability, and chronic pain that collectively ing’ their ankle, a thorough assessment of the lat-
result in self-reported disability after LAS.5–8 Kine- eral ankle joint and foot should simultaneously be
matic analyses of acute LAS’s sustained during sport performed. A recent clinical practice guideline pub-
demonstrate rotational velocities up to 2124°/second lished by the Orthopaedic Section of the American
which leads to extremes of range of motion, includ- Physical Therapy Association recommends assess-
ing up to 52° of plantarflexion, 126° of inversion, and ing patients who sustain LAS for painful foot con-
99° of adduction.9–13 Simulated ankle sprains have ditions that may be indicative of fracture, cuboid
demonstrated external moments in excess of 23 Nm involvement, or midfoot disruption.25
for inversion and 11 Nm for adduction in simulated
Despite improved understanding of the pathome-
Grade I sprains.14 LAS commonly involves damage
chanics and pathophysiology of LAS and CAI, there
to the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular liga-
is no evidence that the rate of recurrent LAS or CAI
ments, which can be strained to approximately 20%
is declining. There is a need for further examina-
and 16% of their resting length, respectively.14,15
tion of other potential contributors to the etiology
Søndergaard16 demonstrated that both the midfoot of recurrent LAS and CAI. Consideration of midfoot
and forefoot are frequently injured during inversion and forefoot involvement after LAS may be of clinical
ankle sprains and this phenomenon may be underap- importance and the purpose of Part 2 of this clinical
preciated by many clinicians. A number of midfoot commentary and current concepts review paper is to
injuries share similar mechanics to those incurred increase clinicians’ awareness of the contribution of
during a LAS.17–24 Figure 1 depicts the external adduc- midfoot and forefoot impairment to activity limitation
tion and inversion moments that create lateral mid- and participation restrictions of individuals who expe-
foot adduction stress and rearfoot inversion stress rience LAS and CAI and to facilitate future research in
incurred during an inversion injury. The occult this area. To accomplish this, the importance of multi-
presentation of mild to moderate midfoot injury segmented foot and ankle assessment from a clinical
is likely attributed to the synchronicity of lateral and research perspective will be reviewed.

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1192
INJURIES INVOLVING THE MIDFOOT AND foot is loaded during weight bearing.17 Newell and Woo-
FOREFOOT dle30 and Marshall31 have described cuboid syndrome
as a partial dislocation of the cuboid with subsequent
Midfoot Injury
impairment in motion. Similar mechanics have been
Midfoot injuries may include fractures, dislocations,
described in multiple case studies of cuboid disloca-
subluxations, ligamentous sprains, or a composite of
tion, a related and clinically more severe disruption
one or more of these injuries and are named by mech-
of the calcaneocuboid articulation.18–24,32 Analyses of
anism vector of the injurious force.26,27 Examination
case history and post-injury imaging have supported
of the foot is indicated when there is an apparent
that when the forefoot is supinated, insult incurred
osseous or ligamentous injury in the foot. Prudence
from a dorsolateral external moment directed to the
may dictate that the foot is examined in conjunc-
lateral aspect of the midfoot creates a plantar-medial
tion with the ankle following inversion injury, even
displacement of the cuboid on the calcaneus.18–24,32 It
when the patient does not report symptoms. The
has been theorized that cuboid syndrome results from
mechanism of midfoot injuries are frequently a con-
a calcaneocuboid subluxation created by forceful fib-
sequence of ankle and foot supination that result in
ularis longus contractions during inversion injury.33
deleterious dorsal translation/axial compression in
The cuboid is normally everted and compressed dur-
the medial column and plantar translatory/tensile
ing contraction of the fibularis longus as it courses
distractive forces in the lateral column.28 These inju-
around the fibularis sulcus.34 During the combination
rious forces may culminate in ligamentous tears and
of rearfoot inversion during forefoot loading, a medial
osseous avulsions at the attachments of the calca-
and dorsal force vector created by the fibularis longus
neocuboid, talonavicular or bifurcate ligaments.16
exerted on a medially rotated cuboid causes an infero-
medial subluxation33 (Figure 2). The subsequent dis-
Midfoot Injury in Lateral Ankle Sprains
comfort associated with cuboid syndrome is attributed
In a prospective study of 711 patients who sustained an
to the malposition of the cuboid and subsequent irrita-
inversion sprain and were diagnosed in an urgent-care
tion of the joint capsules, ligaments, and the fibularis
clinic, isolated midfoot sprains of either the bifurcate/
longus tendon.17
dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament, talonavicular ligament,
or both were found in 172 (26%) of the cases.16 Addition-
Chronic Ankle Instability and the
ally, midtarsal joint capsule involvement was found in
Multisegmented Foot
237 (33%) individuals who sustained LAS.16 In another
Many individuals who sustain LAS will subsequently
study investigating midfoot involvement in patients
develop persistent pathological gait kinematics35–39
with history of LAS, damage to the bifurcate ligament
was found in 40.5% of all cases.29 Of these patients, 23%
of the patients who had a diagnosis of “lateral ankle
sprain,” had isolated bifurcate ligament injury and an
intact lateral ankle.29 These findings illustrate that mid-
tarsal joint injury is quite common, may mimic or con-
tribute to lateral ankle signs and symptoms, and that the
foot should be thoroughly examined following inversion
ankle-foot injury. Because midtarsal joint injury may be
misdiagnosed as a LAS, delay of care or improper clini-
cal management may contribute to persistent activity
limitation and participation restriction in these patients.

Cuboid Syndrome
Cuboid syndrome, a lateral midfoot injury as a result
of minor disruption of the calcaneal-cuboid congru-
ency, has been described as being caused by abnormal
inversion forces acting on the rearfoot when the fore- Figure 2. Cuboid eversion with fibularis longus contraction.

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1193
and altered motor strategies37,40–42 associated with following IC when compared to healthy controls,
CAI. CAI occurs in individuals that have had at least which has been suggested to be a contributing factor
one significant ankle sprain, have repeat episodes of to this population’s increase risk for reinjury.36,37 Mor-
giving way, feelings of instability, or recurrent ankle phologically a group of patients with CAI who were
sprains, and self-reported disability as a result of the scheduled for lateral ankle reconstruction were found
ankle injury.5 Groups of patients with CAI have been on radiograph to have significantly higher mean talo-
observed to walk with a wider bases of support,43 metatarsal and talocalcaneal angles, and lower mean
decreased stride to stride variability in shank-rear- calcaneal angles and tarsal indices when compared to
foot coupling,38 increased shank external rotation healthy controls, indicating higher medial longitudi-
excursion,39 a more plantarflexed35 and supinated nal arches and cavovarus.52 It has been suggested that
foot,37,39 and a more lateral center of plantar pressure cavovarus in patients with CAI is a major contribut-
progression41,42,44–46 when compared to healthy con- ing factor in the progression to ankle osteoarthritis
trols. They have greater electromyographic activity and corrective calcaneal osteotomy should be consid-
for longer period of time in the gluteus medius and ered in conjunction with ligamentous reconstruction
medial gastrocnemius pre initial contact (IC),42 fibu- to normalize forces about the ankle-foot complex.53
laris longus immediately pre36,37,41,42 and post36,37,41 IC,
Changes in plantar pressure during walking have
and gluteus medius from 50% of stance phase to 25%
been found in patients with CAI when compared to
of swing phase.42 Evidence is conflicting regarding
healthy controls.41,44–46,54 Nyska and collegues45 found
the electromyographic activity in the tibialis anterior
patients with CAI spend more time in the rear and
during the stance phase of gait, with both increased41
midfoot during stance with a delay in transition to
and decreased42 activity reported. Impairment in the
the central and lateral forefoot and toes, increased
midfoot47,48 and medial forefoot kinematics49 have
pressure in the midfoot and lateral forefoot, and
been suggested to be contributory in CAI. Interest-
decreased pressure in the heel and toes. Schmidt
ingly in a study of 711 patients who sustained inver-
and colleagues46 also found a delay in time to peak
sion injury isolated to either the lateral ankle (65% of
pressure of the medial and lateral rearfoot and the
sample) or the midtarsal joint (23% of sample), pain,
medial midfoot during early stance phase in patients
swelling, perception of giving way, and subsequent
with CAI. Patients with CAI have greater plantar
inversion injury persisted at the same frequency at
pressure under the midfoot and lateral forefoot and
6-12 months regardless of the site of injury.16
decreased pressure in the heel and toes compared to
In order to make the case of suspected midfoot healthy controls.45,46 Nawata and colleagues44 found
involvement in CAI, there are some recent studies in that patients with CAI ambulated with a laterally
healthy subjects that may provide some contrast and deviated center of progression and an adducted/
relevance. A study of healthy individuals who were supinated foot during midstance. Hopkins and col-
classified as having a large inversion forefoot angle leagues41 observed similar findings with subjects with
at IC (5.9 ± 1.6°) were found to have a greater fore- CAI walking with increased lateral center of pressure
foot pronation excursion and remain everted for lon- progressions between 20% to 90% of stance when
ger periods during stance when compared to a group compared to healthy matched controls. Koldenhoven
who had a moderate forefoot angle (2.6±1.1°) at IC.50 and colleagues42 found that patients with CAI have a
Similarly, the findings of a kinematic study of the more lateral center of pressure progression through-
rearfoot coupling mechanism were that healthy mid- out the stance phase and have increased plantar
tarsal joints uncoupled from the rearfoot post IC and pressure in the lateral forefoot for longer periods of
remained unlocked through terminal stance. 51 This time. Individuals with CAI also run with a lateral
finding challenges the notion that the midtarsal joint plantar pressure distribution during foot strike and
locks the rear and midfoot at terminal stance in order the plantar progression starts more laterally during
to provide a rigid lever required for efficient gait. initial loading when compared to controls.54

Groups of patients with CAI have been found to have The kinematic and kinetic findings found in patients
up to 7° more inversion in the rearfoot prior to and with CAI may result from the impaired ability to

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1194
uncouple the midfoot from the rearfoot due to players who sustained LAS. Impaired fibularis lon-
mechanical or neurophysiologic constraints. Impaired gus or intrinsic foot muscle function secondary to
joint mobility in any of the foot segments may impair neuropraxia or traction axonotmesis/neurotmesis
the ability of the foot to decouple during lower veloc- may be deleterious to intersegment coupling, foot
ity ambulation. A neurophysiologically constrained shaping, intersegmental stability, force attenuation,
midfoot combined with a supinated rearfoot could and afferent feedback from the articular soft tissue
plausibly contribute to the lateral shift in plantar cen- and plantar cutaneous sensation. In the only study
ter of pressure progression during the stance phase of known to investigate individuals with CAI utilizing a
gait. Joint mobility assessment and manipulation has multisegmented foot model during walking, the first
been recommended in clinical cases of idiopathic cav- ray was found to have a mean 9.4° more inversion
ovarus, especially when associated with gait abnor- from 87% to 98% of stance phase when compared to
malities and clinical entities such as LAS and ankle healthy controls.49 Similar findings were observed in
instability.55 LAS copers, operationally defined as subjects who
Hypomobility of the first ray may contribute to the had sustained LAS in the previous two years but
lateral shift in plantar pressure seen in this patient were not experiencing ankle instability, had a mean
population.56 It is plausible that joint hypomobility 7.4° difference from 10% to 83% of stance phase.49
could also affect the muscles acting on the first ray The fibularis longus, besides being an extrinsic ever-
and may explain the findings of a recent study, where tor of the foot, is a plantarflexor and evertor of the
patients with CAI were found to have atrophy of the hallux, and stabilizes the medial column, medial lon-
flexor hallucis brevis and flexor hallucis obliquus and gitudinal and transverse arches60 and the calcaneo-
hypertrophy of the flexor hallucis longus. cuboid joint.34 Impaired peroneal function has been
offered as a possible explanation for the supinated
Neuromuscular adaptations in the foot such as co-
position of the hallux in patients with CAI.49 Patients
contraction of the extrinsic and intrinsic antago-
with CAI have been found to have decreased con-
nistic pairs may also be implicit in CAI. Increased
centric and eccentric strength,61 diminished mean
muscle stiffness is thought to be beneficial in joint
activation time,62 and increased latency and elec-
stability, especially when mechanical stability is
tromechanical delay63 in the fibularis longus in the
impaired and the muscles play a larger role in miti-
injured limb when compared to healthy controls.
gating destabilizing forces.57 If there is mechanical
Due to the proximity of the fibularis longus to the
disruption of the transverse tarsal, tarsometatarsal,
cuboid, minor disruption in cuboid congruency or
or intertarsal ligamentous structures, it is plausible
subluxation is thought to contribute to peroneal irri-
that stabilizing co-contraction in the foot may create
tability64 and may contribute to impaired function of
a situation where the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot
this muscle. The cuboid functions as a pulley for the
remain coupled throughout stance, creating a con-
fibularis longus tendon and provides a more advan-
strained system.
tageous vector of pull to support the transverse arch,
Impaired coupling in the foot may also occur in medial longitudinal arch, and the first ray.60 More
the CAI population due to neuromuscular dysfunc- substantial disruption in stability or position of the
tion of the extrinsic and intrinsic musculature. In calcaneus may have the potential to disrupt this pul-
electrophysiological studies of 66 patients who sus- ley mechanism by altering tendon slack length or the
tained LAS, Nitz and colleagues58 found decreased vector of force. Patients with CAI have been found
nerve conduction velocities in the peroneal (17% of to walk at lower velocities43 and with an adducted
patients with a Grade II LAS, 86% of patients with foot.45 It is plausible that impaired ability to lock the
a Grade III LAS) and tibial (10% of patients with a midfoot due to ligamentous instability or neuromus-
Grade II LAS, 83% of patients with a Grade III LAS) cular impairment in the fibularis longus may force
nerves, as well as electromyographic evidence of patients with CAI to employ a gait strategy where
denervation. Jazayeri and colleagues59 also found pushoff occurs about the oblique metatarsal axis.
increased peroneal and tibial nerve latencies dur- This may also explain some of the plantar pressure
ing nerve conduction studies of football (soccer) findings found in the lateral forefoot in patients with

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1195
Table 1. Observational and Clinical Measures of Foot Morphology.

CAI. This gait strategy may also be utilized to maxi- The authors recommend that clinicians take a holistic
mize balance in the presence of other neurophysi- approach when examining and performing treatment
ologic impairment. in those who sustain LAS. A detailed clinical history
that captures type and duration of symptoms, recur-
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE rence, mechanism of injury, timing and location of
DIRECTION pain complaints, and current functional limitations
The midfoot plays an essential role in force trans- will help guide the physical examination. Inquiry to
mission during gait, is commonly injured during factors, that when implemented have been shown to
inversion sprains, and is likely to contribute to the hypertrophy the intrinsic foot muscles and beneficially
morbidity associated with LAS and CAI. Clinically, modify foot shape, such as minimalist footwear65,66
it is important to consider the midfoot and forefoot time spent barefoot,67–69 and the type of surface physi-
during examination and treatment of these patients. cal activity occurs (outdoors > indoors)67 may provide
It has been previously suggested that the diagnostic the clinician insight regarding intrinsic foot strength.
scope should be widened to include the midfoot when Observation of foot morphology, in both unloaded
assessing and treating common ankle sprains.16 Based and loaded conditions, can provide information on
on the evidence presented in this paper, it is recom- the patient’s ability to shape and stabilize the foot.
mended that patients may benefit from examination Measurements of navicular height, dorsal arch height,
of the midfoot and forefoot post inversion injury, even foot length, and foot width in both loading conditions
when the patient does not report pain symptoms in are expedient and clinically meaningful methods of
the region. If treating providers fail to assess the mid- assessing control of the longitudinal and transverse
foot and forefoot following LAS, it is likely that impor- arches. Table 1 presents some suggested observational
tant contributory impairment will be missed. and clinical measures of foot morphology.

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1196
Table 2. Joint Mobility Assessment of the Ankle-Foot Complex. Joints are graded as having normal mobility,
hypermobility, or hypomobility

Palpatory examination of the joints, ligaments, and foot will often reveal intersegmental joint limitation
muscles of the foot is important post inversion and provide the clinician with a prime opportunity
injury to assist in determining midfoot or forefoot to render treatment such as joint mobilization or
involvement. Joint range of motion and accessory manipulation. Suggested manual therapeutic tech-
motion assessment in each segment and joint of the niques for the ankle-foot complex are presented in

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1197
Table 3. Joint Manipulation of the Midfoot and Medial Forefoot

Tables 3 and 4. In the cases of segmental instability, surgical consideration. Table 2 presents some sug-
the plan of care can be modified to allow for protec- gested joint mobility assessment techniques that
tion, intervention such as taping/strapping, bracing, can be used in the clinical examination.
orthotic fitting, and foot core stabilization exercises, Assessment of intrinsic muscle function can be diffi-
and/or referral to orthopedic surgery or podiatry for cult without the use of laboratory equipment or imag-

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1198
Table 4. Joint Manipulation of the Rearfoot and Shank

ing modalities that are either not feasible or accessible measure or caliper in both unloaded position and in
for regular clinical use. Equipment such as motion standing is a time expedient and inexpensive method.
capture systems, electromyographic, or magnetic Toe flexor strength has been found to be associated
resonance imaging machines is expensive, take clini- with cross sectional area of both the extrinsic and
cal space, or require time-consuming technical analy- intrinsic foot muscles, with larger size of the medial
sis. Clinically, there are strategies that practitioners plantar intrinsic foot muscles (flexor hallucis brevis,
may use to objectively collect surrogate measures of flexor digitorum brevis, quadratus plantae, lumbri-
intrinsic muscle function. The intrinsic muscles have cals and abductor hallucis) being a major predictor
been found to have the ability to control deforma- of toe flexor strength.71 Manual muscle testing of the
tion of the longitudinal arch.70 Measurement of the toe flexors is an easy and quick assessment technique
navicular height, foot length, and width using a tape that may yield clinically relevant information about

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 11, Number 7 | December 2016 | Page 1199
the intrinsic foot muscles. Testing the patient’s abil- of the posterior tibialis and the intrinsic muscles to
ity to isolate great toe movements from the lateral maintain the medial longitudinal arch in both con-
forefoot (great toe abduction, great toe extension with ditions. MMT of first metatarsal plantarflexion and
flexion in toes 2-5, great toe flexion with extension adduction may yield more pertinent information
in toes 2-5) and strength testing may yield pertinent on fibularis longus function as opposed to standard
information on intrinsic function. testing of foot eversion. Once deficits are identified,
treatment that is specific to the impairment may
Ultrasound imaging is a modality that has emerged
be implemented. Treatments such as strengthening
in the literature for the assessment of intrinsic foot
exercises, neuromuscular stimulation, biofeedback,
muscle size.72–76 Many clinicians have access to
and gait training may be employed with progressive
ultrasound imaging units, which makes this imag-
loading for isolation and integration of the intrinsic
ing modality ideal for use in evaluation of patients
and extrinsic muscles.78 Video of some intrinsic foot
with ankle-foot pathology. Clinicians may find ultra-
exercises can be accessed at
sound imaging useful as an outcome measure for
tracking changes in resting muscle size to assess
effectiveness of exercise intervention (hypertro-
In summary, the midfoot and forefoot are com-
phy) or atrophy following disuse or neuromuscular
monly injured and can be an insidious comorbidity
insult. There is also great potential for the use of
in LAS and CAI. Overlooked physical impairment in
this imaging modality for the assessment of neuro-
the midfoot or forefoot may result in persistent limi-
muscular function or as a bio-feedback instrument.
tation in function, disability, and/or impaired qual-
Assessment of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of
ity of life. It is clinically imperative for healthcare
the ankle-foot during a state of contraction may pro-
providers to assess and treat the ankle-foot complex
vide a clinician great insight to neuromuscular func-
as a whole, to include the midfoot and forefoot, even
tion and motor control. Future research is needed to
when symptoms are not manifest.
establish the measurement properties of ultrasonog-
raphy for assessment of neuromuscular function of Examination and treatment of the midfoot and forefoot
the intrinsic foot muscles. should complement the thorough examination and
treatment of the proximal and distal tibiofibular, talo-
Testing of extrinsic muscle function of the ankle-foot
crural, and subtalar articulations typically performed
complex is a standard of care when treating patients
following injury. Based on the prevalence, cost, mor-
with LAS or CAI. Commonly, assessment is com-
bidity and progression to CAI type symptoms develop
prised of manual muscle testing (MMT) or hand held
at the same rate in isolated midfoot injury as it does in
dynamometry of the open kinetic chain motions of
LAS,16 the examination and treatment of the midfoot
ankle dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion, and
and forefoot may furnish additional pertinent infor-
eversion. While MMT is a convenient assessment
mation to the treating provider and allow for a more
technique that may reveal information about single
comprehensive plan of care. The midfoot may have
segment, open kinetic chain function of the extrinsic
a larger contribution to normal neurophysiologic and
muscles, they may not translate well to how these
mechanical function than previously thought. Further
muscles function in relation to the multisegmented
research focused on investigating the role of multiseg-
foot. It has been recommended that strength test-
mented foot kinematics in individuals with LAS and
ing and training should be specific with consider-
CAI, development and validation of clinical tests of
ation given to muscle group function and the joint
the midfoot and forefoot is suggested.
segments the tendons cross.77 A more clinically rel-
evant assessment of both the extrinsic and intrinsic
muscles may be accomplished by testing their func- REFERENCES
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