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November 29, 2022

To All Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of Honolulu

Dear Brothers,

As you know, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has called for a Eucharistic Revival to assure a
greater appreciation of Christ’s gift of himself to us in the Eucharist, a deeper understanding of his Real Presence,
and a more robust celebration of the Eucharist that will attract others to “taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
Our diocese is participating in various ways, and I would like to urge you now to conduct teaching Masses, at which
the meaning, structure, and symbolisms of the Eucharist are explained during the celebration of the Eucharist itself.
I celebrated one such Mass several years ago, which is posted on the diocesan website at . You may show this video to
your parishioners – or better yet, celebrate such a Mass yourself for select groups, such as youth, young adults, or
liturgical ministers.

This form of catechesis during the actual celebration of the Eucharist usually takes more time than is normally
available at a Sunday Mass. With that in mind, the Eucharistic Revival Task Force thought it would be good to do
a series of “teaching Masses” by concentrating on one aspect of the Eucharist at each Mass for a series of seven
weeks, concentrating more on the theology and spirituality than on the rubrics. The catechesis could be part of the
homily, or it could be given in a 5-10 minute section after the Prayer after Communion. Each parish/preacher
should decide the best way to present the catechesis to his community. Enclosed is an outline of the topics that
should be covered in the first weeks of 2023, beginning with Epiphany Sunday (January 8) and ending with the
Sunday before Ash Wednesday (February 19).

We will also prepare bulletin inserts each week to reinforce the catechesis. Parishes are encouraged to organize
deeper catechetical/mystagogical sessions either after Mass or during the week for those who wish to understand
the Eucharist even more deeply.

We pray that this initiative will bear much good fruit in the renewal of the Eucharist as the source and summit of
our lives as disciples of Jesus. May the risen Lord, who makes himself physically present to us who “have not seen
yet believe” take hold of many hearts so that his self-giving love may be spread far and wide by his Body, the

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Larry Silva, Bishop of Honolulu


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