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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Addition and Subtraction through 20.

1st grade MATH

Students will be able to… Demonstrate addition and subtraction through 20.

Students will be able to… fluency with addition and related subtraction facts through 10.

State Standards: 1.ATO.6

I will be teaching this lesson for the students to be able to progress their knowledge
and move onto bigger numbers to include in their addition and subtraction. Before this
lesson the numbers started out smaller, once the students grasp the idea of smaller
numbers, we moved up to 20, this is just a recap lesson, to familiarize themselves and
practice fluency with their math problem. After this lesson, they will move up to 25-30 and
units of 2-5-10’s all the way to 100 in the long run. I will be teaching students how to add
and subtract numbers to and from 20. Using number lines and diving deep into what the
questions are asking the student. This is preparing them for following years where they will
have to do math sentences which causes more compound and critical thinking. They will
learn to apply themselves in math and learn how to deal with their stress when fast
thinking coming to quick math problems.
Students will be placed in group where they must fill out a number adding sheet. They will
all work together so that others that understand the material better can explain to those
who need a little help. Which lead to how these students are grouped. The teacher will
group the students in groups of 4, 2 of which understand, or have some sort of idea of the
material, and the other 2 who don’t. If there are more of either side, then the teacher will
plan accordingly. The data will come from the work they turn in, side each students have
individual questions they must fill out in the group worksheet. It will allow the teacher to
see which students grasp the material and those whose don’t. The teacher will also walk
around and deeper explain to groups.
Materials: The Materials needed will be the work sheet:
Pencils, their laptops, and white board.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes):
The students will gather in class and take their seats. Once student quiet down the teacher will
count to three (eyes on me). The teacher will pick a student to read the objective out loud to the
class and then describe what the objective means. The teacher will ask if there any questions and
then move on if there are none. If there are, then they will be addressed. The teacher will then go
to the next slide which will have simple addition questions, (rapid) and the class will shout out
the answers. It will involve quick thinking for the students and allow their brains to warm up for
the activity. Then the next slide would be “what did we learn last class” and student will be
called on in which the answer should be related to “adding and subtracting from 20”. Since it
was already learned, then today will be a review and practice class for the students. Then the
next slide will be a short link to a YouTube video which will review the things we previously
learned for more of a warmup, then this will follow into a conversation. If the student shave
questions, this will be a time to ask.

Teacher Directed (5 minutes): The teacher will go to the next slide that share all the
groups the student will be working in today. The teacher will ask to student to group up in their
assigned tables that it says on the board. If assistance is needed, it will be given. Then the teacher
will share the directions. “Today will we all be handed a worksheet, 1 per table, you will all
work together and help each other complete the work. Each student will do one row of questions,
and the others will help if you get lost. I will also be coming around to see if there is anyone that
needs more help, you can raise your hand anytime, you all will have 12 minutes to complete this

Collaborative (15 minutes): The teacher will set a timer on the board and students will
begin working on the worksheet. Each student will complete 5 questions themselves with
assistance from other students. Teacher will make her way around tables, around 2 minutes at
each table, leaving time in the end to go to each student. Once the timer goes off the teacher will
say “write the initials next to the questions you completed and have the table leader to come
bring the paper up to me and then take your seats. The teacher will test the students to see who
can remain silent during this time.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): Once students that their seats from the first activity
then they will listen for further instruction. The students will be directed to open their laptops
and click on the link on their class page, which will bring them to the math games. The student
can do any of the games for the remaining of time. Once the timer goes off, student will be
instructed to put their laptops away.

Closure (5 minutes): The teacher will assign homework and then ask the class if they
have any questions about it or anything we covered during class time, they will addressed, then

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
This multimedia is the gaming website the students will do after the activity to keep
their brain flowing and practice more. This supports the objective and the standers
because it is adding and subtracting from 20 and practicing the fluency of it. It is of
high quality, which I tested out that it is easily accessible and quick responsive. This
can work with all learners because it can tract progress and has easier and more
difficult games.
This is the video that the class will watch together. It supports the standards and objectives
because it helps the students further understand the material of the class. IT is high quality
and very understandable for the students having more of a struggle with the work and a
review for the students who are able to grasp the material.

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