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Writing sample 1

In this book, I have learned quite a bit about how the media and its audiences. I have found it

super interesting to learn how companies, especially large ones, show off their products to their

target audience. I have learned techniques that advertisers use that I never really knew about. I

am somewhat interested in going into a career involving advertising in some way and I feel like I

have learned a lot about finding and keying in on the target audience for the product that you are

trying to sell.

One of my favorite things we have learned about is the 5-flilters of media. I found the ownership

part to have a very big impact on the media and who sees what. I think that when people are

reading or watching news in the media involving pretty much anything that you can imagine, it

should be taken with a grain of salt. Owners of media outlets are usually owners of other

companies or are trying to push their views or agenda across to you, the viewer.

During this course, I found it interesting the way that media varies depending on the times.

Sometimes I try to avoid social media because of what is going on in the world or in the United

States. For example, during election seasons, especially presidential, almost all of what I see on

Twitter or TikTok is about politics and I don’t even follow many political accounts. People who

are not related to politics whatsoever are tying to push their views across on the people viewing

their posts. This will spark some pretty heated debates on the media platforms that make me not

even want to go on them.

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