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Student ID : 2301969162

My Experiences In Using Medial Social

As We know, Social media has given us the ability to instantly connect with others and share
their lives through photos, videos and status updates. Teens themselves desc ribe these
platforms as a key tool for connecting and maintaining relationships, being creative, and
learning more about the world. But they also must contend with more negative aspects of social
media use, such as drama and bullying or feeling pressure to present themselves in a certain

Social media is a vital communication platform and key customer service tool for businesses
and organizations. Social media provides businesses the opportunities to offer instant customer
service and can also help build brand validity, awareness, and exposure to core, niche or mass
audiences. Similarly, it can improve customer relations and extend your brands reach across
the Web.

The evolution of my social media usage is probably one of a similar timeline to most other
people in my age group. I started out with AIM, of course, and moved through the popular sites
as the internet grew and as I aged. As more social sites became available, more exciting content
and capabilities also became available. There was something for every need. If I wanted to
write a blog about how emo I was feeling.

These days the internet is really its own entity. Social sites are better tailored for our needs and
especially well-suited for marketing of all kinds. Now you can find me scrolling through
Instagram and Twitter mostly, and predominantly for things like politics, rec ipes or other
general inspiration. I make sure to support brands that I care about and that I want to see
succeed, since I know just how important proper social media promotion can be to a brand that
is just taking off or a local brand that might not have the resources to promote at a higher level.
Not only is social media still fun and entertaining, but it is also ever-changing and if possible
even more interesting by the day, as user interactions continue to define better ways to use it.
The evolution of social media has been an interesting one to watch and participate in, and I’m
really quite curious to see what’s next and how we social media users shape its evolution even

So yeah. As a concluding note, social media has been mostly a blessing for me despite of the
negative I mentioned but I wouldn’t want to see it cease from existence. I foresee it growing
and evolving into something much bigger and much more technological than what it presently

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