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I. Multiple Choice
Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answers.

1. The highest level of need in the hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow is…..

A. Self-actualization needs

B. Esteem needs

C. Social needs

2. Which of the following is not included in financial methods to motivate employee?

A. Wage & salary

B. Bonus & commission

C. Profit sharing
D. Training & Job enrichment

3. in calculating wages is the payment by the hour.

A. Time rate

B. Piece rate

C. Interest rate

D. Periodical rate

4. is one of the financial methods to motivate employees which is paid monthly.

A. Bonus

B. Salary

C. Wage

D. Commission

5. Bambang is paid Rp70.000 for every box of tea bags that he could finish. Turns out,
in one week Bambang could finish 15 boxes! How much will Bambang get paid for?

A. Rp700.000

B. Rp1.050.000

C. Rp1.500.000

D. Rp950.000
6. Bambang is paid Rp70.000 for every box of tea bags that he could finish. Turns out, in one week
Bambang could finish 15 boxes and he gets paid by the end of the week. That is an example of...

A. Time rate

B. Diligence

C. Piece rate

D. Performance rate

7. 'Low labour turnover' means...

A. The workers are likely to leave the company

B. The workers are turning over to another company

C. The workers are unlikely to leave the company

D. None of the options above

8. The image below is an example of...

A. Organisational structure

B. Organisational chart

C. Levels of hierarchy

D. Company's management summary

9. From the image below, the span of control of the 'Academic Affairs' division head is...

A. 6 people
B. 5 people
C. 3 people
D. 1 person

10. Giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks is also called...
A. Commanding

B. Delegation

C. Controlling

D. None of the options above

11. What are the three main leadership styles?

A. Automatic, demonstrate, layover

B. Autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire

C. Hierarchy, delegation, goal-oriented

D. None of the options above

12. If a worker decides to join a trade union, they are needed to pay an annual
subscription (yearly fee)

A. True

B. False

C. Half true, half false

D. Not exactly sure

13. Which of the following is not a responsibility of human resources department? *

A. Recruitment and selection

B. Health and safety

C. Industrial relations

D. None of the options above

14. is establishing the workforce needed by the business or the foreseeable future
in terms of the number and skills of employees required.

A. Employee scout

B. Recruitment

C. Selection

D. Workforce planning

15. A transmitter is also known as the ... of the message

A. Medium

B. Receiver

C. Sender

D. Equipment

16. As the receiver confirms that the message has been received and responds to the
message, it's called...
A. Feedback

B. Forward

C. Attachment

D. None of the options above

17. When the receiver of the message has no chance to reply or respond to the
message, it's known as...
A. Communication barriers

B. Effective communication

C. One-way communication

D. Inefficient communication

18. The common communication methods are...

A. Verbal, written, visual

B. Chart, data, graph

C. Virtual, frequency, interval

D. All of the options above
19. Sally just got invited to the office's annual employee meetings from an email she received this morning.
This is an example of...

A. Formal communication

B. Formal invitation

C. Informal communication

D. Informal invitation

20. to discuss the upcoming project, Yorki invited his teammates to talk about it over
lunch in the cafeteria. This type of invitation is known as...

A. Formal communication

B. Formal invitation

C. Informal communication

D. Informal invitation

21. ABC School is looking for a new headmaster/principal. They posted a job advertisement within the
company for the employees who feel like taking up the position. Such recruitment is also known as...
A. Upward recruitment

B. External recruitment

C. Internal recruitment

D. None of the options above

22. …… gets other employees involved in the decision-making process. *

A. Autocratic leadership

B. Laissez-faire leadership

C. Democratic leadership

D. All of the options above

23. Which of the following is not an example of fringe benefits? *

A. Generous expense accounts

B. Free trips abroad/holiday packages

C. Commission
D. Health insurance

24. The examples of worker's physiological needs are... *

A. Food and rest

B. Protection and fairness

C. Friendship and social group

D. Status and fame

25. …… is the reason why employees want to work hard and effectively for the business. *
A. Money

B. Satisfaction

C. Motivation

D. Success

II. Fill in the Blanks

Read the questions carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The two methods to calculate wages are... *

2. The two methods of motivation for workers are... *

3. The three main types of training are... *

4. 'Piece rate' is... *

5. A group of employees who have joined together to ensure their interests are protected is called...

6. 'Laissez-faire' is French for...

7. Job description outlines the … for a specific job

8. Job specification outlines the … for a specific job

9. One-way communication occurs when...

10. Communication barriers are...

II. Essay
Read the questions carefully and type down your answers accordingly.

1. What are the financial methods to motivate employees? *

2. What is the difference between internal and external communication? *

3. What is the difference between dismissal and redundancy? *

4. Why do people work? *

5. Why is effective communication important to business? *

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