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Learning Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate the function of parenthesis by

comparing the equation with different ways to put parenthesis.

Language Objective: Students will be able to orally discuss the function of parenthesis
and how to apply them to solving problems.

Vocabulary: parenthesis

Materials: ppt slides, workbook, personal white board,

Fluency Practice 15 min

● Multiply By 7: (6 min)
○ This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of seven. It
supports students knowing from memory all products of two one-digit
○ See prompts on p.96 of Teacher Guide
● Group Counting (4 min)
○ Reviews interpreting multiplication as repeated addition. Counting by sixes
reviews multiplication using units of six from Topic B.
○ Group counting by eights prepares students for multiplication in this topic
○ Anticipates using units of 9 later in this module.
○ Direct students to count forward and backward, occasionally changing the
direction of the count.
○ Follow prompts on top of page 97 of teacher guide.
● Add 6 and 7 Mentally (5 min)
○ This activity reviews the make ten strategy used for skip counting by sixes
and sevens in Lesson 4.
○ Follow prompts on p. 97 of teacher guide

Application Problem (5 min)

● Richard has 2 cartons with 6 eggs in each. As he opens the cartons, he drops 2
eggs. How many unbroken eggs does Richard have left?
● This problem provides a context for solving equations involving multiple
operations which is central to the Concept Development.
● See picture under and notes next to Application Problem, and read Note (page
Mini Lesson/Concept Development: 20 min

● Problem 1: Solve equations containing parenthesis.

● Problem 2: Explore how moving the parenthesis can change the answer in an
● Follow prompts on p. 98 & 99

Independent Practice: Lesson 8 Problem Set (20 min)

● Students should do their best to complete the Problem Set within the allotted 10
● Solve using RDW.
● Follow prompts for stations on page 99

● Walk around the class to support students who need help

Share and Questions/Student Debrief: (10 min)

● Lesson objective: Students will be able to understand the function of parenthesis

and apply to solving problems.
● Use the following to lead discussion:
○ Look at problem 1(j). Would the answer be the same if solved (12/2) +
(12/4)? Why not? (Lead students to understand that they cannot distribute
in this problem.)
○ Look at Problem 1(l). Would the answer be the same if solved (9/3) +
(15/3)? Why?
○ How did you discover where the parenthesis belonged in Problem 2?
○ Why does moving the parenthesis in an equation only change the answer

REFLECTION: (Think-Pair-Share)

What are parentheses?

Exit Ticket (3 min)

○ Students will complete Lesson 8 exit ticket:

○ Questions can be read aloud to students
○ Follow prompt on p.100 of teacher guide.

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