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Name: __________________________________
Complete the sentences with Simple Present or Present Continuous
1. It’s 7:30 am, and the Wilsons _____________ (be) in their kitchen. Mrs. Wilson
__________________ (sit) at the breakfast table. She ___________________ (read)
a newspaper. She __________________ (read) the newspaper every morning. Mr.
Wilson _____________________ (pour) a cup of coffee. He _________________
(drink) two cups of coffee every morning before he ________________ (go) to
work. There is a cartoon on TV, but the children ______________________
(watch / not) it. They _______________________ (play) with their toys instead.
They usually ____________________ (watch) cartoons in the morning, but this
morning they ____________________ (pay / not) any attention to the TV. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson ______________________ (watch / not) the TV either. They often
_________________ (watch) the news in the evening, but they ________________
(watch / not) cartoons.
2. Shhh! The baby ______________________ (sleep). The baby _________________
(sleep) for ten hours every night.
3. Right now I _____________________ (look) at the board. I ________________
(see) some words on the board.
4. Right now I’m in class. I _______________________ (sit) at my desk. I usually
__________________ (sit) at the same desk in class every day.

5. Ali __________________ (speak) Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right
now he ______________________ (speak) English.

6. A: ________________________ (rain / it) a lot in southern California?

B: No. The weather __________________ (be) usually warm and sunny.

7. A: Look out the window. ________________________ (rain / it)? Should I take my

B: it _________________________ (start) to sprinkle.

8. A: Look. It’s Joseph.

B: Where?
A: Over there. He ________________________ (walk) out of the bakery.

9. A: ____________________________ (need / you) some help, Mrs. Brown?

____________________________ (want / you) me to carry that box for you?
B: Yes, thank you. That’s very kind of you.

10. A: Oscar usually ___________________ (walk) to work. _____________________

(walk / you) to work every day, too?
B: Yes
A: ________________________ (walk / Oscar) with you?
B: Sometimes
11. A: Flowers! Flowers for sale! Yes sir! Can I help you?
B: I’ll take those – the yellow ones.
A: Here you are, mister. Are they for a special occasion?
B: I _____________________ (buy) them for my wife. I ___________________
(buy) her flowers on the first day of every month.

12. My friend Omar ________________ (have) his own car now. It‘s brand new. Today
he ______________________ (drive) to a small town north of the city to visit his
aunt. He ___________________ (love) to listen to music, so the CD player
______________________ (play) one of his favorite CDs – loudly. Omar
_______________ (be) very happy: he _____________________ (drive) his own
car and _____________________ (listen) to loud music. He ___________________
(look) forward to his visit with his aunt.

13. Omar _________________ (visit) his aunt once a week. She ________________
(be) elderly and _________________ (live) alone. She _________________ (think)
that Omar is a wonderful nephew. She _________________ (love) his visits. He
_________________ (try) to be helpful and considerate in every way. His aunt
_________________ (hear / not) well, so Omar _________________ (speak) loudly
and clearly when he is with her.

14. When he is there, he _______________ (fix) things for her around her apartment
and ___________________ (help) her with her shopping. He _________________
(stay / not) with her overnight. He usually ___________________ (stay) for a few
hours and then _________________ (head) back to the city. He ________________
(kiss) his aunt good-bye and ___________________ (give) her a hug before he
___________________ (leave). Omar is a very good nephew.

15. Diana can’t come to the phone because she _____________________ (wash) her

16. Please be quiet. I ____________________ (try) to concentrate.

17. Every morning, the sun ____________________ (shine) in my bedroom window

and __________________ (wake) me up.

18. A: Look! It _______________________ (snow)

B: It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve even seen snow. It __________________
(snow / not) in my country.

19. Right now Martha is in the science building. The chemistry experiment she
______________________ (do) is dangerous. She ____________________ (want /
not) to spill any of the acid. She __________________ (be / always) careful when
she does a chemistry experiment.

20. I can’t afford that ring. It ___________________ (cost) too much.

21. Look! it _____________________ (begin) to rain.

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