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Unhealthy Dieting

1. Undereating causes you to become ill more frequently because your body is unable to acquire
enough nutrients to maintain a strong immune system and fight off diseases. Colds, for example,
last longer than they should. Over time, poor nutrition increases our risk of developing chronic
diseases and other health problems.

2. Adolescents can overcome these issues by beginning to eat a healthy diet. Individuals who
engage in healthy diet may reduce their chance of developing diseases and help them achieve
and maintain a healthy weight. A healthy diet includes eating a variety of foods and consuming
less salt, sugar, saturated fat, and industrially generated trans fats.

3. They are most likely the people who have been through traumatic experiences such as bullying,
which can awaken one's insecurities and lead to depression. They may carry these insecurities
throughout adolescence, leading them to adopt bad health trends.

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