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Essay, page 65 excercise 9

It is common knowledge that having a healthy diet is essential in order to achieve an active and long-

lasting life in all groups of people. Different researches have shown that good health is dependent on

food we eat. Therefore, if we eat unhealthily we put ourselves in risk. In this essay, I will discuss the

a bad diet can cause in two opposite groups.

The first group that is affected of eating unhealthily are college students. When studying it is vital that

students fuel their body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins in order to feel energized to study for

multiple hours. In contrast, many students who follow a poor diet resort to drinking a grand amount of

coffee to keep themselves awake longer, which is very deplorable for their immune system. All kinds of

vegetables and proteins should be consumed if students want to prepare well for their exams and

a better lifestyle overall.

On the other hand, adults at work could also put themselves in risk if they do not prioritize what they

Most adults tend to spend long hours sitting at a desk during their work shifts. Therefore, many times

they eat unhealthily out of stress or lack of time. Consequently, this leads to eating too much junk food

and a lack of exercise .As a result of this, they can become overweight developing a weak immune

In summary, either group would be at risk if they do not focus on what they are putting inside their

In my view, adults at work are in a more dangerous position and should be more responsible of their

because once you are older it is utterly important to take care of your health as your immune system

become weaker which leads to catching illnesses rapidly.

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