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Benefits and Risks of Supplements
Dietary supplements are products designed to augment our daily intake of nutrients,
including vitamins and minerals. Many are safe and offer significant health benefits, but
there are some that pose health risks, especially if overused. Dietary supplements include
amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, herbals, botanicals, and animal extracts.
Normally, we should be able to get all the nutrients we need from a balanced diet. However,
supplements can provide us with extra nutrients when our diet is lacking or certain health
conditions (such as cancer, diabetes, or chronic diarrhea) trigger a deficiency. In most
cases, a multivitamin/mineral supplement will provide all the micronutrients our body needs.
They are generally safe because they contain only small amounts of each nutrient (as
measured by the daily value, or DV).
Supplement manufacturers have to follow certain labeling guidelines, including what they
can say and not about the purported benefits. That doesn't stop manufacturers from
claiming, often misleadingly, that their product can "boost the immune system" or "treat
arthritis" even if there is little scientific evidence to support the claims. Generally speaking,
the FDA only acts on the most serious infractions.
While most dietary supplements are safe as long as we follow the product instructions, large
doses of certain nutrients can have adverse effects. We can even overdose on certain
supplements, risking serious harm and death.

(ito and sagot)

Nutrition and food in general have a strong influence on a person’s health status. Research
has demonstrated that certain ailments are more prevalent when nutrients lack in a person’s
diet than when the nutrients in question are present. With this in mind, companies and even
governments have sought for a solution elsewhere. The answer, for the time being, has
been the inclusion of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements may be food or drugs,
ingested to provide certain nutrients which may be lacking in a person’s diet. They are
substances eaten or drank and include vitamins, minerals, amino acids and even herbs that
help improve a person’s diet. They come in different forms, as liquids, powder, capsules or
even pills. They are also known as food supplements or nutritional supplements. Dietary
supplements come in handy only for people who lack nutrients in their diets. Vegetarians
and vegans fall in this category. In light of their dietary affiliation, they more often than not
find themselves in dire need of certain crucial and necessary nutrients, as they cannot get
them from their diets. However, for people who adhere comprehensively to the
recommended dietary requirements, they have little or no use of these substances.
Despite their contribution into maintaining and reinstating a healthful life, dietary
supplements may also come with side effects (especially if overdosed). Taking more than
100% of the dosage of these supplements can result in the dire consequences. Vitamins A
and D, taken in larger than recommended doses and over a long period, accumulate to toxic
levels. Likewise, when vitamin C, used as a supplement, is overdosed, it causes diarrhea.
Apart from these, recurrent use of vitamin B6 supplement is injurious to the nerves. Some
dietary supplements may also have side effects prior to, during, or even after a surgical
Taking in the dietary supplements requires a lot of discipline. The supplements must be
taken in the right dosage and patience is a crucial virtue while awaiting the results. When a
dietary supplement causes side effects, the patient should refrain from taking the
supplements. People who are under dietary supplements need to be in close contact with
their doctors. This is to ensure they get the desired benefits out of these products.

1. A lot of us mistakenly associate weight loss with fad diets, but having a proper diet
and eating nutritious foods are really the best way to go about maintaining a healthy
weight and at the same time attaining the necessary nutrients for healthy body
function. Swapping unhealthy junk food and snacks out for nutritious food is the first
step to keeping our weight within a healthy range relative to our body composition,
without the need to jump on the fad-diet bandwagon.

2. Balanced nutrition is important for exercise, but carbohydrates are the key for
maintaining a peak performance during physical activities. In fact, carbohydrates are
the most important source of fuel in an athlete’s diet. Carbohydrates are the main
source of energy for our brains and bodies to function properly; they provide fuel for
the central nervous system and energy for working muscles. Carbs help delay
fatigue, sustaining us through prolonged workouts or competitive sports.

A diet rich in carbohydrates increases both endurance and intermittent high-intensity

performance because of the extra store of carbohydrates in the muscles and liver. It
is well documented that athletes need to replenish carbohydrate stores in the body,
especially during periods of intense training or competition. Consuming
carbohydrates during workouts lasting over one hour can also benefit performance
and delay onset of fatigue.

1. Upcoming Tests/Exams
There are times that I really need to find time to prepare for the exams and sometimes I do
feel anxious about doing well on exams.
2. Poor sleep schedule
Sometimes I don’t get enough sleep, so I tend to lose focus on everything; my modules,
classes, chores, etc.
3. Death of a loved one
Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. I experienced all kinds of difficult and
unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The
pain of grief also disrupts my physical health, making it difficult to sleep or even think
4. Too much schoolwork
When I am stressed or irritated with homework, it makes it more difficult for me to finish
assignments. This can lead to a frustrating loop in which homework piles up and I lack the
time or resources to do it all, resulting in yet more tension.
5. Classes that are too difficult
At the beginning of this school year, most of my classmates including me, became more
stressed because some of the subjects we learn are sometimes difficult to understand.

How you handle it:

1. I always make a plan of what I want to work on in each study session. Break it down
into small tasks and work on one task at a time.
2. Sometimes I take some time out of my modules, especially at night, so that I can get
a good night’s sleep. This gives my brain some time to recharge.
3. Almost every loss, no matter how expected, will be accompanied by stress and
disorientation. So, to cope with stress from grief, I acknowledged my feelings, even
the ones I don’t like. I let myself cry. I also accepted that I need to experience my
pain, my emotions, and my own way of healing − all in my own time.
4. I always plan a schedule ahead on what I will do with my modules, projects, reports,
etc. and after that I will stick with that schedule. This helps me in avoiding cramming
and things piling up.
5. If I’m having trouble or if I don’t understand a certain lesson, I always ask a teacher
for help to explain that lesson.
(WEEK 7)
1. P waves
2. S waves
3. and Surface waves
4. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
5. Epicenter

1. Earthquakes are usually caused when an underground rock suddenly breaks and
there is a rapid motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the
seismic waves that make the ground shake.
A volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials from the Earth's interior are thrown
out of a volcano. When enough magma builds up in the magma chamber, it forces its
way up to the surface and erupts.
Earthquakes are a major cause of landslides. Landslides occur when masses of
rock, earth material, or debris flows move down a slope due to gravity.

The movement of the Earth’s crust along cracks called faults can cause
earthquakes. When the surface of the Earth moves and shifts, landslides can occur
where a large area of rocks, soil and plants slide down a steep slope. Earthquakes
can cause landslides. Volcanoes occur when cracks in the Earth’s surface allow hot
molten rock to rise up from below the crust, and flow out on the surface of the Earth
as lava.

2. Slopes with no vegetation or cover are especially vulnerable to landslides. So, the
most effective and natural way to prevent landslides in our barangay is to plant
vegetation. Not only will vegetation help to slow down raindrops as they fall, the roots
of the plants will also help to hold the soil together, making it harder for water to
wash it away. Other than vegetation, a variety of engineered solutions are also
available to prevent landslides. Many of these solutions use biodegradable or
geosynthetic mats that are designed to prevent erosions and give freshly planted
vegetation a chance to grow.

3. In the event of a natural disaster, having a preparedness plan can be a critical

element in helping secure a safe transition out of danger for me, my loved ones, and
our property. Preparation is the key, but it is also important to stay calm and focused
during an emergency. If we are ordered to evacuate, we will do so. And if we are not
evacuating, we will use our time wisely to make preparations.

No one expects to be caught in a potentially dangerous and extreme situation such

as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. If the unthinkable does occur,
having a plan and knowing what to do could make all the difference for us and our
loved ones. Some of the tips that can help us stay safe during a disaster are:
listening to a portable radio for important updates and instructions from local
authorities, evacuating or staying in a safe area or shelter during a natural disaster,
Nobody’s truly sheltered from natural disasters, but being well prepared can really
make a difference. From earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, to landslides, a number of
natural disasters can affect all of us depending on the region where we live. Every
emergency is unique and needs to be handled differently, so the things that I can do
to stay safe is to know what types of events are most likely to happen in our area, so
I can prepare accordingly. With this, I can be prepared to take care of myself and my
family before the disaster happen.

4. One of the quickest and easiest ways to lessen the occurrence of a landslide in the
community is to vegetate it. This landslide prevention method works best on slopes
that are not too steep or if the movement hasn't already begun. We can do this
method ourselves by planting a groundcover or hire a landscaper to vegetate the
slope. The community should also construct proper drainage away from the slope to
control water accumulation and to avoid slope instability. This way, it will really
lessen the occurrence of a landslide.

(WEEK 8)
1. T
2. T
3. F- Rotational slumps
4. T
5. T

1. Hurricanes begin to develop over warm seawater of at least 25°C (77°F), commonly
between 5 and 20° north latitude. In these tropical latitudes, temperatures are high
and air-pressure gradients are weak. Air rises by localized heating, which causes
condensation that can build into towering convective “chimneys” with frequent
thunderstorms. Strong winds can shear off the tops of the connective chimneys and
cause them to dissipate.
In the absence of winds, convection may strengthen when the air rises to high
elevations. The warm, moist air over the ocean rises and spreads out at the top of
the chimney. That warm air expands, cools, and releases latent heat; the air rises
faster as the storm strengthens.

Hurricanes form over the warm ocean water of the tropics. When warm moist air over
the water rises, it is replaced by cooler air. The cooler air will then warm and start to
rise. This cycle causes huge storm clouds to form. These storm clouds will begin to
rotate with the spin of the Earth forming an organized system. If there is enough
warm water, the cycle will continue and the storm clouds and wind speeds will grow
causing a hurricane to form.
2. When the force of a hurricane bears down on buildings, it can be ripped apart by the
storm's powerful winds. Storm surge and inland flooding can also cause catastrophic
damage. Overland surge and flooding may cause a building or other structures to
collapse due to the hydrodynamic forces caused by the moving water, particularly
when waves are present. When waves propagate and strike a building, the
oscillatory currents produced can generate very strong wave loads, which are often
sufficient to destroy the wall and/or foundation of a building.

3. For the safety of people, several solutions are depending on the severity of the
hurricane: evacuation is the first option if the risk is very high, shelters and staying at
home are the solutions in cases when the danger is not as serious. To protect
properties, individuals are to remove everything that can result in windborne debris –
secure trees, put away objects that can be carried away by strong winds. If there is a
danger of flooding, the properties as well as people need to be elevated, moved to
the upper floors of the buildings, and waterproofed. Finally, one should purchase
respective types of insurance for natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes to
obtain reimbursement for the damage.

(ito sagot)
Preparing for a hurricane in advance and knowing what to expect when one hits is
one of the smartest things we can do. To prepare for a hurricane, we can make
plans to stay safe. We should determine our best protection from strong winds and
flooding and we should have a plan to evacuate and a plan to shelter safely. We also
need to take time to gather the supplies and knowledge we will need before the
hurricane arrives.

Hurricanes can shatter lives as well as damage property. Being prepared can help
us, our family or our business minimize the impact of the storm. The best time to
start is before the threat is imminent. To prepare, we should plan our evacuation
route well ahead of time, keep non-perishable emergency supplies on hand,
Recognize Warnings and Alerts
Option 2
Name: Alima (NO SURNAME WAS WRITTEN in the article)
Faith Experience:
Alima was born in Mozambique, a place where nearly one in two people are trapped in
chronic poverty. Her father passed away when she was young, and her mother struggled to
care for Alima and her two brothers. “My mother did everything so that we could have
something to eat,” she says. “No one was able to help us.” To make matters worse, she
lived in a poor area in the city of Maputo, near a black market where sellers raise prices to
ridiculous levels on much-needed goods and necessities. Alima recalls one time when she
got very ill and her neighbors advised they look for a witch doctor. They lived in a place of
spiritual darkness. Then, Alima made a decision that would change her life forever. She
went with her mother to the Church where she learned about Jesus Christ and got a Bible of
her own because of the generosity of her friends. “Receiving a Bible is like receiving the
Savior in my life,” Alima says. “The Bible changed my life. Whenever I open my Bible, I feel
God in the Scriptures and can interact with Him. The Bible is God in my hands and heart.
Without the Bible, my life would be terrible. Without a Bible and Jesus, I was just existing
with no hope, but Jesus brought me from existence to life. When I got my first Bible, I felt
that I had something in my life.”

Gospel Reflection:
This Gospel reminds me that we all have our desires for recognition and rewards. These are
all the things from the world which we can’t bring to heaven. I always remind myself that
Jesus died for our sins, He didn’t come to be served but to serve everyone.
As a Christian, I have to understand the true meaning of service. Status and power are
nothing in the kingdom of heaven. It is enough for me to follow Jesus through charity,
penance, poverty, and sacrifice. To live my life in the service of God by helping others. To
help the children grow in love and fear of the Lord. To help build a community that care for
one another. I have to set aside status and powers for those are not the ways to God.
I’ve always admired my mother, because everytime she sees someone who is in need, she
always helps them, she either give them food and water or money to buy food. And she
always donates our old clothes and furniture to the poor. I just hope that everyone can be
like this including me.
As I reflect on this Gospel, I come to understand that we are all equal in this life. Whatever
race and color we have, we are all created by God. Nonetheless, no one is above one

The Spiritual Sense

What is the spiritual sense?

This interpretation of Scripture sees people and events as signs of something that goes
beyond them. 

Why is it possible for the Old Testament to have a spiritual sense even though it was written
over thousands of years by different Sacred Authors?

Because God is the author of both the Old and the New Testaments and he is infinitely
wise, he could have disposed the events and words of the Old Testament so things of the
past typified, or prefigured, those to come in the New Testament.

Are all senses present in every passage in the Bible?

The proper literal sense is always present. The improper literal and the spiritual senses may
or may not be present in each passage.

What is the allegorical sense of Scripture?

People and events in salvation history point forward to other times. Extension: This is also
called the typological sense. 

What is the moral, or tropological, sense of Scripture?

It sheds light on people and events so the heroes of Scripture can be seen as a pattern for
their own lives to do good and avoid evil. 

What is the anagogical sense of Scripture?

It shows how the events of Scripture point to what will be known in Heaven. 
The Church should be our guide to understand the Scriptures because the Scriptures are
written principally in the Church’s heart rather than in documents and records, for the
Church carries in her Tradition the living memorial of God’s Word, and it is the Holy Spirit
who gives her the spiritual interpretation of the Scripture.
Understanding the Scriptures is important, so that’s why we need the Church’s guidance to
understand it. The Scriptures gives us the opportunity to see and know God. It reveals His
character and nature, His sovereignty and power, and His reason for creating us, the
universe, and everything in it. We read about God’s dealings with humankind, His goodness
and grace, His light and love, His holiness and justice, and His mercy and compassion.

Gospel Reflection:

Bartimaeus teaches us about humility. As Jesus passed by, he called out unreservedly,
even though people were telling him to keep silent. In the depths of his heart, he was
humble enough to admit that he needed Jesus’s mercy to heal him. “Have pity on me,” he

Sometimes, we are so blinded by our pride that we are unable to sense how near Jesus is
to us. Or we are hindered by what we think others might say. It takes humility and courage
to admit that sometimes we can’t do everything on our own and that we need Jesus.
Because with Him, everything is possible.

This Gospel reminds me that Jesus truly is the answer to our needs. He is the only one that
can save us from our circumstances, from our choices, and the one who can set us on to a
new path.

A relationship with Jesus allows us to have the courage to believe in times of need and in
times of fulfillment. Bartimaeus is a blind man seeking to be able to see again. He confides
in Jesus to make that happen. He shows his faith by stepping up and calling for Jesus to
heal him.

In this Gospel, I learned about the importance of having the courage to ask for help. Asking
for help in a time of need takes courage and risk. It’s important to believe in our faith and
believe in receiving help or asking for it. Doing so does not make us weak and does not
make us seem selfish. It allows us to be open to our faith and believe in something.

This Gospel is relevant to my life as a Catholic because it is a perfect example of why I

believe in my faith. I try to attend Mass and pray as much as I can, but, sometimes, life just
happens and you don’t always have the time. That’s when believing strongly in your faith
comes into play. I know that I may not always be as dedicated as I want to be, but at least I
know that I believe in something bigger than all of us and that I have something and
someone to follow.
(WEEK 5)
1. A.
2. B. OR A,B,C
3. A. or C.
4. Mailings tab
5. A. or C.

1. B.
2. A.
3. C.
4. B.
5. B.
6. A.
7. C.
8. B.
9. B.
10. D.


It is very important because form letters that may simplify the communication of a core
message to a large group. Microsoft Word's mail merge features turn boilerplate form letters
into documents that read like individual correspondence. Compared to the process of
preparing individual letters to convey one set of information to many people, mail merge
saves time and effort, producing mass mailings complete with labels or envelopes.
Mail Merge of Microsoft Word is one of the most important and useful features for any
organization, because the form letters can simplify the communication of a core message to
a large group. Microsoft Word's mail merge features turn boilerplate form letters into
documents that read like individual correspondence. Compared to the process of preparing
individual letters to convey one set of information to many people, mail merge saves time
and effort, producing mass mailings complete with labels or envelopes.
The mail merge feature of MS Word is very important in different organizations because it is
the method used in creating customized letters for form letters that allow letters sent to a
group of people to be read as individual letters or mails. It also lets you create a batch of
documents that are personalized for each recipient. For example, a form letter might be
personalized to address each recipient by name. A data source, like a list, spreadsheet, or
database, is associated with the document. And placeholders--called merge fields--tell Word
where in the document to include information from the data source.
In this lesson, I learned that, when making a Mail Merge, you will need a document using
MS Word and a recipient list which is typically done using MS Excel workbook. But we can
also use various sources including MS Outlook contact list, MS Access database, or a
Notepad text Document. I also learned how to create a form letter in MS Word.

(WEEK 6)
1. B.
2. A.
3. C.
4. B.
5. B.

1. The basic features of PowerPoint are easy to master and can make you appear to
be organized, even if you are not.
2. It can reduce complicated messages to simple bullet points. Bullet points are a good
basis for a presentation and remind the speaker of main points and the organization
of the message.
3. Using the standard templates and themes, you can create something visually
appealing, even if you do not have much knowledge of basic graphic design
4. PowerPoint slides are generally easier to see by a large audience when projected
than other visual aids.
5. It is easy to present. You can easily advance the slides in the presentation one after
another with a simple key stroke while still maintaining eye contact with the

1. Some features such as animations and backgrounds can distract the audience from
the actual information in the presentation.
2. Some of the features can be quite complicated to use and even the simple features
require some getting used to.
3. The file size can become quite large on medium to the large presentations.
4. If PowerPoint has too many flying letters, animations, and sound effects without
seeing much original thought or analysis, it can be a real issue.
5. You will need to have a laptop and a projection equipment in the place to display the
slides to the audience.

In this lesson, I learned the different Advance Techniques used in PowerPoint. PowerPoint
allows you to use images, audio and video to have a greater visual impact. These visual
and audio cues may also help a presenter be more improvisational and interactive with the
audience. I also learned how to insert hyperlink.
1. Kumain ka na ba?
2. Baka mayroon akong maitutulong?
3. Kumusta naman ang tulog mo?
4. Okey ka lang ba?
5. Uy, nabalitaan mo na ba?

1. Nakakatuwang isipin na nanalo tayo sa patimpalak.
2. Kinakabahan ako. Ako na ang susunod na magtatanghal.
3. Hindi ako makapaniwala sa nangyari kanina.
4. Labis akong nabahala nang makita ko ang aking aso na sinaktan ng mga
dumadaang mga bata.
5. Nakakalungkot isipin na pumanaw na si lolo.

1. Para sa akin, mas pipiliin kong manirahan sa probinsya kaysa sa siyudad.
2. Paborito ko ang larong badminton.
3. Hindi ako mahilig sa mga Bollywood movies.
4. Mas gusto kong matulog at magpahinga sa bahay kaysa mamasyal.
5. Sa palagay ko, mas mabuting umuwi na tayo ngayon para hindi tayo gabihin sa
(WEEK 5-6)
Role of communication in your life:
Communication plays an important role in my life. I cannot function without communication,
whether it is face-to-face conversation across a dinner table or video conferencing across
different places. It helps me share or impart my ideas, thoughts, and information with others.
It also helps me understand people better removing misunderstandings and creating clarity
of thoughts and expressions. Being able to communicate is almost as important as

2009 Commencement Address at Kalamazoo College
By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
 In her commencement address the technique or the speech style that she used is
 She prepared the speech beforehand and she also didn’t used slang terminologies.
 She maintained an overall tone that is inspirational, but also tempered with concern
for the students’ effect on imbalances within society.
 Adichie intended to offer advice about life after college, while providing reassurance
and calling the graduates to action in civil society.
 Adichie addresses what she characterizes as privilege attained through education,
economic inequalities, empathy, and the willingness to keep an open mind and
continue learning.

1. Regulation
2. Regulation
3. Social interaction
4. Social interaction
5. Information
6. Emotional expression
7. Emotional expression
8. Social interaction
9. Motivation
10. Information

1. Social Interaction
2. Emotional Expression
3. Information
4. Motivation
5. Regulation/ Control

1. A.
2. C.
3. B.
4. A.
5. C.

1. A.
2. A. OR B.
3. B. OR C.
4. D.
5. C.
Interactive work:
For me, freedom means giving equal opportunity to everyone for liberty and pursuit of
happiness. Freedom is a basic right of any human being and it not only implies to being free
but also an opportunity to think and make our own decisions. When we do not have
freedom, we feel trapped and unhappy to live our life. Freedom is to get respect and feel the
part of the society at the same time. We live free by not judging other people’s freedom
rights. Everyone has their own rights. Freedom is to be respectful. Nobody wants to be a
part of society which restricts or stop people from doing what he or she wants.

Activity 1:
 Rights
 Independence
 Privilege
 Liberty

Activity 2:
Everything we think, say, and do has consequences for ourselves and for others. Like
ripples on a pond, our actions spread out and it may affect others because everything is
interconnected. And we need to remember that our actions are irreversible. For example,
Alex, a senior high school student, who is always postponing his work on a large research
project and it’s deadline is next week. He always says that he will do it later, but instead, he
always plays online games and sleep all day. A week has passed, it is now the day for the
submission, but somehow Alex seems to be the only one who didn’t do the project, and by
that, he failed to submit his project on time and the teacher gave him a low grade because
he passed his work late. To conclude, his procrastination led him on getting a bad grade
because instead of doing his project earlier, he just wasted his time on playing online
We should take the kind of actions that will lead you to the place you want to be, and will
bring you the kind of things you would like to get. We have right now, in this very moment
the opportunity to create the life we want, we can start shaping the future we yearn, and we
do that with every choice, and action after action. Whatever you want to experience
tomorrow, start creating it now. When we make an action that won’t produce a favorable
consequence, even though it will teach us a lesson and it will, in some way, help us to grow
and evolve, we limit ourselves from living a wonderful, joyful and happy life, and we risk
losing very valuable things in our lives.

Activity 3:
Freedom of choice describes an individual's opportunity and autonomy to perform an action
selected from at least two available options, unconstrained by external parties. But if
freedom of choice were to relate merely to the number of courses of action open to a
person, it would be more accurately described as power of choice. However, freedom of
choice represents something more fundamental than power; it represents the right of every
individual person to be a free agent in his/her interhuman relationships, to make his/her own
decisions, to be free from the arbitrary authority of others, and to be able to choose how
he/she wishes to use his/her services or property rather than to be subject to coercion by
others. In other words, freedom of choice means that every person is able to choose his/her
own course of action and his/her own pattern of living, subject to the requirement that
he/she shall not act so as to violate the freedom of choice of others.

Activity 4:
In the abortion debate, for example, the term "freedom of choice" may emerge in defense of
the position that a woman has a right to determine whether she will proceed with or
terminate a pregnancy. Similarly, other topics such as euthanasia, vaccination,
contraception and same-sex marriage are sometimes discussed in terms of an assumed
individual right of "freedom of choice". Another one, the right to suffrage also comes with the
freedom of choice. It is our own decision to choose who we wanted to vote and give them
the power to govern us. The ramifications of this choice would totally impact our life as a

Activity 5:
We go through different phases in our lives. Each phase allows us to discover something
new about ourselves. As we grow, we learn more about ourselves and the world and we
also get to experience hardships in our life that makes us tougher day by day, so it is with a
great responsibility for an individual to grow more each passing day. Because there are a lot
people who are committed to grow their intellect and discover new things about the
universe. These people want to not only improve their lives but also set an example to
others to show them they can do it too. Intellectual growth is significant to success. The
world needs people who are committed to improving their lives and those of others.
Thinking is one’s choice. It is volitional. A person has to initiate thinking, sustain it and to
bear responsibility for it’s result.

Activity 6:
1. Plato
2. Yelon
3. B.F. Skinner
4. Liberty
5. The theory of freedom
6. Stone Age
7. The consciousness of freedom
8. Life
9. “evil”
10. “good”
"Rationality" is the conformity of humans' beliefs with one's logic and reasons to believe as
well as one's actions with one's reasons for action. While "Passive" means the allowance or
acceptance of what others do or what occurs without human's active reaction, response or
resistance. So, to sum up, "rationality is not merely passive but a function to be performed"
means our ability to reason and logically think is not just conforming to what is happening
around us but this ability takes actions, reactions, and humans' responsiveness. Without
actions, reactions, and responses, we cannot be called rational.
A human being is rational. Reason is a divine characteristic. Humans have the spark of the
divine. If there were no intellect, there would be no will. Reason can legislate, but only
through will can it’s legislation be turned into action. Our will is an instrument of free choice.

Interactive work:
For me, to be a human being is not just having a face, eyes, heart, or being able to drive a
car, or to own a house. Being a human being is much more than that, deeper, and more
passionate. Being a human being is to have the ability to know what is right and wrong,
having rational thought and to think deeply beyond the tangible things in the world, and
being a human being is to find love.
For me, the word "human being" includes a diversity of behaviors. The way each of us is
entitled to run our own life; many things that we need to do in order to survive, describe us
being humans. Thinking is one of the most important things humans do to overcome life's
struggles. The fact of saying that a human is able to think does not mean that a human
cannot commit a mistake. That's the other reason we are called humans. Humans make
mistakes and we are not perfect. Being a human is being ourselves, which means that we
are all different in one aspect but as a whole we are all called humanity. There are humans
from different parts of the world. We all have different cultures, ways of thinking, dressing,
ways of behaving and ways of living our lives.

Activity 1:
Just because these people have to live with physically and mentally challenging conditions,
doesn’t mean that their world ends there. Like each and everyone of us, our actions are our
I really respect all of them because despite their differences and hardships, they accepted
and embraced their selves wholeheartedly. They built love and appreciation within their
selves in which they recognized their worth and essence as a person living in this world.
They set their minds in always seeing the positive and optimistic side of things in every
situation or circumstance in able to resolve the inferiority complex and other self-issues in
their head. They freed their selves from doubts and fears, and by that, everything became
possible for them to achieve. They also realized that it’s okay to be different as it is the thing
that makes them stand out from the crowd. They are unique and special in their own ways.
Their imperfections make them perfect in their own means. Like for example,
It is a good thing to be different from other people as differences bring out the best in us and
also help us in becoming a better version of ourselves.

Activity 2:
We can be sensitive of other’s needs by expressing interest and concern for others,
especially when they are having troubles, recognizing that disabled people deserve the
same respect as anyone else, apologizing or making amends for hurting someone's feelings
or causing harm, and recognizing that people of different races, religions, and backgrounds
deserve to be treated the same way as we would expect to be treated. If we help others,
they are more likely to help us. And saying we’re sorry shows that we can take responsibility
for our actions and can admit when we've done something wrong. A disability does not
make a person inferior. Helping people with disabilities and treating everyone equally shows
that we believe that although people are different, they all deserve respect.

Activity 3:
Page 128

Activity 4:
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True

Activity 5:
Each person is responsible for his/her individuality. What we are, each of us, is determined
by ourselves. However, we are responsible for more than what becomes of us, we are also
responsible for what we do to others. We as a person, are responsible if we will create a
better life and also if we will help other people around us. Our attitude and treatment
towards others can make an influence. We somehow can also be responsible of what
others may become, that is why we must be careful on how we treat others because it can
change him/her and his/her attitude. This reason explains why we are responsible for more
than what becomes of us.
It means we should not only be based on ourselves but also on the responsibility of other
people around us. We as a person, are responsible if we will create a better life and also to
help other people around us. One’s attitude and treatment towards the other makes an
influence. We are somehow responsible of what others have become, that is why we must
be careful on how we treat others because it can change him/her and his/her attitude. This
reason explains why we are responsible for more than what becomes of us.
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. False


1. 8.16616991 or 8.16616991256765
2. 20.08553692 or 20.085536923187668
3. 1.00300450 or 1.003004504503377
4. 1.25860000 or 1.258600009929478
5. 9.02501349 or 9.025013499434121

nasa papel

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True

1. Nasa papel
2. S
3. S

Practice and Application:

1. Nasa papel lahat
2. For a 20% increase to any original value, the ratio of the new value to the original
value are all the same, which is 120% or 1.20/1.2.
a. First, I used the growth factor, in which I added the specified percent increase to
100% and then changed the percent to its decimal form.
b. The growth factor that corresponds to a 20% increase is 100%+20%=120% and
then I changed 120% into its decimal form which is 1.20/1.2.
c. Next, I obtained the new value by multiplying the original value by the
corresponding growth factor. That is: original value x growth factor= new value.
d. Hence, the new values are: 100 x 1.20= 120, 150 x 1.20= 180, 300 x 1.20= 360,
and 500 x 1.20= 600.
4. Just like the steps that I’ve done in number 3, I obtained the new value by multiplying
the original value by the corresponding growth factor, P 4,500.00 x 1.20= P 5,400.00.

1. True- solve the inequality for x/ false
2. True
3. True- inequality/ False
4. True -inequality/ false
5. True

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. False


(WEEK 1-3)
1. An ellipse is the locus of all points in the plane, the sum of whose distances from two
fixed points is a constant.
An ellipse is the set of points such that the sum of the distances from any point on
the ellipse to two other fixed points is constant.

2. A center is the middle point or midpoint within a circle or sphere equally distant from
all points of the circumference or surface, or the point within a regular polygon
equally distant from the vertices.
A center is a point that is the same distance from all the extremities of a figure.

3. Eccentricity is the mathematical constant that is given for a conic section. It is the
ratio of the distances from any point of the conic section to its focus to the same
point to its corresponding directrix.

4. Major axis is the longest diameter of an ellipse. It goes from one side of the ellipse to
the other, through the center.
Major axis is the longer axis of an ellipse, passing through its foci.
Major axis is the longer or longest axis of an ellipse.

Activity 1:
1. Ellipse, foci
2. Major axis, center
3. Minor axis
4. Eccentricity

Activity 2:
1. B.
2. D.
3. A.
4. E.
5. C.
6. F.

Activity 3: (nasa papel ung mga center, radius….)

1. Circle
2. Ellipse
3. Ellipse
4. Circle
5. Circle
The first artificial satellite to orbit Earth was Sputnik I, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.
The orbit was an ellipse with Earth's center as one focus. The orbit's highest point above
Earth's surface was 583 miles, and its lowest point was 132 miles.
a) find an equation of the orbit.
b) how far from Earth is the other focus?
c) What is the length of the major axis?
Draw the picture putting center at (0,0), focus at (c,0) vertex at (a,0)
Then a-c=132 miles
and a+c=583 miles
So, 2a= 715 miles
a= 357.5 miles
Since a+c=583
c= 583-357.5=225.5
For an ellipse a^2=b^2+c^2
So, b^2= 127806.25-5050.25

b^2= 76956
b= 277.409
a) find an equation of the orbit.
b) how far from Earth is the other focus?
2c=2(225.5)=451 mils
c) What is the length of the major axis?
2a=2*357.5)=715 miles
Stan H.

All right. So in this, in this question, were asked us off for the East center is ity of the orbit of
Sputnik around earth. So right here I've got drawn in this. This black circle here is Earth, the
blue circle behind it is the orbit of Sputnik, where at its furthest distance, it's 947 kilometers
away from the surface of Earth and at its, um, closest orbit, it's 228 kilometers from the
surface of Earth. We also know that the diameter of earth is 6000, 378 kilometers. And so
when solving this, we want to note that the two Fosse of an ellipse are at a distance of the
semi major major access multiplied by the east interest city of the Shape. And so, at this
point, here at the lowest orbit, we know that Sputnik is located at the distance of earth. So
that's 6378 plus the orbit from the surface of Earth 2 28. And that's equal to 6600 and six
kilometers. And so from that major X, what we're looking at here is gonna end up with just a
minus e. And then on the other side of the organ, we're Sputnik is at its furthest point from
Earth. We're looking at the distance of Earth 6300 78 plus 947 and that's equal to 7300 and
25 kilometers. And this is equivalent to that. A plus e, remember, A is the semi major axis
and E is the East interest city. And that's what we're gonna end up solving for so we can
take these two equations and divide them by one another. So what we end up with is a
minus. E over a plus E is equal to 6606 divided by 7300 25. So to simplify both sides
equation a little bit more, we end up with his Let me go ahead and lower that that equal sign
just a little bit more mhm. We end up with one minus e over one plus e that eastern Christie
we're gonna solve for and that's equal to at 6606 divided by 7325 so we can simplify this
even more. Where one minus that east interest city is equal to or over two is equal to that
6606 over 6606 plus 7300 in 25. We can multiply this and then subtract everything by one.
What we end up with is thes e e centris ity of Sputnik is equal to one minus two times 6606
over 6606 plus 7300 and 25. And by solving for that we end up with is the East Interest city
is equal to zero 0.5 16

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