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Introduction - it is a beginning section which states the purpose and goals of the following writing.

A colloquial language is used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

Topic statement - is referred to as the central idea in a text
Jargon - a specialized or technical language that is only understood by a group of people engaged in a
specific profession
- It uses technical terminologies that can be understood only in a specific context.
A summary is a brief statement or an account of the main point of something.
Supporting statement - is a statement that explains about the topic that the writer wanted to present? They
also serve as evidences to support the topic
Text Structure - refers to how the information within a written text is organized.
Sentence - refers to a word or set of words that expresses a complete thought.
Hedging - is often believed that academic writing, particularly scientific writing, is to convey facts and
Topic sentence - is a sentence in which the main idea of the paragraph is stated
Who uses jargon? Lawyers in the courtroom
Precise, clear, objective – the best three words to describe academic writing:
The purposes of doing an academic writing is to inform, to persuade, and to argue a specific point.
Summary - is a shortened passage, which retains the essential information of the original text.
5 W’s , 1 H - a technique in summarizing that relies on six crucial questions that helps identify the main
character, the important details and the main idea.
Plagiarism - refers to a form of academic dishonesty wherein there is a deliberate copying of ideas and
language of other writers and taking credit for them.
Outline - It helps in organizing the paper by checking if major and minor ideas connect to each other.
The Three-Part Essay is consisting of are Introduction, body and conclusion
Objectivity - This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and
what arguments you want to make.
Figurative - It uses similes, metaphors, allusions to go beyond the literal meaning of words
Narration – A rhetorical mode which presents details in chronological order.
Description - Another rhetorical mode which aims to further explain an issue, subject, method, or an idea.

There are five teams of students in the fifth grade. The blue team has math first period, and the red team
has science. The yellow team gets to go outside early in the morning, while the green team goes to
music. Only students on the orange team get to play games first period. Each student wears a nametag
with his or her color, so that the teachers and students all know where a student should be.
The Summary of this passage is:
Students are organized by teams with color names
In writing an academic text, the topic sentence is mostly found at the beginning of a paragraph, to
summarize the main point of the written piece for the reader.
Academic Writing – is a formal style of writing used in publications
The purpose of the topic sentence is to help the reader understand what the paragraph will be about
Summaries help me understand what I'm reading, write about what I read, and include the key points of a

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