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Semen cryopreservation: Successes and persistent

problems in farm species

J. Bailey1, A. Morrier, and N. Cormier
Centre de recherche en biologie de la reproduction, Département des sciences animales,
Université Laval, Québec, Québec, Canada G1K 7P4 (
Received 17 February 2003, accepted 20 May 2003.

Bailey, J., Morrier, A. and Cormier. N. 2003. Semen cryopreservation: Successes and persistent problems in farm species. Can. J.
Anim. Sci. 83: 393–401. Artificial insemination has arguably been the most important practice contributing to the advancement of ani-
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mal production. The numerous advantages of artificial insemination are augmented when the semen is cryopreserved and conserved for
long periods. Unfortunately, the utility of cryopreserved semen is limited because for most mammals, even cattle, a considerable pro-
portion of sperm loose their fertility during freezing-thawing. In many species, this loss of fertility is substantial, rendering cryopreserved
semen impractical for routine use. Our goals are to characterize the nature of the sublethal sperm damage caused by cryopreservation,
and to develop a method to improve the functional fertility of thawed semen. This review describes our theory that sperm are prematurely
activated by cryopreservation (“cryo-capacitation”) and discusses strategies for preventing this damage.

Key words: Sperm, artificial insemination, capacitation, fertility

Bailey, J., Morrier, A. et Cormier, N. 2003. La cryoconservation de la semence : les succès et les problèmes persistants chez les
espèces de la ferme. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 83: 393–401. L’insémination artificielle a grandement contribué à l’avancement des pro-
ductions animales. Les nombreux avantages qu’offre cette technique sont augmentés lorsque la semence est cryoconservée et entre-
posée pour de longues périodes. Malheureusement, l’utilisation de la semence cryoconservée est limitée puisque chez la majorité
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des mammifères, incluant la vache, une large proportion des spermatozoïdes perdra leur motilité pendant le processus de congéla-
tion-décongélation. Chez plusieurs espèces, cette perte de fertilité est suffisamment substantielle pour rendre impraticable l’utilisa-
tion routinière de la semence cryoconservée. Les objectifs de notre laboratoire portent sur la caractérisation des dommages sous
létaux subis par les spermatozoïdes lors de la cryoconservation et le développement de méthodes permettant d’améliorer la fertilité
des spermatozoïdes décongelés. Cette revue décrit notre théorie selon laquelle les spermatozoïdes seraient prématurément activés
par la cryoconservation (“cryo-capacitation”). Différentes stratégies permettant de prévenir ce dommage y sont également abordées.

Mots clés: Spermatozoïde, insémination artificielle, pouvoir fécondant, capacitation

An overview of the use of artificial insemination frozen semen. Indeed, the advantages of AI are augmented
Artificial insemination (AI) has arguably been the most impor- when the semen can be conserved for long periods and trans-
tant practice contributing to the advancement of animal pro- ported great distances, enabling the use of semen when the
duction. The benefits of AI are numerous, including better herd female is in oestrus, even long after the sire has died. Semen
health, and improved safety and less costs resulting from fewer cryopreservation is also a valuable tool outside of animal pro-
male animals on the farm. However, the primordial benefit is duction. Numerous assisted reproduction techniques in human
an accelerated rate of genetic improvement stemming from the fertility clinics require frozen-thawed semen (Mortimer 1994).
insemination of multiple females with the semen from a male Cryopreserved semen is an important aspect of genome
of superior genetic quality. In Canada, the dairy and swine resource banking to conserve the biodiversity of endangered
animal species. Controlled reproduction in these animals also
industries have profited from the genetic gains facilitated by
benefits from cryopreserved semen (Pukazhenthi et al. 1999);
AI; about 75–80% of calves in Canada (Semex Alliance, per- semen can be collected from males in their natural habitat and
sonal communication) and 85–90% of pigs in the province of frozen for later use with captive females. In the laboratory,
Quebec (Jean-Paul Laforest, Université Laval, personal com- transgenic mouse lines are economically preserved in the form
munication) are produced through AI. Other industries such as of cryopreserved sperm (Storey et al. 1998).
beef, sheep, goat and even fish are well positioned to use this
selection tool to optimize production. Limitation of the Use of Cryopreserved Semen
In particular, dairy production worldwide has dramatically Unfortunately, the full potential of cryopreserved semen is
improved because of the highly successful distribution of limited. In most mammals, a considerable proportion of
Presented at the session “Améliorer les productions ani-
males grâce aux technologies reproductives. Improving Abbreviations: AI, artificial insemination; CTC, chlorte-
Animal Production with Reproductive Physiology” during tracycline; NCM, non-capacitating medium, EYT, egg
the CSAS/ADSA/ASAS 2002 Joint Meeting, Québec City, yolk-Tris diluant, EYTG, EYT containing 7% glycerol,
QC, 20–25 July 2002. EYTG-4, EYTG cooled to 4°C

sperm loose their fertility during cryopreservation, render- and fertility is acquired during passage through the epididymis
ing frozen-thawed semen impractical for routine use. [reviewed by Yanagimachi (1994)]. Physiologically, however,
Porcine sperm are notoriously sensitive to cold temperatures modifications must occur during transit through the female
and the fertility of frozen-thawed pig semen (farrowing rates reproductive tract in vivo (Austin 1951; Chang 1951), or in
between 40 and 70% and 8–10 piglets per litter) is unac- defined media in vitro (Yanagimachi 1994). Collectively,
ceptably low for commercial application (Hofmo and these post-ejaculatory modifications are termed “capacita-
Grevle 1999). In sheep, satisfactory conception rates with tion” (Austin 1952) and, despite the discovery of this phe-
cryopreserved semen are only achieved when laporoscopy is nomenon over 50 yr ago, the molecular mechanism of
used to deposit sperm directly in the oviduct, indicating that capacitation is still not fully understood (Bailey et al. 2001).
cryopreserved sheep semen cannot effectively transit the It is generally accepted that capacitation is initiated at the
female reproductive tract (Salamon and Maxwell 1995). sperm plasma membrane (Visconti et al. 1998), during
When using cryopreserved stallion semen, careful mare which cholesterol is removed, altering protein-lipid organi-
management to ensure sound breeding condition and the use zation (Langlais and Roberts 1985; Lin and Kan 1996) and
of ovulatory inducing agents to reduce the interval between increasing membrane fluidity (Wolf et al. 1986; Smith et al.
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insemination and ovulation are recommended to counter the 1998). Other events coinciding with capacitation are mem-
reduced number of sperm reaching the oviduct and their brane hyperpolarisation (Zeng et al. 1995), calcium uptake
short life span (Samper 2001). Even bovine semen suffers a (Parrish et al. 1999; Dubé et al. 2001), increased cyclic
major loss, despite that it is widely considered to be cryo- adenosine 5’monophosphate (Parrish et al. 1994; Lefievre et
resistant. Shannon and Vishwanath (1995) showed that al. 2000), kinase activation (Tardif et al. 2001), protein
eight-to tenfold more frozen-thawed than fresh bull sperm phosphorylation (Visconti et al. 1995a; Leclerc et al. 1996;
are required to achieve equivalent fertility rates in vivo, Galantino-Homer et al. 1997; Tardif et al. 1999), and the
clearly demonstrating that cryopreservation markedly production of reactive oxygen species (de Lamarinde and
reduces the fertilising potential of the sperm. Gagnon 1993).
The lower fertility of cryopreserved semen is due, in part, At present, capacitation can be defined as a series of
to a reduced number of live sperm after thawing. events that enables the sperm to bind the oocyte and under-
Furthermore, post-thaw sperm motility is poorly correlated to go the acrosome reaction in response to specific glycopro-
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semen fertility. Clearly, a considerable proportion of the teins of the zona pellucida, which is the acellular matrix
sperm experience sublethal damage, in that they are viable, surrounding the oocyte. During the acrosome reaction, a
motile and morphologically normal, yet poorly fertile. Our massive influx of calcium occurs, provoking exocytosis of
goals are to characterize the nature of the sublethal sperm the acrosome and liberation of its enzymes (Bailey and
damage caused by cryopreservation and thereby develop a Storey 1994). The acrosome reaction is obligate for fertili-
method to improve the functional fertility of thawed semen. sation as these enzymes favour sperm penetration of the
Therefore, the purpose of this review is to describe our theo- oocyte (Saling and Storey 1979).
ry that sperm are prematurely “activated” by cryopreservation
and discuss strategies for preventing the cryo-damage. THE CRYOPRESERVATION PROCESS
Semen cryopreservation involves several general steps,
ACQUISITION OF SPERM FERTILITY dilution, cryoprotection, cooling and freezing, storage, and
Spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous tubules that are thawing, which affect sperm structure and function
looped within the testicle. It is a remarkable cascade of cell (Hammerstedt et al. 1990): .
divisions during which the diploid spermatogonia are trans- Immediately after collection, the semen is diluted in an
formed into haploid spermatozoa. Although spermatogenesis appropriate medium, often based on egg yolk or milk,
is extremely complex, the end results are sperm with tightly although there is a market for novel extenders containing no
condensed chromatin bound to protamines. In addition, the animal-derived components. At high dilution levels, as for
newly formed sperm have a flagellum and contain little bull and ram semen, sperm function declines, a phenomenon
excess cytoplasm, which facilitates their primary function: to called the “dilution effect” [Mann and Lutwak-Mann (1981)
deliver the genetic contribution of the sire to the oocyte. in Maxwell and Johnson (1999)], which may be due to
The sperm head contains a specialized structure derived reduced contact between sperm and components of the male
from the Golgi apparatus, the acrosome, which is filled with reproductive tract (Garner et al. 2001).
hydrolytic enzymes. The loss of the endoplasmic reticulum Traditionally, sperm are diluted at a temperature close to
and the ultracondensed DNA render the spermatozoa to be body temperature (30 to 39°C) then cooled to 5°C at which
non-transcriptional. Consequently, the synthesis of new pro- point a cryoprotectant (glycerol) is added (Polge et al.
teins and lipids cannot occur, although their modification cer- 1949). For most domestic species, cooling from body tem-
tainly occurs in post-testicular sperm during transit through the perature to near freezing represents a major stress to the
male reproductive tract [reviewed by Eddy (1988)]. As well, sperm plasma membrane resulting in the rearrangement and
the sperm plasma membrane acquires peripheral proteins dur- destabilization of membrane components, and calcium
ing passage through the female tract (Lapointe et al. 1998). influx (de Leeuw et al. 1993; Noiles et al. 1995; Maxwell
Testicular sperm, though morphologically developed, are and Johnson 1997; Collin et al. 2000). White (1993) specu-
not yet fertile and at ejaculation, mammalian sperm are still lated that this increased permeability is due to subtle irre-
unable to fertilise an ovum. The potential for forward motility versible structural changes to the membrane architecture

caused by cooling below the thermotropic phase transition fresh or cooled sperm extended in an egg yolk-glycerol dilu-
temperature of membrane phospholipids. At the transition ant (Fig. 1). These data were supported by the in vitro fer-
temperature, there is an abrupt change from the gel to the tilisation assay that showed cryopreserved sperm fertilised
liquid-crystal phase of membrane phospholipids, and this over 20% more oocytes than did fresh sperm (Fig. 2).
would lead to irreversible structural changes to the mem- Unexpectedly, the unfrozen sperm that had been diluted in
brane architecture and accounts for this increased perme- extender and cooled to 4°C were also able to penetrate a sig-
ability. Since sperm membranes are composed of many nificant number of oocytes, showing that the molecular
phospholipids in a species-specific manner (White 1993), changes to the sperm caused by the egg yolk-Tris-glycerol
with each phospholipid having a precise phase transition extender and cooling effectively mimic capacitation. It is
temperature, the degree of structural damage depends on the important to note that this “cryo-capacitation” (Bailey et al.
temperature and the lipid composition of the membrane. 2000) did not occur in the entire population of sperm, since
The plasma membrane is the primary site of injury to cry- cryopreserved sperm supplemented with heparin, an estab-
opreserved sperm and the principal damage occurs during lished capacitating agent for bull sperm (Parrish et al. 1988),
freezing and thawing (Hammerstedt et al. 1990; Parks and penetrated nearly twice as many oocytes as the heparin-free
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Graham 1992). As sperm are frozen, ice crystals form in the cryopreserved sperm (Fig. 2). Regardless, these data provid-
extracellular medium, thereby increasing the osmolality of ed evidence that partial or full cryopreservation induces pre-
the unfrozen water. Intracellular water diffuses out of the cocious capacitation of bull sperm. Similar findings have
sperm in response to this osmotic gradient, thus dehydrating also been reported for different species, including mice
the cell and plasma membrane. At thawing, the phenomenon (Fuller and Whittingham 1996), sheep (Pérez et al. 1996;
is repeated in reverse as the extracellular ice crystals melt Morrier et al. 2002), and pigs (Gillan et al. 1997).
and water diffuses into the sperm. Ultrastructural deforma- Capacitation, though a necessary step toward fertilisation, is
tion of the plasma membrane occurs as a consequence of known to destabilise the sperm membranes (Harrison 1996).
osmotic stress and drastic change in volume during freezing The capacitated sperm plasma membrane is fragile and sus-
and thawing. The inclusion of a cryoprotectant, commonly ceptable to deterioration or spontaneous acrosome reactions
glycerol for mammalian sperm, is essential for cell survival and death if fertilisation has not occurred. Therefore, the fer-
during cryopreservation. The efficacy of glycerol is partial- tile lifespan of sperm would be restricted in vivo and the fer-
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ly due to its osmotic effects that dramatically increase the tility of the entire population jeopardised by the proportion
osmolality of the medium, which retards ice formation of cryo-capacitated sperm present in the insemination dose
(Hammerstedt et al. 1990). The osmotic effects of glycerol (Bailey et al. 2000).
are marked, but transitory, and such rapid change in cell vol-
ume does not appear to be detrimental to sperm function Cryo-capacitation and the Role of Calcium
(Liu and Foote 1998). Furthermore, glycerol acts directly on To elucidate the mechanism(s) by which cryo-capacitation
the sperm plasma membrane, possibly to reduce some of the is induced, we speculated that cryo-capacitation and semen
phase transitions, and to increase membrane fluidity during fertility are associated with abnormal intracellular sperm
cooling (Noiles et al. 1995). calcium levels. Because cryopreservation modifies sperm
membrane structure and function to favour calcium influx,
CRYOPRESERVATION AND PREMATURE we used flow cytometry and a fluorescent intracellular cal-
CAPACITATION cium indicator (indo–1) to compare the sperm from bulls of
Cryopreservation is a substantial procedure and it is remark- proven low and high fertility (Collin et al. 2000). As expect-
able that so many sperm actually survive the trauma ed, sperm from the most fertile bulls contained less calcium
(Hammerstedt et al. 1990). However, a study conducted than did sperm from the poor fertility bulls (Fig. 3).
using four ejaculates from each of six different bulls and Furthermore, among 10 bulls with a broad range of fertility,
4482 inseminations showed that the in vivo fertility of cryo- sperm intracellular calcium concentrations (three ejaculates
tolerant sperm was reduced in a manner not correlated with per bull) were inversely correlated with non-return rate
motility assessed by computer-assisted sperm motility (r2 = 0.15; P = 0.04; n = 10 sires with three ejaculates per sire).
analysis (Bailey et al. 1994). Interestingly, in vivo fertility To determine at which point during the cryopreservation
outcome was associated with intracellular calcium regula- process the calcium influx occurs (and thereby develop a
tion of frozen-thawed sperm (Bailey and Buhr 1994). method to prevent it), fresh semen was divided into six treat-
Calcium is a critical signalling molecule and is integrally ments: neat undiluted (control); diluted in non-capacitating
involved in the onset of capacitation and the acrosome reac- medium (NCM); extended in egg yolk-Tris diluant (EYT);
tion. Therefore, our general hypothesis is that poor calcium diluted in EYT containing 7% glycerol (EYTG); diluted in
control in cryopreserved sperm inhibits normal cell physiol- EYTG and cooled to 4°C (EYTG-4); fully cryopreserved
ogy. We used the chlortetracycline fluorescence (CTC) according to commercial cryopreservation procedures
assay and in vitro fertilisation to determine if capacitation, (frozen-thawed). Flow cytometry was used to measure the
the acrosome reaction and fertilisation are similar between internal calcium levels of the sperm with indo-1 and sam-
cryopreserved and unfrozen bull semen (Cormier et al. ples were probed with propidium iodide to identify live cells
1997). As evaluated by the CTC assay, more than twice as with intact membranes (stained with indo-1 only), moribund
many cryopreserved bull sperm were capacitated immedi- cells (double stained with indo-1 and propidium iodide) and
ately after thawing than fresh sperm diluted in buffer and dead cells (stained with propidium iodide only; Collin

Fig. 1. The effect of pre-exposure for 4 h to non-capacitating medium (NCM) at 23°C or egg yolk-Tris-glycerol extender (EYTG) (4°C,
23°C, or complete freezing and thawing) on capacitation of bull sperm as assessed by pattern B of the chlortetracycline fluorescence assay
(CTC). *Frozen-thawed sperm display more pattern B fluorescence than fresh sperm (P < 0.05) indicating that full cryopreservation induces
capacitation-like modifications to the sperm surface (from Cormier et al. 1997).
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Fig. 2. The effect of pre-exposure for 4 h to non-capacitating medium (NCM) at 23°C or egg yolk-Tris-glycerol extender (EYTG) (4°C,
23°C, or complete freezing and thawing) on the ability of bull sperm to fertilise bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes in vitro. a, b, c
Proportions with different letters are different (chi-square P < 0.001). Sperm that were cooled to 4°C in EYTG and those that were frozen-
thawed were able to fertilise in the absence of heparin, which is necessary for in vitro capacitation of bull sperm (Parrish et al. 1988). Sperm
that were frozen-thawed (F-T) and supplemented with 2 µg mL–1 heparin served as a positive control (F–T + heparin). These data indicate
that both cooling in the extender and complete cryopreservation induce premature capacitation of bull sperm (from Cormier et al. 1997).

2000). Frozen-thawed semen consistently contained more of various sperm proteins. The signalling pathways are not
moribund and fewer live sperm than did the non-frozen completely elucidated, although protein kinase A and pro-
samples and among those, no differences in the percentages tein tyrosine kinases appear to be involved (Visconti et al.
of live or damaged sperm were evident (Fig. 4). However, 1995b; Tardif et al. 2001). The glycosanimoglycan heparin
for the live sperm, higher intracellular calcium levels were favours in vitro capacitation of bull sperm after 4–5 h of
apparent during cooling and freezing-thawing than after the incubation (Parrish et al. 1988) and the simultaneous
dilution steps (Fig. 5). We speculate that this high-calcium appearance of a cohort of tyrosine phosphoproteins
subpopulation corresponds to sperm that are fully function- (Galantino-Homer et al. 1997). Results from our laboratory
al, but are slightly compromised in their calcium-regulating show that immediately after thawing numerous tyrosine
mechanism. These sperm may in fact be undergoing early phosphoproteins are already present (Fig. 6), suggesting that
steps of cooling-induced capacitation. It is tempting to spec- the signalling cascade leading to protein tyrosine phospho-
ulate that cooling acts as a primer for the inability of sperm rylation is already activated (Cormier and Bailey 2003).
to properly regulate internal calcium concentration, which is Furthermore, the addition of heparin does not further
then exacerbated by freezing and thawing. increase tyrosine phosphorylation. This lack of response
Interestingly, Thundahil et al. (1999) reported that the might be because the sperm “substrate” for heparin is no
proportion of uncapacitated sperm (pattern F) was correlat- longer reactive/present following the physicochemical stress
ed to bull fertility in vivo using the CTC assay. Taken of cryopreservation, or because the membrane modifica-
together with our observations, these results support the tions during processing already triggered the heparin “sub-
hypothesis that cryopreservation somehow precociously strate” in its absence.
triggers the signal transduction pathway leading to capacita- In support of our hypothesis that the signalling path-
tion, and that cryo-capacitation is partly responsible for the ways leading to capacitation are activated by sperm
reduced fertility of thawed semen. Physiological capacita- manipulation, Green and Watson (2001) recently reported
tion is now accepted to be regulated by intracellular sig- that cooling and storage also result in the appearance of a
nalling pathways that result in the tyrosine phosphorylation tyrosine phosphoprotein that is associated with capacita-

Fig. 3. Intracellular calcium levels in cryopreserved sperm from bulls of low and high fertility according to their adjusted non-return rates
(n = 3 ejaculates from each of three different bulls per group). Measures of intracellular calcium were conducted hourly for 4 h after thaw-
ing; only levels at 0 and 4 h post-thaw are shown. At least 30 000 sperm per measure were analysed for calcium level as a function of indo-
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1 fluorescence measured by flow cytometry. *Sperm from high fertility bulls contained less intracellular calcium than sperm from high
fertility sires at all times (P < 0.05; from Collin et al. 2000).
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Fig. 4. Percentages of live (labelled with indo-1 only) and moribund (double-stained) sperm following a 4 h pre-incubation (n = 6). Fresh
semen was divided into six treatments: undiluted (Control); diluted in noncapacitating medium (NCM); extended in egg yolk-Tris diluant
(EYT); diluted in EYT containing 7% glycerol (EYTG); diluted in EYTG and cooled to 4°C (EYTG-4); fully cryopreserved according to
commercial cryopreservation procedures (frozen-thawed). *Frozen-thawed semen had fewer live and more moribund sperm following freez-
ing-thawing (P < 0.05; from Collin 2000).

Fig. 5. Relative intracellular calcium levels of viable sperm (i.e., labelled with indo-1 only and not stained with propidum iodide) following
a 4 h pre-incubation (n = 6). Fresh semen was divided into six treatments: neat undiluted (Control); diluted in noncapacitating medium
(NCM); extended in egg yolk-Tris diluant (EYT); diluted in EYT containing 7% glycerol (EYTG); diluted in EYTG and cooled to 4°C
(EYTG-4); fully cryopreserved according to commercial cryopreservation procedures (Frozen-Thawed). a, b, c Intracellular calcium levels
with different letters are different (P < 0.05, protected LDS test). Cooled and fully cryopreserved sperm contained more calcium than the
other treatments, with the frozen-thawed sperm containing the highest amount (from Collin 2000).

tion in pig sperm. These authors pointed out that despite capacitation (or capacitation due to cooling) provides
many similarities between “true” capacitation and capaci- novel insight as to the mechanism by which the fertility
tation induced by cooling and/or cryopreservation, certain of processed sperm is compromised, as well as an oppor-
physiological differences exist, and one type does not mir- tunity to develop strategies to prevent this type of
ror the other. Regardless, the characterisation of cryo- sublethal damage.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Fresh, extended semen

56 kDa
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Cryopreserved semen
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56 kDa

Fig. 6. The pattern of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins associated with capacitation of bovine sperm induced by heparin or cryopreser-
vation in (top panel) fresh-extended and (bottom panel) cryopreserved semen (n = 14). Ejaculated sperm were extended with egg yolk-Tris-
glycerol and half were cryoperserved then incubated for 5 h in capacitating medium with 0 (lanes 1, 3 and 5) or 15 µg mL–1 heparin (lanes
2, 4 and 6). Sperm proteins were extracted at 0, (lanes 1, 2) 2.5 (lanes 3, 4) and 5 h (lanes 5, 6) and separated by SDS-PAGE. Tyrosine phos-
phorylated proteins were detected by immunoblot analysis using a monoclonal antiphosphotyrosine antibody and immunoreactivity was
revealed using a peroxidase-conjugated goat antimouse IgG. Note the heparin-dependent appearance of a Mr 56 000 tyrosine phosphopro-
tein in fresh sperm at 5 h. In cryopreserved sperm, a band at Mr 56 000 appears immediately after thawing (0 h), with and without heparin.
Moreover, its intensity does not change due to heparin over time. These data indicate (1) that cryopreserved sperm have a tyrosine phos-
phoprotein profile that partly resembles that of heparin-capacitated sperm and (2) that cryopreserved sperm do not respond to heparin as do
fresh sperm (from Cormier and Bailey 2003).

HOW CAN SPERM BE PROTECTED? prevent the cryopreservation-dependent capacitation

It is known that glucose blocks heparin-induced capacitation (Fig. 7), internal calcium concentration (data not shown) or
of fresh bull sperm by preventing intracellular alkalinasation tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins (data not shown).
(Parrish et al. 1994). Tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm These results, confirmed that the mechanism of cryopreserva-
proteins is also prevented by the inclusion of glucose in the tion-induced capacitation is different from that induced by
heparin-based capacitation medium (Galantino-Homer et al. heparin (“true” capacitation; Green and Watson 2001).
1997). In our laboratory, bull semen has been typically cry- Since the primary site of damage induced by cooling and
opreserved in an egg yolk-Tris-glycerol extender containing cryopreservation is the plasma membrane, a reasonable
fructose. To test the hypothesis that the presence of glucose approach to protect the sperm is to better stabilise this part
during cryopreservation inhibits cryo-capacitation of bull of the cell. Certainly the phospholipids in egg yolk are con-
sperm, we replaced the fructose in the extender with glu- sidered to support the sperm plasma membrane during the
cose. In contrast to our hypothesis, however, glucose did not stress of processing [reviewed in Parks and Graham (1992)],

Fig. 7. The effect of replacing fructose with glucose in egg-yolk-Tris-glycerol extender on the proportion of capacitated sperm after thaw-
ing (n = 3 ejaculates from different bulls). Capacitation was detected using the chlortetracycline assay. Whole ejaculates were divided into
two aliquots, one in egg-yolk-Tris-glycerol containing fructose (Control) and the other in egg-yolk-Tris-glycerol containing glucose
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(Glucose). Semen was processed identically. Straws were thawed, sperm incubated in capacitating medium with or without 15 µg mL–1
heparin for up to 5 h. No effect of the glucose treatment is evident as similar percentages of sperm are capacitated at thawing (0 h; P > 0.05;
from Cormier and Bailey 2003).
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Fig. 8. The effect of cholesterol-saturated methyl-β-cyclodextrin on the motility and viability of cryopreserved ram sperm. Cholesterol-sat-
urated methyl-β-cyclodextrin (4.5 mg mL–1) was added to a commercial egg yolk-glycerol extender. Freshly ejaculated ram semen (n = 3
ejaculates from different rams) was spit into two aliquots and diluted in extender with or without the cholesterol-saturated methyl-β-
cyclodextrin. Semen was then cryopreserved by standard industry procedures. Supplementation of the extender with cholesterol-saturated
methyl-β-cyclodextrin appears to be beneficial to sperm function immediately after thawing as the proportions of viable (determined by
eosin-nigrosin exclusion), motile and progressively motile (assessed by computer-assisted sperm analysis) sperm were greater than controls.
According to the chlortetracycline fluorescence assay, the cyclodextrin treatment yielded more non-capacitated and capacitated sperm (pat-
terns F and B, respectively) and markedly fewer acrosome reacted sperm (pattern AR). These data suggest that a larger population of func-
tional sperm survive the cryopreservation procedure in the presence of cholesterol-saturated methyl-β-cyclodextrin.

and as discussed earlier, the cryoprotecting properties of soluble. We hypothesised that methyl-β-cyclodextrin could
glycerol are, in part, attributable to effects on the sperm be used to deliver cholesterol to the plasma membranes of
membrane. He et al. (2001) incubated fresh boar sperm with ram sperm during cryopreservation, and plasma membranes
small unilamellar liposomes composed of five specific stabilised by the presence of cholesterol would be more resis-
phospholipids selected to improve membrane resistance to tant to cryo-capacitation. Our results, though preliminary, are
cryopreservation. This approach successfully resulted in promising (Fig. 8). Post-thaw sperm quality was improved
liposome fusion with the sperm and subsequent lipid trans- when a standard egg yolk-glycerol extender was supplement-
fer. Moreover, the liposome-treatment improved sperm sur- ed with cholesterol-saturated methyl-β-cyclodextrin.
vival and motility after thawing, while maintaining the Immediately after thawing, sperm viability, total motility and
ability of the sperm to undergo “true” capacitation and the progressive motility were higher than for controls. According
acrosome reaction (induced by ionophore). to the CTC assay, slightly more cyclodextrin-treated sperm
Currently, we are testing the use of cyclodextrin to rein- showed pattern B staining, which is indicative of capacitation.
force the plasma membrane. Cyclodextrins are cyclic However, about twofold more sperm showed pattern F fluo-
oligomers of glucose that form water soluble complexes with rescence, non-capacitated sperm, indicating that the
other organic molecules that may not be water cyclodextrin treatment better conserved the sperm in a “non-

activated” state. Furthermore, the acrosome reaction (pattern Collin, S. 2000. La régulation du calcium intracellulaire chez les
AR) occurred prematurely in at least half as many cyclodex- spermatozoïdes bovins cryopréservés : un élément clef de la qual-
trin-treated sperm than controls. These preliminary data sug- ité de la semence cryopréservée. Master’s Thesis presented to
gest that a larger population of functional sperm survive Université Laval, QC. 107 pp.
cryopreservation in the presence of cholesterol-saturated Collin, S., Sirard, M. A., Dufour, M. and Bailey, J. L. 2000.
Sperm calcium levels and chlortetracycline fluorescence patterns
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