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Test 4 answer key with extra explanations

Part 1
Questions 1–6
1 The correct answer is A: The man says, after discussing some positive sides of being a
twin, that ‘The flip side’s the absence of individuality. Though we’ve chosen very different paths
in life, my brother and I are always “the twins”, and our success or failure’s treated jointly’.
B is incorrect because he refers indirectly to this idea, but shows no irritation towards it.

2 The correct answer is B: The woman says ‘it was fun. Teachers were always mistaking my
sister for me, and I let them!’ and the man agrees, saying ‘it was useful blaming my brother
for things. I can’t believe how often I got away with it!’ A is incorrect because while the man
says he and his brother ‘couldn’t hide anything from each other’, the woman doesn’t mention
anything similar with her sister. C is incorrect because although the woman says she received a
lot of attention, the man says that nobody ‘fussed over (paid lots of attention to)’ him.

3 The correct answer is B: The man says ‘when I can lie in and get a bit more snooze (sleep)
time my recall’s even clearer’. A is incorrect because he says his ability is ‘hardly exceptional
(not unusual)’. C is incorrect because although he talks about his childhood, he doesn’t say his
ability to remember then was better than it is now as an adult.

4 The correct answer is A: The woman says ‘I often find myself inexplicably irritated some
mornings by someone I know … [and] I always wonder why, ‘til suddenly remembering they’d
behaved badly in my previous night’s dream. … Weird, isn’t it?’ B is incorrect because the
woman is unconvinced that sleeping on a particular side can influence your dreams.
C is incorrect because she talks about other people having repeated dreams, not her.

5 The correct answer is B: The woman says that having the less well-known artists’ pieces in
the exhibition ‘made us look more closely at their paintings rather than just rushing past them …
and dismissing them as lesser pieces’. A is incorrect because she says that such works
‘normally seem to be there just to pad out (fill) an exhibition’, but not in this case – there was a
point to them. C is incorrect because although she mentions great masters (famous painters),
she doesn’t discuss their influence.

6 The correct answer is A: The woman says ‘these scenes of everyday moments are actually
more complex than a superficial glance suggests’, and the man agrees, saying ‘the drama (in the
pieces) is implied rather than shown’. C is incorrect because the man says that such ‘largely
domestic scenes were once regarded as vulgar and trivial’, but the woman neither agrees with
nor disputes his view.

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Part 2
Questions 7–14

7 The correct answer is ‘estate management’: Carol says she ‘came across a course on
estate management which ticked all the boxes for (really suited) [her]’. ‘Environmental studies’ is
incorrect because that is what her parents wanted Carol to study.

8 The correct answer is ‘height(s)’: Carol says that climbing up trees ‘was pretty tough in the
initial few weeks’, especially as she hadn’t realised she’d need a ‘head for heights’. Having such
a head means someone can cope with being high up.

9 The correct answer is ‘sustainability’: Carol says that ‘the central premise (main idea) of
everything we do, which is sustainability, is something [she] really [believes] in’.

10 The correct answer is ‘food’: Carol says visitors know about problems with litter and plastic
but are ‘less aware of food, which can seriously impact on the wildlife if it’s left there. [She has]
to make sure they’re clear about that’.

11 The correct answer is ‘treasure(s)’: Carol says she refers to biodiversity as ‘what [she
chooses] to call its (the forest’s) treasures, which always grabs [the children’s] attention.

12 The correct answer is ‘butterfly’ or ‘butterflies’: Carol says ‘children love what they think
are pretty things like the butterfly’. ‘Hedgehog’ and ‘insects’ are incorrect because Carol doesn’t
say the children view them as attractive.

13 The correct answer is ‘Green Detective’: Carol says she’s proud of the trail which ‘the
children call … the Green Detective’.

14 The correct answer is ‘driving licence’ or ‘driver’s licence’ or ‘driving license’ or ‘driver’s
license’: Carol says that ‘For any of you thinking of getting involved with forestry … A driving
licence is an absolute must (essential)’. ‘Apprenticeship’ is incorrect because although Carol
recommends doing one, she does not say it is vital (essential).

C1 Advanced 4, Test 4 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 2

© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
Part 3
Questions 15–20

15 The correct answer is D: Mark says he works ‘on a huge range of filming projects’ at
various times and locations, so ‘you could never call it dull – all of which really suits [his]
personality’. A is incorrect because Mark says ‘whatever problems occur during filming are
attended to by [his] boss,’ not him. B is incorrect because Mark seems to positively enjoy doing
a variety of work. C is incorrect because although Mark mentions working at home and abroad,
he doesn’t say which is more common.

16 The correct answer is B: Mark says he ‘hadn’t realised what low pay [he’d] receive, though –
a bit of a shock, as [he] almost struggled to make ends meet (pay his living costs) at times’.
A is incorrect because Mark mentions art, but only in connection with his education, not career.
C is incorrect because although Mark admits he started at the company doing ‘the most
basic stuff’ he doesn’t express any disappointment. D is incorrect because Mark only had the
confidence with the equipment ‘by the time [he] was let loose behind a camera’, not when he
first started working for the company.

17 The correct answer is C: Mark says he has to ‘ignore that nagging feeling in the back of
every cameraperson’s mind that you might forget to press the record button!’ A is incorrect
because Mark says he has to think quickly in a crisis – but he has no plan prepared. B is
incorrect because Mark doesn’t mention extra vigilance, just keeping his cool. D is incorrect
because Mark recalls a serious problem a colleague had, not an error that he once made.

18 The correct answer is A: Pam says ‘it’s crucial to take the pressure off [the public], by
suggesting we can do another take (film everything again) if necessary’. B is incorrect because
Pam mentions the nervousness of actors, not the public. C is incorrect because Pam only talks
about helping with the atmosphere when filming actors, not the public. D is incorrect because
actors are not mentioned in connection with filming the public.

19 The correct answer is A: Pam says ‘you’re often working with production teams for only
a limited period, so if you can’t find a way to co-operate with them quickly, the whole thing
falters (does not go well)’. B, C and D are incorrect because Pam says she takes unforeseen
circumstances, changes in equipment needed or crew members panicking ‘in [her] stride’
(handles them without any problems).

20 The correct answer is B: Pam says ‘we’re pretty much an invisible part of what happens’
and Mark agrees that ‘our names are never up there on the bill boards’. Either Pam or Mark refer
to things mentioned in the other options, but no option is expressed by both speakers.

C1 Advanced 4, Test 4 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 3

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Part 4
Questions 21–30
21 The correct answer is B: Speaker 1 says he’d ‘always had a flair (an ability) for computer
racing games’ and then he realised that ‘flying these days is all about computers, flight
simulators – how hard could pilot training be?’ C is incorrect because his mother moans at him
about his homework, rather than suggesting a career option.

22 The correct answer is D: Speaker 2 says that ‘I see people glancing my way when I’m out
in my uniform. That’s what I was after all along – a certain standing (respected position)’.
C is incorrect because her parents are proud of her, but they didn’t suggest she became a
pilot. G is incorrect because the bonus mentioned is not of a financial nature.

23 The correct answer is F: Speaker 3 says he wanted to become ‘a fantastic pilot like my
granddad’, having always been ‘fascinated by gran’s anecdotes (stories) about him’. C is
incorrect because his mother helped financially, but didn’t suggest the career. G is incorrect
because he says ‘the starting pay’s not brilliant’.

24 The correct answer is A: Speaker 4 says that ‘ever since I came across that first volume of a
famous aviator’s (pilot’s) memoirs I’d been obsessed with the idea of getting behind the controls
of a plane’. C is incorrect because she says her Dad teased her, rather than suggesting a career
as a pilot. F is incorrect because although she mentions her teenage years, it is not in relation to
stories that inspired her.

25 The correct answer is H: Speaker 5 says that ‘It was a childhood trip to South Africa, gliding
over the game reserve with my parents in a tiny plane, watching wild animals below – unbelievable.
I’d promised myself there and then one day I’d be at the controls’. C is incorrect because although
he mentions his father being a pilot, and his parents being on the plane in South Africa, neither his
father nor mother suggested he became a pilot too. Other people simply assumed he would.

26 The correct answer is H: Speaker 1 says that ‘one or two of the tutors were even pretty
strict, which was a bit of a shock to the system’. B is incorrect because ‘some of the theory
was a bit tough’ is not the same as the whole course having a high intensity. G is incorrect
because he had expected it to be easy, and it was. This is what ‘a breeze’ means in this context.

27 The correct answer is A: Speaker 2 says she’d expected to be the only woman, and
there were in fact four, and also there were people of different ages, which went against her
expectations too: ‘There was me thinking it’s a young person’s game’. B is incorrect because
although ‘the work was tough, and unforgiving’, she doesn’t say that was a surprise.

28 The correct answer is E: Speaker 3 says ‘my fellow trainees seemed to take it all a little less
than seriously, which took me aback a bit’.

29 The correct answer is G: Speaker 4 says that ‘the workload didn’t trouble me nearly as
much as I’d feared’. D is incorrect because although she mentions the ‘imposing university
halls’ where the exams took place, she expresses no surprise about them.

30 The correct answer is C: Speaker 5 says he was surprised to be participating ‘in puppet
shows to simulate pilot-passenger interaction’ – he ‘didn’t see that coming’. B and F are incorrect
because he says ‘Lessons six days a week, extra flying time most Sundays, and study, study, study,
throughout the brief holidays’ was ‘fair enough.’ This means he had expected something like that.
C1 Advanced 4, Test 4 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 4
© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021

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