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Grade 10 Volleyball Reflection - Omer

First of all, we need to look at what the basic volleyball skills are so that I can

individually reflect upon these skills and how I can improve them. The most important and basic

volleyball skills are:

1. Serving

2. Digging (Underhand passing)

3. Setting (Overhand passing)

4. Spiking

5. Blocking

6. Rolling-Sliding

The first one is a starting skill, the second and third ones are receiving skills, the fourth one is an

attacking skill, and the fifth and sixth ones are defending skills.

1. Serving: I don’t think that I am really good at serving, but I am not that bad either. I can

do successful serves most of the time but I still need to work on this skill as my serves

often go to the sides. According to the research I did, in order to improve on this skill, I

will try to keep the ball just a little closer to my body while serving and try to hit through

the ball, not under it.

2. Underhand passing (digging): I think that I am okay at this skill relative to the rest of

the class. I just need to work a little more on my posture while digging and I should focus

on going down with my legs before receiving the ball.

3. Overhand passing (setting): I think that I am also okay at this skill relative to the rest of

the class. I can usually receive the ball like this and send it to the other side but I think I

have a bit of a problem while I’m setting the ball for another player to spike. I normally

set the ball too close to the net. And according to my research, the solution to this

problem is to always try setting the ball higher and 10-15 centimeters away from the net.

4. Spiking: I think that I am really good at this skill relative to the rest of the class. Most of

the time, I can get the ball over the net so the thing I should be focusing on is just trying

to hit the ball faster to the ground. For this, I will need to try to jump higher (using the

1-1-2 method) and hit the ball downwards.

5. Blocking: This is a skill we practiced a couple days ago so I think we all still have a lot

of room to improve concerning this skill. Personally, I can jump high enough to block the

ball and I have the necessary posture for it too but the only problem I’m having is

guessing which way the ball is going to go, and this can only be improved with practice.

6. Rolling-sliding: I think that I have a very long way to improve my volleyball skills

before getting to this one as it is a very advanced technique that’s used by professionals.

Therefore, I can’t reflect on this skill.

Overall, relative to the rest of the class, I am well over the average but generally, I still

have room for improvement which I am going to do using the techniques discussed above.

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