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Vocabulary list : Negative traits

Coach potato: a lazy and inactive person; especially : one who spends a great deal of time
.watching television
.Impatient : Feeling or showing a lack of patience
.Irritated: showing or feeling slight anger; annoyed
.Indolent : wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy
Fault finding: the act of pointing out faults, especially faults of a petty nature
Idle: spend time doing nothing
.Snooty: showing you think others are less important
Aloof: not involved with or friendly toward other people
.Pompous: pompous people think they are very important
.Naïve: a person natural and unaffected; innocent
Exploitative: using someone unfairly for your own advantage
.Greedy: you want more and more of something, especially money
.Thriftless: of a person spending money in an extravagant and wasteful way
Unconsiderate: not caring about other people or their feelings
Rude: impolite or bad-mannered
Repulsive: causing strong dislike or disgust
.Fierce: angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening
Deceitful: dishonest or hiding the truth
.Untrustworthy: not able to be trusted
Envious: wanting something another person has
Sassy: rude and showing no respect

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